1. First I have to mention that my hogs beat LSU yesterday! Our season is always complete if we can beat LSU! My dad went and Scott almost went with him but we decided we wanted to come home. We felt bad that he sat in the cold and rain by himself to watch the game (because most of it was horrible) but that last minute win was totally worth it! GO HOGS! Wait until next year everyone! We will be back!2. We are supposed to get our first snow of the year tonight and tomorrow. I can't believe it. They say it's going to be a rough winter. I'm a little concerned about trying to get to the hospital in an ice storm. We may just go sit in the lobby starting in January and wait it out. ha!
3. I have spent the last two days organizing the nursery and getting everything put away. I went to Wal-Mart today to exchange a few doubles we got and get everything we still needed. That wal-mart trip about did me in. I also stopped by Old Navy and got these cute little jeans for Harper. I ran into Mandy while I was there! Fun to meet a blogger while on a shopping trip!
4. At last - a tour of the nursery. The only thing not showing is the wall where the changing table my dad is making will go. It is going to be SO cute but it won't be done until right before she comes. I'm also working on something that will hang above the changing table so I need to get on that. Other than that - we are ready for Harper to come!


GORGEOUS nursery!!!! Just be careful with the crib being right there at the window.....when she gets old enough to pull up on her crib, she may pull on the curtains & pull them right down!! I have two boys, maybe girls don't do things like that??!! Just a thought!
Your nursery is beautiful. I love it. Looks like Harper will have plenty of cute little outfits to wear. I know she will be so cute all dolled up. : )
Karah from Tx
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the nursery!!!!!! It is beautiful!!!! Harper is one lucky little girl to have such a beautiful nursery!!!!! Hope you are having a great weekend!
Its stunning! Perfect for an angel!
So precious!
Your nursery is adorable. Now to just have that little pumpkin to fill it. I would say that you are ready for her.
Ohmygosh, look at all those clothes! WOW! I'm envious! Everything looks great!
She has quite the closet. The room is adorable. What a lucky woman.
Harper's room is perfect. I can't wait to see it in person. What a lucky little girl!
Hey Kelly! I couldn't even begin to tell you how I found your blog...I'm thinking BooMamma. I'm such a stalker. Congrats on the baby girl. My son was born last Jan. Gosh, I can remember how HUGE i was at this point last year. Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself so I didn't feel like such a stalker.
What a blessed little girl she is and will be to live in that precious room! I loved the nursery tour--you did such a wonderful job making it a special place for her!!!!
A little note about the bow holder--yours was the very first one I made, so I hadn't yet thought to do two ribbons hanging from the bottom. If you have too many bows for one strip, you might want to get another strip of ribbon and staple it side by side?? That's how I've been doing the last few I've made. I got that ribbon at Hobby Lobby, so you could probably find more of it there. I kinda want to get H's bow holder back from you and do a few more ribbons on the top now, too! :) I've been completely covering my newer ones with ribbon, making it really full at the top. Maybe if you have other coordinating ribbons that you like you could knot them on!? :)
It brought tears to my eyes when I saw the green verse board that Laurie got you last Christmas when you were still hoping and praying and believing that Harper would be on her way soon. What a joy to stand in the nursery this Christmas and praise God for his TRUE WORD and for ANSWERED PRAYER! I hope I can come to visit you soon after she's born and see her and all her cute stuff in person!!! I might just sit down in her closet and look around!
Just perfect!! It really looks like something out of a magazine!
I stumbled upon your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I LOVE Harper's nursery. By the way, We had Harper on our baby list name but went with Stella...I still love that name. Did you know you can turn your blog into a book ? I did it for Stella on her one year birthday and will continue to do it every year for her, as long as I have the blog. Congrats .... and good luck. P.S. Harper's closet looked just like Stella's did/does. Hee hee......and I keep buying because I feel like she does not have anything to wear. Courtney
it is so cute! but oh my word i have never seen so many clothes. you better have another baby right away and a girl at that or you'll never feel like you got enough use of them all.
What a great looking nursery! I wish I was Harper!! She is going to have one great mom and I'm sure her daddy is just as great. I hate that she doesn't have any clothes, maybe by the time she gets here she will.
Thanks so much for sharing with us. I look forward to reading your blog every day.
Everything is BEAUTIFUL...now all you need is that precious baby girl to make it all perfect!
I love your nursery, Kelly! It turned out beautiful!
Hope you get some snow...I think it's moving out of Colorado and heading your way. Maybe you'll get a snow day out of it...that's always fun!
Congrats on the win over LSU, that was TOTALLY AWESOME! As was our win against Auburn. The nursery is so precious, Harper is so trendy already! :)
Hands down the cutest nursery EVER!!!! I just love how you have scripture up in her room too =-). It is seriously so, so cute Kelly! You did a fantastic job!!
I love what you said at the end too, He sure did =-)
I love the nursery! Harper is a very blessed little girl.
I LOVE the nursery!!! So cute! I guess you'll just have to change her clothes a few times a day so she's able to wear everything :)
Can't wait to see the changing table..what a great thing to have from your dad!
SO precious... Isn't it FUN?!?!
Emma Kate's closet looks very similar... and I ended up one day just dressing her in all the outfits and taking her picture in each one, b/c the weather changed before she could wear all of them. Shopping for girls clothes is totally addicting!!!
Wow! Everything is so cute! That daybed will save your life during the newborn stage. I have a single bed in our nursery too and nursed on it many times during those first few weeks!
Harper's room looks amazing! The colours go so nicely together and I can't believe how full her wardrobe is already! Lucky girl!
Jessica :)
What a perfect nursery. So sweet and comfy-cozy. It really looks like a place I would love to spend time in, and the paintings and pictures all make it so precious! I never got to decorate like that with my 1st, because my husband was literally moving us into our home while I was in the hospital with her! You've definitely motivated me to get moving on all 3of my girls' rooms! We've lived in our new house for 4 years now...I think I've procrastinated enough! Thanks for the inspiration and as always, I wish you all the best with your new family!
Kristin from TX
Her nursery is perfect!! It was so nice to actually meet you face to face today! You looked so cute!
A-DORABLE room, Kelly! That little Harper is going to be one pampered princess. You've done a great job with putting it together.
I just have to mention one thing today...ROLL TIDE!
So perfect!!! Harper is going to LOVE it :)
Cute, cute, cute!! I love it, and we are going to HAVE to get that baby girl some clothes!
First, I was SO HAPPY at the outcome of the game. Anytime LSU loses it makes us U of Michigan fans happy (Les Miles was supposed to be our coach, instead of Rich Rod).
Second, oh my word. Harper is a blessed little girl already. That is an amazing nursery! So cute :)
The nursery is FABULOUS, Kelly! You guys did a great job! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are getting ready for that sweet little girl!!!!
The nursery is absolutely perfect! I love every part of it! My fave might be the verse over the window. I just love it with a passion!
Congrats to your hogs on the win! And congrats, too, on finding the most adorable baby jeans that have ever existed. :)
Have a great Sunday, my friend!
Kelly, Harper's room is precious!! I still have lots to do for our nursery, but waiting till baby arrives...any day now Dec 12th. I need to update my blog. Keeping you, Scott, and Harper in my prayers.
I am loving the total package just as everyone else!! How wonderful to decorate the room with so many meaningful gifts from all your friends and bloggers who love you and love Harper!
I wish my closet looked like that! =)
I was wondering when you'd mention the game. :-)
The nursery is fantastic... you've outdone yourself - it's just perfect, and Harper will sleep peacefully in there soon!
kelly~the nursery is gorgeous! you've done such a great job. i know harper will love it!!
What a beautiful nursery! I love the brown and pink! And, her closet. Don't get me started on that! UGH! I am so jealous! haha But, it all is very adorable! She will love it! I am sure.
You did such a great job on her nursery! All of the little details and personalized touches make it so special! I can't believe how full her closet is! :) She is going to be the best dressed girl around! How fun!!!
Her nursery is just Beautiful! I know how excited you are. When i was pregnant with my Grace I would just go and sit in her room and look around. It is an amazing feeling. Take Care and God Bless!
Goodness!! Harper has more clothes than I do...HA! You did a beautiful job on the nursery Kelly. It will be so fun to bring Harper home to such a beautiful room. :-)
Have a blessed rest of your Sunday!!
Love the nursery! Harper is going to be the best dressed girl in town!
Love the nursery it looks AMAZING! Her closet is stuffed! She won't ever have to wear the same outfit twice :)
Love how the nusery turned out!!! And her closet, what girl could ask for more!! She will be decked out!! Hope you had a great weekend and Happy Monday tomorrow!!
Wow! What a precious nursery. I don't think my closet is that organized ... or full!! The sweet gifts you've received make the room even more special.
Kelly, Harper's nursery is ADORABLE! I love the chocolate brown walls and her bedding is so cute! Now that her nursery complete all you have to do is sit back and wait for Miss Harper to make her debut.... I know you cannot wait!
Too Cute!! I still cannot get over that girl's closet!
So cute, Kelly!! And my jaw completely dropped at the closet!!!! Good-ness!! She is going to have to wear two outfits a day just to get them all worn at least once...hahaha! She's gonna be such a DOLL! I cannot wait to see her! :o)
The nursery looks FABULOUS!!! I know you are so excited and can't wait to have her here with you!
It's beautiful Kelly! I just love all the little details. And good luck trying to find something for her to wear :) I think she must have an outfit for every occasion by now! It's darling and I can't wait to see little miss Harper in it!
love it!! can't wait for her and parker to meet!!
Love the room and GO HOGS!
Hey Kelly! Long time no see...but I've been keeping up with your Harper journey. I just had to tell you something. Friday my daughter Shannon (the mom of the 4 year old twins) and my DIL and I were out shopping (like nuts) and somehow we started talking about "bloggers". Jennifer (my DIL) is not the least bit interested but Shannon follows my blog and a few others and lo and behold she checks yours first thing everyday after she does her bank deposit at work! She has faithfully followed your pregnancy and knows a lot more than I do about it. She loves you to death and is so excited about your baby! She does have a blog but has only posted on it twice...hopefully "Santa" will bring her a home computer and she will be more active in her blogging.
I just had to tell you cause I thought it was so sweet....just think....you and Shannon (about the same age and same interests) and me and your mom (another Judy) who just love our grandbabies (and beautiful daughters!).
What a joyful time for you and Scott. God bless all of you at this most special time in your lives.
What a beautiful nursery Kelly. Little Harper is truly blessed.
Enjoy that room now because in about a year, you're going to have to do some serious toddler proofing!!! :)
SO cute!
Kelly the room looks sooooo fabulous!! You must be so excited! Oh, and it looks like poor Harper is going to have to go around NEKKID!! (That's some Southern spelling for ya there)Ha! She is definitely one BLESSED baby!
Wow! The nursery has really come along. It's beautiful!
And her closet cracked me up - she's going to be one very well dressed kiddo! (o:
Love everything!
The nursery is GORGEOUS!! Congratulations!
I love Harper's room!! It is so well balanced in color, funiture, and accessories. You did well, my friend!!
I am worried though. I saw more clothes than diapers. Are you okay on diapers!! :) :)
I loved reading your list of strange things! I would have never guess you were shy. You are so friendly.
We haven't taken a "christmas" card picture yet. Your pose at Thanksgiving put a fire under me!!!
Her nursery is so cute!! I love it and I love all the colors. I can't wait to see her in those cute outfits! :)
Go HOGS!!!
Kelly, You are so welcome! You and your family are so inspiring. I can't wait to see who Harper looks like. Regardless, she is going to be quite the fashionista! :)
I hope you are getting some rest today! You have done a fabulous job in her room!
Sorry! That was me posting above!
I love her room. I can't wait till she is here to enjoy it.
BOO to LSU losing!! We were in AR decked out in our LSU gear...only to find out that they lost! I wasnt even worried about it with the year that AR has had...oh well, I guess LSU keeps getting worse and worse.
Your nursery is AWESOME!! Harper is so lucky and will be so loved!
My favorite team is whoever is playing LSU!
I love it!!! And I can't get over that closet!!!
Oh Kelly, Harper's nursery is so wonderful. I love the Bible verses, colors, patterns, everything. It's only missing one thing~Harper!
The nursery is beautiful and so adorable! Thanks for sharing the pictures! Less than six weeks and you will be holding Harper! You look fabulous and I am so happy for you!
The nursery looks so good, Kelly! You did a fabulous job putting it all together, and your little Harper is gonna be one decked out little girl! You'll have to take pictures of her in each one of her precious outfits! :)
What a fabulous nursery! Fit for a princess for sure. I love that it is filled with gifts from all the people who already love her and you guys so much. Very special!
Look at that closet!!!
I love your nursery as I know all of us do! You should post these pics on Rate My Space....Girl they would send your ratings through the roof. I vote that the most tasteful use of zebra and a perfect princess room.
That is the coolest nursery ever! I love it!
OMG this is the cutest nursery EVER!
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