Look who is two months today!!!!

She's come a long way since we first really saw her in the hospital! Hard to believe!

Harper - what are you up to at two months?
- You want to be held 24/7. You will scream bloody murder if we put you down - but if we pick you up - all is well!
- You are a good eater. During the day you want to eat every 45 minutes.
- You will look at us and just smile - it's the greatest thing in the world!
- You have started trying to talk to us - you coo back noises when we talk to you
- I call you little " Pele" because you just kick your legs constantly and you are strong!
- You love your warm bath - it calms you.
- You do not like sleep and you constantly fight it
- You do not like pacifiers - you suck on your whole hand to calm yourself
- You have brought more joy to your daddy and me than we could have ever imagined!

Does she look bigger?
Brent Riggs made me a new button - yeay!!! Get the code on the right and you can replace the other button (if you want to)!

2 months already??? Wow, time flies. HAPPY 2 MONTH birthday Harper!!!!
She is getting so big!
I love you guys!!!
I can't wait for many more months!!
She's just precious! Time sure flies!
Wow!! I can't believe its already been two months. She is getting bigger and cuter!!!
She does look bigger! And has way more expression. Lucky you catching her smiling!
She is getting Bigger! They grow soooo fast. I love that you are taking the monthly photos in the same spot.
Absolutely she looks bigger! And she just keeps getting prettier! Thanks for sharing her! Have a blessed day!
What a doll baby!! I think she looks the same as her 1 month pic, but not bigger, maybe smaller? She looks so happy and cuddly!!
Our little guy is 2 months old as well--1-14-09-- and he screamed constantly when we would lay him down and come to find out, he had blood in his intestines and had to switch to Neutramogin formula. It took about 3-4 days to get into his system but he is a totally new baby now!!! Just a thought, I am sure you are getting lots of advice! We even switched to Dr. Brown bottles! I will be able to post pics of our baby once he is officially adopted but I think I may have emailed you some? Hope you are doing well! Oh, how long are you off work??
Oh she is adorable. I love watching her grow!
Oh my, love love love her!!!! PRECIOUS!!! Happy 2 months Harper and she definitely looks bigger!!! :O)
Oh - she gets prettier every time you post a pic of her!!
L.O.V.E. all the hair bows & monogrammed goodies - she is SO PRECIOUS!!
She is so precious! She is such a sugar pie!
Where did the time go? She's a big girl now! I love her smile in her 2 month picture--she's got great facial expressions. She's beautiful!!
She is too cute!! Happy 2 months Harper!!
Wonderful, happy post. She looks so much bigger! By the way, both of my kids liked to eat every hour at that age, and I totally stuck with 'on demand' as long as it took...eventually Harper will be more efficient and then she will be so busy playing with toys and trying to get around that she will not want to eat every 45 minutes. I was actually a tiny bit jealous of the 'hanging out on the couch' picture yesterday. No such time for that now, lol. But it does get more fun!
I've got it. She looks longer and a little trimmer! She's growing taller!
Hi Kelly! She does look just a wee bit bigger. It will be so neat to watch as she grows into her little sweet self. Dont worry too much about her sleeping habits. They will get better...promise~
She has grown!! Just wait...each month gets better and better!!
Happy two months Harper!! She is a doll! My oldest son loved to be held and would cry if we put him down. He will be 21 this year. yikes!
I pray that you and your sweet baby will have the best day!
Oh my, she looks so much more grown up! I can't wait to hold that baby!
I love seeing your pictures! I think she looks thinner! Either way she is cute all the way around! Happy 2 month birthday!!
She is so adorable Kelly! She has the most beautiful little face! I've been reading your blog, and just adore your posts. Very enouraging!!! : )
So adorable!
she certainly is growing and her sweet little face is changing too! she is a sweetie.
What a beautiful little two-month-old! My how time flies!!!
She looks longer to me...if she's eating every 45 minutes then she must be growing! (:
Oh my goodness, she is so dang cute!
She looks a little longer and more "mature".
She may find her thumb yet... Kale found his around that age. (I preferred the pacifier, which Tyler loved.)
She is so beautiful!! She has grown alot too!
As far as the crying if not being held (yes I have been there too!) Have you tried a ring sling or any sling, that way she can be close to you, but you can have your arms to.... eat, or go to the bathroom, or feed the puppy.... you know important things!
Hang in there it dosent last long. It was only 3 months with my oldest, she is three now I do not even remember those nights.... well barely anyways.
Simply adorable! and YES growing bigger!
Happy 2 months. My son Landon will not suck a pacy either but loves his hand. She is so cute.
Kelly, I know you have the most fun with her during your day. I think her face has changed a little in the last month. Question..are you going to stay home with Harper or do you have to go back to work? I do not remember reading about this?
What a beautiful growing little girl. I am blessed to have three little girls myself and couldn't be happier. Just take one day at a time and cherish each one as they will pass by too quickly.
She is absolutely adorable!!! And yes, she looks bigger!! Happy Two Months Harper!!
Too cute!! Her face has certainly changed!
YES she looks bigger and so cute! I've had one of those "hold me all the time" babies! Just enjoy it! Pretty soon she'll be three and she'll be too busy to be held!
I don't think I've told you this before, but I love your blog. It's always so fun, upbeat and postive! Even when Harper was so sick you made it clear where your hope lies! So thanks for being a little bright spot in my day!
She is absolutely adorable!
Happy 2 months Harper.
You have grown since your 1 month, she is definately longer. Look how much higher her head is over the bumper pad compared to the 1 month.
Hi Kelly! Harper is absolutely precious! She looks healthier every pic you post! She is definitely a miracle baby and its so great to read her story! I think she has gotten longer and more slender! Its amazing how they can change in such a short amount of time! I want to share with you a friend of mine, Mary Lindsey, that has a daughter named Harper as well. Harper turned 1 in February and the end of January they found out they were pregnant with Triplets! They are a family of God and have such a sweet heart. I don't know her direct link, but her blog title is Hope in my pocket - it can be viewed on my blog. For all you prayer warriors out there, please pray for the Blanton family. Everything is going well now, please pray that it will continue! Thanks so much!
She does look bigger! Seeing pictures of her makes me smile and I really needed to smile today. Thank you.
She is such a little doll! So glad she is doing so well!!!
Wow...two months already? The time really does fly doesn't it? I am still in shock that my baby is one already! I'm happy and sad all at the same time! So glad that Harper is doing so well. What a cutie!!!
Happy two months.
She is very, very precious!
Hi Kelly! I have been reading your blog since I found out about Harper being sick, but I have never posted. I too almost always have my son in my arms and find it hard to find time to type! Harper does look longer!! Anyways just wanted to say hi and let you know that I have prayed for Harper many many times and still do! Feel free to check out the blog I have made for my son if you get a chance, haha!!
Growing like a weed. She is just darling.
My nephew was born on December 15 2008 (so just about a month earlier) and he is growing like you wouldn't believe.
She actually looks taller and a bit more slender. I could just stare at her precious little face all day long!! She's just perfect! Happy 2 Month Day Harper!!!
She is absolutely lovely! I am so glad to see how well she is doing!
Oh she's just adorable. I started following your blog when prayers were needed for baby Harper. And now I have to admit, I follow your blog for the sheer joy of seeing her litle miraculous face on my monitor every day. She's truly beautiful, and you are truly blessed.
She looks great! I just picked up an adorable pink and brown dress for my grand daughter at TJ Maxx. A favorite color combo.
My heart aches for the Tippings. Just aches. I was praying that Babies B, C, D, E, & F would stay put. Thank you for those links. Another one also has passed away.
I do miss the decorating ones too! I would link to them from your blog.
Not only does she look bigger a month later, she is getter cuter by the day! What a beautiful little girl. Funny how she has become so much a part of my mornings. I always have to check in and see her.
Thank you for the reminder of how good our God is. Harper has come a long way in such a relatively short amount of time. She gets more beautiful in each picture we see. Love the monogrammed onesie for today!
Happy Birthday Harper!!! I am so so happy to be reading about this day!
-Jennifer in OR
Happy 2 months Harper!! She's already getting taller!
I love watching Haper grow!! She is so beautiful. I know you are calling her "Pele" after the soccer player, but Pele is also the Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning and DANCE! :)
So I think I am the only one who thinks she hasnt gotten too much bigger!! I think her face changed a lot. She looks older there, but she still looks so nice and small!
She sure is a beauty!!!
I hope you guys have a wonderful day!!!
Happy 2 months!! Wow...time is just flying isn't it? She is so adorable! I love reading all the things that she is doing. I definitely think she looks bigger!
Happy 2 month Harper!
my baby is 7 months today!
I love those socks!
She is so adorable & she is getting bigger! I just want to squeeze her!
She's definitely getting bigger!!! Happy 2 month-versary Harper! My first son was also High Maintenance like Harper - had to be held 24/7 - I highly recommend you get a sling - I didn't do this with #1 and I learned my lesson - #2 has been slinged a LOT!
Oh bless her! Yes she is bigger..look how she holds her head now!! Congrats on being 2 Months little lady.xxx
Hi Kelly-- This is my first time to chime in, but I've been reading about Harper since she was born. She reminds me soooo much of my munchkin, Lauren, who is now 3 years old. I can totally relate to her wanting to be held all time and basically being very high maintenance! It can be very tiring at times, but, thankfully, it eventually passes, ha! Harper looks great and she definitely looks like she has grown. Have a great day!
Happy 2 Months Harper!!! She does look bigger - longer especially!
What an amazing 2 months you've had. Harper is a true example of answered prayers.
She looks so long!!!! Isn't it crazy how time flies by so QUICK!!!??? enjoy every waking (and sleeping) minute!
Happy Two Months to that sweet girl!! Getting bigger and cuter and more darling every passing day!
Wow, I just can't believe precious little Harper is already two months old. It does appear that she keeps you very busy! But, I bet you wouldn't have it any other way. She is so beautiful and seems so happy in the pictures. Happy two months!
i think she's longer for sure! super cute and sooo precious.
Happy 2 Month Birthday:) A growing miracle and so very beautiful.
Blessings to your family always,
Matthew 21:22
Hi Kelly, I read your blog every day, but I don't comment often. Harper is just a doll and such a miracle and blessing! She has grown and I love her 2 month picture. I can't believe it's been 2 months. Our first is about to turn 1 year old. The time flies! Enjoy every minute. Even the screaming, it won't last long, I PROMISE! Take care! :)
Thanks for sharing her pics today! God is so good! She is so pretty and looks so healthy and strong. Happy 2 months- Harper!
aww! she definitely looks longer!
I think it's so cute that you take her pic every month. I have an idea that Kellie Raspberry from KISS FM dis for her daughter. She had a teddy bear that she took her daughter's picture next to so you could really see how much she was growing. Just a thought.
Harper is beautiful!
Happy 2 Month Birthday, Harper! It's crazy how fast time flies! She is so cute! And I think she looks longer than she did in her one month pictures and she is really starting to show her personality in pictures!
Girl, how in the world do you feed her every 45 mintues?? I know every 2-3 hours is hard enough at times for me!! You are one great momma!!
I can't believe it's been 2 months already!! She's so adorable!! And I think she does look bigger. She's absolutely precious for sure though!!
The two months have flown by! She is bigger and as adorable as ever! Love those cute striped socks.
Kelly she has grown so much!! She is adorable, yet again, she will be spelling her name by 3 months. She is beautiful!
future miss america! she is gorgious!!!! could you email me your address again, i want to send her something.
Congrats on all your new stages for baby Harper. I added your new tag today, it looks great. I am honored to have that on my page and feel a connection to your sweet family. i wish you all the best and love reading your posts daily. Keep it up.
Where did you get that bow?? I have a 2 month old also, and she needs a bow like that! :)
she is adorable!!!! What a beautiful baby... I know you posted about thinking she looks like your husband, but I think she looks just like you... that bow is incredible! :) Yay for Harper!
She is getting cuter by the day!
yes she looks bigger, just more filled out. She must love her mama's milk!
Thx for the new button. I read your last post about removing it and I just couldn't do it. And I also saw you still had it. So good idea on a new update.
I also want to thank you for posting all your gifts or finds. I generally will go check out the website or Etsy store and possibly purchase. My most recent one was at Melissa's Monograms. I can't wait until my stuff comes in!
Happy 2 months, sweetheart!!!
Harper does indeed look bigger - well really taller. I love your descriptions of what she likes to do at 2 months. Being held 24/7 cracked me up although I know it is not so funny for you, but it's just the way you worded it.
She is just a little beauty. Thank God for this little miracle.
~Debbie K.
Happy 2 months Harper!!! Kelly, thank you for sharing your story and faith. Your family has been an encouragement and a blessing to mine. God is good!
SHe is so cute!!! I was actually just thinking what a miracle she was sitting there posing for her little 2 month picture when I saw the new button that was made. She is quite a miracle baby - I love that I had a part in praying for her!!
she is so precious! God is good!! :) and yes she looks bigger to me
Hi...yes, she does look bigger, especially longer. Cute as ever. Praise God she is healthy. I love all the pics, make my heart happy. Thanks for brightening my day with your blog. :)
Hi Kelly! Happy Monday! HAPPY 2 MONTHS to Harper! Yeah!!! She is most definitely a miracle baby--AMEN! Actually, to me, she looks a tad smaller, but it could be the positioning. Anyhow, she is as adorable as always. =) I can really see you in this photo!
Have a great day, Kelly!
Happy 2 month Birthday sweet Harper!
Yes, she has grown and she is the cutest thing ever.
How much longer till you return to work?
Have a great day.
She has definitely grown since last month. She is so beautiful and has came such a long way! Enjoy these days. They pass so quickly.
Love the new button, too! Perfect!
I can't believe that she is already 2 months old. she has changed so much over the last month.
Happy 2 month birthday Miss Harper
Oh look at her!
She is growing so well. She is leaning out.
Harper looks like a sweet girl.
I hope you know NO harm ever came from holding a babe all the time.
Love on her as much as she wants, because she looks like the kind that once she's ready she'll be off exploring her world!
So cute!! Love the new button!! I'll totally add the one that Brent made, but if you don't mind...I still want to keep the other one I have on my blog...the one your mom has, as well!!! :)
Thanks for the picture comparison. She does just continue to get cuter and cuter by the second. :) Again, it's really hard to say that b/c she has been stinkin' precious from the get-go, but...I just can't seem to stop looking at her!!
Love you all!
princess is tooo stinking cute!!!! love her new little smile!
Happy Birthday Miracle Baby!! I love reading about you everyday Harper. I feel like a part of your little family. Kelly- keep up the great work on the blog. I enjoy it daily. Please say a little pray for my little guy as on Thursday he will be having his adenoisis out and a tube in his right ear. You can read all about Jansen at our blog:
Happy two month Birthday Harper. You are a real sweetie
What a precious gift god has bestowed unto both of you! My daughter also cried all her awake hours and I would dance around the house with her. The swing never did anything for her. She cried until she began crawling around 5 months old. I think her mind was way ahead of what her body was capable of doing. They are truly a joy. Happy 2 month birthday to Harper, yeah!!
aw...she looks so cuddable. :)
LOVE it! She is so adorable. The new button is awesome!
AWWW! This post was so amazing and almost made me want to cry. (happy tears;)God is good.
Happy 2 month birthday Harper! What an incredible blessing. She is so adorable! And she does look a little bit bigger, but mostly more "mature" in her face. What a difference one month makes!
Aw! Our favorite little baby is 2 months old!!
My girls are totally in love with Harper, but who wouldn't be. They pray for her ALL the time.
She sure is a miracle baby and we are so glad to watch her grow!
Love you guys!!
if she's eating every 45 mins she is "snacking" She should be able to go 2.5 hours atleast from the beginning of one nursing session or bottle to the next. If you try to space her feedings out she will eat meals not snacks which will mean ultimately she will be able to go longer at night btwn feeds also which means more sleep :)
Also, fighting sleep means too long btwn naps. Tired babies fight sleep. The best gift you can give her is to learn to fall asleep on her own.
She is so beautiful Kelly! I'm so happy for you. I haven't posted in a while, but I read your blog EVERY day! I finished my 4th round of clomid (I didn't take it for the past 2 months) & we are still trying! Thanks for always being so encouraging & sweet-hearted.
Bonnie :)
A friend sent me your blog because she said it sounded like what our son has. Did your little girl have pulmonary hypertension? Our son was born on Monday and has been diagnosed with that and he has a lot of similar experiences as your daughter. He is on a oscilating ventilator, nitric oxide and they are keeping him sedated so that both can work. I am keeping a blog for him at http://www.sabelhausboys.blogspot.com/. We would appreciate any and all prayers! Praise God for your little girl being healthy now!
I don't know if she looks any bigger and I didn't think this was possible...but I do believe she is even cuter than she was before! Precious! Thanks for sharing!
2 months already, wow time has gone by so fast! Her pics today are adorable!! I added the new button to my blog as well! Happy Monday!!!
Awwwwwww!!!! She's just the most precious thing ever. She is a precious miracle, isn't she?!! I love the new button. I'll be putting it on my blog for sure!
Happy 2 months Harper!
Thanks again Kelly for being such an inspiration to girls all over the world who want to be strong, Christian women!
Have a great week with Miss Harper!
She is getting bigger and longer! My daughter who is now 5 was very much the same way - wanted to be held all the time. I knew that would not be possible as i had to go back to work after 12 weeks. So at 6 weeks old I gave her a silky blanky. Small 12 x 12 often called a travel blanky. She learned to self-soothe and within 1week, different baby. She still sleeps with her blanky today. We have lost many of then over the years and replaced. Good Luck!
What a beautiful little girl. Oh my god, she is amazing, I have been follwoing your journey and I am so so so happy for you guys. I just can't get enough of her, I am so happy you post so many pics. Congratulations on making it 2 months!!
Happy 2 months, darling girl!
YAY! Happy 2 months! God is GOOD! Have a great week! XOXO!
She does look bigger and her face has changed a little bit. Still cute as ever!!
Every 45 minutes? Girl, I'm gonna start praying for you in a whole new way. That is A LOT of nursing!!
Happy 2 Months to your little cutie pie! She is definitely growing! For us, it was 2 months when everything started to fall into place with our daughter, Brooklynn - when I look back - that was definitely our turning point with her - she became so much happier, content and more interactive with us - I loved it! You will really start noticing the differences now. I loved the newborn days too b/c they are just so little and cute...but wow - it was like night and day for us once she hit the 2 month mark - we suddenly went from 'surviving' each day with her to 'thriving' each day and really started to feel like we were in a routine and knew what we were doing. Enjoy every minute :)
Wow that was a FAST two months!!! Happy 2 month to that sweet girl!
Happy 2 months Harper! She is so beautiful Kelly!!!
She is getting cuter by the minute!! Happy 2 months!
It's nuts how much stress and anxiety they put us through and then you're home and all is good, like you didn't even really go through all those horrible nights at the NICU!
So glad I came back to your blog again today...noticed the new button that Brent did. I had been feeling bad that I never put a Harper button up on my blog but by the time I had started my blog, Harper was already well and at home. I just added the new button to my blog!!!
haha our babies sound like the same person :-) mine was the exact same way - dont worry the crying stops! :-) My hubby used to call me every time I left and ask me panicky "when did you feed her last?" while she was WAILING in the background. It didnt make my outings stress-free that's for sure!
:-) Anyways, happy birthday to your little one! (and I have the same couch set-up and Etsy shopping too . . . )
She is getting so big, adorable little girl you have!!
I love her onesies with her name on them...you must tell me where you got them!!!
Every post you write makes me smile. How I would love to share a meal with you. I feel like we are old friends....
Love you,
Beautiful! Happy 2-month birthday, Harper!
happy 2 months miss Harper!!
Happy 2 months pretty girl!
Those pink and brown socks are fabulous! Got the new button!
She is getting so big!! HAppy teo months beatiful!! I also love the new button!!
she sounds perfect :) Isaac was like that too... Elijah sort of was too except that it wouldn't have mattered. I was going to hold him all the time whether he really wanted me to or not. Isaac demanded it. I have no idea if Elijah would have been different had I not held him all the time and don't really care. I love that newborn period and I DO miss hanging out on the couch all day just feeding and bonding with baby. I had a not yet 3 year old and a 19 month old with Isaac... a sling saved my life.
She is the most adorable baby! I can't believe how fast time goes by. My baby is almost 5!
Oh my goodness! She is getting so, so big! I'm glad that she is healthy and doing so good.
Harper is still just as adorable as ever, but she is really growing! You are the greatest Mom!! Enjoy this busy, crazy time; as it will be over before you know it. She will be one in the blink of an eye. Love & blessings from NC!
HAPPY 2 MONTH BIRTHDAY HARPER!=] She is getting so big and so stinkin' cute!=]
Happy 2 Months, Harper!! You are soooo darling!
Fabulous! She's so beautiful!
It's amazing how fast they grow! Happy 2 months, Harper!
Happy 2 Months! She sounds so much like John Michael! JM waved at the computer screen when her picture popped up! How cute. Timew is flying.
She is so cute! I like the "what your up to" part. I think I will do that for Marlee. It will be a good reminder for me, and a great little thing for her!
Have a great day!
Happy 2nd month Birthday!!! I think Harper has gotten bigger and my is she getting cuter and cuter by the day! I'm so glad that things are going well for you and your family!!!
Hey~don't forget that Dacning with the Stars is on T.V. tonight!! (I've been hooked since the first time it was on TV!)
Awww she is so beautiful!!! I love how you put her in the same spot with a new sign each month, great idea!
And thanks to Brent for making a new button for Harper...I have added it to my blog. :)
I don't know if I'll ever forget that feeling I had when first reading about Harper and the urgent need for prayer. What a precious miracle she is. We love you all so much and thank God for your family today!
Happy Two Month Birthday Sweet Harper!!
She does look longer and leaner in the second month picture. What a little doll baby. Scott is a lucky man to come home to that Kodak moment every day. Enjoy every minute.
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
WOW! Can't beleve she is 2 months old! So precious and her smile is sweet and yet a tiny bit mischievious as well! I love it!
Thanks for the all the photos...I LOVE to see the latest Harper pics!
THought since Harper likes a lot of skin time and you can't sit on the couch forever...you might could use this: There is a video tutorial you might check out as well.
Happy 2 months, Harper! Wow, I cannot believe she's two months already!!
Oh Praise God for His WONDERFUL work!! Getting the button...and praiseing Him daily for your Gift!
I have been following your blog for a little bit now and just wanted to let you know that my heart goes out to you and your family. I am so glad to see little Harper is happy and healthy. She is the cutest little two month old, I love all of her pink and brown outfits. :)
Oh my goodness! It sounds like we have the EXACT same baby! Except mine is 3 1/2 months. 24/7 hold/nurse and we're golden!
Happy 2nd months... :)
Love ur blog.. :) Is it ok for me to link ur blog from my page :) thanks
Happy Two Months to the Princess!
She is darling. She looks longer and thinned out a bit! I would give her formula at the end of your nursing. That way she will not have to feed every 45 mins. She is a big girl.. Her daddy should be able to give her a bottle to calm her when you are gone.
I love all of Harper's cute outfits so much!!! I think she is definitely changing!! Two months already?!?! WHOA!!! She is beautiful just like her mommy!
She looks so good! Happy two months baby girl!
She is so beautiful! Praise the Lord for sweet baby Harper. I can't believe it's been 2 months already! Where does the time go???
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront
Happy 2 Month Birthday Harper! You have gotten so big and get more beautiful every single day! You have no idea how many prayers have been said for you or how much you are loved by so many people.
Hugs and kisses to you sweet baby girl!
She is growing like a weed. I could eat her with a spoon!!!
She is absolutely precious!!!! Did you realize that you could love something so very much??
She certainly looks older!
Such a big girl! They change so quickly. Enjoy her every minute!
Yes, she is definitely a miracle! And gets cuter and cuter in each picture!
I can see it mostly in her face. Thanks for sharing!
My four month old found her thumb recently and life has changed. :) I don't know if you want a thumb sucker but it's a wonderful thing! I hope for that sort of peace for you.
Happy 2 month B-Day Harper Girl. We all love ya. Whatever you are doing Kelly keep it up she looks great. When do you go back to work??
She's beautiful! She looks longer (taller?) and thinner to me. What a sweet girl!
I haven't stoped by in a while and wow, I didn't think it was possible, but Harper has gotten even more beautiful! Happy 2 month Harper! I nave a 7 month old and boy, do they get big fast!
precious girl! and what a precious updated button! great idea.
congratulations on two months of being a mom, isn't it the best job in the world?
She's so beautiful! I love her socks!! :)
Miss Harper is so beautiful! Two months is a great mileston for you guys! So glad she is healthy and happy! My son did not take a pacifier at first either, but we found these pacifier's at Wal-Mart that claimed to be just like the mother's nipple. So we bought them, brought them home, cleaned them, and gave him one...SUCCESS! He loved them! It was the 5th type of pacifier we found and tried! All the other ones he would SPIT out at us! They are called Playtex Binkys. They come in pink, purple, blue, and green! If you don't like the design...it just scratches off! Hope this might help you and she is beautiful!
Happy 2 months Harper!!! She just gets more beautiful each day!!!
WOW what a cutie!! Prayer really works.. Glad to see her so perky & happy.. Glad to see you guys are all doing well.. Btw.. how did you get the 3 column template for your blog.. trying to get mine done.. just a little lost.. have a great week!
Happy 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's getting prettier every day!
Always here praying!
Psalms 18:2-6 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Yeah for Harper! Happy two months :) I'm so glad she's a happy, screaming, healthy baby! She looks so much like Scott to me! I love her little sockies too! Much love,Becky
Happy Two Months Harper! She is so cute!
Kelly, I have been following your blog since Harper's birth and just wanted you to know what a blessing she is and what an inspiration her story is to everybody. I've added your button to my blog so that my friends in the UK can read all about your little miracle. She is growing more and more beautiful every single day. G-d has been kind and blessed you all.
Amazing that just 2 months ago we were all praying for sweet baby Harper to live and now look at her smiling! God is good all the time!
It is amazing how fast they grow and time flies!! I'm so happy for you, she is beautiful and I have to admit I check in too see her pretty pictures with the fabulous bows!! I can't imagine what her clost must look like!!
Kelly, sorry to leave this in the comments but I couldn't find your e-mail address.
Could you please add our friends the Castle's to your prayer list? They just found out they're pregnant with triplets, after several failed attempts at invitro & two miscarriages.
You seem to have a direct line to heaven & I want to give those little babies all the help we can from down here.
Thanks so much for all that you do.
Hugs for Harper from SC.
I think Harper looks longer. My babies always stretch out, and they may not look as chubby, but they're still growing! Lucy's 4 month birthday was yesterday too. It sure is flying by! And just so you know, Lucy didn't take a pacifier until she was 2 months old. One day it worked. So, if you want to use one, don't give up! However, Lucy is my first pacifier baby, and I can say it isn't all it has cracked up to be. She spits it out while sleeping, and then wakes up--over and over again. It's exhausting.
happy two months harper
Oh Harper ~ you're such a cutie pie! Yes, you do look bigger..you've come along way baby!
Hugz...to you and mommy!
Happy 2 month birthday beautiful Harper!!
She really is starting to shine so bright!
She's a sweetie! Such a beautiful baby. Those big babies do eat really often - my son was over 9 lbs and I felt like he ate constantly. Well, actually he did. Sometime around 3 months he started spreading out the feedings a little. My pediatrician used to tell me that a big baby needs more calories and if they don't get them in the day then they'll take them at night. I needed that night time sleep so I just went with the frequent day time nursing!
Oh those are WONDERFUL pictures! Such an answered prayer! Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog! I think of you all the time because I dress Aaron up in all his cute outfits and take pictures all day long. That's what we do and I anticipate doing it for a while! HA!
So stinkin' CUTE! Love her!
God is good!! Harper is beautiful just stunning baby girl...I love her bows:) I just wanted to thank you for being so open with your faith. You remind us all that God does exist and Harper is living proof of that. God Bless your family...thank you for your blog.
You are turning into such a big girl Harper!!!!
Perfect new button!!
Harper looks so adroable all the time. You'll be the mom that sends her to school with matching hair, clothes, jewlery and shoes. I know all too well, I'm THAT mom too!
Harper... you're perfect in every way!
Hey Kelly! I love reading your blog and catching up with little Harper! We're expecting our second girl in a week and I absolutely loved your announcements....it said on the card site that you printed them at vista print on the linnen paper--but I was unable to find that as an option on their site. Could you walk me through or let me know how you ordered? Thanks!
Harper is so pretty! I love seeing all her pictures!
BTW, my sister also said when you were at Chili's you looked amazing! I know I wanted to know any time someone said that about me after having kids, so I thought I would tell you!
I love following your blog! Check out mine, I left an award for you!
Have you heard of On Becoming BabyWise? It's a book that encourages a schedule. It worked for all three of my boys and they were all sleeping through the night by 12 weeks or before with 3 naps during the day! If you get it and have any questions, send me a message on Facebook.
Kelly, Harper will always be just a doll! I love her monogrammed clothes! She has grown too! Hope you are doing good! I miss seeing you!
I love your blog Kelly. From praying for Harper and then you sharing her being home...I feel privileged to be able to access your blog. You have been such an encouragement to me. It has lifted me so much. And then you give me the privilege to pray for these precious family on the left of your blog. I appreciate you and the Lord sure has blessed me by you allowing me to read your blog! Have a blessed day! :o)
OMG!!! I am so excited to have a new button! Thanks Brent! Harper is so precious!!!
I love how Harper color coordinates with her crib, she is very fashionable at such a young age. Hope you get out alot this week and enjoy the spring air.
She's a gorgeous, healthy baby girl and I praise God that she made it. Has she ever made it!!
Do you play on etsy.com?? Google picky sticky.com or check out my blog; I posted about them.
They are stickers you put on onesie's to track growth.
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