Today my office had a lunch shower for me. If you watch "The Office" - I promise I wasn't like Jan when they threw her shower and I didn't sit around singing "Son of a preacher man". ha!
They had my shower at a local tea room and they got me these PRECIOUS petit fours from Rick's bakery. Apparently the people who spend 8 hours a day with me every day get me! ha!

They made me sit at the head of the table so here I am waiting for everyone to sit down and for all the guys to quit checking their blackberries. Of course I thought the 3 guys in our office were very good sports to come to a baby shower at a very girly tea room for me!

Here we are eating lunch. I always get the same thing - but today I got quiche and salad instead and it was very yummy. I had to save room for those petit fours though.

They got me a lot of practical stuff which I LOVED like diapers, bottles and a swaddling blanket and one of those special nipples to put on bottles to help give a baby medicine! Notice we were in the special requested "pink room". ha!

They also all got together and got us our pack and play! I was SUPER excited about that because that was the other really big thing we needed. Hopefully Harper will have lots of nights of VERY LONG sleep in this thing. I plan to have her sleep in this next to our bed for at least the first few months.
If you think of it - please pray for my grandpa (my dad's dad). He is in the hospital and is not doing well. He has leukemia and it has come back very strong. My dad is on his way to Dallas right now to be with him. My dad's parents are the only grandparents Scott or I have left and so I hate to think of them being sick. I wish we still had all of our grandparents around so they could meet Harper. I love to think about how much my sweet little mam-ma and pap-pa would have LOVED to hold her and look at her!
Oh you are going to love the pack n play because it is great to use at others houses.
I laughed SO HARD at the opening line because I am an Office addict! Was that not the most awkward baby shower you could ever imagine??!!
I will keep your grandfather in my prayers I hope he recovers.
Love the petit fours.. they look yummy. The pack and play is really cute too. Have a great time at your showers this weekend and excited about your bloggy shower on Monday! Have a great weekend!
What a nice shower! I laughed so hard about "The Office"--Jan's shower was hilarious. Hopefully Dwight didn't take your pack-n-play out in the office parking lot to test its strength! :) Petit Fours are so stinkin' cute--I just love to look at them. I also laughed about the guys checking the blackberries. I get so mad at Lane always looking at that iphone--checking sports scores and e-mails, etc. He knows it bugs me so now I think he does it extra times just to make me mad! :)
On a serious note, I'm thinking of your Grandpa and praying for him/your family. I'm so sorry he's going through this. Does Chris get to spend a lot of time with them since he's closer?--hopefully so.
I will be praying for him.
Your shower looks like it was tons of fun. I love Rick's. We used the pack n play a lot when my nephew came over. It was worth the money.
I love that pattern of your pack n play! We have almost the exact same things picked out! Let us know how you like it!
I am praying for your Grandpa right now! Keep us updated on him.
How sweet are your co-workers!?! You look adorable sitting at the end of the table smiling - I can just see the petit fours in your eyes. :) Love the pack-and-play, the practical presents, and the pink room (whoa at the p's in that sentence)! A perfect shower for a pretty mama! (Wow. Someone stop me) :)
I am so sorry to hear about your grandaddy! I will definitely be praying for him (and for your daddy as he travels). And I know your other grandparents would have just adored Harper. Maybe that is why it took so long for her to get here - they were hanging onto her in Heaven as long as they could!
I am very sorry to hear about your grandfather. I am having a very difficult time knowing that my Little One will never know the wonderful grandparents that I had. I pray that the grandparents you have now will stick around until Harper's old enough to remember them later in life.
Looks like you all had a great time. I love the desserts! They are precious. You look great! Time is getting closer and closer. These next few weeks will hopefully go by very fast as not too long ago, I was in your shoes. The pack n play pattern is adorable too! It will be your best friend! Take care adn have a nice weekend!
You will love the swadling blanket! It is so helpful with a tiny one. I loved the one we had.
Your pack'n play is beautiful.
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa!
GREAT idea on having the baby sleep in the pack'n play next to your bed! We did that and it made life at least a little bit easier.
And HOORAY for swaddling blankets!
I will pray for your Granpa. My Gpa raised me, so I know how special a bond that can be.
So thankful for all that your office did for you, and glad that they were able to put down those blackberries just long enough to celebrate!
What a nice shower! So nice of your coworkers!
Just said a prayer for your grandpa & your family.
How sweet of your co-workers to throw you a shower ;)! Your pack and play is absolutely adorable!!!
My sis had a pack n play, she LOVED it! I love the colors! And the tearoom sounds delicious! Especially those yummy orange rolls.. mmmm... I may have to go there tomorrrow now! haha
I was dying when I watched that episode!! Especially when Michael kept mispronouncing Jan's daughter's name =-)
Looks like a really fun shower! Hooray for fun baby stuff!!!
Will keep your grandfather and whole family in my prayers...keep us updated.
I love the men at the shower! That's so great! We have the exact same Pack-N-Play and love it! I thought Brody would sleep in it for a few months in our room but it lasted about a week and off he went to his crib! Haha! Needless to say I run back and forth through the house half the night checking on him!
Cute pack n play, you'll use that for sure. If your parents are near by you may want to consider one for their home unless you want to bring it back and forth. LOL
BTW, do you have a close up of your adorable hair cut?? I am thinking seriously of cutting my hair and would love to see a couple of pics of your hair. Strange request, I know. So I appreciate it a lot.
Have a great weekend!
How special of your co-workers to plan and take the time to give you a can tell they certainly care about you a lot! You have a very fun weekend ahead!
I'm like you: lovin' the practical stuff. We're also using a pack n' play as the bassinet for the early weeks, and our nursery is finished! I just posted pictures today if you want to take a look.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. My special grandma passed away this summer, and I deeply know she longed to live to meet little Polka. I pray both your dad and grandpa have peace and have good time together, and that he will be able to meet Harper!
Have a great time this weekend!
Love the petit fours! Will be praying for your grandpa. So sorry he's not doing well.
Aw, that's so sweet that your co-workers threw a baby shower for you, and yeah, especially nice of the guys to come too!!
Those petit fours are adorable!
My baby will be sleeping in a pack-n-play too, but she'll probably sleep in her's for at least a year because we'll be in a tiny apartment.
I'm sorry about your grandpa. I'll be thinking of him and keeping him in my prayers. ((Hugs))
We have the exact same pack n play, but not pink! JM just has stopped sleeping in it! It's great
Wow~ what a fun couple of days! Such good gifts! I read the post where "strangers" are buying you all this cute stuff. I've even seen stuff and have thought, Oh, Kelly would love that. Of course I wouldn't know how to get your address ... but I have thought of it too. :) You are blessed girl!
You cracked me up - all I could think about was Jan reading this!!! But how nice of your office!!! Everyone celebrating little Harper!!!
I thought the same thing about the Pak n Play when my daughter was born. She slept in it for about one hour but I couldn't sleep hearing all her little noises so she went to her own room (close by, of course). We still use it at Grandma's and for playing in when mommy and daddy can't be watching every move. You'll get lots of use.
One of my greatest joys as a parent is seeing our grandparents enjoy our daughter and for them to see the legacy and future generations go on after them. I will pray for your Grandpa!
So sorry to hear about your grandpa, I will be praying with the others!
Your shower seems like so much fun, how nice :) That pack and play seems great, and it's so cute!
How sweet that your office gave you a shower and kudos for the guys who went.
I will be praying that your dad has a safe trip and for your grandpa too.
I'm so glad you held it together better than Jan did at her shower...and I'm sure your co-workers are, too! - especially those sweet men who endured the girly shower and lunch place. (:
I love the pattern of your pack and play! Hopefully Harper will sleep soundly in it for you...Baby D would not sleep in his so we used a Moses basket the first couple of months.
Praying for your grandpa and for safe travels for your dad.
Looks like you had a great lunch and a wonderful shower. Do you plan to return to work after Little Harper is born? Maybe I missed that in a post somewhere.
I will be praying for your grandfather and the rest of your family, along with safe travels for your Daddy.
You look great. Only 59 days to go!
How fun! My mouth is watering over those petit fours...Mmmmmm!
It sounds like you've got some really cool co-workers!! They even threw you the perfect party at the perfect place... and they really picked a good gift. I'm totally impressed - I've never been to a work shower outside of a conference room!
I'll pray for your grandad.
I'll be praying for your sorry to hear he is not doing well.
What a sweet shower from your co-workers!
Kelly, I have been wondering for a while if you are planning on working when Harper is here or not. It's not really any of my business but I just wondered.
Oh Kelly, I didn't know about Poppy. I'll definitely be praying for him and all of you.
I wish I was going to be there tomorrow!
what a beautiful shower! Your co-workers seem like lovely people! I'll be praying for your Grandpa that the Lord would comfort him and your family during this time.
Your grandpa will be in my prayers. Congratulations on all of the great things you got at the shower!
I will be praying for your grandpa. Men + baby shower + tea room = HILARIOUS!
I love your pack and play and I am so glad you got some great stuff! I will pray for your grandfather. I only have one grandparent left and it is hard to think about what they have missed!
I love that pack n play, so cute!!
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