Today was Emily's 3rd birthday party - it was a Tinkerbell theme
Here she is blowing out her candles

I thought this picture was funny because it shows how huge I am and that I'm using my stomach as a shelf - ha!

Everyone watching the kids eat

Scott has gotten pretty partial to Sarah Kate lately - she is such a sweet, happy baby

Katarina decided she would rather put the ice cream on her head and in her hair than eat it - I thought this picture was so cute

Me and my friend Isabel and Sarah Kate

All the kids lined up on the couch

This was our present to Emily - a Snow white dress up outfit - I knew she would love the shoes especially. I had planned to get her a whole set of Princess dress up shoes because she loves shoes and princesses so much but of course when I went to find them - I couldn't (but I saw a bunch of sets all before Christmas. UGH!)
This afternoon - I went and got my hair cut and colored one more time before Harper comes. You know I have to have some fresh blond in my delivery pictures. ha! My feet are such a mess so I thought about getting a pedicure too but decided I'll just wear socks the whole time I'm in the hospital.

I made a tutu for Harper tonight. And then I decided I would do a little practice dress up and photo session. ha! I hope Harper will be this easy to dress and pose. ha!
(I'm no tutu expert - this was my first. But basically get a long ribbon and cut strips of tulle (I figured out the thicker the better). Fold the tulle in half and loop around the ribbon and pull real hard. Keep going until the tutu is complete and then you can just tie on the baby/girl. It also looks cute to tie different ribbons on and even hot glue a big flower on at the top. EASY and great for photos!!!)

I am the first to comment - yeah! Did Dawson see the doll all dressed up? Because I know Harper will be looking snazzy like that all the time! Really, I can't wait to see her in that - it's too much cuteness.
Too precious Kelly. My niece just turned three in October and is all about princesses and fairies now as well. Good practice on the doll, you're going to make an AWESOME mommy!
You are looking great Kelly!! I always look forward to your Monday blogs because we get to see how much Harper is growing...and it looks like we might get at least one more week! ;) That tutu is super cute. Harper is going to be so stylish!
Hi Kelly - you did a great job on that tutu and I love all the hats you got on ebay too! How did you make the tutu?
The tutu turned out great, and the hat goes great with it! Great idea to dress up the doll, cute! Harper better get here soon because her mommy looks like she is about to pop, still smiling though! You are a trooper to still be out and going this late in your pregnancy :)
The tutu is just too cute!! Harper will be so precious in all of them and her hats!! Can't wait to see her pictures!! Good Luck and God Bless!!
You are so creative, Kelly! The tutu looks great-and adorable with the new, little hat for Miss Harper! You will have so much fun dressing her up! I love those hats...besides being precious, we got a lot of practical use out of them bc my 2nd DD was completely bald until about a month before her 2nd bday! ;) Seriously! :)
Hope you are feeling as well as can be expected at this point in the game. Not much longer now!
Love reading your blog...so glad I found it...
Anne in TN
How CUTE! You did a great job on your first. I got an embroidery machine for Christmas and just might have to practice on some stuff for Harper! Hugs!
Cute tutu, I love it!!
Looks like a fun party...and looks like you recovered well from your catfish consumption. Girl, I bet I could out eat you when it comes to hushpuppies!
Love your tutu.
And the picture of you with your glass on your "shelf" made me giggle. I KNOW you're so ready for Harper to get here!
The tutu is adorable. Harper will look like a little doll in it. Enjoy your shelf while you still have it. Its a whole new ball game once its gone.
Good Luck and God Bless
Too cute....love the tummy picture and the tutu. Thanks for the tutu instructions. I made some with elastic waistbands, and when the girls would put them on, the elastic would stretch and then the tulle was no longer lined up, so the ribbon waistband sounds like a much better idea!
It was the day for birthday parties! We had one here -- complete with a kid line-up pic on the couch (except we had 14). lol
In the second picture the only thing I notice is your HUGE smile. :)
That is so cute! You are just ultra creative!!
Oh my goodness...you are just about ready to pop! Seriously! It can't be long till she is here!!
I may have to try making a tutu, too. Did you knot the tulle around the ribbon? Sorry, I guess I am a slow learner :)
Very cute pics.. my niece got the same snow white outfit for her third birthday and she loved it!! Can't wait to meet Harper! Have a great Sunday!
GIRL -- you are adorable!! I wish we had stuff like that when Kennedy was little, but it just wasn't popular and that was only 5 years ago!!
Will be thinking and praying for you this week!
Natalie *Tampa*
When my son was born I had a pedi and my toes painted hot pink with white polka dots. I was the talk of that floor. Nurses would come in to my room just to see my toes. That was May though so I guess I would wear socks in Jamuary also.
Cute, cute tutu. Little girls are so much more fun to dress than little boys.
Oh my goodness, the doll is so funny! Harper is going to be the most stylish baby in the crib!!
Hey, that tummy table really is quite handy! (: You look great!
The picture of all the kids on the couch is SO cute! Looks like a fun party!
Harper will be precious in that tutu...great job!
Adorable pictures! My daughter loves the princess dress up shoes. Our Sam's had them last night......on clearance too. :)
Cute hats........cute tutu! How fun!!!
Get the pedicure!! Not only will it feel better than it has your entire life, the foot rubbing can help stimulate labor (so they say). The day before I went into labor I got a pedicure, saw a movie, and went shopping with my Mom...it was nice to have the day of relaxation and to not think about how much I just wanted to have the baby, darn it! (I was exactly 40 weeks when I went into labor.)
Seriously, if that can make a plastic doll look so cute, then I can't even imagine how cute Harper will look in her tutu! You did such a great job on that. Your camera is going to explode when she gets here because you will take so many pictures of her in her cute little outfits!!:)
While at my parents' this summer, I took my youngest for her 3 m photo and they used something I had not done before but it worked great- a beanbag covered with a throw or blanket of some sorts. It worked so well for the photos- stiff enough but also mold-able to hold her safely (and to see her outfit!).
Love the hats, bows and the tutu!
This time next year, you'll be planning your own party- so many fun things ahead of you! Our oldest turns 6 next week; time flies!!
Love that you dressed the doll up in the outfit!! :) I bought the supplies to make a tutu at Hobby Lobby today. I bought a butterfly instead of a flower--and a few rhinestone/sequin things to hot glue on here-and-there for a little sparkle...I hope it turns out.
How cute! Harper is going to look SO cute in her hats and tutu! How creative!
I know Ella Grace and Emily would be such great friends. EG LOVES TinkerBell, too, and EG and Emily have A LOT of the same clothes. So funny!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the tutu. This Christmas was EG's first time to wear one and I LOVED it. I wish I would have been putting her in them all along. Just precious! Loving that hat, too. Harper is just going to be a fashion plate!
Hi Kelly,
I have been following your blog for a while and I have just started my own.
I think that your little family is just precious and will be even more so when baby Harper finally makes her appearance.
I am going to be a MeMe this year so I am really excited about that. We don't know if it's a boy or girl yet but I am sure I will be letting everyone know when I do.
Good luck and many blessings
You are looking rather pregnant, aren't you?? Ha!
Scott is looking like a natural with SK.
you are a trooper of a friend--attending the kiddos' birthday parties before harper's here and you "have" to! :0)
my oldest daughter wore clothes from gymboree's cupcake collection for her 3rd birthday party in october, too. too cute!!
VERY cute tutu!! And the birthday looks so fun... I think the picture of Katrina takes the cake...er... ice cream! lol
All I see in your picture is happiness. You truly look great. Harper is going to look like a little doll in her tutus and hats. Finally got a google account so now I can post here instead of email:)
You look so great! These are great pictures, what adorable children. Great tutu :) Only 8 days to go, my goodness!
SO cute!!! The belly, the tutu, the birthday girl...ALL OF IT!!! Simply Adorable!!!
Girl, go get that pedicure! When you lose all dignity in the hospital, you'll at least be glad you have pretty feet.
That tutu is adorable...and I love the hat/bow combo! You are going to LOVE dressing up a little girl--I just hope Harper gets to sleep in somethign comfortable and notstuff like this! Ha!
You look AWESOME! I love the cup on the belly. You are at the "any day now" phase! So excited for you.
I pray that you get lots of rest in these last few days...you're gonna need it!
So cute! It looks like it was a fun party--all of those kids sitting at the same time...wow! Good job on the tutu--I've been wondering how to make one!
I hate that I missed Emily's party! Looks like fun. She's getting so big!
Oh my stars ~~ you are sooooooo cute with your belly shelf =)
I love the tutu and the doll dressed in Harper's clothes. She is going to be the best dressed girl around!!
Have a Blessed Lord's day,
Harper is going to be one stylish & beautiful little girl =]
Looks like it was a precious fun party! Emily looks so cute! I love the hats you decorated and the tutu also! I can't wait to see Harper in it! AWW
You look fantastic!! I love the tutu you made--I'm domestically challenged, but, I hope I can do things like that if the Lord blesses me with a daughter. That outfit is so cute--Harper will look adorable!! Thank you for sharing so much with the blog world--you are so inspiring and just a joy. Thank you!!! I love reading your blog.
Ummm yeah, about the princess shoe's, if you were looking for them at WM they will be instock as soon as Wes can get them over here. I think he was a little dissapointed you were slammin in his instocks.... but hey it should help him recognize the urgency of keeping items on the shelf huh! Love the tutu, I am impressed!
Get the pedicure!!!
You can also make a tutu using a kids elastic headband and tie tulle all around it so it will be elastic waist. I love the colors of yours!!!
Lots and lots of fun! She is going to be the most stylish child by far! I love it! My hubby Stuart and I just moved from Bella Vista this past summer. I was teaching Kindergarten there with Abby Rogers. Her and her hubby Trent go to your church I do believe!
Those are awesome pictures!!!! Love you have a "Shelf" of a belly... wont be much longer!
And that picture with Katarina with the ice cream on her face... her expression is hilarious!
I see you are still pregnant! You know we are all waiting almost as anxiously as you are!
That little hat with bow is so cute :) My friend Ashley makes the headbands with HUGE flowers on them and puts them on her baby Reece all the time, so cute. Does it feel weird to know that you could really just go any minute now?
Get the pedicure! It can stimulate labor...what better reason would you need? Haha! I am loving the picture of the doll! It just got me all excited about how cute Harper is going to look!!! :-)
You are SOOOOOO cute!! I love the first picture with your Harper-belly. Forget Elf on the Shelf - you've got Beverage on the Shelf and that is pretty handy if you ask me. :-) LOVE it.
And speaking of love - the tutu/hat/bow/cute onesie combo. I mean, does it get any more precious than that??
Hope you have had a great day, my friend!
Kelly, I just wanted to come our of lurkdom and introduce myself. I found your blog shortly after you announced your pregnancy and have been following ever since...I love your growing belly pictures! I wish I had done that with each of my three. With Harpers arrival fast approaching I wanted to wish you luck and let you know that you will be in our prayers for a safe and speedy delivery.
Love love love the tutu!
Do you monogram her shirts yourself? That is my favorite look, but haven't been able to find a reasonable price yet.
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