Laurie had a few friends over to her house for lunch today. She made SUCH A good meal - poppyseed chicken, salad, green beans, bread, and a REALLY good chocolate mousse. She had her table all set with her Christmas china. It was so nice!

I'm getting ready to start making and freezing some meals to have for when we first get home from the hospital. Our families will be with us that first week or so and I don't want them to have to worry about making meals. We can just pull one out - bake it and add a side and we will be good!
I've made a list of what I'm thinking about right now - do any of you have any good recipes for meals that freeze well? Here is what I have so far:
2. Mexican chicken casserole
5. My dad's enchiladas
6. Chicken spaghetti
6-8 meals is probably enough because we can mix pizza and sandwiches in between and maybe even a big pot of chili - yum! But if you have any easy suggestions - I would love them!
6-8 meals is probably enough because we can mix pizza and sandwiches in between and maybe even a big pot of chili - yum! But if you have any easy suggestions - I would love them!
(Thanks for the reminder on Breast feeding and spicy foods! I'm making these mostly for the family members that will be staying with us - I'm happy to eat a turkey sandwich every meal. But I can eat the non spicy meals! :-))
Also - there is a family in our area who is in need. I know times are tough and there are so many places and opportunities to give these days - but if you could - please click here and read about the family and if there is any way you could help - I know they would appreciate it!
I'm going to have to try that chicken...yum! Looks like y'all had such a fun lunch.
Oh girl, I just made this Paula Deen recipe for a friend that had a baby, she and her husband LOVED it! They even texted me the next day to say that they never knew that had certain taste buds until eating this. I love it :) I changed up the original recipe a bit, so you can leave out artichokes if you don't like. Hayden doesn't like those. It freezes well, and is gooooooood over some wide egg noodles or mashed potatoes.
Chicken in Wine Sauce
4 large skinless boneless chicken breasts
6 oz. Mozerella or Swiss cheese slices
1 can Cream of Chicken soup
handful sliced mushrooms (if desired)
1/2 bottle artichoke hearts, drained (if desired)
1/4 cup white wine
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup herb-flavored crushed up Pepperidge Farm stuffing mix (or canned bread crumbs)
1/2 stick butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place uncooked chicken in shallow buttered casserole dish. Layer cheese on top. Mix soup, wine, salt, pepper; pour over cheese. Sprinkle stuffing mix on top and drizzle with melted butter. Bake for 1 hour.
thanks Kelly! Can't wait to meet Harper!
I made some meals to freeze for my sister when she had her baby. The one I'm going to share with you is Chicken & Stuffing's easy, yummy, and freezes well!
Chicken & Stuffing Casserole
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of celery soup
1/2 cup milk
1 cup chicken broth
2 boxes Stove Top stuffing
4-6 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
Spread cooked chicken on bottom of 13x9 casserole dish. Layer cooked stuffing on top of chicken.
Mix 2 soups together with ½ cup milk and spread on top of stuffing. Freeze
Thaw and pour chicken broth over top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Serve with your choice of vegetable and have a complete meal!
You've got some great meals already lined up; I'm really impressed! I have absolutely no desire to cook right now, but your recipes and post are inspiring me to get some things made! Hmmm...I think I'll break out a grocery list now!
Hey Kelly!! I came across your blog and I love it!! I was wondering if you would add me to your "praying blog"? It would mean so much. I cant wait to see what lil' Miss Harper looks like!! Thanks- Ashley
Just a little FYI...if you are planning to nurse sweet Harper, be careful with tomato sauces and spicy foods. Not every baby has the same reaction, of course, but mine got serious tummy aches with tomato products and onions. Not fun at 2am!!
Hi Kelly,
Love, LOVE this recipe and freezes great - just add the crushed chips and cheese just before popping it into the oven. It's my favorite casserole - ever!!
Hot Chicken Salad:
4 cups cooked chicken breast (cut up- or shredded)
1 small can pimento
1 cup mayo
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 small onion - diced
1 handful chopped celery
3 tbs. lemon juice
1 small bag slivered almonds
mix everything together. top with 1 1/2 cups crushed potato chips and 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese and bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes. YUUMMMMMMM!
can't wait to see harper!!
have a merrry christmas!
I'm reading your blog for about a couple of months and I love it.
I have a question: If I cook and freeze it, how much time I can have it frozen before it goes bad? And tell me if any kind of food can be frozen to reheat later.
Thanks for sharing the recipe ideas!
i have the easiest chicken pot pie recipe in the world. (seriously, i use this all the time when i haven't had time to go to the grocery.)
-ready made boxed pie crust
-can cream of chicken (i use ff)
-fresh chopped veggies of your choice
-salt pepper to taste
-milk to moisten
-2 or 3 chicken breasts chopped
line dish with first unbaked pie crust. in separate dish mix all veggies (i like celery, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, green peas...but whatever you have on hand. you could even use canned, but drain well.) then add soup and enough milk to make smooth, but not runny. stir in chicken and season to taste. (i always add a dash of rosemary and sage.) cover with remaining pie crust and bake at 375 until golden. or freeze and bake at 400 until golden. this is so lowfat, simple, and easy even my kids love it! hope this is helpful! :)
Your lunch looks like fun. Those babies are the cutest!!!
That is the saddest thing that family is going through. My heart is just breaking!
Laurie and I have the same Christmas China...oh, if we only we all lived on the same street we'd have the best progressive dinners!
I have two great recipies..for freeze meals...will email tomorrow.
Check out Ballard Designs Estate Sales...just ordered a rug on there today and thought of you!
Kelly, anything that goes over pasta or rice is great. Sauce alone takes up less room in the freezer than a whole meal. Then all you have to do is thaw the sauce and boil some noodles!
But let your fam cook a little while they're there. Save some of your freezer meals for after they've gone!
On another note, your prayer blog has inspired me to start one of my own:
I pray we'll be adding praises soon too!
I've really enjoyed reading your blog~ I found it thru some other blogs... my parents are in Rogers, AR... they've lived there for almost 2 years... I've never lived there and don't really know anyone my age in their area~ so it is neat to read your blog... in addition, I love reading about how God is working in your life. We had our first child~ a little girl, Bella~ in Feb. 2008~ we never knew we could love someone so much! God is so good.
As far as your recipes, someone already mentioned above~ but I just wanted to reiterate~ if you are planning to nurse your precious daughter, be careful with spicy foods, tomato sauces, etc. We had some very fussy/rough nights due to the acid in them~ for the first weeks she seemed to do much better when I ate bland foods... just FYI.
Hope these last few weeks go smoothly and quickly for you~ as I am sure you are ready to meet your darling daughter!
Wells is such a dollface!!
I was going to suggest enchiladas but you already have that on your list. :) You are so good, putting meals together ahead of time!
Looks like a great luncheon! The chicken recipe sounds yummy. I need to try that. :)
Lasagna is a good meal too. I make this for any meals that I make for people. We usually have a sign up for meals with a new baby or medical. Basically here's the recipe......
1-1/2 ground beef (low fat)
1 huge container of Prego
1 or 2 boxes of no boil lasagna
1 container of ricotta cheese
1 large bag of moz. cheese
Cook the ground beef. When done put into a large container with the prego and put on low. Preheat oven to 400. Take out the no boil lasagna and spread with ricotta cheese then put into pan. Put ground beef/prego mixture on top, then layer with moz. cheese. Keep doing this pattern till the pan is full. I usually have enough to do a 9x13 pan and a 8x8 pan! Bake for about 45 minutes, but keep an eye b/c ovens vary. Then I just add texas cheese toast or breadsticks.
Hope you enjoy!
Lunch looks like a lot of fun! All those babies are so precious, but I could just squeeze on Wells! What a cutie!
I found your blog through Angie Smith. I've been following you for some time but am commenting for the first time.
With my firstborn, I also wanted to have some meals frozen and ready to go for those first newborn days. I didn't even take into account certain things that may disagree with him.
It didn't take long to learn what did and didn't upset his stomach. As many mentioned, tomato sauces, onion, and garlic were things I had to stay away from.
After having our second child, I immediately avoided those things at the beginning, and she didn't seem so bothered.
Now, I'll tell you what others told me: Every baby is different, and you'll never know unless you try it.
If your family is visiting when you first get home, let them help! You'll have plenty of nights on your own when you'll have to worry about what's for dinner. I'd suggest letting people help if they offer and save some of those meals for when you're still adjusting.
Many blessings to you and Scott. I can't wait to hear of Miss Harper's debut!
This may have been said already, but if you plan to nurse stay away from spicy and gas inducing foods. Harper's tummy won't like it and then you'll be up at some really terrible hour. I speak from experience. The chili may taste great but being awake later is not a fun price to pay. Also, you might want to avoid cokes or drinks with caffeine for the first few weeks.
Sorry for the unsolicited advice. = )
Hi Kelly,
One of our favorites is creamed chicken. We love it over hot biscuits, but it is also wonderful over mashed potatoes. It is mild and bland -- good for those first few weeks! I always make a double batch when I make this...we eat half and freeze half because it freezes so well and is easy to reheat.
Creamed Chicken
Melt: 1/3 cup butter
Add: 1/3 cup flour
1/8 tsp. pepper
Simmer over low heat
Stir in: 1 can chicken broth
1 cup cream (or milk)
Bring to boil
Add: Chopped chicken (we get a roast chicken from the deli)
Small can mushrooms (optional)
1 cup peas (optional)
It has been fun to read all the suggestions. Gives me some ideas for stocking my own freezer! :)
How fun! Laurie is so sweet!
What a good idea! I don't know if you have tried this, but its a firm favourite in our house!
Chilli con Carne
2 med onions
1 clove garlic
olive oil
1 heaped tsp ground cumin
Salt and pepper
455 grams minced beef
200 grams sund-dried tomatoes
1 fresh red chile
2 cans chopped tomatoes
half stick cinnamon
5 ounces water
2 can red kidney beans
Chop onions and garlic and fry in olive oil until softened. Add cumin and season. Add mince cooking until slightly browned. Place sundried tomatoes and chili in processor with oil to make a paste. Add to beef with tomatoes and cinnamon stick and a wineglass of water. Season more if necessary. Bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Freeze at this point. Once thawed, add kidney beans and heat for approximately 35 minutes! ENJOY!
Lunch looks so fun! I would freeze your chili as well or vegetable soup. Good luck!
Kelly, I read through the comments this time, (sometimes there are so many I don't have time!) so I agree with Julie above: There were things that bothered my babies right from the start if I wasn't careful...salad, yogurt, cabbage, bell peppers, and onions never sat well and inevitably it was a long stretch for me and them--most of these things give them gas which really hurts them as newborns--so it would be worth your while to have some things that are "comfort foods" with mild flavor. Potatoes and macaroni and cheese, here you come!!
i have a meatball recipe (it tastes like meatloaf) just they are made into balls and frozen. if you want it let me know :)
Hi Kelly! I don't comment often, but I found this recipe a few months ago and have made it several times - it is my husband's new absolute favorite!
It makes a ton so I usually freeze it in two separate portions.
Praying for you and Harper!
Kim Kauffman
You and your Arkansas friends are so amazing to do it all!
I must say that lunch looked DIVINE!!!
Lasagna is always a good staple to have or stuffed shells ;).
Kelly, your meals look super. I found that I was really hungry those first couple of weeks. Your body is adjusting to nursing. Just eat and get that milk supply strong and worry about going the light route to lose the weight later, that is my best advice! The other thing is, dont' make stuff with beans or too many leafy greens. The only time Benaiah has cried non-stop is the first week, it was awful, every night about 10pm, then I realized I had lentil soup every day for lunch!!!! As soon as I stopped it, he stopped the tears. I believe that was the link. I still eat chili, just not too many beans.
how exciting to be in the final -cooking-up-a-storm-and-getting-the-house-ready-for-baby phase! I'm glad you'll have your family nearby to help you out for the first few weeks!
I really admire how organized and prepared you are for Harper's arrival. Although I'm not preparing for a baby's arrival, I'm thinking about taking a Saturday this month and preparing some of these dishes to freeze. That would make supper quicker and save money on eating out!
Does your dad make beef or chicken enchiladas? I need a good chicken enchilada recipe.
How fun are ya'll! Loved seeing the pics from ya'll's lunch. The babes in your life you are ridiculously adorable! Can't wait for the gorgeous Harper to join the party!
Ok, I'm commenting again because I thought of a recipe you could use. It's one I'm making next week and will make extra to freeze. And it can work for one of your chili recipes! It's called White Bean Chili and serve it with cornbread. It's really good! And not too spicy. :) It's on my old blog:
What about something like homemade chicken soup? It freezes well, and it'll be easy on the stomach. (And not too hard to make!) Ok, I think I've almost talked myself into making some... :)
If you get a chance can yo please post your chicken spaggetti reciepe. I would love have a great one. Thanks so much! I love reading your blog. Im praying for your family and your new baby.
Tater Tot Casserole! Yummy!
brown 1 lb hamburger meat
mix in one can cream of chicken soup and one can cheese soup
pour meat and sauce mixture into casserole dish
top with one layer of frozen tater tots then sprinkle shredded cheese over all of it.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or so.
Good luck girl! You will be a great Mommy!
Kelly,Kelly, Kelly, I am just now reading your blog and when I read the part about you preparing meals to serve while we are there, I was taken back! What do you think I am coming to help you with? Yes, Harper, of course, but also I DO know how to cook somewhat and I am already planning some dishes!
Now, back away from the cookbook before you overdo yourself, sit down, put your feet up and REST while you can!! I will take care of feeding you all!! Love, Mom
I love a good King Ranch Chicken...sounds like one of your recipes may be similar. All those sound good! Paula Deen had a Cheesy Beef Macaroni on her show the other day that might be good too! I bet the recipe's still on Food Network dot com!
GREAT idea to freeze some meals ahead of time! i meant to do that but never got around to it, so my mom did some before she left after adelaide was born. and thank goodness she did! that was such a help.
loved reading your snow memory:)
I am with your momma. Back away from the cookbook. You don't need all those meals. Your family will be there. Our church will be there. No need to exhaust yourself now. RELAX! I had this same idea, but never followed through with it. But, I never really needed it. When things get tough, that's when you call Domino's.
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