Don't you love these precious onesies???? They were given to me by a very sweet blogger when I was pregnant.
The sweet people at Faith Baby are going to give one lucky reader the onesie of their choice!!
Just go to and tell me which one you would choose.
If you are pregnant, know someone who is, have a baby, or one of the so many struggling with infertility - I think this would be the perfect thing to put in your HOPE closet (they have other colors)!
I will pick the winner with the random number picker on Friday!!!
(I'm also drawing for the shoes on Friday)

«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 794 Newer› Newest»I would choose, "Not spoiled, Blessed" also. Love it! My niece is expecting and I know she would love these. Thanks for passing this along.
So cute, I am expecting my first and I love them all, but I think the "faith baby" one.
I love reading your Blog Kelly. I was praying for Harper and still am. She's beautiful and blessed! Can't ask for much more than that! I like the "All God's Grace in this tiny face" tee. So cute.
I love them all, but my fave is the first one Harper's wearing- "Not Spoiled, Blessed!"
I like the Grandma's answered prayers onesie...because as much as I wanted to have a baby...which was A mom has wanted this baby more I think :). She is very excited for her 1st grandbaby. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I love the "Be Patient" toddler tee. My little man is just becoming a toddler....Lord knows we need that shirt. :)
OK - I just LOVE the dribble on her lip! TOO CUTE!
Kara Brooke wants "Mommy's answered prayers"! Too cute! I absolutley love Harper's big girl picture today!
Adorable pic of Harper, at the bottom. :) I just found out I'm pregnant, and I like the "all God's grace in this tiny face" one. So cute!
I would choose the "mommy's answered prayers"!!! So cute and soooooo true!!! Thank you Lord!!!!
I love the "Mommy's Answered Prayer" in blue. My little guy definitely fits that description.
These are precious. My favortie is a toss up between the "Not Spoiled, Blessed" onesie to give as a gift or the "Be patient" T-shirts for my own 2 boys.
I love the "Mommy's answered prayer" in the brown and pink!!
I love the pink on pink, not spoiled blessed onesie. These are too cute and so is Harper! ~Jennifer
I love the "Protected by Angels" onesie. Our daughter Maddie has a special angel Grandpa in Heaven watching over her and this would be a perfect reminder! Harper is beautiful! I love her expression in the last picture.
Harper is such a blessing! She is just precious and I am soo glad that she is doing better!! In regards to the onsies, I love the "Not Spoiled, Blessed"!!
Blessings to your sweet family!!
Amanda (Alabama)
Love the Faith Baby!!
Mommys answered prayers is cute!!
Love Harpers picture with her head lifted- so adorable!
Love, love, love the faith baby stuff! I would have to pick the All God's Grace in this tiny face in black and pink for my 7 month old and the Be patient toddler shirt for my 3 year old (also in black and pink). Love reading your blog and seeing your precious girl. I too, am a razorback by the grace of God (lol) and reading your blog always gives me a little taste of home since we moved away. Thanks girl.
I love "Grandma's anwser to prayer" My mil has been praying for a us for the last two year to get pregnant. It has been a precious way to connect with her about our infertility issues.
I love the Pink onsie that says "faith baby". I love that one!
I love the newest picture of Harper!
'all God's grace in this tiny face' is the one i would pick. great pictures of Harper!
So cute! Love the "be patient with me" one!
I'm loving the "Be patient" toddler tee!
I would love the toddler tee that says, "Be patient. God's Not Finished with Me Yet." I need a constant reminder of that as we head into the terrific two's!
I LOVE the "Not Spoiled, Blessed" in the pink on black.
P.S. Harper is just the cutest litte thing! =)
I have a 2 year old little boy so "be patient" is my favorite one at the time. However, IF i had a bun in the oven, I would love, "Blessed, Not Spoiled!"
I would choose the black onesie that says "Mommy's Answered Prayer's". Perfect since I'm pregnant now after struggling for years with infertility.
This is my favorite t-shirt/onesie. It is also what I tell my family about me! "Be Patient, God's not finished with me yet"
My favorite is "Jesus loves me and so does my Daddy" in black and pink.
The last pic of Harper is too cute!
I love the "ALL God's grace in this tiny face" in pink.
Kelly, I have several friends trying to conceive now so I will definitely be passing on this post to them. I do have one special friend who I love dearly - she and her husband have been trying for over a year, all of her friends (including myself) have had babies and her strongest desire is to be a mommy. So I would give her "Mommy's Answerd Prayers" Black/Blue onesie. Please pick me, this would bless her so much! Thank you!
I like the boy Mommy's Answered Prayer" I have a nephew due in August:)
Love the "all God's grace, in this tiny face"....just precious!
Look at Miss Harper holding her head up like a big girl. She's so yummy!
I love the blessed not spoiled onesie, all the colors are precious!!
I love the simly faith baby- adorable!
Harper is a doll in the last photo!
My pick would be All God’s grace in this tiny face.
I love love love the mommy's answered prayers!!!!
Thanks for sharing your life. She's gorgeous..congratulations!
I love the one that says "I am a blessed baby" Kelly, I don't know if you will even see these comments but i am speaking at a ladies retreat this week sharing my testimony through infertility and to our subsequent adoptions. If you see this I would appreciate you saying a prayer for me and the ladies that hear my testimony!
I love the picture of Harper holding her head up! She is so cute!!!! Enjoy this time, it goes by sooo fast. My Nora is 13 months.
Those shirts/onesies are too cute. I love the 'Be Patient, God is not finished with me' one. SOOO True!!!
i love the "all Gods grace in this tiny face" in baby blue and black- my sister in law has been struggling with infertility for over 3 yrs now and this will be perfect to hold on to for her one day!! a little girl or boy could wear it!
Mommy's Answered Prayer!
I love them all! So cute!!
Love the last picture of little Harper; she is so adorable. I can't decide between Mommy's answered prayers or Jesus loves me and so does my Mommy. So cute.
Fellow Domestic Engineer,
I would have to say the "Mommy's answered prayers" onesie. They are all so cute.
Harper looks adorable in the last picture.
Kelly--She is soooo sweet! I love your blog and your moms blog and your dads blog! You are the greatest family! I am glad Harper is doing well!
I love the--"Jesus loves me
and so does my mommy" one piece--too cute!
I love the "I am a blessed baby" onesie--it would look adorable on my new little guy coming soon! :)
What a beautiful picture of Harper propped up on her arms---such a sweet look on her face!
The black onesie with pink writing that says "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy!" I think Kurt needs a little love on Evy's shirt :o)
I think my favorite is the "protected by angels". Every day we say a prayer of protection over our son that angels will surround him, so I think that's perfect.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
I love the Mommy's answered prayers onsie! My husband and I prayed for this child for many years and God granted him not by the method we had planned but in an even better way! Thanks again for the chance to win! Miss Harper is beautiful and I love getting to watch her grow and change!
I love the one that Harper is wearing in the first picture- not spoiled BLESSED! and I love the brown and pink color as well. I have followed your blog since Harper was born and I am so happy to see all of you doing so well.
Thanks for a chance to win! God Bless!
I love the "Protected by Angels" one! My two best friends are getting ready to have their first child (one of 25 people I currently know that are pregnant- wowza!), and one of the things they both say to me when I'm upset or struggling is "Angels all around you!" This is absolutely perfect for them. :)
P.S. My goodness, I can't stand how cute Harper is!
So darn cute!!! I love the onseies! My favorite is "Mommy's Answered Prayers" (black with blue writing).
I LOVE the Jesus loves me and so does my Daddy one. My sister is pregnant and her hubby just lost his job. This would cheer them both up!!!
These are so precious! What great gifts!
I can't just pick one - I love the faith baby ones!!!
Like everyone else has said - that last picture is the cutest!!!!!
So I love the color black as well. I would have to choose the one that says " Jesus loves me, and so does my daddy". It's black with the pink print. So cute for my little girl.
On another note. I LOVE your blog! And have been reading for well since Harper was actually born. I now have some of my friends reading as well. We adore that sweet little girl, and love seeing the new pics of her! She is such a gem. Isn't motherhood just the best thing ever??
I love the "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy" one!
I love the "All God's Grace in one tiny face." In pink and Magenta 3-6 months for my little girl due in June. I also loved the "Be Patient God is not finished with me yet" for my very sweet mischevous two year old girl! In pink also
I LOVE the one that says Mommy's answered prayers!! Because that's what they are!!
Harper is such a doll baby!!!
I would love to have the "All God's grace in my tiny face" onesie in baby blue and black for my baby boy. We prayed HARD for him for 16 months and, after 3 months of Clomid, God blessed us with him. He is definitely the picture of God's grace to me.
ah harper your just so sweet!
i love the onesie, all God's grace in this tiny face" thats so sweet, God is just so good & so his his grace!!
p.s. I have found a new love of hairbow making, i'm sending one your way!
I just love the Toddler T-shirt that says "Be patient, God isn't through with me yet." My son is 2 years old and this would be "perfect."
Love the pictures of Harper!!
I am going to say "Mommy's answered prayers" I have found they don't make enough shirts for little girls and their mommy's...
Love all of these - but I would choose "mommy's answered prayer" - I would share with my sister, she is one of the ones we have been praying for on your prayer log - she is now 6 weeks pregnant!
love them!
Hey!! I love all of the pictures! I so want to make one of those things for better pics, I take my kids pictures in hope to save a little money.. but I would get the onsie that says "protected by angels" for an aquantance through friends and her blog, for her little boy that is due. She lost her husband when she was 8 weeks pregnant and has a 2 year old.
Miss Harper is so cute in those adorable onesies!!!!! My favorite from the site is the "Mommy's Answered Prayers", blue on chocolate. I have 2 beautiful girls and then in 2007, I lost 2 babies (one boy at 14w, and one at 7w - we don't know the gender of that one, but I truly think it was a boy). Then last October we were finally blessed with our little miracle boy!
My fav is the Baby blue on Chocolate that reads "Mommy's answered prayer." Adorable...Harper is precious too!!
All God's grace in this tiny face! Love IT! Hopefully I will have a baby to put it on someday!
I like the "faith baby" blu and white onesie...although I wish it was black with pink writing!
Oh Harper ~ you're so absolutely adorable in the last pic with the little drool...tooo cute!
I love the one that says 'Jesus loves me and so does my daddy'. Those are soooo cute! What a great place to find little gifts
I LOVE the "Mommy's Answered Prayer" onesie! The pink and brown is so CUTE!!
I love the Mommy's Answered Prayers one for a boy!
i love the "i am a blessed baby." my 32 weeker is definitely blessed!
Oh what a sweet photo! I love the little drop of drool -- just too precious! I love the "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy" onesie. We don't have children yet, but we hope that soon Hubby is going to be wrapped around the finger of a little one!
Love, love the Be patient t-shirt. I have a 4 year old and a 17 month old that need that shirt.
After going through all of the testing and being diagnosed with "unexplained infertility" at 23 years old, I am now pregnant with my first child (19 weeks, 1 days). I will find out tomorrow if it's a boy or a girl. Having gone through that, I would have to choose the "mommy's answered prayer" onesie (even though our baby is daddy's answered prayer too!). I'd pick it in black, but whether it's pink or blue depends on the results of tomorrow's ultrasound!...
the faith baby onsie is my favorite!
That last picture is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!
I would love the "faith baby" onepiece
She is SO adorable! Love the last picture. Why is it that grown up drool is gross, but baby drool is sweet? You are so blessed. I, like you, had to wait a while to get pregnant. Do you do like me? Do you sit up at night on the verge of complaining because you're so tired and then think of all the nights you laid awake and prayed for a baby? I do that all the time, and then I usually end up near tears, so immensely grateful for the miracle God worked in our home and in our lives. My favorite is "mommy's answered prayers" for my little boy.
these are so cute! my best friend is due it October so I would love to pick one out for her.
I would pick "Mommy's answered prayers". Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh goodness.... I am so happy to have found this website! I have been looking for some unique gifts and I am for sure going to order some.
I have to say, since my big boy is 1 now, I think the "Be Patient: God isn't finished with me yet" is just about right for my son. He is a little ball of fire, and I think that I need to be reminded of that somedays- I have learned to enjoy these crazy days (even those days that I think I might want to pull my hair out) because someday he will be all grown up!
Love love love your blog, I look forward to it every day!
I absolutely love the "Mommy's answered prayers" onesie. I am a women who struggles with infertility and am praying hard for a little bundle of joy.
Kelly - Thank you so much for sharing your story and the story of so many others through your prayer blog ministry. I have found so much hope in seeing the other mother struggling but one day finally seeing their prayers answered.
Love the pictures!!! She is so cute in her tu tu! Thanks for sharing Harper's cute pictures with us!
I love the "all God's grace in this tiny face" onsie.
I love the "protected by angels" onesie for my future cousin who is due June 14. My Aunt is 37yrs old having her first child, we don't know the sex, and its driving me crazy. Whether it is a boy or girl, "it" will have the middle name of one of its deceased grandfathers.
mommy's answered prayers it is so true for us aafter 2 m/cs and 4 long years of waiting and trying and praying!
First Time Commenter - Long Time Reader:
Praise God for your little miracle. She is a beautiful little girl. I had my first baby December 15, so I follow Harper and compare baby notes!
I love the onesie that says, "All God's grace in this tiny face", but of course, ALL are so cute!
Sweet, sweet picture of Harper, she is darling.
My favorite of the faithbaby stuff is the pink and chocolate cotton lap cloth.
I like the onesie that saids "not spoiled, blessed" in PINK. My little one is 3 months old. She would look adorable in it.
Harper is getting so big. I read your blog everyday just to keep up with Harper. I love the picture where she's wishing her aunt a happy birthday.
Grandmas answered prayer in white and blue letters.
I love the one that says " all God's grace in this tiny face". So cute!!
She is SO adorable!
I love the onesie that says all God's grace in this tiny face. The ones Harper has are great too. What a great site.
Harper is so stinkin' cute. Love the smiles! :)
Faith Baby is just too stinkin cute! I would definitely choose the Mommy's Answered Prayers! We have been dealing with infertility for a long time and I am blessed to say that I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. Those onesies are just the cutest! I also like Grandmas answered prayer too!
I think Harper gets cuter and cuter by the day!
My pick would be "All God's grace in this tiny face" Children truly are a treasure from the Lord. Ps 127:3
I really enjoy watching Harper "grow up" and that last picture is just TOO CUTE! What a great expression!
I would choose Mommy's Answered Prayers
Thanks, Christie
dctm at bellsouth dot net
I love the mommy's answered prayers onesie! My little one is definitely my answered prayer :)
I love the Mommy's answered prayers onesie. I have a friend that is expecting her first girl with a high risk pregnancy. She would love this!
"Jesus loves me and so does my Daddy" is precious!
Our new baby would love the not spoiled, Blessed onesie!!!! Fun, fun
I think I need the t-shirt "Be Patient- God's not done with me yet!"
"Mommy's Answered Prayers" would be perfect for my friend that is having trouble conceiving. If I don't win it, I will definitely buy it for her:)
Harper is TOO precious in the last photo!! Awww.
What a fun contest! I'd love to have the "Mommy's Answered Prayer" for out little one-to-be. Faith Baby is such a lovely site!
Thanks Kelly. :-)
I am 20 weeks and find out the sex next week. So, I don't know what color, but I love the 'all God's grace in this tiny face'.
Oh my goodness. I love the "faith baby" or "Mommy's answered prayer" one for my Benjamin.
I love the "all God's grace in this tiny face" onesie in blue - so perfect for my new little boy blessing! Thanks for the chance to win - what a great giveaway!!!
"Mommy's answered prayers (blue with blue writing) is my favorite. Too cute!
My friend is having a baby boy so I would pick the black with blue witting...Jesus loves me and so does my mommy. TOO CUTE!
So adorable!! I love the one in pink with "not spoiled,blessed". I love it!!
Okay...SOOOOO loving the black one with pink lettering that says: "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy" PRECIOUS!!!! My 3 week old would look adorable in that! =)
I really like the one that says, "Jesus loves me and so does Daddy."
We're expecting our second child, first daughter, in May, so this onesie would be perfect for her!!
I like the "all God's grace in this tiny face" onsie. Such a great line!
I would love the Mom's Answered Prayer onsie in black with blue writing
Wow how awesome! I really like the mommy's answered prayers one. I will be having a baby in Aug. I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl (NEXT WEEK!)
Hi Kelly,
I would select "All God's grace in this tiny face."
Harper is just precious!!
she is just getting so big!!! she is just a beautiful little lady!~torasa
I like the "all God's this face" or the "be patient...God's not finished w/ me"
I love "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy!" It's adorable!
info @
I love the "mommy's answered prayers" onesies! I'm anxiously waiting for the answer to my prayers-- due to arrive Nov 15!!
I like the "Mommy's answered prayer" onesie in blue and black.
What a DOLL! I love the "not spoiled, Blessed!" onesie.
I can't believe how big she is getting!!!!
How cute is the onesie that says "All God's grace in this tiny face." LOVE IT!!!
Your little one is so adorable! Love the onesies as well! Thanks for another fun giveaway!
I love your blog. It has been great for me to read. I am pregnant with our 4th but this will be our third child. We lost our little one when I was 10weeks pregnant. God's word is the only thing that got me through it. If I had to choose but I love all of them, "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy".
Love the "Blessed" and "not spoiled just blessed" onesies!!! Your daughter is just such an happy for you that you have her. Our second daughter was born with valvular pulmonary stenosis (she's now 7). I really feel that faith and prayer is what sustained us through her trials. THanks for your uplifting pics and fun posts!
love the "not spoiled, blessed" onesie!
Too cute!! I love "Mommy's answered prayers", but I'd have to go with a gender neutral color - it'd be for my hope chest!
I LOVE the Not Spoiled, Blessed onesie in pink on black!
I love the "Mommy's Answered Prayers". My husband and I battled infertility and then were blessed with a little boy through adoption. If God has it in his plan for us, we will adopt again!
Harper is precious!
I love the one that is "Mommy's answered prayers" for a boy! We struggled to get pregnant and now have a beautiful son, David. He was a preemie, but is such a strong little guy! He's definitely an answer to prayer!
I love the onsie that says "not spoiled blessed"- that is precious and so is the last pic of harper holding her head up- she is so strong!
I love the blessed not spoiled with black and pink! soooo cute!
Such a great website! I love the black and pink "all of God's grace in this face" onsie. My daughter has a picture frame in her nursery with her newborn picture that has the same quote.
i like the one that says Jesus loves me and so does my daddy! i love that pic of Harper angel baby!!
I love the all God's grace in this little face. My son was born 10 months ago with congenital hydrocephalus and he is such a gift and we love him so much! I would love to dress him in that onesie!
Not SPoiled, Blessed. Magenta on Pink :)
I like "All God's grace in this tiny face"
I really like the one that says "mommy's answered prayer." After struggling for 5+ years with infertility, we were blessed to adopt a baby girl in August, and we go to court this Friday to finalize. Truly an answered prayer. :)
love the "protected by angels" one... since our next little one will have a precious big brother in heaven watching out for him/her
My favorite is "Mommy's Answered Prayers". We went through 3 years of infertility, a miscarriage and a stillbirth to get to our son. He's definitely an answer to prayer!
I love the brown and pink one that Harper has that says "Not Spoiled, Blessed!"
I'm having a baby girl in July :)
I am having my first girl in June after two precious boys and I love the onesie that says Jesus loves me and my Daddy does to! Love them all, though:)
I love the one that says "Protected by angels." Such a sweet onsie. That last picture is great. I love her bright big eyes!
I love the "Not Spoiled Blessed" my grandson is definately that. He arrived by ER C-Section and we all feel blessed both mom and babe are alright.
I like the Not Spoiled Blessed. I keep foster babies until they are adopted. They are definitely blessings from above to me and their adoptive parents!
my favorite...."all god's grace in this tiny face" sweet.
I love the "mommy's answered prayers" onesie. I am almost done with my ivf cycle and am awaiting my embryo transfer on Friday. That will be the perfect gift for me!
First let me just say I think the third pic of Harper on this post is just adorable. Well they are all adorable, but this pic might be my favorite.
Would love to win a one of those cute onesies. It would be a perfect gift for one of my favorite people who is expecting her first after three years of trying. :)
I LOVE the onezie that says "Mommy's answered Prayers"..... This will be soooo true when we finally get pregnant after trying for over a year! Can't WAIT!! By the way Harper is darn cute! You are a very blessed Mother!!
LOVE these tees...and Harper in them, of course! My fav would probably be the "be patient" one (2T) because my son has been through more than his fair share of medical trials (open heart surgery, ECMO, transplant, etc). God is definitely not done with him yet!
"Protected by angels" would have to be my favorite. Just precious.
I love the "Protected By Angels" - we have three babies in heaven and I know that we are constantly being watched by our three red-headed wee ones.
I have been following your blog for awhile...I believe right after Harper was born. I found you through either MckMama, Bring the Rain or Brent Riggs' blogs....can't remember! I do remember thinking about how I loved that you love DCB as much as I do! My husband said that it's scary and it fears that one day I will try to run off with David ;)
We have been trying to carry a baby for nearly two years now - in the process, we've sent heaven three angel babies. It's been excruciatingly difficult each time to find out that we have sent yet another angel to God. We try every day to see the good in it, but it's difficult lately.
Your blog has brought me hope, smiles and laughter - thank you!
No truer words were ever printed on a onesie!!
I love these onsies! I struggled with infertility for nearly 3 years before we were blessed. . . with TRIPLETS! =) I would love to win the pink onsies that says Mommy's answered prayers. I have one girl and two boys. Thank you so much for such a wonderful blog!
I love "Jesus loves me and so does my Daddy" for our little one due in October. The new pics of Harper are so cute!!!!
I'm SO glad Harper is doing great! She just keeps getting cuter every picture you take of her! You guys are the cutest family!
My favorite onesie would be the "Mommy's answered prayer" in chocolate and blue, but all of them are ADORABLE! Harper is definately an answered prayer! :-)
So happy Harper is doing so well! I must say I NEED the toddler one "Have Patience"
After struggling with infertility and now adopting, I would definitely choose the "Mommy's answered prayers" onesie! Precious!! Your baby girl is beautiful!!
First of all, that last picture of Harper, is unbelievable CUUUUUUUUTE!!!! She is so beautiful!!!!
Okay, to the onesies. I'm diggin' the "Be patient, God is not finished with me yet." If I don't win this here, I'll definitely buy it! HAHA!!
I think it just reminds me through all the "imperfect" things that my boys do each and every day, I have to be reminded that there is a reason why I am being tested to my limit... God is creating my perfect child and his perfect member of his faith and society.
Thank you!
LOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE that last picture of Harper! Oh my goodness!!!
Baby blue on chocolate!! These are precious and I'd love to add one to my hope chest!
Not spoiled....Blessed would be adorable on my daughter. Love seeing pics of Harper, she is adorable.
I LOVE these! I would get the Magenta on pink "not spoiled, Blessed!"
Love the giveaways!
I like the "not spoiled blessed". I have a couple of friends and sister in law who are pregnant, I would love to win this for them.
I LOVE the "Mommy's answered prayers" onesie! We are waiting for our son to come home from Korea and he is just that, an answer to my prayers!
Harper is so cute!
Thanks for sharing this site! "mommy's answered prayers" is perfect for my son. He's two weeks younger than Harper. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have a good friend who just lost her husband to leukemia exactly one month ago today. She has a five month old little boy who would look absolutely adorable in the "Protected by Angels" onesie. It would mean a lot to her also.
What a fun website!! That picture of Harper is precious!! Too cute!
I love the one that says "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy" in Magenta on Pink! So cute!! Our 1st girl is due in May and Daddy can't wait!! (Neither can I!!)
"All God's grace in this tiny face" is just too precious! I love it!
Love the "all God's grace in this tiny face".
The last picture of Harper is sooo cute!!
I love "all God's grace in this tiny face" though "mommy's answered prayer" is a close second!
WOW.....That last picture is wonderful!!! She is one cute girl...
lovely as always! i am digging the same way that Harper is modeling-the chocolate onesie with the pink writing-mommy's answered prayers!
I love the the one that says "all God's grace in this tiny face."
But all of them are absolutely precious!
i have to say i would pick the "mommy's answered prayers" in blue for one of my 2 miracle twin boys on the way!!
p.s. your little girl really couldn't get any cuter :)
Be Patient. God's Not Finished With Me Yet for my 1 yr old.
I would choose the Mommy's Answered Prayers" in black and pink. We struggled with infertility for a year and like you said, at this time last year- I was also at my lowest point. But right now, because of our wonderful God, I am holding my precious 3-week old daughter in my arms while I type one-handed and I couldn't be more blessed!!!!
Thanks for the awesome give-away!
She gets cuter by the minute! I love the "Not spoiled, blessed" onesies and the "Protected by Angels" - adorable!
I love the "Jesus loves me and so does my daddy" onesie. My husband AND my daughter would love it!
Definetly the blessed pants!
My personal favorite is:
"all God's grace in this tiny face"
After a long struggle with infertility I would look into my boy's faces and think just that!!
Harper is so cute and I just love the picture of her holding her head up. She is so strong!
Upstate New York
Oh I LOVE Harper!! I know you hear it all the time, but she is so sweet!! I could eat her up just like I eat up my lil fella! I love all of the onesies, I don't know if I could choose just one!! I think I am going to order the Mommy's answered prayers and maybe the Jesus loves me and so does my daddy....maybe the be patient, God's not finished with me yet too...SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!!!
I love all of them, but I especially like the "all God's grace in this tiny face." Thanks!
I LOVE the onesie that says "all God's grace in this tiny face"
SO precious! :)
Hi! I would choose the "be patient, God is not finished with me yet!" (black on pink) They are all adorable though!! :)
Definitely Mommy's Answered Prayer! LOVE that one! I am also LOVING that last picture of Harper wishing Laurie a Happy Birthday, too cute!!!!
Wow, how do you possibly read though all these comments?!?
I love the Mommy's Answered Prayers" onsie. That's what my babies will be wearing one day!
That is the cutest pic of Harper at the end of your post BTW!!
SUPER CUTE! :) I love the Protected by Angels shirt. I am naming my daughter due in 7 weeks after my Grandmother who I was very close to. Love them! :)
I would choose "All God's Grace in this Tiny Face" (pink on black). Scarlet Grace, my daughter, would look so precious in it. Harper is unbearably cute!
Oh my that last pic is too great!
That last pic just brought tears to my eyes! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Love the pink onesie not spolied, blessed.
I love the shirt
be patient, God is not finished with me yet!
That is so cute and true. My son is two and i am always stopping myself and telling myself to be patient!!!!
That last picture is just incredible. I mean, SOOOO much beauty in that adorable little face. What a doll!!
One of my girlfriends is preggo. I just know she and her husband would really love any of the onesies. But, for this contest I'll pick "All God's Grace in this Tiny Face" for them if I happen to win.
I love the "mommy's answered prayer" in black and pink. Too cute!!!
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