Harper's Nonny and Granddaddy came over this morning and brought her big brother

Harper was excited to see them

Here I am with both my babies. I have been so nervous about how Dawson would react to having a baby in the house and how he would feel after not seeing us for almost 2 months. He was so happy to be home - he ran in and just kissed me to death. So far - he really hasn't noticed Harper. He sure doesn't seem to mind. If you can see in this picture - Harper is resting her feet on Dawson - I think we are going to be JUST FINE!

Here he is watching her while she sleeps

Dawson is worn out from his big day!
Mom and Dad kept Harper so Scott and I could have "parents night out!" We went and ate at Chili's. It was good to get out but we were glad to get home. We probably weren't gone an hour!

Together at Last!!!!
Our family of four is complete, home and happy!!!!
We hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend!

so sweet! I am so glad that yall got to go out for a quick bite! Harper is the cutest sweetest baby! I love your blog and check probably once an hour to see if you have posted! :) God Bless you!
What a beautiful family!! I think Dawson is going to be a great big brother!
Awww! I love when things work out between babies and pets. And they look so cute together. :)
You look just as beautiful as ever! I so wish that I was close so I could just come over and watch Harper once and awhile so you and Scott could go out...even if it is for just an hour!!
Also, very glad that Dawson has adjusted well and I know how glad you are to have him back home. Harper will love him! :) Or, so we hope, right?!?
Anyways, you guys look awesome and have an adorable family!
Love you lots,
Jess :)
P.S. HUGS to you ALL!!
Awww, so glad that life is becoming more normal for you and your family. Dawson and Harper are going to have some good times together. Blessings!
Dawson & Harper will be fast friends!!! Watch, Dawson will be looking out for her...
Great seeing the 4 of you all together!
You look great Kelly! I can tell you have lost that baby weight! Harper is so cute and it seems like Dawson is going to do just fine with her. Wow, you have been so blessed with this beautiful family!
How sweet! Welcome home, Dawson. Enjoy the new baby smell....
What a sweet post!! Your family of 4 looks great! have a great weekend!
You look amazing! I wish I looked as good so quickly after giving birth. Your last piture is wonderful. So glad everyone is doing great.
Love the picture of Dawson watching her sleep!
Love your family photo! It's wonderful!
Harper just gets cuter and cuter and I can't decide who she looks like the most! It's driving me crazy, but I think she's a good mix of both you and Scott.
Enjoy your weekend!
Oh my goodness, that last picture is precious! You have a beautiful family. What's it like not having your big belly anymore? haha!
yay for reunions!
I can't wait for my family of 4 to be reunited!
Awww, so glad your boy is back in town! Love the pic of your family of four =)
I LOVE the picture of Dawson watching her sleep! Too sweet!!! Glad things are going well with your two babies!
What a beautiful family! The pictures of Harper and Dawson are adorable!
Love that picture of all of you together-just precious!
Kelly - You look GREAT!!! And your family is precious! Harper is just as sweet as she can be! You have a beautiful family!!!
So cute! I love the photo of Harper with her feet on Dawson, and the one of him looking at her sleeping! Adorable. :D
I love him watching her sleep! How sweet, they will get along just great!!
Love the family picture!
What a great picture! Looks like a Christmas card to me!
You know what is just so great about you - the way your southern accent comes out in your posts. Love it. Hip Hip Hooray for southern girlies!
I'm quite sure your radiating smile in the last picture is the best part of this post! Glad that you had a great Friday!
So glad that your reunion went well! And hooray for a little couple time!!
Looks like Harper already has her prince charming! Dawson looks like he's going to be her protector!
What a cute little family. Y'all look great. Harper is so adorable.
Good to see Dawson back home with his family, although I know he had a BLAST with your Dad in the country!!! I love the pic of the four of you. You look GREAT, Kelly! Have a blessed weekend!
AWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! I love the family picture at the end! So sweet and special. Dawson looks so big compared to little Harper! LOL They are going to be the best of friends!!
I'm so glad your pup is back! Looks like it will be just fine with him and Harper together:) Glad you got to get out for awhile today. Have a great weekend!!
I'm glad everthing is working out with Dawson. That pic of Harper resting her feet on him is precious!
Have a great weekend!
You're family is complete and oh so sweet :) Beautiful pictures Kelly. Glad the reunion was a success!!! :o)
how sweet! i'm glad you all got to go out :) harper is getting prettier everyday, glad her and big brother are getting along.
Such a sweet family!! As a fellow dog lover I can understand the excitement to have Dawson back home! I don't comment much but I love reading about your girl Harper! She's a cutie!!
Yeah for your entire family. I'm so very thankful you have your sweet Dawson back at home.
Blessings this weekend and always,
Matthew 21:22
Great fam picture!! Glad you are all together now! :)
SO SWEET! And you look great Kelly! :)
You look amazing!!!
JUST GLOWING from the beauty of being a new momma!!
Love all your pillows/fabrics!
Awwww Dawson is so cute watching her sleep! My 65 lb shepard mix sleeps next to my grand daughter's crib when she is visiting us. He pretends to be perturbed with her when she is awake but when she sleeps he stays right by her. Our Yorkie tries to eat her feet! Literally! So glad your family is all together!
I'm so glad you are all home together! You all look so happy, and you look FANTASTIC!
I love the picture of Dawson watching her sleep, as well as the one with her feet resting on him!
Looks like it's going to be a smooth transition. What a cute family of four you have!
Lovely post. You look beautiful, by the way, and Harper is cute as can be!
dawson looks so happy to be back home! :) i've been hoping grover & asher will do as well with luciana in july as they did when greyson was born. see everything always works out!
our only issue was, grover thinking any soft baby toy was his to chew.....
Although I have been reading your blog for a while now, this is the first time leaving you a comment.
I just wanted to say that you have about the cutest most perfect looking family of four I have ever seen.
I'm also so so happy that Harper is better and that she is home with you and your husband. You are so lucky to have such a beautiful baby girl.
The photo of Dawson watching Harper sleep is soo cute and yay at Harper having a snooze for you too!!
Hope the 4 of you have a great weekend!
Glad you are finally reunited!
Praise the Lord!
You all look beautiful.
Love your dog and just make sure you give him love, hugs and attention and he'll be fine in adjusting to Harper. How could he not love that bundle of joy!!!
...what good sleep you will have with your prince, first born and miracle all under the same rooftop! Harper really gets cuter eachday...you are not imagining this. hugs! k
Glad to see that everyone is where they are supposed to be now! Congratulations on a great looking family.
Welcome home Dawson! I'm sure he and Harper will grow to be good buddies. Isn't it funny how exciting it is to get out alone with your husband, then as soon as you leave you want to be back with your baby? :) It's good to have that quality time though with your spouse. It's great to have grandparents to babysit too! Have a great weekend.
Glad that Dawson is home safe and sound.
So glad you are all together!
Looks like Dawson is enjoying Harper.
Glad to see Dawson is back at home. That last photo is beautiful. Harper looks like she's thinking "okay you can take this one, but it's the LAST one!" Too cute!
Beutiful... and you look fabulous!
When our kids were babies, we would be so ready for parent's night out, but then when we got to dinner, all we could talk about was the baby and we were so ready to get back home and see them.
These photos are so precious especially the one of Dawson watching over Harper!
My guess that Dawson's trip to "grandpa's" was the best thing that could have happened to him...he realized he wasn't the one & only there!
I'm happy for you all to be reconnected though!
I love that picture of him watching her, so cute!
Today's pictures are wonderful. Looks like Dawson even got a bath before coming home. It's great he would let Harper put her feet on him, he could have been growling. Give him some extra TLC and he will be fine. You look great! You don't need the videos.Have a great weekend.
Keeping you in my heart in GA.,
OMGoooodness are y'all the cutest little family EVER?!
I remember those days with my first baby...we wouldn't be gone for more than a few minutes at a time...it was kinda ridiculous, HA!
I know how it is, and sort of miss those days. Now, we dream of week-long getaways!
I am so happy for you, and love following you in this sweet, precious time! I miss it!!!
You're so relieved I'm sure! You all look so happy and healthy!
Adorable! I love the photo of Harper resting her feet. What a Beautiful Family!
Y'all are SO cute! :)
What a sweet picture of the four of you! Glad to hear it went well. I refuse to get a dog until all the kids are potty trained. Two down and one to go!
So glad they are getting along!! I bet they will become the best of friends.
So cute!
When we brought my son home, our Springer Spaniel was 2 years old and our baby. It took her 30 minutes to even notice there was a baby in the house, and they have been best friends ever since! Glad your "firstborn" is finally home and adjusting well!
That's a great family photo of the 4 of you!!!
That is so precious.! I can't wait for Stuart and I to get past our infertility journey and be able to have our babies Spanky and Scrappy with our newborn babies! One day it will happen...when God is ready :-) Please keep praying for us!
In His Grip,
Stuart and Sarah Creamer
Awww... that's adorable! I think Dawson just picked right up where he left off. I bet they will be best buds before long. That's how it was when brought our first "human baby" home after our "dog baby" had been our one and only for years. He pretty much just sniffed her and watched her. But, the first time she sat in the highchair and dropped food to him, he was smitten and they've been inseparable ever since!!
Kelly, you look great! Your family is lovely!
Awww...so happy you guys are back together! I think Dawson may have a new favorite lady!
Dear Kelly,
So we have never met. But I am Lauren Ames' cousin and I found you through her blog. I have followed your story about your precious little Harper for a while now and let me tell you I got teary eyed every time I seen pictures of her in the hospital. Especially when I seen all of the nice things that people across the nation sent you. It just made me break down in tears.
So right now our little princess "Cambree" is at St. Francis. I was curious if that is where your little Harper was (i love that name by the way)
She is doing so much better and I see now how mothers feel when they don't know whats wrong with their babies.
You have such a beautiful family and God has just truly blessed you.
P.S. I'm new to this blogging ordeal, so I'm just trying to learn as I go along...:)
So sweet!
Dawson and Harper seem equally unenthralled by each other! that's great! They'll probably be the best of friends. Beautiful family!
So so cute! I love the picture of Dawson looking at his sister sleeping. Beyond sweet. I have a feeling they will be the best of friends in no time at all.
Aww I absolutely love the pic where he is watching her and the last one of all for of yall. Ya'll make such a cute little happy family :)
Glad you had a night out! You need to keep doing that!
This one verse contains the whole core of Scripture. Praying!
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer Bears
My email address
So I'm new to posting here but I have been following and praying for sweet Harper since she was born. Your blog is so fun and I love seeing all of the pictures of her you post. Harper and Dawson are totally going to be good buddies, he'll be protective in a loving and gentle way over his little sis. :) Kelly you are a great mom!
God Bless,
Congratulations! What a sweet family;-) Hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.
Mary Anne @ Marigold Manor
What a beautiful family of four! So glad that Dawson is finally home. I know he's going to fall in love with Harper just like we all have!
Have a blessed weekend!
What a beautiful family! We were worried about our first dog and our first son. We had been a family of three for 5 years before we brought home our first baby. We were pleasantly suprised, our dog fell in love with his human brother and our son adored his fur-brother.
Enjoy your weekend.
I love the photo of Dawson watching over Harper. Sweet! I'm glad you are all finally together again!
Welcome home Dawson!
I love the pic of him watching Harper sleep.....too sweet!
Is your Dawson a Bichon? We have a Bichon whom we adore. His name is Shai (pronounced Shy); it means gift from God. I'm sure your dog will be great with Harper.
So glad to hear all is well with your family. I have prayed for you.
Sooo happy to see your family of four home and happy!!
Yayy for Dawson! I think he is going to be a GREAT big brother!
I am so glad to see your entire family together at last!! How old is Dawson? That is wonderful how he was so happy to be home at last.
aww your puppies home. That last picture of the 4 of ya'll is great and Harper's expression priceless:)
Sooo sweet, it brought tears to my eyes to see you together as a family....At last! You must be so happy!!
You can tell that Harper loves that camera...she is always looking right at it. Glad to hear that your family of four is together at last. Great pictures!!
It had just been my husband, me, and our dog for almost 6 years when we brought home our first baby. And she too was almost indifferent. Curious a little but not frazzled at all like I thought. For the first year, every picture I took of my son, my dog was "lurking" in the background. Always close by. So glad Dawson is doing well with Harper!
Glad everything went well with the reunion! Too Sweet! Love the family picture of ya'll!
I'm so happy things went so good with Dawson and Harper. They will probably be the best of friends!
Love the pic of all four of you!
Congrats on your reunion! I'm so happy to see Dawson back-as a parent only of 4-legged furry creatures, it always breaks my heart when the dogs get fogotten when a baby comes into the picture. I thank-you for sharing and can tell that Dawson will be just as spoiled as he was pre-Harper!!! :)
Beautiful Family!
Love the picture with the grandparents and you look great! I'm so glad that Dawson is back home and doing well! Have a great weekend!!
The picture of Dawson watching Harper is adorable!!
Ah, your last picture speaks volumes! Adorable!
darling family!
Welcome home Dawson. Glad the reunion went well.
Yay for the entire family being back together! You will have to let us know if he goes into "city shock"! You look great, Kelly! And Harper is soooo cute, like always!
What a cute family!!!!
How cute!! He's going to be a GREAT big brother! =]
Lol, Kelly. I thought Dawson was an older brother. Love your family of four.
How sweet, Kelly! It looks like Dawson is going to be a protective big brother.
I love the "family shot". And you look GREAT, by the way!!!
Lovely photo. . .glad he's home and everyone is happy. I assume he got sheared so as to leave his love of "all things" deer related behind? :)
Yay! Your complete! What a great family of four you all make!!!!
Glad to see that Miss. Harper is doing good.
AWW!!! I love it!! Love your blog!!
He's back!!! Yea!! And thanks to the title of your blog I've been singing that song all day!!
LOVE it!! So happy ya'll are back together and the transition went well!
That picture of the 4 of you is awesome. You look like a supermodel!
Ya'll have a wonderful weekend!!
Those pictures are priceless! I love how Harper is propping her feet up on Dawson. SO CUTE! (Both my girls are feet proppers - especially when they sleep)
I'm so glad everything went well incorporating your puppy into the family again. You guys are so cute!
When my first born son was born (15 years ago - yikes!) we worried about bringing him and our dog together (our dog was a bit bigger than yours...) I put the baby in the bassinet in the living room and the dog would lay next to it. If anyone other than me, my husband or my mom would go to pick the baby up the dog would growl. If one of us handed the baby to someone else then the dog would climb up on the couch next to them like your dog pictured here but with his head on the shoulder or arm or the "outsider" holding the baby and just watch (suspiciously).
I think they "get" that this little person is an extension of you and your husband, a "part of the pack" if you will, and I suspect you will find your dog to be loving and protective, and your happy family of four will get along nicely.
Oh... and once my son cou;d drop scraps off of a high chair... their friendship was cemented for life!
That is so good to hear. I was so worried when we brought Katie home with the dog and two cats but the just watched over her all the time. Now they run from her. Glad you guys got a night out.
I'm so glad it's going well with Dawson back home now! I'm kind of wondering how it's going to go when we bring Ava home and Ryley discovers her! He's a lot bigger than Dawson! Hope you have a great weekend!!
I forgot to leave a comment last night, I did day one of Jillian's 30 day shred. I am sore this morning. It was defiantly a work out. I am going to start day two now, wish me luck!
what a beautiful family!! and how precious is the pic with Dawson watching Harper on the chair:) i just love it.
Oh I am so glad! I know how spoiled Dawson is and how he has been the baby for so long! I pray our transition is that easy! I am a little worried about Sophie!
I'm so happy you guys are all together again and it's all going well!
All I can think when I see this post is PRAISE JESUS! What a beautiful sight to see! The four of y'all look AMAZING! God is SO GOOD!
What a good looking family you! You look great by the way!!
Ya'll don't know us but I have been reading your sweet blog right before Harper was born. Your story is so AMAZING!!! We had our 1st son last January 08 and I was so worried about our dog would not be happy with the newborn baby. He has been staying with my grandparents so we can get settled in and everything. Then about 3 weeks later, he came home and saw the baby and he kept smelling all over the baby and when the baby cries, he barks at me... trying to tell me the baby is crying (I am a hearing-impaired). Gizmo (the dog) is a GREAT dog and he sure helps me and my hubby alot with the baby.
Anyway, I know in my heart everything will be fine with Dawson!! What a BEAUTIFUL family!!!
Love the last pic, how Harper is looking right at the camera! I think Dawson is going to be a good big bro!
I love the family picture. I've gotta tell you, I think Harper looks like Scott in that last picture!
Kelly, I have been checking in daily but I haven't been leaving comments. I feel like you must get overwhelmed with the large responses to each post? I loved seeing the family of four. Is dawson a cavapoo? FYI you look amazing! I can't believe how fast you lost your baby weight. I hope I am successful this time around.:)
I was waiting to see the four of y'all together. Bless his heart, Dawson looks like he is assuming the role of big brother quite nicely. ;o) Okay, the look on Harper's face in that last picture is fabulous! Hehe!
I'm glad the reunion went well! I asked your Mom (via blog comment) if Dawson had a "Big Brother" t-shirt to wear for the big meeting! He looks like he's going to be just fine (that or your Dad had him drugged up so he'd be sleepy the whole day! ha!) He and Harper will be such cute little friends. It won't be long until she's wanting to put him on the leash and take him for walks around the house--Rhett and Alexee fight over turns to walk Bogart. Poor Bogart just plays along, too, even though I think he hates it.
That's a great picture of your parents with H, and a great picture of your family of four!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for sharing the awesome pictures. Dawson and Harper will be best friends!
Love that last pic! You all look cute, but Harper is especially adorable!
L-O-V-E the family of 4 pic...definitely framable!! You 4 are a good lookin' bunch! :)
such a cute little family!
SOOO happy your family is finally home together!! :)
I love the photo of Dawson looking at Harper over the chair.
Harper is beautiful. They grow so fast!
Congrats on your family being all together...finally. I hate those long waits of coming home. I adopted all my boys and had to wait each time....stressful.
Little Dawson is going to be SUPER protective of his baby! You watch, he will bark if she needs something, or is in trouble !! those dogs are so smart, where would we be without them? I'm happy the reunion went well.. that's always the scariest part of having a baby.
Have a great weekend!
Dear Dawson ,
Welcome Back to your home Cute & Sweet Boy,
I bet you sure missed your Mommy and Daddy in the last 2 months Huh? Well , I have a good feeling that they sure have missed you too. I am proud to see that your getting along with your Little Sister , Miss. Harper. She's a Cutie Patootie! Just like you of course. Once again , Welcome Home Buddy Boy.
Yeah for having Dawson home...glad he adjusted to the little Miss so quickly! :)
I haven't posted a comment in a while, although I read ALL the time!! I normally post from "One Blessed Family" but I am logged in to my photography blog. Any way I had to post today because my sister works at Chili's and last night she sent a text that said "Oh my gosh guess who was at Chili's tonight?" and then she said "Kelly, like from Kelly's Korner, Harper's mom!" It was so funny! She is so shy so she didn't say anything to you. I got her looking at your blog all the time and now she is a regular looking at your page too! Any how, just thought I would share!
Your little girl is beautiful! If you ever need pictures I'll hop right up there and do them :)
I am also SO happy things are going so well! GOD IS SO GOOD!
Yay for having the whole family together again!! What a cute one too!!
Dawson looks so sweet peeking over the couch at Harper. That is an adorable photo.
Dawson looks right at home. Harper is as precious as ever. Thanks for sharing.
Love & blessings from NC!
Hope all went well today.
Always keep your eyes on the Lord! Lifting up prayers right now!
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Prayer Bears
My email address
I still come back to your blog every so often to check see how life is going for you guys. This picture of the four of you is such a blessing to see. With all that you guys have gone through with Harper, it is just a blessing to see you all so happy!!!
You all look so happy! I know Dawson had a lot of fun in the country but I am certain he is so happy to be at home. It make take him a little time to get adjusted to Harper but he is going to love her and protect her like you can't imagine. Have a great weekend with your sweet little family!
I am so glad that y'all are back together again! The picture of the four of you is great. Just wait until Harper is old enough to notice Dawson, they will have lots of fun together.
Glad your family is all together again! :-)
Great picture of you guys! Glad you're all back together now!
Great pictures! I am so glad that the reunion has went well! You look great!
What a great feeling to all be together again. I love the family pic...they will be best buds in no time.
I know how much you love hair bows and all for Harper. Thought you might want to check these out as well. I am so glad to see that Harper is doing well. She is so cute. I pray for her all the time and I hope she gets to go outside soon. Enjoy her now, for they grow up way to fast. Just this time last year my little one was small now she is almost 15 months old.
Take care,
So glad to hear Dawson made it home and is doing so well. I knew you had nothing to worry about...he will be Harper's best buddy and her protector!
Hi there! I LOVE your blog, congratulations on Harper! What a blessing :)I actually have your blog as one of my favorites on my own blog :) Please stop by sometime...
Too cute! Dawson seems to be just fine! What a relief!
What a sweet family! I am so happy for you guys! All those prayers really paid off!!
What a great family picture! Your family is just adorable!
LOVE the picture of the four of you! :)
Dawson looks just like the Bichon I grew up with! What a beautiful family of 4.
FRAMEWORTHY!!! I love that pic!!
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