Friday, January 23, 2009


We've had another good day here at St Francis NICU! We had a lot of wonderful visitors again today - thank you Joyce, Taylor, Melinda, Mrs. Kisor, Jordan, Mary Avery, John Michael, Joy, Katie, Meredith, Russell and Mike and Sharon for visiting us today. It brought us so much joy to visit with each of you!
Here's the little princess - she had a good day. They brought her back up to almost 60% oxygen but they have been adjusting a lot of other things today and tweaking down things so it's just fine that they brought her back. We met with the doctor today (we can't say enough wonderful things about Dr. Gomez) and he was very optimistic. He thinks by next week she could be off the ventilator and start waking up. We are looking at probably being here about two more weeks. We are fine with slow but steady progress and just so blessed that our baby is doing so well. God has been so good to us I can't ever thank Him enough.
We have recieved so many wonderful gifts and I know it could be FOREVER before I get thank you notes out and I also may never track you all down so I wanted to put a few on here to show you how grateful I am. My sweet friend Jenna in GA made mom and I these awesome blankets - if you can't tell - my theme verese is on there - Ephesians 3:20. These blankets are so wonderful Jenna - I love them (and you!)
I got this wonderful basket full of baby goodies from Linda at No Monkey business. Thank you so much!

These beautiful flowers came Kirby at Good Gals, Inc. I love the PINK!!!!!!!!!
And this sweet candy basket came from Laura Joseph and family as a one week birthday present! Ya'll have blessed us abundantly and I'm praying God will bless you for your kindness 10 x what you have blessed us.

We also have a special friend, Michael and Shanna Blount. Michael has visited us several times already in the hospital and he is just a light to us. He works for Blue Bell Ice cream ( the best in the land) and I just found out he brought us some to the RM House along with a precious "Blue Bell Baby" t-shirt and bear!!!! I can guarantee that if Harper is like her parents - she will LOVE ice cream.

Tonight we celebrated my parents 38th wedding anniversary and I'm pretty sure there is no place they would rather be than with their new granddaughter. We all just love her so much and we can't begin to explain the tears of joy we shed every day at God's goodness to us. And so much of that is because of all of you who read this and share your lives, your prayers, your generosity, and your love with us. We can never, ever repay you but we can just keep trying to "pass it on". I hope we will all try to pass it on and do things for others. It's amazing how much you can change a life with just a small gesture!

I love each of you so much!!!

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Ruth Ann said...

I am soo glad that she is getting better! I've been praying for you since day one, and I check your blog several times a day! I will continue to keep Harper in my prayers!
-Ruth Ann

Amanda (McNeely) Vestal said...

I am so glad you continue to get good news about Harper!

Janelle said...

What a wonderful day! I am amazed at the love that has surrounded you thanks to this sweet little blog. God is blessing your baby and your words!

Praise God for the great report!

Hillary said...


rachel said...

i am so glad Harper is doing better...I check the blog constantly to see how she is..your faithfulness amazes me. God has used you and your family so much! She is just beautiful too-I can't wait to see her in her smocked outfits and bows!

Lauren said...

I can't get over how beautiful she is. Her skin, everything...and I love how you can see her little fingernails in the picture!

I am very thankful that so many people are loving on you and your family so much throughout every day.

Heidi said...

Hang in there little Harper! Just know people all the way in Las Vegas are thinking about you!! Slow but steady, that's the name of the game!

Anonymous said...

You are just the nicest girl ever. Harper is so lucky to have you as a Mom. You are such a good example and I am estatic Harper is doing better.

Dallas said...

Your daughter is absolutely beautiful! I live in NWA and know several at your church. I am praying for your baby and am amazed at how upbeat you are. God is good!

Bethany said...

so, So, SO HAPPY for you all. God is amazing in His power and grace. I feel so blessed to have happened upon your blog and privileged to pray for your sweet baby girl. ( I agree, she is getting more beautiful by the day!) You will be in our continue to be in our prayers.

Sharmin said...

I just sat down and cried tears of joy when I read how well Harper is doing today. She's in our prayers, along with you, Scott, and the rest of your family.

Karyn said...

Wonderful to hear the good news keeps coming. I am sure 2009 shall be full of abundant blessings for your family.

Ter said...

those blankets look so snuggly and warm.... I sincerely hope that someday very soon you'll be rocking your baby to sleep while cuddling under that blanket. :)

Michelle said...

Harper is just so sweet looking! Still praying in Pearland, TX

Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping us updated! I only know you through this blog, but I feel as if we are old friends. Harper is precious and I can't wait to see those big beautiful eyes opened! Praise God for all he has done. May he continue to bless you and your family, and may he continue to use Harper as a vessel of his eternal love for his children. Amen that lives have been changed because of your faithfulness!

Anonymous said...

She looks so great- you can tell by these photos how she is improving! She is a beauty!!!

Little Harper has touched so many of us... God Bless her!

We continue to pray... XOXOXO

Congrats to your parents on their 38th! Amazing!!!

The Speight Family said...

So glad to read the good news about Harper!

DietCokeStraightUp said...

I'm so happy that you got the flowers!!! Your baby girl is so beautiful and I want you to know we think of her and your family every day!!!

becky said...

still praying for that angel girl. she is so beautiful and i can't wait until you get to hold her. looks like next week! i just know God will make those hours fly. thank you for updating us. you will be like so many of us other NICU moms who will read every NICU story from now on and completely dedicate some serious prayer time for every baby and every doc and nurse.

All Things Family said...

So glad to hear that Harper is doing so well! Keep it up Harper!

Continuing to pray!

Amanda said...

I'm so very happy to be hearing good news these past few days! God is good!

Taylor said...

We made it out of the hospital without getting lost, Cheesecake Factory was fabulous (I ate some for you!), and it was sooo good to see you guys today! I hope that one day our daughters will get to play together and we become better friends!!!

Angela said...

Yay for tweaking things. That's always a good sign. I tell my husband about Harper everyday and he is always excited to hear she is doing better.
Thank you for keeping us updated so often.

Michelle said...

I think of you all daily. You are close to my heart and we are still praying for continued progress! God is so good and He is faithful to those who are faithful to HIM! Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Harper is a miracle in so many ways!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Way to go, Harper! Keep getting better & come home soon.

Kelly said...

I am so glad to read each day that Harper continues to improve. What a blessing. God has answered so many prayers for this precious little girl. And what a beauty she is!! I love to get on here each day and read the updates and that she is doing better! We continue to be in prayer for her, and for you and Scott as well.

Brooke said...

Her color is looking so much better! Yay!

Rhonda said...

Good Work Miss Harper!!! You are an amazing baby...Keep showing the world how you can fight!!!
You all are in our prayers...

Carla said...

I have been reading your blog for over a week and am encouraged by your faith and the walk you take with the Lord!! I have also prayed for you and Harper, I am now looking at your blog daily. God is so good!! Hang in there!!
Carla in Colorado

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly...Continuing to pray for Harper and your family. Thank you for keeping us updated.


Jill said...

So happy to hear Harper is doing so well. It is amazing the progress she has made this week...God is good!!!!! Congratulations to your parents on their anniversary. You are looking great Kelly~

The B's said...

How amazing and how awesome. We serve a GREAT GOD! He has done AMAZING things with Harper in just one week and we praise him for the new life in Christ that has come because of this situation.

Little Emma(and her Mommy and Daddy) is still praying for sweet Harper!!

Kari said...

Love to hear good news!! And, what an awesome blessing all those gifts and visitors must have been!!!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

What a great day! I love this post!

Lisa said...

Glad to hear that things continue to go well for your sweet girl. You have indeed received lots of goodies. I love the blankets (very neat) and so sweet!! I am sure you are so excited and anxious for her to start waking up and most of all to just hold her for the 1st time.

Keeping her in my prayers!!

~ Lisa

Shan said...

As many have said before, I don't know you but since I follow your blog I feel like I do. How amazing that lil' Harper has already touched so many lives. I know so many here in Arkansas that are praying for your entire family. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, It's so good to see you and Nonny smiling. God is so good. AND I like hearing that the doctor is optimistic.
We are still praising God and praying for continued healig in Little Miss Harper and we still profess that healing in Jesus' name.
At dinner today Abigail, our little two year old granddaughter (whos going on seven, LOL) prayed "Father keep us safe and bless our food. Make baby Harper all better, Amen"
Get your mom to tell you about Abigail. She is our miracle, just in a different way than your little angel, Harper.
All our love and prayers,
Richard and Brenda Sessions

Jenn said...

Thanks for the updates! Praise God for the continued answer to prayers!!! We'll keep praying!!!

Karen said...

oh my gosh. Just reading since a few days! Harper is amazing. Still praying for the day you can hold your baby. She is so lucky to have such a great family.

Tessa said...

Hi there,

I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for Harper ... she is so beautiful and I am so excited for her "slow and steady" progress. I have been checking in on your daily and I am lifted up by your incredible faith! Harper is so lucky to have you as her Mommy!

Tracy said...

I am having trouble commenting, so I don't know if this has already posted!

I am so glad that your family has had such a good day! Harper is SO cute! When Garrison was on oxygen he was always up and down, and I would get frustrated. The nurses always had to remind me of SLOW progress! Harder said than done!

Praying for another good day tomorrow!!

Always a Southern Girl said...

I am sooo glad to hear that Baby Harper is doing so well. God is so good! We are keeping the prayers lifted up to the heavens.

Glitter & Bliss said...

I just wanted to say a quick hello. I am Leslie from Glitter & Bliss. I made your "Harper's Mommy" necklace that you are wearing. I loved making it for you, and I send many prayers your way. Harper is so beautiful!!Many hugs....

Al's World said...

What a praise! I live in Tulsa, and had planned on coming to see you, but my little ones have been sick this week. Glad you have been showered on, you deserve it. You guys are living testimony of God's love, and power. I check you guys every night, and pray for you every time I pass by St. Francis. Love you all!


Haley said...

"We all just love her so much and we can't begin to explain the tears of joy we shed every day at God's goodness to us."

Your attitude AMAZES me! Thank you for sharing your story with us! Praying here in TN!

Jenny said...

I was listening to Pandora online radio while I was reading your post.

Right as I came to sweet Harper's picture, Steven Curtis Chapman's
Be Still and Know That I am God began playing.

I am in wonder of how God can comfort and show His compassion in something so simple as a song. When you get a chance, listen to the words.

It gave me goosebumps!

Have a great weekend!

Holly said...

Continuing to pray for you all and for your darling, beautiful baby girl, Harper!

Unknown said...

Wow! She looks great! I can tell she is doing better just by how much pinker her skin is today. Keep it up Harper and you'll be home in no time!

Praying in Texas!!!

caknitter said...

It's wonderful that the little princess is having such a wonderful day. I'm looking forward to the day she opens her beautiful eyes. :-)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! You are such a strong mom and one of the most caring individuals with such an amazing positive outlook I have ever seen. The NICU is a hard place. Our little Harper was there for 8 days when she was born and 14 months later she is an active happy baby girl! Praying your time in the NICU is speedy and you will be home soon with your Harper sleeping in that adorable nursery! Love, Elizabeth

Cindy Watson said...

2 weeks...that is AWESOME! It is amazing what God has done in ONE week! I hope to meet you and your sweet family someday in NW Arkansas.

Rogers, AR

kimberly t. bowling said...

What a wonderful day of renewal in the Lord's will....Kelly, you are such a great example, and Harper has an outstanding Christian Family to grow with each and every day.

Certainly, you couldn't have imagined loving her any more than you already do....and with the seemingly endless support from your friends, family and bloggers brings to mind this verse I will leave you is certainly true for all these last 7 days have offered up:

~~1 Corinthians 2:9
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."~~

Anonymous said...

So glad you are being covered in prayer and surrounded in love. Your willingness to share your story is helping others just as others are helping you. Many continued blessings to you and your family.

Andrea said...

Harper is just beautiful!!!

I am so happy that she is doing so well!! I'm still praying!!

mommyof2sons said...

Glad to hear the good news about Harper. Your gifts are so nice. I love the blankets!!! Does she have a website? Still praying!

Susie (So Blessed) said...

Praying for you and your sweet have an amazing testimony of the goodness of our loving Father.

Every good and perfect gift is from above.
James 1:17


Laurie said...

She looks so pretty in her picture tonight. See you soon!
Love and hugs.

Anonymous said...

Tears of happiness for Sweet Harper...

Still praying daily.

Andolicious said...

I'm glad that you are getting so many gifts from your blog readers! You and Harper definitely deserve them. Just by reading your blog, I can see that you are such a good person! Those blankets are adorable and I know the gift baskets will come in handy. :) Happy Anniversary to your parents! I hope all of you get to go home in a couple of weeks. :)

Erin said...

I imagine that your mom and you are very close! My mom is my best friend and I remember when I went into labor at about 3am and called her (my husband told me to wait to call her) she was at the hospital within 25 minutes!! She then left to go work out because I was barley dilated and they said it would be awhile! I remember calling her about a half hour later and telling her things where moving very fast and I was dilated to an 8! She was back at the hospital within 15 minutes with half her work out clothes on and half her normal clothes!

I can only imagine that there is truly no other place that the grandparents would rather be then with you and there special and only grandchild (right?)!!!

Are they going to be there the entire time?! Is your husband going to be able to stay the entire time?!

Thanks for all the updates!

Jordan said...

So glad to hear that she's doing better! She'll be off the oxygen before you know it!! =]

julie & joe said...

I am so glad that Harper continues to steadily improve. It won't be long before you get to put her in those pretty dresses and bows. I can't wait! We continue to pray for you daily. Harper has been a miracle from the start.

Melonie Beth said...

I ran upon your blog through one of my friend and I have been reading for hours...I have cried and Ive laughed. Do you all know what is going on with Harper?(that't the name Ive had picked out for my little girl btw) If you don't mind message me back. I would love to know more about her. I will for sure pray for you all. I know how tough it is. I had a nephew that was in nicu for 8 days.God bless you and Lil Harper!

Penny said...

Continued prayers for Harper! I am so glad that you are able to praise in the midst of the storm.

Your story is blessing people all over the world.

hugs from snowy Ohio

The Walkie Talkie said...

The countdown is on- two weeks! What great news! What a blessing the medical staff has been and I bet y'all have blessed them greatly as well! Happy Anniversary to your parents- kudos to them! Thirty-eight years is something to celebrate for sure! What better way than with their miracle granddaughter! Love and prayers, Jenny Beth Walker

Unknown said...

I am so glad Harper is doing better and I will continue lifting her up in prayer! God Bless. You look great!

Lauren said...

Kelly- It blesses my socks off to see the ways in which you all are be soooo blessed!! We love you, can you tell??? haha!!!

Anonymous said...

Your whole family is such a wonderful example of pure christian love. Harper is so lucky to have such a beautiful christian family. i am praying non stop here in maryland. so thankful to hear more good news with each and every post. i hope you and scott are getting a little rest each night, please take care of yourselves!! you are going to need the strength when she comes home! :) praying that is very, very soon!! i wish i found your blog sooner, it has been such a blessing to me and an honor to pray for your precious angel. tara in maryland

pinkmommy said...

PTL she is improving! I am still praying!

steffj89 said...

still praying for you all as well.
Steff @ okierivermama

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear of how well Harper is doing. This beautiful baby girl has no earthly idea of the blessing she has been to others and the encouragement of Christ's love and healing as we watch Him work through her!

We're still praying for you, claiming Harper's healing and blessings on y'all!

creative gal said...

YEAH for good news!!!

Kendra said...

You know what, we will take 60%. We can handle that!! That is still GREAT!! And Harper is proving to be a tough little princess, so I am sure she will be back down to 43% before we know it.
I am so glad you are feeling so blessed Kelly, I am so amazed at the Family of God!!
We will keep praying for Harper's lungs and all else that is going on.
And we will keep praying for Harper's mom and dad too!!!

newmanfamily said...

It seems every blog I read has a link to yours. I came the other day and am praying for little Harper and your family. I already feel like I know you and your family. I think God has some big plans for that little girl and what a testimony she is going to have.
Lori Newman

Linkis Family Love said...

Love the close up pic of Harper! I see she is still holding her Mommy Polka Dot blankie! Do you still sleep with it, and then give it to her? FANTASTIC idea that was!
She is a true blessing to you, of course, but also to so many others. Her work here on Earth started the day she got here, and I know that God picked a very special little girl to bring about so much of His glory. Harper, dear, you are truly blessed to be chosen by Him to spread His love. He will hold you in His grace and mercy all of your days!
Kelli <><<

Tristan said...

What a blessing all those goodies are :)

Praying hard from Indiana..still :)))))

Heather said...

I am so glad to hear that she is improving and it must be music to your ears to have some kind of a timeline on your stay there. You are so loved and it's amazing to see how the Lord is blessing you. Those blankets are awesome!!! You are so gracious, you truly are an inspiration to others. Keep hanging in there and we are still praying for Harper and can't wait to hear the good news when all this is behind you!! Blessings to you!!

This Little Hen said...

Kelly I am so glad that Harper is doing so well! As we traveled 3 hours from home tonight I told my husband about her progress. I sent up prayers of thanks, praise, and requests for more amazing healing.

FROGGITY! said...

:) Keeping the faith and spreading the word about your little one... more prayers coming your way...

Stephanie said...

What a wonderful blessing this day has been for your family! I am so glad to hear that you little sweet pea is doing so much better! It just fills our cup to get good news like that! Happy Anniversary to your parents! What an accomplishment!
Still praying for y'all in UTAH!


Jill said...

I sit here with tears running down my face. I'm so happy to hear Harper is doing so well!

You're a blessing to so many, Kelly...we love you too!


Free Art Printables said...

That is such wonderful news! She looks beautiful! And you look fantastic!

Staci said...

Praise the Lord!! It's so encouraging to check your blog and see the newest way Harper is improving. She will be home with you (and in all her monogrammed goodies) in no time!!

Thank you for always being an encouragement even in the midst of your darkest time!

God bless you Kelly :)

Rachel said...

What a great day!! She looks gorgeous and you look awesome too!! God is just shining through you and that sweet girl!! Still praying!!!

Katy said...

Awesome!!!...more and more great news! What fun gifts you are receiving and such wonderful people who are giving them, Harper has so many people who love her:)

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear she is doing well! I will continue to pray for her!

Kelli :) said...

I'm thrilled to hear your girl is doing better! I can't wait for you to take her home! :) love you Kelly!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My good friend recently was in great need.
Another friend of hers
(75 years old) advised her..."pray out loud...God loves when you pray out loud!" She did,and within a very few hours her prayer was answered!
My advice is Pray out loud! God likes a show of faith such as this!

Anonymous said...

So glad to read your wonderful news!! I know you can't wait to get her home soon but think how far she has come in just one week...PTL!!!! What a wondeful testimony for you to share with others in the years to come. EPH 3:20 girl..He is capable. Lifting you all up to our wonderful Lord :)

Cindy McCorkle

Rachel said...

What a praise that the Lord is continually healing sweet Harper! I have been thinking of you as I am listeing to Matt Redmans song "You Never Let Go". The Lord is with you every step of the way... your faith and trust is such a witness to so many people. May the Lord richly bless you and your family! Praying for you from Chicago... I found you through the Bring the Rain blog, and now I can't stop checking the updates a few times a day :)

Shelly said...

Go Harper girl, Go! I'm so thrilled to hear that she had yet another good day. Like someone said earlier, we will definately take 60%! She's such a strong little princess and obviously is going to be a fighter.

Hope tomorrow is as good as today!

doornumbertwo said...

Here in Texas, praying with you and for you.

Amy H said...

Hi Kelly--

I come back to your blog several times a day to check in on you and get an update on Harper. I am so happy that she is doing better.

I know your body is still healing and your hormones are off the charts. I hope you know that I am praying for you just as much as Harper. I know those first 2 weeks after a baby can be rocky with the hormones so I hope you are keeping that in mind and giving yourself a break.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy Harper is pulling thru this. God is good and will continue to watch over her!

You are looking terrific after just one week!!! =]

Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

You and your family is an inspiration to all families going through any type of crisis. By reading your blog for just a short time, it did not take long to realize what an amazing person you are. Your daughter is one lucky little girl to have such a stong support system surrounding her.

Mississippi Girl said...

The recent news is wonderful, Kelly! Still praying for your precious angel (She IS a beauty!!) and your family!

Brittany said...

Harper just looks SO adorable...I don't know if I wil be able to handle the cuteness when she gets out of the hospital and in all of her lovely clothes!!! Yes you guys are so lucky to have her! Glad to hear about the progress and I am of course still praying!!
Oh, and my word, I love those blankets!!

Gracie Beth said...

I cannot wait to see pictures of y'all holding Harper for the very first time! I am still praying for that sweet baby!

Tiffany said...

Harper looks just so beautiful in her photo shoot today! :) Isn't the Lord just so good!!! We will continue to pray for the dr.s, nurses, other babies and most importantly for His will to be done. You all are doing an amazing job and it's so wonderful how you are always giving Him all the glory and honor and praise.
Love in Christ,

Jennifer said...

What cute blankets!

My friend's college sorority philanthropy was the RM house! How awesome that you have that great place to stay!

In His Army said...

We are rejoicing here in more great news! Thanks for all the updates and we are continuing to lift you guys up. Wow--you will be home before you know it! Praise Him!!!!!

Beth said...

I can't wait to hear that Harper is breathing on her own and gazing into her mama's eyes! Praying for you and Scott and Ha

Jess :) said...

I want more than anything right now to get in my car and drive from SD to OK! I would love to see you and give you a great big hug and tell you how much I love you and Harper!! I just hope you know that!

I'm so thrilled that things are looking up and that little peanut is getting better!! PTL, for He is good!

I'll keep praying...don't you worry! Oh, have you seen the button that I made (with Matthew Turner's help that is) on Harper's Prayer Blog?!? I love the thing and even when Harper is ALL better, I still want to keep it on my blog b/c I think it is so cool!

Anyways, love you lots and sending tons of hugs!
Jess :)

Anonymous said...

My heart is smiling for Harper.. I love getting the updates and hearing how good she's doing! You are so strong and such a great mom!!! God bless you all!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I am rejoicing with you tonight and smiling. God is so good.

Thanks for all the updates.

With love,


R said...

what great news! a two-week prognosis is great! i smiled so big when i read that.

the Lord impressed upon me to begin praying for you and Scott and for the days that follow after you bring Harper home. oh my goodness--i will be praying for PEACE, wisdom and discernment for you both when you return home, away from the hospital care.

it's never easy to care for a newborn outside of the hospital--so many questions and fears when it's your first child--let alone one who's been in NICU. i have several good girlfriends who have experienced this. so i'll be praying fervently for you that it's a seamless transition when you get back home!

Lea Ann said...

Kelly & Scott,

So glad to hear of Harper's improvement every day. She is just so beautiful. Thank you for being such a light and inspiration! Still praying constantly in Tennessee.

Love and prayers,

Lea Ann

Anonymous said...

we learned about your story the day harper was born and have been thinking about and praying for your dear, sweet, precious baby girl since then... we have 3 children, our oldest, who turned 10 this past december, is a girl and her name is harper, & like your precious one, she too was in the 9 lb range at birth :) we have felt a special connection to you,& your story for multiple reasons, and continue to pray that God will lay His healing hand upon her, as well as comfort and guide you all on the road He has set before you. you are an inspiration to us all, as we face similar circumstances with a child who faces upcoming surgery, and we draw strength from you and the story you have so graciously shared with us all....thank you...

Jen said...

I am just so thankful to read about Harper's continued progress! I will continue to pray for her and the other babies in the NICU! Thanks for the up dates!! Harper has made her way into lots of hearts here in the Blogophere!!

With much Love,


Lynn said...

Praying right now!
Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Heather said...

Oh Kelly, reading your blog is bringing back so many memories for me. 4 years ago on January 17th, (my daughter's birthday is just one day after Harper's but 4 years ago)my daughter was born at 9 lbs. 8 oz. She wasn't breathing well either so they put a tube down her throat and found she had swallowed meconium severely and rushed her to the PICU. I didn't see her for a day and couldn't nurse her for 3 days. She was only in the hospital a week but she looked just like Harper does with all the tubes and tape. At 9 lbs. 8 oz. she was like a monster in the PICU compared to all the tiny babies that were under 5 lbs. We were also given a very scary prognosis that we might lose her but God got us through it and she came out fine. It's just bazaar, we both had girls one calendar date apart, both had big babies, both had really sick babies, and both trusted in a VERY big GOD! I will continue to pray for Harper. She is so beautiful.

Heather in Colorado
found your site through a friend

Amanda said...

Great news and you look so good, all dolled-up and even get your jewels on, you go girl!!!

Rune said...

It so good to hear. We will pray everyday for little Harper.
She is adorable:)

God bless you all.

Wib og Rune from Norway

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father has been speaking to my heart since Harper was born that yes she would recover completely! My husband and I will also been married for 38 years!
This year!
We also have our one and only grandbaby! She is 2 years old.
Pamela RN OH

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I began reading your blog through my girlfriend Heather. you have an amazing spirit and witness and your faith is a blessing to us all. We pray for your family and Harper, Love Sarah and Kurt

BABY-C said...

Hi Kelly

I'm so glad to hear your beautiful daughter is dong so well! She certainly is a strong little one!

I will keep praying for you all.


Maria xx

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, my husband is an atheist. But he asks every day how Harper is doing. And I pray for her every day.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I just wanted to tell you that I am praying for you and Harper all the way from Perth, Western Australia! My heart goes out to you because we also suffer from infertility and are trusting God for a miracle. He is faithful and good, no matter what. Praying for more awesome news for you all. :)

MARGE said...

I am so thankful Harper is getting better. Praying for your family here in michigan, I have been checking in daily to read how Harper is doing

JanMarie said...

What a beautiful little girl! Harper and Brayden are in the hearts and prayers of MANY! God is SO good :) I found both of these sweet babies through Bless This Nest.

Unknown said...

Sending you prayers & warm wishes from Norway... Your daughter is beautiful....

Jules said...

Keep up the good work Harper. Her colour looks so much better in the recent pictures. She is just lovely

Ashley said...

That is such wonderful news Kelly!! Im so proud of you Harper!!

Jenny said...

soooo happy sweet harper is doing better. she's so beautiful!

Becky said...

You go Harper! Two weeks. That is awesome. That is an answer to prayer - to many prayers. Continue to heal Kelly. Continue to rest. Continue to delight in the little girl the Lord gave you!

MiMi said...

Two weeks! What great news! I am so thankful that Harper is doing so much better. She is one tough little girl!

Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad. I am sure that you are right - there is no where they would rather be on this anniversary!

Continuing to pray for all of you!

Andrea said...

I have been keeping you all in my prayers - the updates are getting better and better! How truly awesome is our GOD!!!!
Your faith has blessed me, many times!

MaryBe said...

Happy Anniversary to your Parents, and Happy One Week and a Day Birthday to Harper. Please God, let her continue to get better

Michelle said...

Kell, I have been praying for Harper and your family every day. I can't wait to get home everyday to get an update! My daughter-in-law is expecting her first baby, our second grandbaby, in a few weeks. she has been glued to your blog. You have been such an inspiration to us. We are reminded what a miracle life is and what a treasure God sends us. Fragile and precarious yet God has held Harper in His hand this whole time. What a blessing and a comfort. By the way tired or not, you are the most beautiful Momma I have seen. God's love radiates from your face I don't care how tired you are! His joy is the best facial we can get. I CANNOT wait to see Harper in her BIG Girl bows! We don't know if our grandbaby is a boy or girl but I sure am wanting to buy some pink. Have a blessed day Kelly and know that the Cheney's in Bossier City are praying for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to read she is getting better everyday!

Scott, Courtney, Logen, Tanner and Harper E.

Jennifer said...

Yay for Harper!!! I can only imagine your joy as each day passes and she does better and better!!

Still praying!

Anonymous said...

It is so great to see her doing so well! I've been following you from Bring the Rain and I think it's so awesome to see God work!


P.S. - I want that necklace. :)

Kelli said...

Great news! Cute picture of that sweet Harper. I'm so glad that you're being supported by a wonderful community. God has truly blessed you. I'm still keeping you, Harper and your family in my prayers! As always, thanks again for the update.

duchess said...

What great & thoughtful friends you have.
So glad to hear that Harper's still doing well.
At least you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Hope you have an even better weekend.

Lori said...

Right back at you, Kelly! Your story of hope, love, and faith is a wonderful example for all of us. SO glad Harper is getting better. Sending you lots of hugs today :)

Anonymous said...

She is SO precious. I am praying for you and your family.

AbiRose said...

Hi Kelly and family,
I just wanted to let you know we are still praying daily for your sweet Harper-girl, and for all of you as well!!!
Hope you have a good weekend, and continue to press on!!

The Allens said...

Kelly, you are a light to us and your precious daughter will be a light to the world.

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Scott,

This is all such good news and each day that I read your blog I get a smile on my face when I read the wonderful strides that Miss Harper is making. Today was exciting to hear that you might be going home in 2 weeks instead of the 4-6 you thought. YIPPEE!

All the love you feel for this little one will just over flow when you actually get to hold her and both of your parents are going to absolutely love being grandparents, I know we do.

God Bless you,

Susan said...

Praying for Harper - what a darling little girl! God is so good!

Melissa Orsak said...

So EXCITED to hear Harper is getting better. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!

p.s. You look great Kelly, keep your head up, she will be home with you before you know it.

Emily said...

Kelly, Thank you so much for sharing your precious daughter with those in the blog world. You truly are a wonderful example of someone who trusts the Lord in the good times and bad. From one mom to another, I really admire you!

I have been praying for your beautiful baby girl and am so glad that she is continually improving. Praise the Lord! As we say at our house "God is good...ALL THE TIME!"

Blessings, Emily

Colleen said...

Every day I am so anxious to read your updates and so happy that Harper is doing so well. I pray and thank God over and over that He is healing this precious baby. There is so much relief and happiness on your face with each new post.


Anonymous said...


I have jumped for joy for the all of the progress Harper has made. God is great!

- Lauren Bowen

Anonymous said...

Thrilled over the progess and it's so fun to watch you all live out God's grace and love. Saturday blessings to you all, Jill

Victoria said...

I came over from Angie's blog a few days ago and read all your posts on baby Harper. This morning she was the first thing I thought of when I woke up so I prayed for baby Harper and your family. I was so pleased when I read on your blog that she is doing better! I know you cannot wait to hold your precious baby girl!

Patsy said...

Good Morning!! So glad to hear Harper is doing so well and continueing to improve. Ya'll are blessed in so many ways. COntiued love and prayers from Mississippi. Have a blessed day!!

Sara said...

I found your blog through Joy and I have been so blessed by your thoughts. Isn't God great! What would we do without Him.

Lulu said...

I can't get enough of the Harper pics, she is such a DOLL!!! Still praying constantly..GOD IS SO GOOD.

Crystal Chilek said...

Praise God for the mighty work he is performing. Your faithfulness amazes me. What a blessed little girl Harper is. I have never met you and probably never will...I came across your blog and have continued to check the progress of little Harper daily. It is encouraging to me to see the mighty hand of God at work. My husband and I are praying for you, Harper and your entire family. You have touched my heart and I will forever be changed. Sometime we forget just how Awesome our mighty God is. God bless you and your family for your faithfulness and trust in our Lord and Savior. We will continue to keep your family and Harper in our prayers. Can't wait to see this little girl grow up...what a magnificent story she will have to share. God has big plans for your little Harper...just wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too have been praying for Harper all week and I'm SO glad she is getting a little better. Her coloring looks better and you can just tell she is going to be beautiful. All my best to Harper and your family. I'll keep sending prayers from Wisconsin.

Rachel Spence said...

That is wonderful news! I will pray she continues to get better right on track!!!

petrii said...

She is just so precious. We are continuing to pray and lift you to our Father.

Have a Blessed day and weekend,

Rebecca said...

Continuing to pray for you and Harper daily! She has many ice-cream eatin' days ahead of her! Thank-you Jesus!

Amber B. said...

So glad that she is doing so well!! That is such great news, and I will keep her and your family in my prayers!

TheFancyFritter said...

Oh I know it just blessed your heart to have such a great day and to see your sweet baby get better and better! I am continuing to pray for Harper and your family all the time! I can't tell you enough how beautiful and precious she is! I hope today is just as great! God is so wonderful and mighty! :)

Anonymous said...

God Bless you and your entire family....I am THRILLED to know Harper is well on her way to being 100% healthy and soon to be home w/ her Mom and Dad! My daughter was a big girl at birth too, she was 9lb 7 oz and they are just so huggable and snuggly at that size :) She's now almost 21 and Kelly you will never know how much Hareper will turn into your best friend - Jennie is my love and my best friend!!! I can't wait to see you hold your best friend :) You'll stay in our constant prayers and I'll be adding Harper to our prayer list at church tomorrow! Love to everyone!!! and Go Harper and Go God for all the blessing!!!

Jennifer said...

God is simply amazing. I have been praying for Harper and your family daily. I know that you will soon get to take your precious baby girl home and spoil her rotten! You are simply an amazing woman, and your faith in God amazes me. I will continue to pray for you all. I'm so glad to hear that your little angel is doing better! God bless!

The Mama said...

Those blankets are adorable-- and perfect for an adorable little girl. Yes, I agree, slow and steady is good progress. I know you all can't wait to take her home, and she's working hard to make sure you do. Happy anniversary to the lucky g-parents!

The Mama said...

I keep forgetting to say this everytime I comment, so here's another from me. I noticed you had 2009 baby mamas- I like this feature. I'm due May 4 of this year and it's fun to check out who else is going through this pg stuff the same time as me.

ilovepink said...

You have blessed us through sharing your journey and faith in God. I am so glad to hear the progress! Love and prayers from SC.

Stephanie said...

You are thanking everyone else and we should be the ones thanking you!!! Thank you for sharing Harper with will never know what a difference she has made in so many lives!

I pray that they can get all the tweaks worked out and she is breathing on her own and in your arms very soon!

Beautiful picture of her today..she's such a gorgeous little girl!

All Sufficient Grace said...

Kelly, Scott and Sweet Harper. I am so thankful to see how God is revealing himself to you and will continue to pray for you as Harper grows to be a precious example of Gods love.

Jennifer Sanders

Unknown said...

what wonderful news!! it is so great to check each day & hear of sweet harper getting stronger & stronger...
continuing to send our love & prayers!

the holland five in san antonio!!

Jenna said...

Look at that sweet girl!! I'm conviced she gets more darling everyday. Love her and love ya'll!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sweet Kelly and Family,

I truly believe that Harper's life and the love all of you have shown for the Lord during this difficult time, will be part of many testamonies in the blog world. God is working for a greater purpose here, and we are witness to His unconditional love and healing.

During the routine of my day, I catch myself thinking of baby Harper and praying "Please God. Please heal this beautiful child, who is a perfect example of your love on earth."

Speaking of PERFECT....Harper is perfect. As the mom of three boys, I loved, loved the bow!

Hang in there Kelly, Scott, parents and family. Know that you have so many caring families praying for you constantly.

Margaret and Len Duffy, Virginia Beach, VA

Miss to Mrs said...

I'm not even sure how I found your blog but, I am praying for Harper, you, your husband, your family, the doctors and nurses and all the other sweet babies in the NICU. I'm glad to hear the good news about Harper today. I will continue to follow her progress and keep you all in my prayers.

Nana said...

How good to hear little Harper is doing better, she is absolutely beautiful!!! It fill my heart w/ joy to see all of these people praying for your sweet littlle one. Sounds like it's working. We will keep praying.

angie said...

I have not commented...yet, but I read about Harper every day. My baby girl is 5 1/2 years old, and her life started out so very rocky (a different journey than Harper's, but similar in that it's a very difficult way to start as a first time mom). I have to say that throughout Emma's 1st year I was very angry with God (not something that I am proud of...but it's true). I still struggle with my relationship with Him, but to see how much faith you have has made my bond with Him stronger. To see how many are praying for her, and the progress that she is making has made me rethink my questions to God that I have harbored for so long. You are truly an amazing family! I have read your Dad's blog to, and I am just in awe. With so many prayers and good people following your baby...Harper is going to continue to do great...and she is going to live to do amazing things in this life...I just know it!

My Emma is a strong little girl. She teaches the world every day what a true miracle she really is. Reading your blog about Harper's struggles has helped me to see once again how strong our children have to be to get through these obstacles...and how GREAT God really is!

Thank you so much...and bless you and Harper!

malette-foreveryoung said...

I am praying for Harper and you. I found out that Harper was in need of prayers for MY CHARMING KIDS. I have been praying for her since.
I will keep on prayin for you family.

Praying in North Dakota

Anonymous said...

Oh what a PRAISE THE LORD to hear how well Harper is doing. Our family has been praying so hard for y'all. We ourselves struggled through infertility for 5 1/2 years before God blessed us with our Hannah.

You are obviously a very STRONG family in God's eyes and that is why He knew you could handle this. You are an encouragement to my family and me so much.

We are continuing to pray for you...Mommy and Daddy...and Harper too. I look forward to the day when I see her all dressed up in the bows and dresses that you have shown on your blog.

God Bless Y'all and we're praying for y'all!!

Jennifer Weir

Jennifer said...

I'm just so happy! I love all the sweet gifts you have received! I was thinking last night about how different things looked a week ago. I'm so thankful that the Lord showed himself the way he did this week! It has been so awesome to watch! Thank you for sharing your sweet family with us. Looking forward to great things for Harper next week! Praying for a great, restful weekend!

Anonymous said...

If you think you love Harper so much now, just wait.

Believe it or not, it grows. Every day. It's truly amazing.

Lots of love and healing to your beautiful girl. :)

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful blog, I started reading it about the time you had Harper. I'm praying for your little Harper, this story is very close to home for me, it sounds exactly like my little cousin 3 years ago, but he is now with the Lord, but I know and have the faith your little Harper will be just fine, she is improving each and everyday and that's what brings a smile to my face today.



Marilena said...

I'm so glad to hear that harper is continuing to do well!! I'm still praying for you guys and I just wanted to tell you that you look so beautiful in all of your pictures! You are just radiating happiness. I'm sure you just can't wait to get your arms around your precious girl! God is doing a mighty work in all of your lives and it's so awesome to be a witness to it.
Praying in AZ,

sray said...

That little chubby wubby is gonna be fine. I'm praying for ya'll. I bet she has some "sweet rolls" in that diaper.
God bless!
S. Ray

Joy said...

I am out of town but still checking in on your girl.
I know when she wakes up, it will be another WONDERFUL GLORIOUS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION again :)!!!! I think we are just about as anxious for you and your family as you all are!

We are still praying! in Troy, AL & Valley, AL with lots of hope!

Much Love to you and your family...

In This Wonderful Life said...

Hi pretty! I'm so glad that they are working with miss H in trying to get her better each day! That is wonderful news! Very awesome yall'll love your doctor too! I'll be praying! love :)

MECH said...

Glad to hear the good news, we're still praying!!!!

Me'Chele Fuller-Indiana

Michele said...

Amen! God is GOOD!

The Major's Wife said...

I read on your dad's blog that you're little beauty is having a good day. Looking forward to an update from you.

The Moellenkamp's said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your sweet and BEAUTIFUL baby girl and you and your husband! I have been checking your blog several times a day for updates! I hope you don't mind (pretty sure you wouldn't) but I added your "praying for Harper" button to my blog! I am so thankful she is doing better and better each day! God is so awesome! Take care, I'll keep praying until your sweet baby is safe in your arms in all of her pretty dresses and bows in her awesome home!!!! =)


Andrea @ Mommy said...

What a great update. I think she is a doll baby (of course) and love her little chubby cheeks. Just wait until you can start kissing all over them and munchin' on them! Oh, that day will be here before you know it!!

And, you are going to not only have tons of thank you notes but lots of scrapbooking to do too! This blog is a great way to document all that's happened with sweet lil' Harper! What a great testimony and some wonderful memories to know how thousands of people laid her health and your stress/worries at the feet of the Lord! He is mighty to serve and save!

Amen! I'm so glad she's doing a little better but will NOT stop praying until she's home with you!

Becky Garrison said...

I just found you through another blog. What a blessing you have been to me as I have read your posts about all you've been through with Harper. Your witness is like a light shining in the darkness, for so many people to see. Bless you for sharing this with all of us, and you, Harper and all of your family will be in my prayers from today. Blessings to you, Becky G.

The Shabby Princess said...

I'm so happy to hear about all the wonderful things that people have been able to do for you all during this difficult time. You have an amazing spirit and I know that I've really gotten to see if by reading your blog, and it's even more evident as you go through this trial and express your graditude to Him and to all of your blog readers. We love you so much, Kelly for the joy you've brought to so many people.
We're praying for Harper! Can't wait until we can read about her at home with her cute clothes and sweet nursery.

Zoe's Mommy said...

Hello Kelly, today was the first time that I have ever read your blog but I felt a connection to you. You see I have been where you are now. My daughter was born @23 weeks weighing 1 pound 5oz. In the beginning things didn't look to favorable for my husband and I, but we serve an awesome God and we placed our little one in his hands. Zoe spent the first three months of her life in the St. Mary's NICU. My little Zoe is now 9 months and doing very well. I pray that the Lord will continue to be with little Harper making her stronger each day. Thank him for the little blessings as well as the big ones each day. Our God is a powerful God, an amazing healer, and the best comforter that anyone can ask for. God bless you and I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Lovin' the updates. So glad that Harper is on the mend. Still praying for her. I love the picture of her holding the blanket that you slept with. Such a cutie-pie!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Still praying in Massachusetts!

Harper is so blessed to have such a beautiful, gracious, faithful woman for her mom. I'm praying for you (and your husband and all the grandparents), too.

Amanda said...

I am so glad to hear that Harper is making so many improvements. Still praying.


The Charton's said...

We are praying for you and your baby girl in Texas! Your story is all too famliar to our family. We were in the same place 3 yrs ago, here is a link to my blog. My daughter is now a healthy 3 yr old. My advice would be to get to know your NICU nurses and don't always trust them when they give you a date for her to come home. They have good intentions, but things happen and our "coming home" date got postponed several times. God tooke care of her the whole time and He will take care of your baby girl too!

khull05 said...

I'm so excited baby Harper is doing so well, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel for you! I will continue praying for her-for that slow and steady progress. She is so beautiful and such a tough little girl!

Heather said...

I am so glad things are looking up. We continue to pray for Harper and your family!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly and Scott,
What encouraging news. The pictures are so sweet of Harper and I can't wait until y'all are able to see those pretty eyes of hers. God bless and keep y'all and your families.
The Bliznik Family

Ashley said...

Hooray for wonderful news! Just look at how beautiful she looks too! Her color is so nice & pink. Praying here for continued blessings for Harper and your family. :)

Faith said...

Harper looks just beautiful in that picture! Such a sweetheart. So thankful for the good reports that keep coming.

Love those pretty blankets from Jenna - she is the best!

Anonymous said...

I heard about Harper from my sister. I also happen to work at Saint Francis. I alternate between the main hospital and the children's hospital, so at either place I am aware of Harper. I am so glad she is doing well and is hopefully going home soon. The one thing I have always enjoyed about dealing with the EOPC is as sad as it is to have a need for an ICU for neonates. It is always great to see them go home. Harper will continue to be in my prayers, as will your family.

JenB said...

So happy to hear she's still doing well. Take care of yourself!!
Hey, has anyone ever said your mom looks like Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer? I think so. Sorry, random. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled that Harper is doing better! I found your blog through Angie's Bring the Rain blog and have been popping on here about everyday and praying as I read. Just wanted you to know of another prayer warrior out there for your precious Harper!


Kimberly said...

So happy to hear Harper is doing so well. Have a very blessed weekend! Love from Bama!

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