This Christmas - I spent many days crying in my car every time I heard Faith Hill's song "A Baby changes everything". I was so nervous and excited about bringing my child home and I knew that our life would never be the same. Little did I know what God had planned for us.Twenty days ago - we checked into the hospital to deliver our baby girl with visions of what she might look like and anticipation of taking her home. Instead she left on this helicopter with our knowledge that she might not live through the night. Everything that seemed to matter in life - no longer was important. All we wanted was for the baby we had spent years praying that God would give us - would stay with us. A Baby instantly changed every thing for us.
Harper is smiling so big because she found out today that tomorrow we are going to be taking her home!!!!! Twenty days after being told she might not live and that she was very, very critical - we will leave this wonderful hospital with a beautiful, precious, healthy daughter. We have spent the last 20 days being completly overwhelmed by the prayers of THOUSANDS and the love that has outpoured on our little family. We have been amazed at God's healing on her life. We have been humbled by the large number of people who have written us to say their lives have been changed by our story. We have been so thankful that two people who have always been too scared to witness and share our beliefs - have been given the chance to show why our faith is the most important thing in the world to us. A baby Changes Everything!
I got out of the hospital today and drove for the first time in three weeks!!! I just needed a quick break so of course I hit up Sonic happy hour. I haven't worried about how I look or going to Sonic or doing anything besides being with Harper. A baby changes everything.
P.S. I have had reports of at least three more praises on the Prayer Blog!!! Three more pregnant girls!! Continue to pray for those girls who are waiting for their miracle.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 698 Newer› Newest»She is soooo beautiful! It is amazing seeing prayers answered in such an amazing way. By the way, I have never been to Sonic... I know, I've blown a lot of people's minds!
Harper is darling! What a praise to be going home TOMORROW!! Hooray! Praying for safe travels for you and continued health for Harper.
So, so happy for all of you!!! She is a BEAUTIFUL girl!
Yay! I am so excited for you! I can't believe you are coming home tomorrow--that is GREAT.
I am so excited for you that she is going to be going home tomorrow! I am sure she is going to love being in her beautiful nursery! I bet Dawson will be happy to see y'all as well!
I have tears of joy streaming down my face. Praise the Lord! Cannot wait to see pictures of Harper in her adorable crib!
What a beautiful blog! That was so well said it made me cry! I am so happy you finally get to take your absolutely beautiful baby girl home. She is truly blessed to have such a wonderful mother!! I have been praying continuously since you had her... God is amazing!!
Such wonderful news!! Enjoy the journey home, be safe. God's blessings for you all xoxo LOVE the first pic of Harper with her headband & pink blanket! X
She is just gorgeous Kelly, I am so excited to see pictures of her in your home. God is truly so faithful and I am just bursting with happiness for you!!
And God bless you and Harper and your sweet, sweet family! Having known the pain of losing two babies, I celebrate and rejoice and praise our wonderful Lord for your miracle. Now, go home and ENJOY your baby . . .
I don't even know you personally but I am SO HAPPY to read that you are finally taking your baby home! Congratulations!!
Amazing! Congrats! Enjoy that sweet little girl!
Praise You, Jesus!
Kelly, she gets prettier and prettier every day!!
So precious! I am so happy for you guys are heading home! That is amazing! I pray all continues to go well.
Sarah in TX
Praise the Lord! I am so glad to finally see this day come for you all!
YAYYYYYYYYYYY! I cannot say it enough: she's GORGEOUS. She's miraculous. She's a covenant child! God has special plans for her. God bless all of you!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you all! I've only known about your blog for twenty days, also. In those few short days, I feel like you are part of the family! I wish the absolute best of luck and happiness!
I am so happy for you, your husband and your sweet little Harper! She is absolutely beautiful! Enjoy having her home!!
That is such exciting news and many answers to your prayers!! YAY! I can't imagine how excited you are and Harper is so cute, I love the headband, precious!! Congrats on big news on getting to go home and no wires!! How great thou art!! Praise Him!!!
What a blessing! Praise God! She is so precious! God is good! I love all her headbands with the big bows! Those are my FAVORITE!!!!
xoxo Emily
I am sooo Happy for you all!! I love reading your blog and finding so much positivity everytime I read it. It is a true blessing to be bringing her home God Is GOOD. Your friends in St Louis!
Praise the lord!!!
What a beautiful girl she is!
My wife has been telling me about Harper and I just wanted you to know that you are all in our prayers...
Praise God from Whom all blessing flow!!! Crying tonight over this miracle the Lord has done! Praise be to Him and Him alone!!
awww..yay I am extremely happy for yall. She is one beautiful happy baby. I know she is enjoying that no tubes and wires thing. I am so happy for you and your husband that yall are finally getting to take that precious baby girl home. :)
i cant wait to see pics of her going home outfit.
That is great news! She truly is a little miracle and we shall continue to pray for her!
PTL! Harper finally gets to go home...I am so happy for ya'll & so thankful for God's blessings. Congratulations, I'm sure sleeping in your own beds after 20 days will be exciting, but even more exciting that your baby will be there with you! Keep us posted!
YEA!!! I know that you'll are thrilled. I will pray that you have a safe trip home. I am so happy for you.
Praising God with you!!!! Fantastic news. Congrats! She's gorgeous!
Tears of joy for you and that precious little girl of yours! What a wonderful story your family has! So thrilled that you all get to go home tomorrow. WE'll pray for a safe journey home and a happy little traveller!
God bless you and your sweet baby
Harper is just BEAUTIFUL!!! Praise God that ya'll are going home tomorrow, what wonderful news!!! I LOVE seeing prayers answered. :) :) :) VERY excited for ya'll!!!
That's GREAT news. I'm so happy you get to take her home. Congratulations.
Praise God! What an awesome testimony y'all are building!
Congratulations!!! I have followed your blog ever since you had Harper. She is beautiful I am still in middle school but I plan to have kids and now I beleive that God will help. Congrats and thank you for that inspiring story!! Abbie
i am so excited to hear that you will be going home tomorrow, and am thanking God! can't wait to see her in her going home outfit!
still praying~
Harper is absolutely GORGEOUS! And yes, a baby changes everything!!
Just think of all the lives your story has touched and all the people Jesus brought together because of Harpers life! Amen-she's going home!
Such wonder news for all of you.
Yay....glad she's on her way home! Now the real journey begins!
That's wonderful!!!!!! Can't wait to see pictures of her at your home!!
i can't tell you how delighted i am that harper is on her way home soon!!! i remember the call from NICU telling me to bring the car seat in for the car seat study...and i thought...oh my, that means she's coming home! you are going to have a blast! i am in tears thinking about how joyous we were this time last year! yeah yeah yeah1
I love the photos. You're right, a baby changes everything. Everything.
I can not stop the tears of joy from flowing! She is so beautiful! That smile is priceless! I am so glad that she will be going home with you now! Good luck and God Bless:0)
PRAISE GOD! Our prayers have been answered and we are so thrilled for you! Savor this time with your sweet Harper. Its flies by!
Blessings in abundance,
Praising God with you!!! Oh, I am thrilled that Harper will be going home!!! I know you guys must just be beside yourselves with joy. God is so good and I bless His name for how He has worked in your lives.
That is the best news! So happy for you and Scott. Harper is beautiful!
Could not be more excited for you! She is just so pretty!
Looking forward to seeing more of Miss Harper and your sweet family in pictures :)
What a cutie pie. I've followed your blog since your pregnancy and I am truly elated at how well Harper is doing. I've never met you or Harper but I pray for your family everyday. What a blessing she is!
That is awesome news! She is a miracle baby. I have never seen a newborn look so happy. She is just beautiful!
I know everyone tells you that Harper is beautiful, but she really truly IS beautiful! Your story is the most wonderful story.
I'm sending our prayers home with you.
Glad to see you got your Sonic! Hehe! I LOVE that third picture of her!! Too cute!
Kelly, I am soooo happy that yall finally get to take precious Harper home!! You just don't know what that does for my heart! God has done an amazing job with your family!!!
I am sitting at working reading your blog and crying becasue I am so happy for you guys! Congrats to all of you for getting to go home! Harper is so percious and I am so excited to see what her future brings! I will continue to have you guys in my prayers.
PRAISE BE TO GOD, FOR HE IS GOOD!! That's exactly what comes to mind over and over and I just can't say it enough!
Harper is such a blessing! She has touched so many lives. In fact, I'm sure she touched lives that none of us even know about yet! Miracles do happen if you BELIEVE!! Amen to that!
Thank you, Kel, for showing us your faith and opening up. For that, I will be ever so grateful!
I love you,
Jess :)
WONDERFUL news! Jumping for joy here!!! Enjoy being home!!
YEAAAA!!! I am so very excited to read this! WAY TO GO HARPER!!! You are such a strong little fighter!
This sweet baby has been used by God as an ambassador of His love, compassion, and mercy not just for your family, but for all of us who have been following this blog. I know that no matter how bad things seem, that God is in charge of our lives. We just have to relax and let Him do His work. So, enjoy the future Miss Arkansas, and keep us informed as to what she's been up to!! This is a happy day!
that is so awesome! i cried when i read your post!!!! you are so blessed and i have been praying for you! it will be so wondeful for you when you get her home. i am so happy for you and thankful to God. He is GREAT!!
Praise God! I know that you are so happy to be going home!
She is beautiful!
I'm so thrilled to hear you are heading home! God bless you on your drive to Arkansas! Enjoy having your little darling at home!
Love & Hugs,
Carol ~ in Tulsa
Oh my gosh, Kelly, I am so happy for you and your family. This is awesome news and I can't help but get emotional - happy tears.
I, too, can't wait to see what God has in store for Little Miss Harper. :-)
Oh Kelly God is so AMAZING!!!!
Thank you for sharing your story during this difficult journey God has taken you and Scott on. Harper is truly one of God's many miracles. What a blessing. Can't wait to see Harpter in her white dress and coat.
Oh Kelly, I'm so,so,so excited for yall! Life will be somewhat normal when you get home. My little girl was sick in the hospital for a week and when we finally got home I was a little paranoid, but I maybe would've been that way anyway.ha. Babies really do change Everything, but it is for the very best in life! I'm about to have my second baby in April and I'm so ready to take on all of the challenges that lie ahead. It's so worth it! I always feel like saying "love yall" at the end of my comments, but I don't even know yall. I just am so happy for your little miracle baby and by the way, loved the photo session and can't wait for many more to come!
God bless yall and will be thinking and praying for your safe journey home!
Girl- I'm crying! Harper is proof that He really hears us down here. Please never ever ever get rid of your blog. I want to see all that God has planned for this little chica!
YAY! This post brought tears to my eyes and a HUGE smile to my face, I am SO excited for you all :) God is wonderful!
Harper is more adorable than ever too, that little smile just melts my heart! Safe travels tomorrow!
Oh and I am very jealous of your trip to Sonic, they have none in Alaska :( I did, however, use the recipe you posted on your blog for their Cherry Limeade recently and it was delicious.
So glad you are taking your sweet angel home! God is soooo good~ enjoy your sweet baby. before you know it she will be walking...
love and blessings~ erin
Woo Hoo! I'm so excited that you guys get to go home tomorrow! I'm loving seeing Harper in these pictures with NO tubes! She's absolutely gorgeous and looks like a very happy baby!
Her sroty so far has truly been wonderful and I don't know how anyone could not have faith after following it.
That is fantastic news! Praise be to God! I will continue to keep you in my prayers! She is gorgeous, by the way!
I thank God everyday that he gave ya'll Harper and let you keep her.
What a little miracle she is!
Harper and her healthy, chubby little baby chin are too precious. TOO PRECIOUS! Praises for your family and this incredible little girl that is surely the most popular baby on the internet. As glad for you as I am to see Harper go home, I am glad too that you got to go to Sonic. Yay!
My eyes are filled with tears as I read this beautiful ending to this chapter of the story. As we've talked about before, when you wait through pain for a baby, you take nothing for granted. Now that you have not only waited but faced losing her, life will be so sweet in this victory! Enjoy your home, your stuff, all of your pretties! I can't wait to see Harper pics at home! God has and is using you greatly and He is so good! Love you guys!
This is the most wonderful news I have heard in ages. I literally cried like a baby just now to see her with NO TUBES, NO WIRES....Just a beautiful baby girl waiting to go home with her beautiful family! Much love to you all!!!
She is gorgeous - just look at that face without any tubes and wires!
I am so happy for you. I have no idea how I fell upon your blog, but I sure am glad I did. I have grown to just love you guys and your little Harper.
Praise God! Cannot wait to see what is in store for your new family now that you get to go HOME!
Oh Kelly,
How absolutely exciting to see the prayers of thousands answered with your sweet girl going home tomorrow.
Will continue to pray.
Love to you dear one,
What a beautiful story! What a beautiful Lord! And, what a beautiful baby!! Following your story has strengthened my faith and I thank you for sharing with us! I wish nothing but the absolute best for your family! :) Congratulations!!
I needed some good news and that has to be about the best news I have heard in a LONG TIME...I am so glad she will be coming home TOMORROW!!! You are such an amazing women, and although I don't know you I LOVE reading your blogs about your beautiful daughter!!!!! God Bless you and yours!
She is so beautiful, and that smile, oh my goodness, what sweetie!
That song resonated with me all season, and forever now when I hear it I will be reminded of the miracle of Harper. Praise God! I'm so excited that you get to go home and enjoy some time in your own home treasuring this precious gift. Congratulations on going home!
Yeah!!! Harper's coming home!!! I'm sure it will be wonderful to sleep in your own bed with your precious baby girl just a few steps away!
Praying blessings over this transition with Harper from hospital to home.
Praising Jesus with you and all the others who have gone before the Throne!
Melissa in California
WAHOOOOO!!! I have goosebumps! I'm so happy for y'all I could just cry! Congratulations!
I dont know you, but I feel like I do. I told you in a previous post that I found your blog accidentally. I dont even have a blog. Your story is amazing. I check your blog daily. Harper is beautiful, a perfect creation right from God! I pray the best for you and your family. Enjoy every day with your precious baby and thank God every day for her.
Love and prayers to your family.
Mom in Alabama
Amazing... I am so happy for all of you. She is just so precious, I smile everytime I see a picture of Harper. I will continue to pray for good health for all of you.
What a WONDERFUL Post! Praise God that Harper goes home a healthy baby tomorrow.
Kelly, your faith is an inspiration. You are an amazing mother - Harper is one lucky little lady!
She is extra prayer of thanks for God's healing hand tonight!
What an inspiration you have been to TONS of people. You faith is amazing. I have enjoyed getting to know you for the past six months when you did not even know that I existed. After things settle down check out my blog. I would love to hear from you. (I am a friend of Krysta)
Since hearing about your situation from Melanie,Sophie and Angie I have followed you each of these 20 days. What a blessing to see the progress of your beautiful daughter and to see our amazing God in action. He is the ultimate healer and your heart and faith have shown through this tough time. I will continue to follow your story and to pray for your little family. God has already done such great things...can't wait to see what else he has in store!
Praise the Lord!!!!
I am going to be induced in a matter of days, so I will soon learn that a baby DOES change everything. So excited for you!
Hi Kelly-I am sooo happy for all of you!! She is just the prettiest thing! There's nothing like sleeping in your own bed and I'm glad ya'll are getting the opportunity to!!! I too have been changed by the series of events and I am more of a believer than I was!! Thank you for that! I'm sure Dawson will LOVE to be out of the country and back too his own doggy life too!! Ha! Hugs and kisses!! Tam *ohio*
How exciting! I'm so happy she is going home! I can't wait to see the pictures of her going home!
The big, beautiful smiles from you and Harper say it all! HOME!!!!
Best wishes to the happy family.
Praise the Lord!
Harper is so big! It's hard to remember she's so young.
This is such great news and I'm so happy that tomorrow you start your a new chapter, as a family in their own home. She's the cutest little girl!!!
I'm looking forward to watching Little Future Miss Arkanas grow up!
I have been following your blog for awhile now. Lurking, not leaving comments. I just felt like so much has been said by so many.
Today, after hearing your joyful news I gave a shout of praise. I am so excited and happy for you.
Your daughter is beautiful, and her chubby cheeks remind me of when my daughter Nina was a baby. I love all the hats Harper has, she looks darling.
Warmest wishes and blessings to you all!
Praise the Lord!! I am so excited that Harper gets to go home tomorrow! YEAH!! You are an amazing family and I will continue to keep you all in my prayers! Looking forward to seeing pictures of Harper in her nursery at home (and in all those sweet dresses!)! God bless you all.
Oh, and those pictures are just adorable! She is so cute!
Congratulations to all of you! She truly is now 'portable'. It has been a blessing to see God working in your lives and answered prayers - although He always answers. Just not always how we hoped or in OUR time. Enjoy having her home. She looks great!
Congrats!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I just found your blog yesterday and have read up on everything that's happened so far. I'm so moved by your story and complete transparency and faith in God!
I'll keep praying for your now larger family!!! I'm really excited for you!!!
How completely wonderful and amazing that you finally get to take Harper home tomorrow! God has truly blessed your family and I wish nothing but the best for all of you!
Oh, those big beautiful eyes! They are stunning. Those sweet pictures do wonders for my heart and remind of God's neverending love, compassion and faithfulness. Thank you for sharing Harper with us and in turn, sharing the love of Christ. Can't wait to see pics of y'all at home!
I took a pregnancy day at home today and read your blog basically from start to finish, I started crying and prayed and prayed for baby Harper, praise the Lord that this day has come that you have waited for for so long!!!!! I cant wait to see the pictures of her in that beautiful dress!!!!
I am so happy to hear this! She is just beautiful. She is a miracle. My dad was put in the hospital about the same time Harper was born. I understand about patiently waiting and praying for good news. I have been praying so hard for both of them to get better. God has answered my prayers. Thanks for your post. Be careful tomorrow. Welcome back to our state of Arkansas.
She is too beautiful for words. I will share her phots session with my class tomorrow.
*sung to the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb*
Harper's going home tomorrow
home tomorrow
home tomorrow
Harper's going home tomorrow
and her mom and dad will be sleeping in their own beds!(you have to sing that part fast! lol!)
Kely, what wonderful news!!! I think Harper's smile says it all. She is going home. Hallejuah!! Hope you will enjoy the blanket is knit for Harper. Prayer went into each stitch. Keep us updated on her progress. Blessing to you all.
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
I was rocking my own son to sleep while I was reading your blog. It brought tears of joy to my eyes to read that you are going home tomorrow! How awesome is our God! Sending praises and blessing your way!
I have been reading since before Harper's birth, but have never commented. I check on her daily and pray for her continued progress. What a blessing to be taking her home tomorrow! We all rejoice with you and thank our heavenly Father for healing little Miss Harper! She is absolutely gorgeous and we can't wait to see what He has in store for her life!Your sister in Christ from NC.
Now that Miss Harper's big beautiful eyes are wide open, I think she looks like Momma! What a joyous time for you and your husband! A baby does change everything in a BIG way and we wouldn't change that for anything!! God bless Harper, Momma and Daddy:) Now, go home and enjoy God's gift!
congratulations! Wishing you all the best in your journey with Harper! She is a stunning baby!
I look forward to watching her grow, I am new to your blog, so don't know the whole story. But I do look forward to watching her grow =)
Joan - Sacramento, CA
I am smiling every bit as big as Harper right now! Our prayers have been answered...a miracle has been performed...Praise Him!!
It was so nice to see the pic of you at Sonic! I'm so glad you're going home. I know you will be forever happy with your new family and we all get so much joy out of you sharing it with us! The joy I feel right now for you cannot be put into words.
Your little angel is just absolutely beautiful. I'm looking so forward to watching her grow up!
What wonderful news!!
Enjoy tomorrow, enjoy that sweet baby!!
Good, Good, Good for you Mom for Nursing that baby! You have done the very, very best thing you could have done...I am a former NICU nurse and I can say that the mom's who choose to try and feed their babies ( pump, store milk etc ) truly are is NOT EASY and I understand why so many can not do a stressful situation like these mom's are in..sometimes it is impossible, but it makes me so happy to hear when it does work out. DO KNOW that one reason Harper is doing so well and will is because she is getting her MOMMA's yourself a special something, treat yourself nice, you truly have done a very good thing for that baby!!
Harper's story has touched me in a way I never thought. It has seriously renewed my faith in God. I can say that in the recent year I had lost my way, but this past Sun we (as a family) made it to church. I felt God speaking to me. He was welcoming me back and telling me to get involved in our parish. We introduced ourselves to our pastor and are already feeling our Faith grow. We have been praying for Harper all 20 days and you're right, A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING! Congrats on going home tomorrow!
Side note: Our little girl is just about 4 months old. You're going to have TONS of fun with her. The clothes are the best! ;)
Kelly, Scott and Harper,
Praise God for this journey and how he worked through your sweet daughter to remind us all of his love for his children.
I will continue to lift you up in prayer and you travel home to begin your new life in Arkansas.
Can't wait to meet you and sweet Harper one day!
I've never commented before, but I just have to say that I've been reading your blog for a long time and we live just down the road from each other... I'm in SDale! I wanted to say to you that your faith is inspirational. I look forward to reading your updates everyday!
Harper is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BABY-I have 3 of my own who I think are beautiful also- but she is really gorgeous!!!
I pray for you guys everyday.
Tomorrow will be a wonderful day that you will never forget!
God Bless You and your family!
This is such wonderful news! I am thrilled that you and gorgeous, little Harper are going home tomorrow.
I'm still praying for you though!
Yay! So happy for y'all. She is absolutely gorgeous. What a special little girl!
Praise God! This is the day we have all been praying for! I'll never forget the day we took our little girl home from the NICU, after being there for 2 weeks! Get ready for the fun to start and love every minute of it!
Yeah Harper,tell mommy and daddy to have fun taking you home, Arkansas is proud to have you back home.Praise God from whom all blessings flow....Barb
Congratulations on going home tomorrow. I am so happy for you all. I know you may feel anxious but just know that everyone is thinking of you, the love of your little family and the grace of God will be with you. This alone will help you and comfort you. The best of luck and God Bless.
This post brought me to tears!! I can't even explain how happy I am for you guys :~) God truly has amazing plans for Harper's little life. Can't wait to see it unfold. Enjoy your trip home and praise God for those PRAISE reports.
Oh my gosh, I am so excited for you all. How wonderful that Harper is going home tomorrow. I can't wait to see her in all her outfits and hats and bows. She is beautiful, she looks like her mommy:) Have a safe trip home!
We're so happy for you!
Enjoy getting to know Harper at home.
Hugs & thankful prayers from SC.
Such a beautiful post!!!! She is absolutely adorable!! Praise be to God!
Love, Melanie
What wonderful news! I am so happy for you! What a blessing tomorrow will be.
We also endured 5 years of the pain of infertility and then 6 years for our second. Both our kids also had major issues at birth. I remember so vividly when they transferred my Zach to another hospital with a NICU, not knowing or expecting to see him or even touch him for the first time and then having to wait 5 days until I was well enough to see him.
My heart has been breaking over all you have been through these last 3 weeks, knowing first hand the emotions involved.
But, as many have said GOD IS GOOD! Tomorrow will be a great day!
You truly have a gift. Your blog has touched so many lives and your life has been a great testimony of living your faith out loud and counting it all joy.
I look forward to many more posts as you all get home and enjoy the true joy of being a mom!!
This Kid is a BEAUTY QUEEN! She is amazing and it will be so wonderful to get her home and dress her up over and over again! I did my girls! It is always wonderful to have an outpour of suppoert and help and you couldnt do it without them but it is also really nice to go home with your baby and be a family with no one watching and just figure it out one day at a time and obviously the GL(good LORD) is looking after you and this beautiful baby he created within you!
Many Blessings to You and Yours
From a Stranger that feels like we should be old friends! lOL!
OHHH KELLY! This is such wonderful news! I'm delighted to read that you will return to your home tomorrow. And, that smiling face of Miss H just made my week!!! 3 Cheers for St.Francis!!! xx, Nina
Happy tears are just pouring out of my eyes! God has glorified Himself indeed though Harper's life and your willingness to share it. Thank you Kelly for your love for Jesus and for your vulnerability. You are a dear sister in Christ and a super mom. I am praying for you all as you transition home. She is gonna LOVE her room and her home. Yall are gonna be awesome at raising her. Congratulations on bringing her home. What a sweet sweet time!
~Cassandra Raney
Oh happy day!!! She. is. absolutely. beautiful.
Hey, your Razorbacks are playing my Vols tonight. I hope you can catch a few minutes of the game during your feedings.
I have been following this blog for a while and I don't believe I have ever commented. I just wanted you all to know that I have been praying for Harper since her birth and just want to give up a big, "Thank You Jesus!!" We are so happy for you all and pray tomorrow goes well. God is good--all the time! We have three little boys and one on the way and we can't thank God enough for all of his provisions, healings and blessings! God Bless you all! Anya from Port Washington, WI.
I've been following your blog for quite some time. I found you from the LPM Blog. I have checked on Harper every day since her birth. I've only left one comment.
I've been encouraged by your amazing faith. I am expecting a baby girl on Feb. 23rd, my third child.
I found this amazing video and song on YouTube. If you go there just put "I'm Holding a Miracle" in the search engine on their site.
I wanted to share the words with you:
"I'm Holding a Miracle"
Many years have come and gone
though things may change
time keeps rolling on,
But every now and then
into this world breaks in
something that is glorious
beyond words.
A tiny glimpse of eternity
the question is
why have eyes to see
Oh can't you see
the fingerprints of God
on this little baby you hold
in your arms.
I'm holding a miracle
a precious gift from up above
Knit together, made with love
By the very hands of God
I'm holding a miracle
and I never want to let you go
There ain't much on earth I really know
But this I know
I'm holding a miracle
Little hands, and those little feet,
the eyes so bright
and your smile so sweet
There really are no words to express
just how I feel
I'm amazed to see the handiwork of God
With every look
and with every touch
with every breath I say I love you so
Oh I can't believe that I'm so
priveleged to see such a beautiful
display of grace given to me this day
I'm Holding a Miracle!
Ps 139:13-15
Be blessed as you take Harper home,
My four year old is with me looking at the pictures and she keeps saying she is so precious, so so precious.
I know you can't wait to tell her how she has impacted more lives in her first two weeks than most of us do out entire lives.
BTW, I think you have looked fabulous in all your pictures. I can't look that good when I try.
Oh!!! What a blessing!!! Congrats and I can't wait to see pics of your wonderful, long awaited homecoming! Praise God!
I am so excited to hear your glorious news!! My boys have even been following along with me and were excited to hear that Harper doesn't have to have tubes anymore. She is just so adorable and you are going to have so much fun being her mom.
Congrats Kelly, I am so happy for you and your family!!
That is so awesome! I agree with you, and look forward to seeing the amazing plans God has for your daughter... praying for her has been such a blessing!
I am so happy for you and your husband. :) Congrats on taking Harper home. I long for the day that my husband and I have a baby. I know God's timing is best.
Praising Jesus for your wonderful news! So happy for you. Harper is going home!!!!
What perfect news!! So happy that you will bring your beautiful precious healthy Harper HOME! Oh, the work of HIS hands!
I just love a happy ending! I am sure the best is yet to come for your sweet and faithful family!
What an absolute praise! I have been on my knees (and hooked to your blog!) these past 20 days!
If no one else has mentioned this to you my sanity when bringing our little girl home was
'Bebe Sounds Motion Sensor and Sound Monitor'
It was by far the best purchase we ever made. And our little girl is now 16 months and no longer requires it! But I can't wait to use it on our next!
I haven't commented yet, but I've been reading your blog every day. So glad you get to take your sweet baby home!
She is so beautiful, what a blessing and what a wonderful testimony you have written. Have a wonderful day tomorrow...Be blessed...
I am so happy for your family. Harper is so beautiful. God is great!!
I'm soooooo glad for you!!! She is so adorable! I wish I lived close enough to come and visit you.
~the Rural Canadian
That is the best news I've heard in a long time. Praise God Kelly!
Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear that Harper gets to come home to Arkansas tomorrow. She gets more gorgeous every day!
So very happy for you!
Your posts and pictures reminded me of our days in hospital with our now 12 year old daughter. Harper is so beautiful and her eyes so wise. God has a plan for her and you. Be blessed. Our prayers will follow you all along.
Glory to God.
Wonderful news!
PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited for all of you. What a GOD we belong to and serve!!
what an absolute! God is so good.
YEAH!!! What amazing news! I know you must be on cloud 9, to be taking that precious daughter of yours home :) God has truly worked his magic and proven to all us that he is always here.
Congrats on the great news!
~Jennifer from NC (Charlotte)
Sweet Harper is destined for great things! She is a miracle. I am so happy for you and your family!
God bless,
So happy that sweet Harper is going home. She looks so beautiful with no wires or tubes. I can't to read all that God does with your precious baby girl. She is loved by many!
Harper is so beautiful! I know tomorrow is a day you have prayed about! I can not wait to see how the three of you grow as a family!
One of the most beautiful newborns I have EVER seen!! Praise GOD for HIS work in Harper's life.
Your baby is so adorable. She sure doesn't look like a newborn. I am so glad that you are going to be taking your baby home. God is good.
YAY!!! So glad y'all are going home tomorrow. That is a huge praise! Thanks so much for sharing your life and your story with all of us. It has been awesome to watch our God work miracles!!
PTL!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys to be at home with your precious little girl. She is SO cute, Kelly! Is it me or does she look like you?
So happy for you all!! What an answer to prayer! :)
Praise Him! I am so happy for y'all! Still praying in NC.
I am sitting here just bawling, and not just because you went to Sonic!! ha! This might be my favorite post of yours, Kelly, which is saying something! I am so thrilled for you guys....and will be praying for a wonderful homecoming tomorrow! God is so good!!! PRAISE HIM! We all love you (all three!) so much!
To God be the Glory for the great things he has done in 20 days! She is beautiful and I pray tomorrow goes smooth and I rejoice that you will all be a family in your home with a precious baby girl! Thank you for sharing and allowing blogland to love on your little miracle. Blessings to you and your family! Excited to see homecoming pictures!
I read this post with tears in my eyes... A Baby does change EVERYTHING! I'm so happy to hear that you all will be going home tomorrow! What wonderful news! God is so good!!!!
Jen Averitt
Wonderful news! Can't wait to see her going home outfit!!!
CONGRATS HARPER!!!!!!! I've been praying for you :) I'm so excited that you finally get to go home!!!!
Tears....... Our God is SO GOOD and FAITHFUL!!!
Have a very safe trip home and enjoy having her with you every second!!! Being a Mommy is an amazing life changing journey!! So very thankful that you get to experience it with your sweet little Harper!
Love and Prayers from Fayetteville,
Gosh she's gorgeous!
Congratulations on being able to take her home - what sweet relief!
Our God is a GREAT God!
xo, *S
It still gives me chills to think that the Lord allowed us to witness a wonderful miracle through Harper. You are two of the most deserving people and the grace and faith that you displayed throughout this journey was AMAZING! I wish you three nothing but the best! i hope you continue to blog so that we can all see the amazing life ahead Harper has in store.
Lot of love,
Britney in CA
What exciting news! And yes, a baby *does* change everything--*everything*!
And I just have to say that Harper is one of the most beautiful little girls I've ever seen (well, next to mine, of course).
Praying that the transition from hospital to home goes smoothly--you are going to do wonderfully! Can't wait to see those pics of Harper in her white gown.
I just wanted to let you know that I have been following Harper's story, thanks to Angie Smith. I am so thankful for the plans God had for Harper and your life with her. I look forward to getting to know you better and following your journey as you bring your beautiful little girl home.
Kelly, Harper is just absolutely pink, healthy, big-eyed and happy! I am so happy and grateful and thankful for your daughter's recovery! I've only followed your blog since the day you went into the hospital, but have checked in each day. Praise God for her healing! I think YOU look adorable, too! : )))) I wish you a fantastic tomorrow and the most wonderful homecoming in Harper's long life to be! : ))
God bless!
I don't know you or your family. But my life is better by reading about your family. I needed a lesson in FAITH and Harper has given me that...thank you for loving God the way you do! All we need is a little FAITH. If I have a little girl one day...her name will be FAITH...
God bless you and your family.
Julie Smith
Shelbyville, TN
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! God is awesome! We're all so excited that you finally get to take your beautiful baby girl home! She is the most adorable thing ever. Definitely a future Miss Arkansas! Congrats & good luck!
I am so happy for you and Scott! You get to take your HEALTHY baby home! She is absolutely adorable!!!! I just want to kiss her little cheeks! If you think she is happy now, wait until she gets home and see Dawson!
Praise God! This just made me day! What a blessing to bring sweet Harper home tomorrow! We'll be praying for safe travels and a good first night home!!!
I could just nearly cry reading this post. What great news. I am so thankful to our precious Lord for your blessings!! Harper has been blessed with great parents. I will continue to pray for you all as your journey at home begins.
Lots of Love and Prayers being sent your way --
Kelly--she is so precious!! Love those big eyes. My husband told me the other day that he had been praying for your little Harper too...she has definately touched many lives. I'm so excited for you guys that you get to go home!!!
Thats the best news I have heard in days..... God is Good !
Congrats on bringing your little blessing from God home , congrats :)
Those photos of Harper are beyond precious!!
Prayers for a safe trip home!
Kelly that is so awesome. Harper has been on my mind a lot and I am so happy that God has answered prayer and she is going home!!! I can't wait to get updates on how things go for you all at home! Congratulations!
What a wonderful blessing. I am so glad Harper is going home. Be safe, be happy, be healthy and God bless ya'll!!!
Congratultions!! I still have a gift to send to you (excuse my laziness for not getting it in the mail already). Is there another address to send them to now that you'll be home? :)
I can't wait to see pictures of her in my beautiful room.
Praise God for such a wonderful gift! I love getting to see her eyes wide open and without all the wires and such. She looks like just a beautiful baby girl ready to be spoiled!
Harper is beautiful and a testament to God's mercy and love. I am so excited that ya'll are going home!!
Lisa Q
Yay! I am so happy for you, Scott, and Harper! I am so glad that everything has gone so well for her. What a blessing! It's nice to see her little face without any tubes! Amy
I am so very happy to hear that you are going home! God is SO good and little Harper is just the most precious baby!
I will be keeping you all in my prayers for continued blessings.
That is such wonderful news Kelly! God Bless you & your family. You have such a sweet heart & I'm thankful that we all get to read your story. You are an inspiration to me & many other women who want to have babies. We love you!
To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Harper is a beautiful baby.
Yes! Home! How wonderful for you all! She gets cuter every day. Can't wait to see pictures of her in her going home outfit!
Praise Jesus! I am thrilled for you guys and I know you can't wait to show Harper her beautiful room! I love all the sweet pictures of her!
Yay!!!!!! I'm so excited to hear the good news!! God is so Good!!! Kelly, Harper is so beautiful! Those bows and hats look just precious on her! I'm so glad ya'll are finally getting to go home and enjoy that sweet baby. Love you!
Hannah Smith
Kelly -
She is absolutely beautiful and those smiles are precious!! She just melts your heart everytime you see that smile - right? Oh, I am so so happy that you all are heading home tomorrow. God has truly answered so many prayers and has given you all so many blessings with healing that precious little Harper.
As goes for the photo shoot... I am totally obsessed with my son and my camera and I just recently put ALL of my pictures that I took of Cameron on discs so I wouldn't lose any and well... I had over 14,000 pictures of him and he just turned 2 years old. So, I can totally understand the photo shoots...we have them daily here at our home and I am sure you will be the same with your little miracle baby. Enjoy every moment!!
I've followed your blog since sweet Harper was born but never commented. I just simply could not comment tonight! Praise Jesus! I am so happy for your beautiful family! Your smile just radiates off the computer screen and I am so happy for you! Harper is absolutely beautiful! She was beautiful with the tubes but now she is just glowing! I feel like I know you and your family. Happy Homecoming!
Okay why don't you just pull the tears out of me right before I am off to bed. I am so THRILLED to hear this. Praise God.... HE ROCKS!
She is so dang yummy.....and we don't have sonics here in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, but I am from Texas and I just love me some sonic. Tomorrow can you have the breakfast burrito #11 for me with a rootbeer?
Congrats!!! You guys will be fine at home... I can tell already!!!
Vancouver BC
YAY!!! I was hoping this post was coming today! Woo Hoo!
What great news!!! We have all been waiting for that. She is seriously a beautiful baby! but you already know that :)Can't wait to see the updates once you are all home safe and sound!
I am so excited for you! Yay- Praise God! I will be thinking of you tomorrow--safe travels!
YAY!!!! Home...finally...thank the good Lord!!! I am so happy for you guys and I am still praying for all of you. I will now pray you make it home safe. Can't wait for another update....FROM HOME!!
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