So - how much do I love the blog world???? When I was going through infertility - I felt completlely alone until I started blogging about it and then I started hearing from so many in the same boat and I can't tell you how much it helped. When Harper was in the NICU - I got e-mail after e-mail from mothers who had been there and it gave me SO much encouragement.
And I cried yesterday reading the comments just knowing that I'm not alone again. I'm not the only person who has ever had a baby who screams most of the day. Thank you for all of your suggestions. I'm putting some into use. I tried to take a few pictures today - I'm working on doing her birth announcement and I want some cute pics. Unfortunately- this is the face I see the majority of the day. ha! We DID have a great night!!!! Harper slept almost all night long and then slept for 3 hours this morning. I talked to my mom and she said she didn't sleep and spent most the of the night praying for us so I think that did the trick. Thanks Nonny!!! Harper has had a rough afternoon so we called in Chili's to go and Harper and I rode in the back in our pj's while daddy picked it up. The car seat and a car ride CONK her out! So that may become our bedtime routine.
After a lot of crying - I finally got this sweet picture! Sometimes I can't believe this baby came from us.

Before I delivered Harper - someone left me an anonymous comment and said they hoped this wouldn't turn into a "baby blog". I promise to discuss something other than Harper soon. But right now - my life is 24/7 Harper so it's mainly what I have to discuss. Plus it's my favorite topic currently. I HAVE caught up on my TV watching - probably a little TOO much. But it's one thing I can do while I'm nursing all day. ha!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 544 Newer› Newest»Perfect pictures!
How great that Harper slept!!! Yay for you, Momma!
OMG...that is the sweetest picture ever, Kelly!!! Don't you just want to sit and stare at her all day? I felt like I couldn't get enough of looking at the miracle God had given me. It just amazed me.
We used to drive Mark around in the car every night. If we came to a stop light, he would wake up, so we had to try and time it just right so we didn't have to stop. just do whatever it takes to get that baby happy! :) I bet you're going to have a great weekend with your mom back. Yay for Nonnies!
Sweetie this is your blog and you can talk about anything you want. How could you not talk about that sweet little miracle. She is sooo cute.
I'm glad you're get in some ZzZz'S! Harper is such a model :]
What a beautiful baby. I hope that you have a restful night.
Kelly, I am so glad everything is going well with you and Harper! She is just too precious!!! I love the sleeping baby picture for an annoucement, there is nothing sweeter then a sleeping baby :)
There is nothing wrong with you talking about Harper all the time, she is your life right now, and what a miracle she is :) Keep up the good work.
~jennifer from NC (Charlotte)
no hat today! yeah!
Um, first of all - there's nothing cuter than a mad baby! She's so cute and I've laughed out loud at the angry photo! hee hee
2nd - It's YOUR blog and if you want to write about babies all the time, that's why it's yours and not someone else's! When they pay you to write for their blog then they can tell you what to do! Besides baby Harper is a miracle and about the cutest darn thing I've ever seen!!!
I personally love reading about Harper and seeing all her cute clothes!! Hopefully Harper will be a much happier baby soon with having to go to all the extra trouble! Hang in there!! She is so cute!!!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a 'baby blog'. I check every day hoping that there will be new pics of Harper, or that you'll update us as to what you guys are doing during the day (and night!)
Great that she slept during the night!!
That lip sticking out is just too much, how cute! She is even looks precious when she is mad! This is your blog, you talk about what you want to talk about! :) :) :)
Harper is all girl wearing her pretty fashions! Adorable shoes!
Carol ~ in ~ Tulsa
She's beautiful! I love the pictures you post. Don't listen to the person who commented about it turning into a baby blog. Your blog has a lot of posts about faith, family, friends, and fun. Your blog roll consists of new mothers or expectant mothers. What did they think you would post about? You keep posting about Harper. We like the updates.
Great pictures Kelly! I LOVE sleeping baby pictures...I have many, many. Keep blogging about whatever you's your blog. :)
Cute pics of Harper and those shoes are so adorable. Hope you all have a restful night.
I was going to suggest a car ride to put her to sleep but I didn't think you would be able to take her out. She is SO CUTE!!!!!
As I have already told you it took us many, many years to have Logan. Well, I remember watching our video of the day we brought him home...all you hear is oh, he's so handsome, oh, he is such a good baby...on and on and on and the point it drove me crazy and I was the mom. It's what us parents on and on about our precious children so welcome to Our World. Talk all you want and if they don't want to read it then they can click a button! HA!
what a beautiful baby...and such cute pictures. Praying for rest for both mommy and baby Harper. I love the monograms...adorable!
I could read about Harper all day, so the more the better :)
My parents used to drive me around at night to get me to sleep too. Also, they put me in a baby seat and set it on top of the dryer running. The humming and steady motion, I guess, simmulated the car.
She is a doll baby!
We all love the baby blog!! I check everyday for pictures, updates, etc.!!! Those are some great pictures of her today!!! So glad you got some rest.
Harper is just beautiful even with a frown. She will get adjusted just keep trying all the tricks everything is still so new. I do believe a bath at night wears them out and helps them sleep well, it always seemed to work with us. I love the shoes!!! And there is nothing wrong with having your name on everything it helps to find it when you forget it somewhere like church! Have a great weekend and hope you and Harper get some rest.
Those have to be the CUTEST little baby shoes ever. Whoever made those for you is a blessing. LOL. And I have a newborn baby boy who is now almost three months & trust me it does get better! :) Keep your head up mama. I'm in your prayers.
Kelly, what I love about your blog your blog is that you write about your life; what is currently going on. You are always open, honest and so generous in sharing your thoughts and the things you love and struggle with. Well, right now that all happens to be Harper, and I couldn't be more pleased! :) We are Harper lovers in this household!
My son is almost 6 months, and it took to about him being 4 months before he started nursing quicker and getting into a good napping/sleeping routine. Once he started eating some babyfoods this past month he now goes 4 hours between feedings! So, hang in there. It'll get better, I promise!
Ruthie :)
When you become a mommy, your life revolves around your child. Baby blog away, girl! I look forward to hearing all the updates and seeing your sweet pictures of Harper. Thank you for sharing her with us all!
I'm there with everyone else who's saying it's your blog and you can write about whatever you like. Don't think anyone will get tired of hearing about Harper! So glad that you had a better night...I know on the tough days it seems like it will be forever but its only for a season! Oh yeah, wanted to also mention that for me it really helped to carry my Audrey around in a front pack. I barely stopped using it just last month and she's almost 1 already!
I am always looking for new pictures of your angel, don't change a thing on your blog.
The shoes are tooooo precious.
She is adorable when she is mad. I'm glad she got some good sleep and I hope you did too. I also hope you got your Sonic drink.
I love monograming too! My mom makes me all kinds of stuff for my little girl Addison and I love it. I mean, when you pick a great name, it's fun to show it off :-) It is so wonderful to see you all home and happy. Trust me when I say that the all-day crying will stop very soon. Although, I can't promise you will have any more time to shower or get dressed :-) Welcome to mommyhood!
She is just a doll!!
This is your blog and you can blog about babies all you want :o)
She's never too young to learn to spell her name!!!!
Oh, she is so sweet! So glad to hear that last night was better and I hope it continues tonight too.
Love those shoes! I've seen those before and they are absolutely precious!
Well 1- Yay for Harper and for Nonny praying last night. Maybe with everyone praying that she would sleep it did miracles :) So glad you got rested!!!!! 2-Who cares if it's a baby me if you ever check mine out it's all kids all the time! That's what happens when you have babies and with four well what in the world else am I supposed to talk about? 3-I HEART chilis...their bottomless chips and salsa are so yummy!!!
I love the pics of harper...the one of her sleeping is just darling!
Absolutely adorable! Even when she's mad!
We've all gone through the non sleeping, crying, nursing all the time, emotional mommy stuff! You will get through this. Look what you've overcome already! Everyone is just getting adjusted.
Keep these baby pictures coming! We all check every single day to see more Miss Harper and to see how you're doing! Take care!
yeah ... the power of prayer is a wonderful thing - now if I could just get on your prayer list for my little one to sleep. Mine are only 14 months apart (darghter now 20 months and son 6 month) He is a CRYING thing ... cries a lot. We have been to the Dr 2 times with all kinds of tests because i just thought for sure somehting was WRONG with him ... we cried it out -
PS to the person that asked if you were turning into a baby blog - are they kidding ... children our our lives, you will breath, eat and sleep her for the next 18 years ... if not more! LOVE IT I love baby posts and no matter what you are writting I will be reading and watching the joy of motherhood!
The angry face picture is soo sweet! Its funny, because as my family and I have been going back through pictures that we need for wedding DVDs and stuff, those angry faces and funny ones are definitely some of the best!
Even if it turned into a baby blog, I would definitely keep reading! Now... if it turned into an Arkansas Razorbacks blog? THEN we might have a problem! haha :)
Oh Kelly,
These photos are absolutely adorable! Keep posting and keep writing your "baby blog" as long as you want!! I love it!
Your story has been an inspiration to so many. Thank you for sharing your days with us!!
I LOVE hearing about Harper and will never stop loving your blog (and you!) I love the pic of her sleeping!!! So sweet! And I am so, so glad she slept last night!!! Yeah for your Mom!
This is YOUR blog, meaning you can write about anything you want. Blogs are about your life...and Harper IS your life!! We're so excited to hear about this baby we all prayed for!
Well you gotta talk about her nonstop....she is your BABY, and that is your #1 priority!! Duh. Anyway, she is ADORABLE, and I am loving all her cute monogrammed stuff. I am so glad she is doing so well! One day, you will look back on this time, and thepics of her crying, and you will just laugh. I love the sleeping one!
Hey, I love baby blogs, and I always want to know how Harper is doing, and love to see all of her adorable clothes. Post anything you like. Kellys Korner wouldn't be what it is whithout your cute pictures and fun ideas
Sweet photos...even the one with the pouty lip. (:
The best advice I ever received was don't worry about what all the books tell you to do when caring for a what makes you and baby happy!
Kelly, do whatever it takes to make Harper happy so that you are happy. (:
Time for that blogger to find a new blog to follow if she cares so much. Does she not get that you just had a huge thing happen?
Yesterday I heard something that was shocking but made me think of your blog.
If you look at the women in the beginning of the bible all of the women stuggled with one of two things, infertility or being apart from their families. God did great things through those women just as he is doing though you and your blog!
My dh always reminded me, after I had a hard day with the kids, to go and look at them while they are sleeping. They are such angels at that time. It will remind you of all the blessings and will help you get through another day!
Praying for you, your dh and Harper that you continue to have good nights and will start having better and better days.
However, I have to agree that Harper is beautiful, happy or unhappy. Enjoy the good and bad days -- they pass all too quickly.
Love in Christ,
She is sooo cute! I can't believe all the clothes she has with her name on them! :) oh to have a little girl to dress two boys are just about ready to never wear anything monogrammed again. :(
As many others have said, it's your blog, blog what you want to! I love reading about babies since I don't have then anymore.
I love seeing the adorable pics of Harper... love the "pucker face" one, and personally, I think that would make an awesome birth announcement picture (just think of all the captions you could put w/ it) ha ha. As a mom of 4 boys ages from 11 to almost 1 year old, I never had one that would sleep or content for that matter when they were awake. Mine were also BIG babies like Harper and putting cereal in their bottle helped them some to get full at night. I gave up on breastfeeding after 3 weeks... I thought it was incredibly difficult. It's great if you can continue to nurse but don't let anyone make you feel guilty if you supplement or bottle feed completely.
Kelly, you don't me, but I'm a mama of two little precious boys and happened upon your blog while you were here in Tulsa (that's where I live) with sweet Harper. I started so many times to come and offer any help I could since I knew you were far from home. But it looked like you were well taken care of. One of my very dear friends is a nurse in the NICU there at St Francis and I would check on Harper through her. You were so in my thoughts and prayers while she was so sick. My oldest (now three) was in the NICU for ten days and I remeber all the feelings that happen in a mama's heart when your little one is so sick. I am so grateful and PRAISE GOD that little Harper is perfect and healthy today and that you have her home safe on your arms. I wanted to give you a little advice on the NICU babies...ALOT of them scream alot when they are first home. I remember how that worried me so much with mine. But my nurses told me that he spent so much time in those first days sedated or medicated...constantly in one place...never anything new to look at...and so the reason they get SO CRANKY when they come home is cause they are SO OVERSTIMULATED by real life. So try turning a noise maker on in her room, with the lights down and just sitting in there and rocking her when she's loosing her mind.The monotonous noise helps calm them down 'cause they're so used to the sounds of the NICU. That helped me so much! I hope it helps you. Eli, my oldest STILL sleeps with his fan on! so sweet...helps me remember how truly blessed we are to have him home safe in his bed. Love ya, girl!
Look at her sweetness. I really do think she gets cuter with every post Kelly. And nothing wrong with a baby blog!!
I've been following your blog for several weeks. So happy for you that Harper is home. There really is no good advice for the crying baby---each one is different. I am a grandmother (my two grandsons call me Gemma) and one boy was the CRYING ONE, and the other not. The same was true w. my two sons---one was the "perfect baby," and the other was colicky and cried for months. It is what it is, and it will pass!
I would miss the cute updates about your beautiful little baby...It is your blog and if someone doesn't want to read about "baby" stuff then they can always stop reading !!
Enjoy Harper ~ The fun has just begun for you and your hubby !!
Ok I didn't post yesterday because it looked like you got plenty of posts but I'll give you my "advice" today. I have 2 little girls and both were big criers. Everyone kept telling me "they will wear themselves out crying and go to sleep"... not so! I have 2 little girls who would only get more worked up the more they cried. SO.... I learned that you do what you have to do to calm them down and keep them comfortable. Eventually both of my babies grew out of their fussiness. It takes time but eventually you won't even remember the many nights you stayed up rocking a baby that would cry if you didn't. :) Also, my oldest had to be put in AR Children's Hospital for a few days when she was 3 months old and when we came home she was even fussier than before we went in. I think something about hospitals changes them... but don't lose hope, she will grow out of it!
She is absolutely beautiful and looks like she is doing great. And just so you don't feel alone... if you are ever up in the night, know that I am probably up too because my baby can't seem to find her passy during the night and cries for it 3 or 4 times.... :) I wouldn't trade it for the world and I know you wouldn't either! You are doing an awesome job and I love looking at her pics!
Greetings from Michigan. I found your blog shortly after Harper was born (congratulations) and just love it. I also really enjoy your cooking blog. As far a tips to soothe your fussy baby, I know you've tried a sling but have you tried a moby wrap? They keep the baby more upright and close to your body. Here is a link to where you can buy them. Check it out. Hope you get some sleep tonight :)
Kelly, blog about whatever and whomever you wish. This is YOUR blog. Don't let anonymous comments such as that one stear you away from just being yourself and blogging about whatever you wish. Anonymous comments just amaze me. So opionionated but yet not strong enough to leave a name and stand up for their own input.
Harper is your life. Your gift from God. Your miracle baby. Who ever in their right mind would think that this would not be baby driven now? It should be. If it wasn't, we might think something was wrong with you. HA HA! Just kidding.
My blog is a business blog but as a photographer and a designer, I still incorporate posts every day about my kids in my blog. I think my readers love hearing about my kids and viewing their images. Sometimes more so than my new designs.
Make it you Kelly. Do what you wish! Sorry to ramble here. I'm just amazed that someone would leave you an anonymous post such as that one. You have a beautiful daughter now. Blog your heart out sista'! :)
Blessings, Angie Seaman
Hey Kelly,
I have been following your blog and love to hear about Harper. Please continue to keep us up to date on her progress. It's your blog and she is your life. I love all the updates!!!
I have never commented on your blog before but I wanted to tell you want an encouragement you are. I honestly dont think that I could ever been as strong as you have been!! My husband and I have been married for 3 years now and for about 1/2 of our marriage we have been dealing with infertility. All of the fertility treatments and doctors visits really get me down but seeing stories like yours and seeing our God will provide in His perfect timing keeps me going. You have such a precious child! Many blessings to you and your family!
New mamas eat, sleep, dream (and cry and scream) BABY. You won't have the energy for anything else for awhile.
Soak up these precious days and weeks, and blog about her to your heart's content!!
How precious is that picture with her lip pooched out!?!?!
We love to read about your miracle and that IS your life now!
Just so you don't feel bad about taking the car rides, I not only would take car rides at bedtime but actually nurse my oldest while she was still in the carseat :) It worked and she stopped screaming!!! Now that she is 9 years old we just look back and laugh about it!!
As a mother to be, I like that it is a "baby blog." In fact, I've searched your old entries to find out things you recommend (your readers leave great, helpful comments!). You mentioned that you had a list of things you liked... would you ever post that?
I don't care if you write about Harper ALL day long! She is just precious!! Hang in there with the crying. Three months was always the big hurdle with my 3 kids. If you can get to three months, you're golden! Enjoy!
I'm glad she has slept some for you. It really will get better, it just doesn't seem like it sometimes. :) But it will.
And.... don't listen to negative people!!! This is your blog and we love it and Harper. I check in every day for updates on that sweet baby and you. Your life is consumed with baby right now, so have a baby blog- you deserve it!! (and maybe disable anonymous comments)
Hi Kelly,
I can't believe how big Harper is -such a cutie!
Glad you found something that's working to sleep - my sister-in-law drove my niece around to help her sleep too!
Has Dawson met Harper yet?
Kelly, your blog has been such an inspiration in so many ways over the past couple of weeks. Thank you for sharing your heart so freely! I have a 6 1/2 month old and I know how wonderful it is to sleep at night! I also know how wonderful it can feel to spend the day in your pj's. Keep blogging about that sweet girl and this wonderful season of your life.
She is so sweet! I would be just as happy as this was a baby blog. My husband and I both look foward to seeing how Harper is growing daily!
Your blog should be YOUR blog about your life!
I'm excited to hear about sweet Harper and anything else you want to write about. :-)
~Jesse in NC
The only problem with all the monogrammed clothes is that you won't be able to pass them down to your next daughter. Somebody in your church will probably name their new baby girl Harper in hopes of getting the outgrown clothes from you. Ha!
Kelly, I love hearing all about Harper. Considering all you went through to have her. And the comment above about the hat...pshh,Love the hats! I wish I had those days back,mine is 14 and thinks any clothing suggestion I have is insane! Praying for another restful night:)
Love the pictures and all of the personalization. We used to have to drive our oldest son at night to get him to sleep,lol (now)! Both of our sons actually ended up sleeping in their carseat for the first few months of their lives...we didn't want them to sleep with us and it was the only other place they would sleep. You gotta do what you gotta do! Thanks for sharing your beautiful girl with us!
first of all the lip picture is my favorite!!! :-) I have three girls a nd that is what someone looks like at all times in my house!! LOL
Talk aout sweet baby Harper all you want... We want to know... AND my three little girls had everything monogrammed and myhusband thought I was nuts...
keep smiling sister!
Hi Kelly,
I found your blog through another and can I just tell you how positively cute your family is. I just wanted to say, big deal if it becomes a baby blog, your baby is a precious gift from God and if your story with Harper can encourage someone else......I say do it
What adorable pictures. I hope you talk about Harper each and every day and keep us updated on her progress. Congrats on the rest. I think a car ride will do the trick everytime.
Erin from Danville
I absolutely LOVE those shoes and am jealous that I didn't have a pair for my Lilly when she was a baby. You know you have a monogram problem when your 5 year old refuses to wear a shirt because "it doesn't have my NAME on it, Mommy!" She is so used to having her name or initials on everything she owns and if it doesn't, she doesn't want to wear it!
Let me tell you, that frowning Harper picture could totally be in a magazine. She has the pout down pat at just a month old. Can you even begin to imagine what it will be like as she gets older! Ha!
Please continue to write about Harper and all she is doing. We wouldn't come to your blog if we didn't want to read about her and your life. Your life is a testimony to the Lord, and your family is a shining example of what we should all strive for.
I am so happy that Harper is home where she should be!
Yes, this is your blog about your life, and we all want to hear about it!!!
second, I would use that first picture for an annoucement, with wording like: I'm so mad I haven't met you yet! or submit it to a card company, its perfect! hug the baby, Kathy
Guess what...the best thing about motherhood is that you can't make a do what you have to do (especially in the beginning) and they baby just thinks you're the best!!! Here's praying for another restful night for you all! Oh!!! I love the Tri Chi shirt, too!!! So sweet!
Oh, girl....look out, she has already perfected that lower lip move! That would make me putty in her hands, hope y'all are stronger :) And you can blog about her all you want, we love it!
Kelly you BABY BLOG all you want! There is nothing more important in your life than that precious baby! I LOVE all the Harper updates, keep 'em comin'!
She is so precious! I love the pictures!
girl.... you talk about that baby ALL you want! It's your blog... make it a baby blog:) I love reading about sweet Harper and I know I love to brag about my girl... so brag away and talk away about her and don't even feel one bit bad!
Kudos to Harper girl for figuring out that nighttime is for sleeping. Now if only she can suss out appropriate behaviour for the rest of time...
She gets more like Scott everyday Kelly. So sweet.
Those pics are so cute. She is adorable.
When you said that she screams/cries all the time, do you think she is colicky? Colicky babies seem to like the motion of the car and that might be why she slept in her car seat. Maybe play some music in her room when she sleeps. Just a thought.
I love love love reading your BLOG! You are so funny and entertaining. I have a 8 month old and when we first brought her home I could never keep her asleep, as soon as I put her down she would wake up. So one night I decided to swaddle her and it worked perfect! I don't know if you do but maybe it would help a little. And we also started a bedtime routine the 1st night home and continuing to do it. She gets a bath, lotion then a bottle then I put her on my chest for about 5-10 min then to bed. She LOVES her bathes. Good luck and My hubby, Lauren and I pray for you guys every night. And I love hearing about Harper!
She is your baby and this is your blog....if you want it to be a "baby blog" that is your choice. Be careful about getting her used to a car ride to sleep, that can be hard to break. I love your blog and prayed daily (and continue to) for Harper's full and complete recovery. I am not exactly sure how I found you, but glad that I did. CONGRATULATIONS. She is gorgeous. Hold her lots, love her lots, and do what comes naturally. You are doing a great job!
The crying will get better. It's rough in the beginning though. Just think, one day you will look back on her being so little and you'll miss it...crying and all. They grow so fast! My baby is 10 mos now and I found myself crying the other day b/c she's already grown so much. Yeah, babies aren't the only ones who cry over nothing! LOL!
You talk about that baby all you want...what more does any mommy want to discuss than their child?
That first picture just cracks me up!
What a PRECIOUS girl! She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Blog about that sweet baby AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! God is using her story to touch so many! What a testimony that baby has already! TRIPLE love your pictures!
Kim in Alabama
I DO NOT agree with the anonymous comment!! I am so thankful that she is healthy, home and SO adorable, I wouldn't mind it being a baby blog!!! Boo on them! Bring on the Harper pics and stories!
So I can totally relate to blogging because you feel alone in your fertility journey! That is why I started my blog! I LOVE your blog! Harper is the cutest thing ever and when God finally blesses me my blog will turn into a baby blog too! I just stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago and started praying for yall then and am still praying for you!
Hey!! Just thought I would give you a little more encouragement! My little girl is now almost 6 months but for the first 2 months of her life screamed :) We concluded it was colic and switched her off nursing to hypoallergenic formula. All this to say that every baby is different but my Dr said, "Just wait, at 3 1/2 to 4 months old she will be a brand new baby." And can I tell you I have the sweetest, happiest easy going baby now?! So keep your head up, order that Chilis in, stay in your Pjs and girl before you know if this stage will be gone and you will have many smiles to capture :) She is just precious and these times will grow your character and patience ;) Praying for you! I just love that sweet girl!
If I name a baby girl Harper someday, can I have ALL of your stuff? ;)
I love reading about keep on posting! :) Cute pics...hope Miss Harper is sleeping more and is happier! Have a great weekend. :) Happy Valentine's day!
I enjoy reading about Harper! She is precious! And, it's YOUR blog, so write about what YOU want. :) If they don't like it, they don't need to read it. Those who enjoy reading it will continue to do so, and I will be one of them. :)
I am so thankful all of you got some much needed and prayed for rest!
The pictures are adorable.
Praying Miss Harper will have her 2nd good night sleeping just for you! And will pray for your Mom to get some well deserved sleep tonight too.
Matthew 21:22
Hey Kelly...Just want to encourage you to keep sharing your life even if it is all about baby. It's delightful reading about this new season in your life. :)
Afer everything you have been thru with your precious Harper you have every right to make it a 27/7 baby blog!!!!!! I come in to check on Harpe and see how she is growing and what she is wearing and to make sure all is super, duper perfect like it should be!!!
Im so happy for you guys!!!!!!!
kelly i haven't read the other comments yet, but i bet i'm not alone when i say "i hope this stays a baby blog!" (although i love your southern recipes) everytime i check in i can't wait to see a new pic of harper, fussy or not. i just thank God that she is here to fuss and is home!
also i *love* all her monogramed and embroidered clothing to pieces!! we find out in 8 days if this little blessing in my belly is a boy or girl. if it is a girl, you bet almost everything will have her name or monogram on it! harper's warobe has been just an inspiration! ha! take care and yes know you are NOT alone when moments come of being overwelmed. another month will make SUCH a difference! hold on mama! :)
tara from maryland
Kelly, she is beautiful!
You talk about what you want to talk about on your blog, it is all yours! Besides, I know we all LOVE seeing sweet little Harper's face!
It's fine by me if this turns into a baby blog! You are such a sweet mama to a beautiful little girl! We're expecting in April and I referred to Harper on my blog the other day as 'the monogrammed princess!' I hope that was ok!!! (I just loaded up some stuff to go get monogrammed for our little boy!!!) You can never have too many monograms, right?!? :) She is just precious!!!
Glad to hear that you are adjusting to motherhood and everything that comes with it. I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the beautiful pictures of your daughter. I am the Mom of twins who were born 6 weeks early and spent 16 days in the NICU, so I understand your struggles. It took us a while to get our stride when we got home as well. As the kids got a little older, 2 months or so, I became obsessed with finding ways to help everyone sleep and get on a schedule. We used the book "healthy sleep habits, happy child" by Marc Weissbluth. We followed it strictly, not missing naps, etc and to this day our kids are awesome sleepers! They are now 7! So there is light at the end of the tunnel. At about 3 months they slept through the night. Think about it and I look forward to your updates!
I totally believe people should write about what is important to them. Harper is your world!..and we LOVE hearing about her!
Girl, I have spent many-a-night driving around and around our neighborhood waiting on my littlest love to fall asleep! For some reason we got in the habit of listening to Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car". Little Love is 6 and the song STILL puts her out!
Good luck in finding what works just right for Harper. (and you!)
She is such a beautiful baby!
It always puzzles me how people can see the amazing creation that is a new baby, and still not believe in my God....
They truly are a blessing!
Kelly - You are right - you are not the only mom that has ever had a child who screamed all day long. Our youngest son came to us as a 7 week foster child with fetal alchohol syndrome. He slept for only 20 minutes at a time. How naive I was not to realize he was going through withdrawal. I thought I would go nuts. Even considered having him moved to another home - not that you would do that with Harper!
A car ride would be what I would suggest too! Although sometimes they do need to learn to self soothe. The boys loved being swaddled tight. To this day they still like to sleep with white noise. I just spent 4 nights watching them while mom and dad went out of town. I never knew it would be so hard.........triple troube for sure....
I was having a bad day, but after seeing those absolutely precious pics, I just felt so much better!!! She really couldn't get much cuter!
I'm so glad last night and this morning were better! I told you it would get better!!! Hope things continue to progress nicely. She is so absolutely beautiful and I love the pouty face one in the crib!!
She is so gorgeous! I say, All Harper, All the time!
And my boy (now 8) screamed for a good part of the first 3 months. It's hard, hard, hard, but will make the rest of the baby journey seem like a breeze. You also appreciate the smiles so much! Btw, he turned out to be a wonderful, sweet, smart, funny kid. Harper will too!
Even that cranky face is precious! I love all of her personalized stuff...too cute!
So glad to see everyone is home and happy.
You have a BABY BLOG if you want to! It is YOUR blog and Harper is the LOVE of your life as is my sweet Emma so go right ahead and have a Baby blog!!!! :)
Read Baby Wise if you never have before. It helps you to get them on a good schedule of sleeping, eating, playing, sleeping, eating, forth so on. Sweet Emma cried and cried much like Harper. There were moments where I had to stick her in a swing in another room...sometimes our master closet, shut two doors go to the bathroom and cut the fan on just so I could get some peace and quiet. My husband was working nights and I was working was a rough, rough time in our lives but we survived. Read baby wise though, it really does help getting them on a routine and then they get on better sleep schedule. I hope something works for you. I also tried herbal colic drops...I don't know if Harper can have those or not..also the Mylicon drops or wal-mart brand of those...they are kind of expensive I think.
Good Luck...Emma prays for Harper EVERY night. I hope one day we can meet up...maybe in Dallas??? :)
Much Love!
You just keep blogging about that precious Harper! Glad she slept most of the night!!!!
That's why I check each day - to see how Harper is doing! Don't listen to that anonymous comment! I love reading how you are doing as a new mom. It brings back a lot of memories for me.
It is SO wonderful to see Harper all dressed up and so sweet and perfect. I am so glad that I stumbled on to your blog, Kelly, and I am so thankful for how God has taken care of your little family. Keep up the good work, new mama! I HOPE this becomes a baby blog! :)
I've only been following your blog for a couple of months and i love it! I check everyday to see what's new with Harper. I love her with hats, without hats, with bows and without! You are such an encouragement to others and I thank God for you!
You're right, I did wonder if the girl had anything without her name on it! :) :)
But everything is just so gosh-darn-cute, so how could you resist! :)
Love the photos! And isn't blogging about your life kinda the point of blogging?? So your life is about a baby right now. I think I'd be more concerned if you had a baby and didn't talk about her ever!
you make this as much of a mommy blog as you want. afterall, this is what you have been praying for for so long.
i pray that one day my blog can be all about my baby! :)
Love the shoes and I am all about monograming :) My husband says that I would put their names on their heads if they would hold still long enough.
As for the baby blog - people crack me up - I heart baby blogs!!!!!!!!! I just like reading about my bloggy buddies lives - she is your life right now - no worries - you go girl!
RE. "The car seat and a car ride CONK her out! So that may become our bedtime routine."
My neighbor's baby had quite a bit of trouble settling in when they first brought her home, and they ended up doing a lot of drives at different times of the day and night to help her fall asleep when she was cranky and/or inconsolable and nothing else seemed to help. :)
RE. "Before I delivered Harper - someone left me an anonymous comment and said they hoped this wouldn't turn into a "baby blog"."
Seems to me that a blog's content is supposed to reflect the interests of the owner of the blog, and as a blog (web log), your content pretty well serves as a reflection of what is going on in your life and where your present interests lie. Write about what you want to write about, and enjoy the journey. :)
Do you see any of us complaining about all the Harper pictures? :) You know we LOVE them because we love her. She is just such a beautiful baby...she looks so alert, and those gorgeous eyes of hers are so intent. You are very blessed.
Hang in there girl...I remember with mine I thought I was doing something wrong when she wouldn't stop crying. Turns out it was just a WILL get through it.
GIrl you talk about whatever you want here--Harper is a miracle and she gives God great glory when you retell/relive, share her story. So glad she slept better last night!
I don't know how you're going to choose which picture to use. She is GORGEOUS!! I found your blog from MckMamma's site, and I have been praying for you. Harper IS your life now, and that's what your blog is about. YOUR life!! IF people don't want to read about that, then they can move on. THose of us who have been praying for your family and Harper WANT to hear baby updates!! :) Keep 'em coming! Hang in there! You will be in a routine soon. Just hold her close and keep smelling that baby smell.
Harper is beautiful.
I love your posts about her! This is the baby that we prayed for, the baby that God healed... She is a miracle.
By all means... baby blog away! Praise God that there is a beautiful healthy baby to baby blog about. How amazing He is.
It is so sad that some rude anonymous person forgot that they were reading YOUR blog which means you can and should write about whatever YOU want to write about, and we can read it or not.
I went through infertility treatments myself twice to receive my two miracles, so I understand some of what you've gone through. Harper is a miracle, and these hard times do get better. Hang in there.
I love the pictures! I like the one of her awake calm and sleeping calm!!! I love that her name is on everything. lol Too cute. And don't worry about that bloggers comment! I love baby blogs. You'll add more as more goes on in your life, but as you said, she is your life right now. We all love hearing about her!
She's beautiful. I've been following your blog since your online blog babyshower...mostly because I am currently 39 weeks pregnant and wanted to keep in touch with people that were having happy things go on in their lives. I've been praying for Harper and you. I can honestly tell you that you have to keep blogging about Harper; she's your life, and this blog is supposed to be a diary of your life. Anyhow, keep the pictures coming; I love to check in on her, on and you....How's Dawson?
Well I love that you talk about Harper... it might be a mostly about baby blog... since having a baby that is what we mostly talk about since we love them so much... they become our world. Her pictures are adorable.
We are just Thankful To God that we get to hear and see picture of that beautiful baby that is a miracle in our eyes!! So, I can't speak for everyone but I think a "baby blog" is just fine. Keep up the good work your a wonderful mother!!
Kelly, Ally was a screaming baby for 3 months! Day and night. I thought I was going to go CRAZY! Well, I did! Then, after the 12th week, she stopped! Believe me we tried everything! She loved the lights inside Wal-Mart and would go fast asleep. But just as soon as I got her back in the car, she started all over again. I had Olivia that was 16 months old and a new baby at home that would constantly scream. I feel for you, Sweetie. You are in my prayers!
Okay mama here is my 2 cents, if you care to hear it. Morgan, my now 10 month old daughter cried ALL the time the first 3 -4 weeks. She wanted to eat ALL the time and then she would cry more and or puke. I was told by the doctor and it makes a lot of sense, that she is having stomach pains, gas pains etc. But babies ONLY know soothing by sucking, so they want to constantly suck or nurse. I ended up getting a breast infection and had to switch to bottle and that seemed to really mess things up. I wasn't sleeping, Morgan screamed constantly and I was in tears A LOT.
It was mentioned to me and I was desperate but it worked... to switch to Nutramigen Enfimil Formula. It is for sensitive stomach, gassy and colic babies. However, you MUST let the formula get into her system ALONE for 48 hours.
I kid you not.... Morgan stopped crying after just 1 day and has NEVER cried that hard since. I was shocked, surprised and amazed. We kept her on that formula till about 5 to 6 months, and then we went half and half with the regular Enfimil with iron. Now she only does the Iron Formula and is great.
We call it the Platinum Formula because it is pretty expensive but worth. I get it off of this site for a cheaper price.
And we used the powder as well.
Keep in mind this little prince is ticked off right now...LOL... kidding. But she has been through a lot mama in her short 3 week life. Keep loose items on her tummy for now, no cute pants and jeans.
As we like to tell people who refuse to get God a chance or have any faith..."What do you have to lose if you do?"
I feel the same way about this formula. I believe in it. It worked for Morgan....what do you have to lose by trying.
Oh and I know they say no tummy when sleeping....BUT???? It can help sometimes.
One more thing ....the mircale wrap, we learned this in class. I didn't like it because I hated the idea of confining my newborn...the SWADDLE. However I tired it for one day with Morgan...and Oh My...she LOVED it. So we kept her in the swaddle for many weeks at the beginning.
So try the formula, loose clothes and swaddle. If you are only breast feeding still..... I guess the lose clothes and swaddles options are left to try.
I enjoy your blog. I have fallen in love with Harper.... and stop by and say hi on my blog sometime.
God Bless.
she is more gorgeous everyday Kelly! continued prayers that she eases in a nice quite routine soon. :)
and whoever requested this not be a baby blog needs to zip it! this is your blog and i can't imagine anything more important to blog about than your miracle baby and your new family of 4!
I actually think the pouty/crying picture is ADORABLE! :)
I love everything about your baby blog! And I love all the pictures..the one of her crying and sleeping and just being sweet! You are a great mom! Keep it up!
Oh, I also wanted to add that Mylicon drops were a God-send with my first. He had colic and the gas drops seemed to somewhat help.
PS: the picture are adorable, I love them...and there is nothing wrong with a baby blog, don't try to please everyone that comments. it will take the fun out of your blogging. Unless they want to pay you a salary, you blog about whatever is on YOUR heart.
The bible speaks about how what is truly our passion will be what we most talk about. So if that is God and Harper and family.... AMEN!
LOL about this becoming a baby blog! There's nothing wrong with that! I hope it's a baby blog!
My daughter was super cranky too. In fact, her nickname was and is Crabby Abby. She had really bad acid reflux until she was over a year and couldn't lay flat. She would cry and cry for hours. She couldn't even ride in the car seat, it was too uncomfortable.
The only thing that worked was the Fisher Price Ocean Aquarium Cradle Swing. It was the best $100 we ever spent! The first night, she slept 8 hours straight and she was only 8 weeks old.
I think it's clear that the majority of us would love a "baby blog!" The pictures are fantastic and I'm glad to hear that you know you aren't alone. It makes such a difference to know that other people have experienced what you are going through. Sleep deprivation makes everything more difficult, but you will make it through! There's no doubt about that!
I love that your blog has become a Baby blog! She is adorable and I love coming to check out new adorable pictures you post. How could you not blog about such a precious miracle?
Those are such cute pictures of her--even the mad one! :) She's beautiful--she has such a perfect little mouth! It's so cute!
Maybe we can get Harper and Crosby together dressed up in their name-shoes...Holly gave me some from the same darling place in Atlanta, TX--I love them too!!!
I will love reading your blog every single day, even if you do decide to turn it into a "baby blog"--I'm laughing that someone would actually leave a comment and say that!?!?? Babies (and bigger kids too, I must say) have a way of becoming your life 24/7...and I think that's a good thing!
We're all here b/c we want to know all about Harper!!! If Anonymous doesn't want to read a baby blog, I think she needs to go somewhere else!
Dont listen to anonymous! You write about that baby all you want.
How cute are these pics? So glad you are finally getting some sleep-and Harper is beautiful. I prayed several times for her while she was in the Nicu reading your blog-stories. Hugs from New York-and I think blogging about your baby is perfectly fine :-) I must have one of those baby blogs that person was talking about :-) Oh well.
Don't worry about that anonymous person. I love that this is a baby blog. We all want to know all about Harper and how yall are doing. She is so beautiful. I love those little shoes. Too too cute!!! Hope yall have a good weekend with your new little valentine :)
Kelly, We have a mutual friend (she went to OBU with you, April Maddox)and my brother also went to OBU.
I have followed your blog, prayed for your family while you welcomed Harper into your family, and now I will comment since you have time to read them :)
My 3 year old had a difficult delivery (and still has some health issues still today, but they are minor compared to what we could be dealing with) Anyway, he cried for about the first 6 months of his life, never slept an entire night until this past November when he had tonsils and adenoids removed. So, I feel your pain! I wanted to hurt our pediatrician who laughed at me when I complained and said his son was 7 before he slept the whole night (btw, he is now in med school and is very intelligent) so I reminded myself daily that this was just a "season" in my life and tried to make the best of it. I am a kindergarten teacher and returned back to work when he was 4 weeks old-never thought I could live on such little sleep, but God works miracles and now I have a wonderful, CALM, quiet, and kind little boy who I cannot imagine my life without. Even though it's hard, enjoy this time. One day, she will not need you so much and believe me, you will miss it so much! Have a great day; you will continue to be in my prayers.
So glad to see that you are doing well. Harper is beautiful and I amazed at her story. It's fine if this becomes a baby blog!! :)
She is adorable! Driving around in the car was our saving grace for the first few months. Do whatever you can that works! And don't worry about it being a "baby blog"--this blog is about your life--and right now Harper is the biggest thing going on. You're a mommy. Anyone that has been a mommy understands, and we are enjoying it. :-)
Kelly! I love reading about and seeing pictures of sweet, precious Harper! You just keep talking about that miracle! So glad that she slept last night :). Praise the Lord!
God Bless your precious new family!
Anna - TX
Oh, we went through this with our sweet Ella the first two months. Our doctor said it was colic. HAve you tried swaddling? I'm sure you have. We tried everything. All Ella wanted to do was nurse or cry it seemed like. We would be driving around at 2am with her at times too. i think being in the car seat helped bc she felt so confined and the vibration of the car. I hope you are getting some rest!
Girlfriend, this is YOUR blog and you can talk about whatever you want! I happen to LOVE baby blogs, and I LOVE yours so much that your link is in my sidebar. I'm not even a mom and can't have kids but I love babies and I love your blog! Those baby pics are too precious!!!
It is a baby blog with a little side of mommy. When babies come into our lives, life shifts. Priorities and discussions change. If it is a Harper blog with a side of Kelly, or a Kelly blog with a side of Harper, we're glad to take it any way you give it.
You love on that baby and don't worry about sharing her with us. My daughter is always so excited to pray for baby Harper!
Keep on keeping us informed of that sweet little angel and your life. I am a mom of two and due in July so I am all about anything babies :)
Love her face...too cute.
God Bless
I'm all about this "baby blog"!!!! Seeing that sweet little face just makes me so happy!! I miss the baby days, my youngest is 2. And...he was a very high maintenance baby. I had to carry him while I did everything the first several months. Upside: your arms get in great shape without you realizing it!! LOL. He's quite the independent little fella now, I sometimes miss those needy days. Hugs and kisses for Harper!! :) God bless you all.
She's precious. And if I were you I would blog about her all day too! Things change... people will understand. You just keep writing from your heart. :)
GREAT pictures and I love her outfit and shoes. Too cute!! What is more precious then a sleeping baby? Nothing!! I could sit and watch a sleeping baby for hours...nothing better then it.
Oh my goodness, I hope it STAYS a baby blog. This is YOUR blog and YOUR beautiful miracle baby, so you just write about her all you want to. I love reading about it :)
Kelly, I haven't commented yet on your last post but I do empathize with you over a screaming baby all day. My first son had colic for 3 months and the only thing that worked was driving him around in the car. It was heaven. lol
I am praying for you and Harper and I know it is an adjustment with a newborn but you are doing so good and you are touching more lives than you know! Keep talking about your precious Harper. No one should have left that comment. This is your blog to write and share what you want to and I love reading about Harper and whatever you share. You are a joy!
I must say that I agree with all of the other posters - post about whatever you would like - this is your blog. After what you have been through, it is nice to hear how she is doing now!
It is wonderful to read your writing no matter what is written!
I love hearing about your baby and seeing her cute pictures. Ilove her little shirt, where did you find it?
She has had a big adjustment coming home to a strange place.
I think she will calm down and be happier each day as she gets use to the quite.
She is beautiful, but you and your husband are very attractive so it was a given.
Hang in there and get some rest when you can.
Hi Kelly,
Harper looks beautiful! And you should blog about what means the most to you...after all this is your blog! I would love to hear a Harper update in every post! I'm glad you guys are home now! Looking forward to your next update!
It's your blog and if you do nothing but post pictures of that beautiful little girl, then you go right ahead, girl!!
These pictures are too precious!!! Glad you guys were able to get some sleep last night! As far as the blog comment, I say you should discuss whatever you want on your blog. You waited a long time for sweet Harper, and I personally I love hearing stories and seeing pictures of her!
Los Angeles, CA
she is soooo cute! i think she looks like you. :0)
i love her name on everything-she'll have lots of goodies in her keepsake box! i love all things monogrammed and b/c i had boys that mainly left me with getting shirts done ...okay and a few frames and pillows, but my husband made me keep it to a minimum!
as far as a baby blog goes...i get so upset when i hear of someone commenting like that on someones blog. blogs to me are about life and the fact that you share your life with people like me is such a gift. my faith has grown so much stronger b/c of your story-your baby-your life. i'm blessed by your updates and i pray they will never change. plus, as a boy mommy, i need my baby girl fix!
You've gotten SO many precious pictures of Harper it should be no trouble finding one for the announcement OR capturing a new one for that matter.
I LOVE reading about Harper and where you're at in life right now. It takes me back to some very precious moments in my own life as a young mother. Those days are special -- and every moment afterward as well. Being a Mom is the most rewarding thing you'll ever do. We're loving getting to see you experience it. (Bring on the baby posts!)
You do know Amazing Race starts this Sunday, dontcha?
I love a good baby blog! Don't ever feel bad about it, they consume our lives! And its so worth it!
I love that it has become a "baby blog"! The reason I keep coming back is to see how Harper is! Keep the stories and the pictures coming!
What a beautiful miracle! So so precious!
She is SOOOOO pretty! I love her outfit and the shoes are adorable. So glad to hear she slept most of the night. I know you needed that! And you can talk about Harper with all of us as much as you want. We all love her and love the new pictures and updates.
I LOVE the sleeping picture! Also I would like to say if this does bacome a "baby blog" that is fine by me. I enjoy reading about baby Harper. My 3 year old is also a Harper fan! She likes to look at the pictures of the baby that we are praying for! God Bless you and your family!
Sweet Kelly--
You go ahead and blog day and night about your heavenly angel. With 50,000+ hits a day, you know we EAT it and all!! LOL. So just blog away and ignore that person's comment from weeks ago. Bring on the Baby Talk! 24/7. It is wonderful!!
HUGE HUGS TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
S.A. in PA
Forgot to add...those shoes!!!!!!!!!!!! How completely adorable!!
Hey Kelly! I have a little one who was in the NICU for 2 weeks after she was born... She is doing great now at 4 months though! Anyway, just thought I'd let you know that I would absolutely love to photograph little Harper if you are ever interested... Just drop me a line if you are ever interested! In the meantime, just keep on nursing her and loving her and things will get easier every day! We're still nursing every two hours, but for about 2 weeks now, she goes 5-6 hours at night and it is the best thing that has ever happened to me! : ) Anyway, Harper's a little doll... Congratulations!
Don't you worry about talking about other things. Harper is beautiful. She is your world right now and that is how it should be! You had such a journey to get here, I don't blame you at all! Hang in there....the sleeping and crying will get better.
You can talk about anything you want to!!! We love hearing about Miss Harper. We tried driving around in the car with our first son, but Matt, my husband, was afraid to fall asleep at the wheel!! :) Dylan, our first son, slept in his carseat for the first two months of his life. I think he got used to Grandma holding him, and he liked the closeness of the carseat. Whatever works!!!
Ignore that comment! We love to hear about Harper. It is YOUR blog and you get to do what you want. If they don't like it, then don't read it. I am so happy that you guys are doing well. Our son, who had emergency surgery to correct the pyloric stenosis problem cried a lot too after the surgery. We put him in the sling which he loved. You just have to find what makes them happy, and stick to it. She has been through a lot and needs time to adjust. Just follow your heart and do what feels right. Right now you are tired, and overwhelemed. We are still praying for you.
Claire in California
I meant to get time to sit down yesterday and write a comment on your post - but did not. I have three girls - my oldest one cried SO much it seemed like that is all she did. I tried EVERYthing - nothing worked :) but a great thing happened from all of the time I spent holding her. We bonded. It was/is amazing - all of those long nights and days paid off. I noticed a HUGE difference around the eight to twelve week mark. I know at this point that seems AGES from now - but in a year when you look back it will have gone SO fast. Take heart - each moment you spend with her - while maybe not being able to "fix" the crying (so to speak) - just being there with her through it will create SUCH an amazing bond. You have a precious Momma's heart! Sunshine
Harper is absolutely beautiful and I love her shoes. Sometimes it helps to buckle them up in the car seat and set her on top of the washing machine. The sound and slight movement can be soothing. FYI (only if the laundry area is visible. lol)
She is too cute and them shoes are darling :)
I love her mad look.its too cute.
My little girl screamed nonstop from 3 weeks until 8 weeks. It get's better - I promise. We never had any luck with the carseat - still at 12 months, she screams when I put her into it. Oh well. And I love the baby blog - it's what's going on in your life right now and that is fabulous!
Who gives a rip if this turns into a baby blog. You have a miracle baby and have every stinkin' right to write about it and praise the Lord for her! Obviously you have faithful followers!
Love the pics ... even the pouty face. She is so sweet!
Oh my! I want this blog to be whatever You are! So I will love your blog WHATEVER you post about! Harper does not disappoint, trust me! Again, I am amazed at her expressions. Those cute expressions are because she gets a lot of attention and stimulation from you.
I worry about you. Demand feeding can take a lot out of you. I would encourage you to get on a schedule. Baby Wise goes with the schedule of Feed time, Wake time, nap time. This schedule brings so much peace. I encourage you to look into it. You won't be sorry. However, these first few weeks of new baby are just trying to adjust and get use to everything. You are doing great.
Lots of love, Yoli
LOL...harper will be the first one in sunday school to spell her cute is that! the picture of her asleep is absolutely adorable!!! just maybe a good one for the announcement! yay to the good night and praying for many more!!
Great pictures- I love all the stuff with her name on it.
I am so glad she is feeling better. I also had a sick infant at Children's and you are just so thankful to leave with your healthy baby- because so many do not.
The crying is rough- you have to take some time for yourself too.
She is just so adorable! Though I have to admit, I love the pic of her pouty face. I think and pray for your family often!
I am so happy for you!!!! I found your blog the day Harper was born and I have been hooked ever since. I have prayed for you and been amazed by your strength. We didn't know all that you have been through all though I did have a 35 weeker that had a week long hospital stay. I have also had a baby cry & cry & Cry! The thing that helped me is just remembering "this to will pass". Oh and I hope this is a baby blog. I love reading about your sweet miracle. It's your blog write about what YOU want.
This blog could be about walmart and I would read it. You are a blessing and after going thru infertility after my son (Jarrad, 15) the Lord blessed us with Cameron (3) and Landrey (18 months). Seeing God bless you and bring you thru that and Harper's birth is encouraging to everyone.
God bless you and your family.
Amy Reyes
Riverside Ca
I love every mention of Harper... every photo... this is the precious life we all prayed so hard for and I know I would be honored to be able to read about her precious life and join in with you and your family in celebrating her good health.
Lynn in Alabama
I just love reading YOUR blog and what a wonderful way to preserve memories...please keep giving us Harper stories. My "babies" are
18, 18, and 16...all grown up..well kind of. Anyway, one of my twins cried a lot also (colic) and putting him on the dryer worked wonderfully (until it stopped of course). I slept many times laying across him and the We are praying for you in Searcy!
Kelly, I love the picture of Harper sleeping, she looks so cute!! I love how her chubby little arm is up in the air, my kids use to sleep like that. Have a great weekend!!
and... my husband asks every night if there is news and more photos of that pretty baby. When Harper was so sick, my husband would come in the door each evening saying, "How is the baby doing?"
so... here are two votes for a baby blog!
it's official... harper is adorable! i wrote a very similar post after bringing adelaide home apologizing for only writing about her. my brain was mush, i couldn't think of anything witty to say, and so i simply posted pictures of her. shortly after i read the best blog advice on a friend's blog... "your blog should work for you, you shouldn't work for your blog!" so my friend, whatever works for you and harper is perfect for the blog:)
Harper is even beautiful when she is pouting. I was 13 when my younger sister was born and she screamed all the time too! I think Harper is just very opinionated and wants to world to hear her!
There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with your blog. Baby harper is a total gift from god .. he is so good and I want you to know that my faith has increased and how I might not understand god's ways .. sometimes not for us to understand.. Don't apologize ever for your blog... You are awesome and thank you for letting us into your life.
Stephanie in Mo.
That comment about your blog not becoming a baby blog was very rude and uncalled for...this is your blog and you can do with it what you want...if you want to post baby pictures everyday and more than once a day then you go for it...she should be your world 24/7 and if that person doesn't like it then they can quit reading it...but I can guarantee you that there will always be people who would love to see baby pictures everyday 24/ your blog...and Harper is beautiful!!!!!!
Aww, she is beautiful!!! Try Mylecon... i had to give it to BOTH of my kids after almost EVERY feeding, and it really worked!! Good luck! Trust me, you won't even remember the long days and nights in the years to come, you will actually miss them.
HEY!! We prayed for you to conceive Harper and then for the Lord to heal her...we LOVE hearing about her and ya'll as a new family!
She is such a beauty!
Don't listen to that anonymous person that didn't want this to become a baby blog. Harper is a gift from god and it is your blog. You can blog about her all you want!
Go bless you and yours. I will pray for rest for you all.
Greenwood, MO
I've been following you and baby Harper since delivery and it was posted on Angie's blog. We serve an amazing God don't we? So happy that you all are well now.
The best advice I can give you (I do have 3 baby boys) is take time for you. Then with Ms. Harper, do what feels right and DON'T be afraid to ask for help!!
Shame on that blogger! LOL!
I think this is your what you want and you know what...I love coming to see sweet pictures of Harper, you and Scott!!!! She is your LIFE right now!!! And she's precious!
Keep these sweet baby blogs a'comin'! I've never met Ms. Harper in person, but just love that baby girl like she was my own! I love hearing about your days with her and love seeing all your pictures! She's just beautiful!!
Ditto on the baby blog/infant blog/toddler blog/child blog! Keep it coming!
On another note she is just an angel we are still praying for you guys!! :)
1. If this turns into a baby blog that is fine by me!
2. The first 8 weeks are ROUGH. At around 4 weeks old she is going to start to cry every night from around 6pm until...well that is up to her. It is called the "witching hour" and it lasts about 4 weeks. Just let her cry. Hold her, feed her, and shush her softly but don't get frustrated because it is totally normal.
3. HANG IN THERE. Every day is easier than the last.
The pictures are great. And I love the way the blog is right now!!!
You don't have to change anything for me!!!!
God's Blessings!!!!
Hey Kelly,
I'm sure you've heard this a bunch, but please do NOT feel guilty for not enjoying every minute of being a mom to a newborn. This was so hard for me to accept... 4 week olds just aren't fun-- they're a lot of work. They're so sweet and we love them so much but they suck everything out of us!
I'm sure you've read or plan to read some sleep books, I would recommend Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child by Weissbluth-- it's been my sleep bible, if you will.
He goes week by week telling you what to expect in terms of sleep, crying, etc. Harper will get less fussy around 6 weeks and 12 weeks is kind of magical.. you might be able to eat dinner w/o her crying the whole time.
I have a 10.5 month old and at times I never thought I'd make it this far! But, we did and our little boy is a great sleeper and happy child.
How is nursing going? I know it can be tough. Especially in the beginning (I'm still nsg) Hang in there, it gets lots easier, as does everything else, with time.
Just a thought - when I was nursing, I had to REALLY watch what I ate - ice cream, salad, spicy things made both of my babies cry all day. That's the hardest part of being a new parent - they can't tell you what's wrong. You'll get through it and she'll be fine!
Harper looks great, and she looks so alert. It is wonderful that she almost slept through the night and then she took a three-hour morning nap. Sounds like Harper is adjusting to her new surroundings. I always look forward to pictures and updates about your little miracle!
Gail from Annapolis, MD
OMG I love your blog just the way it is, I would miss all your post about Harper if you quite talking about rude!!!! You keep it up and so what if it's a baby blog, I love it and I know so many others do too!!!! P.S. I LOOOOVEEEE those pics, her pouty face is adorable!!!
Those are the cutest shoes I have EVER seen! I would love to know where to get them!!! And Harper is just a incredibly perfect! You are so blessed!
Kelly you turn this into a baby blog if you want. She is perfect and if you want to blog about her all day long we will still read! So glad she is doing well. Lesley and I send our prayers for sleep... but trust me as soon as she starts sleeping something else will happen. At 11 months I still get little sleep... that is what happens when you are the mommy to a DIVA...
Sweet pictures. Love them! My second baby was extremely cranky!!! I couldn't figure out what her little sweet problem was, but I ended up calling a lactation consultant and she said I should stop eating dairy products and that it would take 2 weeks or so for it to get out of my breastmilk. I thought she was crazy, but I kid you not, my little cranky girl was a new baby around the 2 week mark. It was very hard not drinking milk,eating cheese, etc...but oh so worth her being happy. Not sure if this would help Harper...
-praying for you in Indiana
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