All I can really say about this picture is "whoa nelly - check out my belly!"
I can't believe I only have 35 more days. I only have 19 more work days before I go on leave.
I have a long list of to dos before she comes. I hope I can get most of them done.
Apparently - it's never too late to have a baby - did you see this? Obviously I think this is the craziest thing I've ever heard.

For kicks - I did a little collage showing my belly growth from week 12 until now.
I wear a lot of black. (It's slimming - ha!)
It's crazy to see how much your body can grow in just 24 weeks.
God is amazing!
My friends at Sonic just realized today that I'm pregnant. ha! and speaking of Sonic - on Saturday I drove through for a drink and the person ahead of me paid for me. It was someone I knew because they told the girl at the window my name but I wasn't paying attention enough to see who it was. So if you read my blog - THANK YOU! And I think it might be fun for the rest of this month to occasionally surprise someone and pay for them somewhere. Just a little Pay it Forward action to make someone's day!
Oh and P.S. I put up a little poll on when you think Harper might come. It will be fun to see if you are right or not! :-)
I wear a lot of black. (It's slimming - ha!)
It's crazy to see how much your body can grow in just 24 weeks.
God is amazing!
My friends at Sonic just realized today that I'm pregnant. ha! and speaking of Sonic - on Saturday I drove through for a drink and the person ahead of me paid for me. It was someone I knew because they told the girl at the window my name but I wasn't paying attention enough to see who it was. So if you read my blog - THANK YOU! And I think it might be fun for the rest of this month to occasionally surprise someone and pay for them somewhere. Just a little Pay it Forward action to make someone's day!
Oh and P.S. I put up a little poll on when you think Harper might come. It will be fun to see if you are right or not! :-)
What a cool collage that is. You look so great.
That's a great idea about Sonic. I am absolutely going to do that tomorrow.
What a great post -- fun to see your growing belly!
I love the collage! How neeat to see it all together! You are all baby!
Love the collage, very neat and something special to show Harper. Thanks a million for the email!!
Have a great Tuesday!
WOWWWWW!! I don't see how Harper can get any bigger in there!!! That is some belly!
I voted - before January 12. You don't look like you could go over the due date!
Neat idea for the collage!
Very cool collage! It was fun seeing how you've grown! Girl, you can't be far from d-day! :)
You look so cute! and I love the collage! So neat!
Oh. My . Word.
I am packing MY bags! Mom
I love that belly!!! You look so cute! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the collage....please promise you will show me how to do that!
I am definitely going to do some "pay it forward" this month.
You are so precious, Kelly!
How cute is that collage?!?! I can't believe she's almost here! I know you'll have everything ready for her.
You look so cute. How great to see all the pics together.
Have a Blessed week,
I love your mom's comment! She is too funny!Love the collage! I might just have to do that with all my belly pics just to have for fun!
Ok, I voted for before Jan 12th. If you had one that said "when my doctor is on call" I would have so voted for that one! I believe in Harper and I think she will come through on that!
and i thought I might be too old to have a baby!!
love your collection of belly bumps. what a great thing to have for the scrapbook.
I love your collage!! How cute, I wear a lot of black too, it IS slimming!! At least I hope so because I wear it almost everyday. Anyway, you look so cute and happy in these weekly pics, it won't be long now!!
That's awesome.
I have to tell you, I am due in February, and you've stayed so cute and teeny through-out each of them...
At week 18...some people thought I was having twins!!
They are predicting me for a TWELVE POUND BABY!! Oyy...
A friend and I did that one year, as a "random act of kindness"! It is so fun. Then we drove off like crazy women as if we had done something wrong. :)
I love the belly collage!! It is great! I told Matt I think it would be funny when I get pregnant, to take a picture each day and then have a flip book to see it grow! :)
And I voted for Harper to come before Jan. 12th just for your sake! :)
Wow. Just a few more days and your sweet one will be with you in your arms.
One of my sisters is due any day and is ready for the little one to arrive. My sister already has a 2 and 3 yr old though so she is kept running even now as she gets closer.
My mother and father are so excited. This will be grandchild #10. It is just that this is the youngest of my siblings having her 3rd in almost 4 yrs. My other sister and I are unable to have children (although the other sister did adopt from China). My mother loves being able to share this experience with my sister because this sister lives just about a mile from my parents.
I am wishing you many blessings this holiday season.
I LOVE that collage! So fun! And by the way, your hair looks perfect in every picture! Seriously it does.
How exciting! You look wonderful!! Love the collage.
The collage is a great idea! You look beautiful in all the pictures.
Paying it forward sounds like a good idea to me! How neat would it be to have your drink paid for by someone you don't even know?!
Hey - my birthday is Jan 12th so I hope she comes then!! :)
I love the collage...Super Cute!
You should've been a maternity model! You're absolutely precious and you are all belly! So neat to see the collage. Also so neat to hear about the Sonic trip. I will definitely pay it forward next time I'm in line somewhere.
I can't wait to see precious little Harper!
Girl - you just paid it forward to my heart posting that sweet belly pic and that awesome collage. :-)
I am loving that photo collage! What a great idea - and you could frame it or print it out and put it somewhere special. I may have to borrow that idea some day when we have our babies!
That is a very cool collage! Hayden wants to do one of me so he made me wear the same exact thing every week. You can imagine how tight it's getting!
There's not a Sonic near me, it's quite a drive...but I do love me some Starbucks!
I love the collage! It's so neat to see how Harper has grown over the last several months! And that's so neat that somebody paid for you at Sonic. Stuff like that just makes my day!
LOVE the collage! I just told my husband to get ready, we are soooooo doing that! Haha! You are looking so cute! I also voted for Before Jan 12. I am thinking around the 6th???
Wow! What a difference a week makes! Going to pay it forward tomorrow in honor of Harper :)
You're beautiful!!! I am voting for before Jan. 12th!
Great idea on paying it forward!
I believe I'll steal it and share!
I love the collage you did! My mother in law did something simular for me like that except in a scrapbook. It's fun now to look through it and show my boys. Now I need to go vote on here. =)
You are glowing!!!!
I love the collage...look at Harper grow!!!!!!!!!!!!! God is amazing.
You are just the cutest pregnant girl ever! Love the collage. :)
I voted before Jan 12th for Harper to come.
Someone paying for you at Sonic reminds me of a story of when someone did that for me...funny now, not so much then. I'll have to post about it on my blog sometime. :)
You're looking fab, girl!
You look just beautiful:) The next month will pass by very quickly for you! Can't wait to see what your baby girl looks like :)
Agata from IL
Love the collage--what a fun idea!
Also love the poll...being a former accountant, I had to vote for the "tax break" option! :)
I can't believe you only have 19 more work days--wow!!!
Not sure how I came across your blog, but I love checking in to see how you're doing. I love the collage! Way cute. And so are your dresses! I remember thinking pregnancy was one month too long with both of my babies. So I hope the next month flies by and you're holding sweet little Harper in no time!
I love it!! TOO CUTE!!
It has been so great to see your growing belly-- I honestly can't believe that you have ANY time left. You're so full of baby, it seems :)
I honestly wonder the ethics of the doctor that would give a 70 year old IVF. Unbelievable.
You look amazing!
I love the bump time line! How ever are you going to be able to concentrate on Christmas???
I always pay for the car behind me at the toll, I go through it a few times a week and just love the look on the toll workers face as I tell them that I am paying for the car behind aswell as mine....its very rare in this country for strangers to do anything nice for others, I love it!
I'm not with child and I dress in my black daily - Mother jokes I could clothe funeral directors.
You look amazing. When Harper is Student of the Month and she has to share her family tree - this will be a must!
At a Christmas Party tonight I remembered (it was remembered for me) I had advice column called Kate's Korner! I thought of you!
Love the collage....too funny!
I'm so glad someone paid for you at Sonic...what an awesome surprise!!!
Love the collage!!!!It sure has went by fast...
Its been so fun watching those belly pictures & seeing it grow!!!
Kelly, I love the collage! It is amazing how little you change each week, then one week it will be a jump! I think you dropped a little from last week (baby seems lower), what do you think? I was always so happy to cross past the 34 week mark or so b/c if baby is born, he/she will make it!!!! Yea, even if Harper comes now, early, she'll be fine!!!!
You look great! I love the collage. You should hang it in Harper's room.
Seeing your collage makes me sad that I only have one picture of me pregnant with Lowrey and that's not really even a belly shot. But, whoa, was I not that cute like you!
And I voted for after Jan 12th...you're too cute to go early. I mean, I was HUGE with Lowrey and I went late. Of course, Harper's a kicker like Annie was and she came early, so you might get lucky. I'll pray for that, but first babies...
Kelly- I just love reading your blog! I, too, struggled with infertility and the Lord blessed us with twin girls 3 months ago. We are overjoyed and beyond blessed- I know you know that feeling! Harper is the most precious name and her nursery should be in a magazine!- amazing! Praying for you this last stretch! Amy
Oh my goodness, Kelly, your belly! It's so cute! It REALLY does look like now you have a big basketball under your shirt. That is amazing! And I love the collage...I may have to do that, too. Only I have been taking pics every two weeks...maybe I'll have to start every week. Too fun!
I've heard of people doing that (paying for the one behind you) at places, esp. at toll booths. We pass a toll booth on our way to church on Sunday mornings. I keep meaning to bring enough change to do that.
Oh my!! I love that you did this! It has been so fun to see week to week but I loved seeing it all at once! You sure are one adorable pregnant girl! Even if you don't feel that way now.. :)
WOW! i love your collage! I've been terrible at taking belly pic's. I only took one and it was at 11 weeks and i'm now 14 weeks... by the time i get home, i IMMEDIATELY jump into my flannel PJ's so they're not very figure-flattering..lol.. I WILL TAKE ANOTHER PIC!! i have to force myself.lol.. It is so unreal how fast your pregnancy has gone & how fast Ms. Harper has grown!! You are beautiful!!
I love the collage that you did ;)! It definitely shows how much you have grown over the past 24 weeks and that little Harper is thriving!!!
Wow!! You look fantastic!!! And, about that 70 year old woman having a baby is amazing!!! Weird, but amazing!!
Please take a peek at my blog and vote for my little girl's name!! I would love to know what you think!
You are the cutest pregnant lady!!
You are too cute - I love the collage, what a great idea, I really wish I had done that with my pregnancies.
I am so going to "borrow" your idea on the belly pics! I love how you did the collage! It is absolutely amazing! I hope you are feeling as good as you look, and oh my goodness, you are all baby! You are so blessed from the looks of it, no swelling?!?! YEAH!
What a great collage! I wish I had done this when I was pregnant!
You are too cute! I love the collage! I can't wait to see pictures of Miss Harper! I am so inspired by your faith and the blessing that God has bestowed upon your family!
Hi Kelly,
I am so sorry, but I have to say a day or two after your due date. I was over due with both kids and kind of feel that it's only fair that everyone else have to be pregnant that long too. (please forgive me) :)
I think your blog is great and enjoy reading it. Power to you for working up until the last minute. I was a wimp and took the month off before. I layed on the couch and watched 6 seasons of Sex and The City. aaahhh Good Times.....
Bless you and your growing family,
Steph in CA.
Where I live in Seattle there are people that have been doing the whole Pay it Forward since last Christmas at several Starbucks. It is a really nice idea. I totally plan to do it next time I am in the drive thru.
I've been reading your blog for a while and I love it! We are due around the same time. I hope you have Harper around Jan. 12th! I have a planned c-section Jan. 13th at the same hospital, so maybe our babies will be roommates in the nursery! :)
Holy Moly your belly!!! lol
Where did that come from? =) It's so perfect and so round!
I love the collage you did! It's really cute!
That was very kind of someone to pay for your sonic drink! I need to do the pay it forward thing! I think that is sooooooooooooooo sweet! They were just talking about that on the news the other morning!
A little sweetness goes a long long long way and can make someone's day!!!! =)
I swear you are just all Harper. It doesn't look like you have gained anything at all...just a baby! You look SO cute, and I LOVE the collage. I wish I would have been better about documenting "my growth" with my kids.
I love the "pay it forward" idea. I'm so going to do that!
The collage idea was so great! I wish I would have taken pictures every week. I had someone pay for 20 dollars of my meal the other day. I am planning on paying it forward!
I stumbled upon your blog today and just wanted to let you know that it is really enjoyable. Also, I am moving to a tiny town in Texas named Harper - so if you ever want something from there I will see what I can track down for you.
P.S. Love me some Sonic, too!
Oh. My. Word! You are so adorable! I would say that Harper has had quite a growth spurt here recently! You really do look great, and I love the collage. Isn't is soooo fun being pregnant?! Even though it's miserable a lot of the time it's the neatest thing ever and I miss it dearly!!
I love your collage! I can't believe how fast time has flown, it seems like just yesterday you announced on your blog you were pregnant!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the collage! You were so smart to do that:)
Oh Kelly, I have had withdrawals from blogging lately and I was jsut trying to catch up on a few posts. I LOVE the coolage--so cool--what a neat neat idea! I am laughing about the people at sonic just now noticing, maybe they just thought it was a "coke belly"! :) And I nearly cried at the picture of Scoot and how he puts 5's on everything--that wonderful man!! He is going to make a great Daddy!!!
Okay, and I need to slow down and proofread...coolage...what in the world??!! And I always type "Scoot" instead of Scott when I am in a hurry!
So darling! Wish I woulda thought of that. Seein' as how she's one now, don't think I can go back! :)
Praying for your little one and YOU!
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