I haven't used the light panel yet. I may need Scott's help with it so maybe this weekend.
- Harper - we have moved you up to size 2 diapers. I'm going to need you to quit growing. We had a little talk about this yesterday - Momma needs you to stay small enough to lay on the boppy pillow in my lap forever. Time - please stand still.
- In the last couple of days, you have almost laughed a little. Music to our ears. We will try anything (and I do mean anything) to make you smile and now laugh.
- You LOVE trying to stand up. We hold you up and your little legs are so strong - I swear you could almost stand by yourself. You get this determined look on your face - it cracks us up.
- Momma didn't want to read books or use programs - but you are falling into a nice schedule. Lately you take a 2-4 hour nap every day at the same time and you don't sleep through the night but it's close enough. You just wake up and eat and 30 min later we are both back asleep. You get about 12 hours of sleep and I get 8-9 so we are both happy campers.
- You love "Praise Baby" videos most and you smile and kick your feet like you are trying to dance. I want to too.
- You are pretty attached to me (hate that). I try to go to Wal-Mart or other errands while you nap but daddy says it's like you know I just got in the car because you will instantly wake up and start screaming.
- Dawson and you are getting along fine. He really doesn't pay that much attention to you but he's protective. If you are napping and I'm in the other room when you wake up and start crying - he will come find me with a look that says "help my sister". This morning I tried to take a quick shower while you slept in your bouncy seat and you started crying so Dawson came and sat by your seat and watched you until I got out. It was so sweet. I could see it all from our glass shower and it made my heart smile.
I thought I would share this in case you didn't know about it - Sunni talked about it a few days ago and I had to try it out. Diapers.com is a website where you can order diapers (and other baby products). They give instant P&G coupons and ship for free (if it's over $49). I used a coupon from Sunni and got a great deal so I thought I would pass it on to you. And today I should have about 6 weeks of diapers dropped on my doorstep. Now if they would only deliver dinner. ha! Go to the site and use the code HARPERSMOM and you will get $10 off your order.
She's just beautiful!!!
She's so cute! :)
Kelly, I just adore this little pink dress. She is precious.
I LOVE HER!!! So cute! Baby Legs are my FAVORITE!! My little chunky monkey wears them too! They don't have nearly as many cute ones for boys though...isn't that always the case?!?! :)
Where in the world do you get baby legs? She is so adorable.
You are fabulous Harper!!!! Just a sweetie!!!
They all grow too quickly. It is a sad fact. :( I would love to hold each of my babies just once more when they were a newborn...but I probably wouldn't want to give them up so it really wouldn't work.
Very cute pictures.
I love that picture also!
Love the dress you got from Wal Mart, she looks so pretty! I can't wait to see the dress that won! Sure it will have some pink in it! Love her black dress onesie as well, too cute! Thanks for posting the previous to blog posts, definitely needed to hear them!! Happy Tuesday!
They really are small so very short a time. My oldest baby starts high school in the fall. Wasn't she just Harper's age last week? It doesn't seem possible. The "baby" is going to be 7. Enjoy every stage and every second and don't sweat the things that don't last forever. I didn't do a lot of things with the last one that I did with the other 2 and she turned out just fine. I had my oldest cry it out cause I thought I was supposed to. I quit nursing her at 7 months so I could get pregnant and didn't know I didn't have to. I let a lot of things go with the last one, since "i would never have another 2yo, 3yo, etc." and it was fine. So no, time won't stand still, but you can hold on to every second and enjoy it. It goes so fast!
SHe is beautiful!!!! It ;ooks like she is just about to explode with a smile in the first pic.....love it!!!
I love all the updates! Sounds like you're both doing so well!!!
Oh, and I am with you on the wearing black - love it!!!
I can't believe she's already 10.5 weeks!! Wow!!
Thanks for the diaper code!! I might have to try that!
Adorable, as always!!!! :) The Laminin video was awesome! I posted it as well.
What a cutie she is! Keep enjoying every moment. They do grow way to fast! ::)
I love the last photo....priceless!!
I have 3 boys, and we did really really want a girl, so it's awesome to see a momma dressing up her little girl!! (of course I dressed my boys...you know what I mean!!LOL) I would have dressed my girl up to the nines as well!LOL
They grow up so fast! The little pink outfit is just the cutest thing. She's adorable.
Love the pictures! Especially the last one - what a little personality :)
You'll have to get her laugh on video and post it here, I bet it is just as adorable as she is!
i think our girls are long lost friends!!! they sound so much a like....besides you guys are getting a little more sleep than we are! but, i know we will get there too! we need to catch up and compare notes. harper is gorgeous! i love that pic of her too...i think it is my fav!
That is so precious about Dawson watching Harper while you showered....so sweet!
such a sweet post!!! thank you for always keeping us in the loop and letting us get a glimpse of your life with harper.
Harper is just too adorable :) I sooo saw that onesie at Wal-Mart, but by the time I went back to buy it it was gone :( I'll know better next time! Hope you have a great day!
Dear Harper,
I'm not one to call babies by their names. After I see a baby a few times, usually a sweet name will slip into my brain, and that will be the baby's name forever... to me, that is.
Anyway, today, after seeing your picture so many times, your name finally came to me.
Harper, you are...
She's so beautiful, and I love all the outfits! I know how you feel about telling time to stop.
We were married 17 years before we had a baby, and the last four years have just flew by too fast. It's so bittersweet to watch them grow up.
Harper is just TOO cute for words!! We love, love, love the praise baby worship DVD's. Caden will be 3 on Friday and he still loves them too!! I need some of the CD's for the car! He watches the DVD's in the car and I actually don't mind listening to it like I do Thomas and other fun Kid DVD's!!
Oh my word! I think this black and white outfit is my favorite yet! Too cute!
love her onesie...check out my sweet girl in hers http://myjcrew.blogspot.com/2009/02/one-year-later.html
it's hard to believe how fast time goes by!!! i've told it to slow down too and it hasn't...maybe it will listen to you!!
She is so precious and I love her "little black dress". So glad you get to spend this time with her!
I have the same black onesie and it's my favorite. Too bad my little one grew too fast to wear more than a couple of times. But, I did get some cute pics!
Diapers were still cheaper at Sam's, even with your discount. :(
Kelly I have been reading your blog since Harper was born. I finally decided to start my own blog and get to know bloggers better! I just have to say Harper is absolutely PRECIOUS and truly a gift from above. Thank you for inspiring me so much!
Lindsey from Alabama
I'm so glad you wrote about all the sweet things Harper does. I just wrote a post about never getting it done and now Avelyn is almost 1 year and I think, where did the time go? I am forgetting all those things. Keep it up, it is so special! Beautiful girl!!
so sweet and that girl steals my heart every single time I see her she is so precious and sweet looking!! love the little black dress pic ! that zebra rock!! your raising an angel and I am sure you know that!! lol.. love your blog girly!
Harper is just so beautiful!
I love your family Kelly!
Love the Laminin video! Incredible! Love your cute pictures and Harper facts. 10 weeks is a GREAT age!
As soon as I saw that picture, I immediately thought..."She looks just like her Daddy". She is growing so fast. Such a cutie!!
Many Blessings,
Just had to tell you - don't worry about Harper outgrowing the Boppy. My son is almost 14 months old and he stills lays on it to nurse at night! Granted, his little legs hang over but it still works! :)
I almost bought that "This is my little black dress" onsie for my niece, but I already had enough in my cart! :) It look adorable on Harper though. 10 weeks is a fun age, well, I think they're all fun ages...
So glad she's getting into a consistant routine for you. So helpful! And healthy for baby, makes them so much more secure to know what's coming/when... it sure takes a while though. My 7 mos. old still likes to nurse once in the middle of the night... I could probably make him give it up with some persistance, but I really don't want to let go of that special time!
Such a great idea to write to Harper.... She is going to love reading those one day!!
Some how I missed where the light panel came in.....but I would love to know what yall are going to do with it. I'm assuming pictures, but are you going to set up a studio at home?
Harper is so beautiful. I was just smiling reading the things you were writing about her. I have 2 girls, one is 4 and the other is almost 2. I just don't know where the time has gone. I agree that I wish they could have stayed small forever, but now, when I have a conversation with my 4 year old and we laugh together, I wouldn't change it for the world. It is amazing being a mom, isn't it? And little girls are so fun to dress up. Harper looks so beautiful all the time. I love her outfits.
Take care,
Little Rock mom of two
That is a very cute post and you are right - she looks just like Scott in that picture!
I got all teary reading your blog today. This is the first time I've seen your site. Reading about you wanting your beautiful little girl to stay little forever reminded me of when I was thinking that just yesterday...or wait...seems like yesterday, but it must have been longer than that because my little girl is now 17 months old! Time flies. Enjoy every second!! On a positive note, things just get better and better as you watch their personalities develop.
Kelly, Harper is just beautiful! Praise the Lord that she is so healthy and happy. Thank you so much for sharing your story and your sweet little girl with us. I feel like I know you personally.
And PS - Harper has an amazing wardrobe! Too bad we can't share :)
She is adorable!
Harper just keeps getting cuter and cuter!
I don't have any children of my own yet, but I'm already a fan of the Praise Baby series. I make sure to have one of the DVDs playing in my 2's class at church as the children are arriving.
I just can't stand the cuteness! MY WORD! Truly adorable!
She is so sweet. I know what you're saying about keeping them little but every growth they learn new things which makes them fun. Mackenzie is just a little over 2 and is getting more fun every day!
I agree with the other blogger who said it's great for the baby to be on a schedule. It m akes for a happy baby and a happy Mama.
As for the attachment thing, I would keep working on it. It's ok for you to go to Wal-Mart. It's not good for kids to be overly attached to their parents. It makes it hard for them when it's time to start school, but just keep working on it. You've got a few years. It's hard for the Mama though. :)
Boy, she wasn't having anymore of that picture business in that pic was she? Cute outfit.
she is a cutie! I am glad Dawson is so protective! Dogs are funny about babies crying!
These pictures are just too much! Those stripey tights are great! :)
Love, love, love the pictures!! She is just too cute.
She does look just like her daddy in these pics! I just love her outfits! :)
She is just sooo cute! I really need to find another word to describe her because I say cute on every comment, but that really is the best word for her! CUTE! I'm wondering if Harper can spot Brody a few ounces because little skinny is just getting into size 2's and he will be 6 months this week! Ha!
Sounds like she is just perfect!! :)
She is too cute! Wouldnt it be nice if we really coula make them stop growing and keep them small a little longer!
Oh and i wanted to know how your work out videos are going!! Let us know if you dont mind :-)
I LOVE that first pic of Harper. She is just too cute and that dress/gown is so pretty. I also love the little black dress onesie. I like it even more with her sticking her tongue out and making that "I told you momma, enough pictures already!" look. Just too sweet!
She is so cute. I love the last picture. Have you entered her in the babytalk and GMA cover contest, heres the link: http://www.parenting.com/babytalk/covercontest
I love this post - we learned so much about Miss Harper!! You dress her so cute - I LOVE IT!!!!
Oh my gosh, she's just precious!
My Lord she's adorable!
You dress here so well...I hope when I become a mama that I'll find outfits that cute for my little girly!
Harper is a cutie pie! The shower story made me smile :-) I remember my babies crying (at the top of their lungs) when I tried to take a shower. It's a good thing she has Dawson to watch out for her :)
I bought that same onesie for my little niece! Gotta love WM!
She is an absolute doll!!!
She is just precious!
So sweet! Love the updates. My oldest (she's 5 1/2) and I prayed for Harper to get well and now we thank God every night she is healthy.
I totally can see why this is a fav!
What a wonderful way to journal your babies little life!
If you or Harper figure out how to stop tie, please let me know. My oldest dd will be 13 on the 10th. I think I'm going ot stay in bed that day :)
My "baby" just turned 3, with an 11 and 5 year old in between.
Take care~Cindy
This is a fantastic post!! My little Ridley is 12 weeks old today. And...I love wearing black too! It's classy and slimming! :)
I ordered - what a great idea! I hate going to the store for diapers. Even though mine is almost 2 I still feel like I'm always buying diapers. And if I go to the store for diapers only I still walk out with a cart full of stuff - so maybe this will even save me more money!! Thanks!
She is such a cutie. I love that Dawson is protective of her. How sweet!
Can I just, PLEASE, come and be your nanny?!? Even if you NEVER go anywhere...I'll just come hang out and snuggle little cupcake to pieces!!
Oh, I love her sooooo much!! I love you, too, Kelly!! :)
Glad she's starting to get a little better at giving you some of her personality!! Happy personality, that is!! We know it's in there. How could it NOT be?! :)
Love you,
Jess :)
Harper is SOO cute! I enjoy seeing all the pics!
LOVE diapers.com!!! THEY ROCK! And they have to much other cool stuff besides just diapers... They're great when it comes to stocking stuffers... Toothbrushes, soap, toys... LOVE IT!
What a cutie! Thanks for the diaper tip; you would think after 5 children I would already know about it :).
Hi Kelly! Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but the link to Sunni isn't the right one...
Hope that your last day of March is grand!
She is such a cutie! Thanks so much for the code at diapers.com. What a great deal!!
Love the pictures she is so adorable. Thanks for the diaper website. I am going to save that and will hopefully get to use that someday. I'm still on your prayer list and hope to email you with a praise soon. We are making your poppy seed chicken recipe again tonight. My husband and I love it! The spinach dip and the cherry limeade are also two of other favorites. I will be trying more of your recipes they are super yummy. Thanks for sharing those.
Too cute!!!! Harper is a doll baby. They do grow up so fast; I can testify to that. Mine are 18, 14, and 11. Where did the time go?! Enjoy.
Lisa Q
10 1/2 weeks!! Harper, you're a big girl!! Those are such pretty pictures of her! She's just a doll baby, that's all there is to it! I love the bit about Dawson!
Is she the sweetest little thing or what??? I LOVE that first picture! I just can't get enough of her sweet little face!
Another good option is Amazon.com's 'subscribe and save' program. Especially if you use Seventh Generation Diapers. It's 15% off AND free shipping.
Such a blessing... Thanks for the info. on diapsers, I will be passing on to my little Emma's momma.
I love the little black dress onesie. Too Cute!
Beautiful picture!! She looks like both of you I think! She's such a cutie!
I LOVE these pictures! What a sweet little girl! Don't you LOVE the bouncy seat?! It was the only way I got a shower the first couple months!!
that last picture is one of my favorites, it's too cute!
Such a great post. I love knowing what Harper is up to and how she is developing. She is growing so fast. I have the same talks with my girls and they have yet to listen to me and stop growing.:) I can't wait to hear that she has started to laugh at all your little "jokes"!
I love the "little black dress" onesie, that is such a cute picture.
It sounds like Dawson loves his little sister!!
Love that top pic of Harper! She does look like Scott alot now! That's what is so fun about kids- you'll see one parent then the other, then a grandparent or great-grandparent. So fun! I loved Diapers.com. I also really liked the G-Diapers work great and they deliver too!
She does look so much like Scott! I love the little black onesie! Well, lets face it she looks good in everything! Much love, Becky
goodness gracious, she is a doll!!
just ordered a ridiculous amount of diapers... thanks for the coupon! i had never used that site before!
also...the laminin video was well worth the 9 minutes.
lastly--can we please arrange our children's marriage for like 25 years from now? harper is just the most precious little girl ever. i promise to raise my son to be a good husband for her :-) heee heee!
I just love that black and white ensemble! The tongue sticking out is just priceless LOL So little and already so much personality! A precious baby girl you have :) What a blessing!
What an adorable picture!
I'm going to have to check out diapers.com..I haven't tried that out yet.
I had the please stop growing talk with Allie a few months ago..she hasn't listened to me yet so if you figure it out please pass it along :)
love the pictures! so cute. :0)
If you haven't tried Target brand diapers, you might want to give them a go. I received a box of size 1 as a shower gift. He is now 2, potty training, but the Target diapers are all he ever used after that first gift box. They are wonderful. The wipes are fabulous too. Oh and a box of about 109 diapers is only $13.00.
That last picture just cracked me up!!
I like your notes for Harper.
It is great that you are writing down all these things about Harper. As a Mom, you think that you will not forget these precious things, but you do. You can't remember every detail. Love Harper in that adorable pink dress. Keep up the good work with Harper. Sounds like things are going great. I'm excited that she will be meeting everyone at church on Easter Sunday. Love & blessings from NC!
She is such a pretty girl! I love this blog and just wanted to pass on a positive post espically with the truth you spoke of yesturday about all the sick babies.
She has quads! Can you imagine!?! I do not have any kids..but can not imagine!!
So darn cute! I think she gets cuter every day!! I love the little black dress, I saw the same thing at Wal-Mart. Did you happen to get it there?
Have a great day.
Aww! She is getting so big!
And, I have that same onesie for Audrey! Although, I missed getting a picture of her in it. SHAME ON ME!! I cannot believe I did that.
Anywho. LOVE the pics and hearing that Dawson is so protective of her! That is great.
I think that is the little gown me & Becky got her? She is such a little angel! You are such a blessing & inspiration Kelly to all of us that read your blog. I love reading your blog & seeing all the pics & posts of little Harper - she is just so beautiful!
<3 Bonnie
I love the Little Black Dress onesie!! Just wanted you to know that the talk on Triplet Connection forum is that the CDC says RSV season is coming to an end - I should say the most cases of RSV time is coming to an end......Easter is just about the right time to get the little chick to church!
She's a beautiful little girl :)
Thank you for the link and coupon offer.. I plan on ordering quite a few diapers- I just have to figure out what sizes.. my chunky monkey is only 8 wks old and 12 1/2 pounds already :) If you facebook I can share pics/video of my own daughter if you want to see her!! Thank you again for the code!
she is just beautiful!
I can never get enough Harper pics! She is so pretty - and I know, just know she'll have the best personality in the dorms!
I love her face in the last pictures. Actually I love her face in every picture. :-)
You asking her and time to stand still makes me laugh! I prayed and begged the Lord to make time go by slow. I wanted to soak up every moment. I waited so long. Now my blessings are a year old. I cried on their birthday! Tears of thankfullness becauase I remember the pain I once felt and tears of sadness because their 1st year was gone. sniff sniff
Thank you for the diaper coupon!
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