Okay - I said this would be Friday - but I thought I would go ahead and put this up so you have plenty of time to do your post and link. Feel free to do it anytime this weekend!

Post pictures on your blog and add your link below! Then have fun touring all the nurseries!!!! If you have a private blog - you can take the tour but you can't put yours on here because no one will be able to see. :-(
Also - please link to the actual post and not just your blog!
What a great idea! I can't wait to see others nursery's!
fun idea....you are always full of them. :)
Oh I LOVED doing this! It was such fun "picking out" out all of my DREAM stuff! It will be so much fun seeing everyone else's cute ideas. Thanks for the idea Kelly!
Thanks, Kelly! It's going to be fun to see all of the nurseries. I linked to two previous posts I've recently written about our in-process nursery. Hope you all have a great night!
Great idea! I know a couple months ago I was browsing HGTV's Rate My Space for ideas and inspiration. Our nursery is still in progress...but here is what we have done so far!
Sorry, I posted the wrong link first! Please excuse my rookie mistake! I am a lurker, this is my first time to commment! Congrats on your pregnancy! Kim
Great idea....I love reading your blog already and this makes it so much more fun. Can't wait to see Harper's room and everyone elses. Thanks for thinking of this idea.
So this is such a great idea. I have 2 children however I had my son while in the military, living in Germany, and poor. Than with my daughter I was soon a single Mom and poor. Both children didn't get their own Nurseries. My husband and I are now trying and hoping for one in the future...however now that we want to "plan" to have one God is just laughing at the fact that we think we can plan for one. But I am enjoying my time dreaming of names and nurseries and outfits...and there are already some great ideas. Thanks for such a cheerful post.
Kelly, you are the coolest. I'm having so much fun looking - thanks for setting this up! =)
Looking forward to seeing all of these precious nurseries!
You always have the BEST ideas!!! I can't wait to see all the pics of nurseries!!! :)
Great idea! Can't wait to see Harper's finished room!
Super fun!! All the rooms look great girls!!!
FUN! Bring on the baby rooms!
Fun idea--thanks for doing this!
loving them all! now i want a baby though.
This is SO fun! I've loved looking at all of them and just had to add ours since I know you're doing pink/brown. I had so much fun doing ours :o)
This was fun - good idea! Can't wait til Harper's room is finished!
Thank you for hosting this tour. What fun. I have been reading your blog, for some time. But, I have never left a comment. When I read about this tour...I couldn't pass it up.
Kelly - I am friends with Kacy and I always check out your blog! You are way better at posting than I am... i have enjoyed your blog so much and love seeing all your ideas, but THIS one is the best. I am recently married and am ready for a REASON to decorate a baby room!! This will give me lots of great ideas!! Thanks! I will have to get up to NWAR for a visit and hopefully we can meet!! I'm ready for Harper to get here!! LOL
Can't wait to see your finished room!
And thanks for the post idea, btw.
I'm so glad you are hosting this tour, Kelly! So fun!! :o)
Really, my whole September 2007 archive is nursery pics, but I linked back to the one that is the most complete. I can't wait to see Harper's room all done!
I came across this through another blog, and I love it!! We are very close in due dates...I'm due Jan. 5. Maybe I'll join in when I get my nursery complete!
This is my kinda fun!!
OMG! What beautiful nurseries!!!! This was a great idea!
This was such a great idea! I have been looking thru all of the nurseries for over an hour now and keep refreshing the page to see new ones! haha! I'm not being very productive at work, but having so much fun seeing so many creative nurseries! Can't wait to see Harper's room!
I'm so sad that I can't show off my daughters nursery since my blog is private!! Email me at jacksonfamilyblog@gmail.com if you want to take a look!
Such a fun idea! I put a link up to an older post that I did earlier this year. Hope that is ok!
What a fun idea! I love seeing all the other beautiful rooms!
I have really enjoyed seeing all the precious nurseries. I have made so many hits to your blog between last night and today hoping for new links.
I was going to post mine but got shy because...although I decorated my daughter's nursery with love it doesn't old a flame to a lot of these. We were on a tight budget (still are) because we knew I was making the transition to SAHM and we were losing an income. I had to depend a lot on the generosity of others - a hand me down crib from my SIL, my dad buying a glider that really didn't match so I had to make it work, doing homemade art, etc. I tried to tie it all together the best I could.
But it is so fun seeing what other people have done!
Hope you enjoy the pics.Anyone who wants to view mine can e mail me and I will give you permission to view. jtlsanders at yahoo dot com
my blog is private-but if anyone wants an invite just email me-
I love seeing all the nurseries!
I love seeing everyone's ideas ;)
Thanks for hosting this, Kelly! I can't wait to look at everyone's! Great idea! Have so much fun doing your nursery this weekend! I am praying for you and Harper!
I loved this idea! It was fun to pick out my stuff, but even more fun to look at everyone elses ideas! I cannot wait to see the nursery after it is painted!
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I had a blast remembering where I got everything and realizing how many special touches there are in our nursery. OUR Harper is almost 18-months-old now. I wish you the best of luck from one SEC girl to another!
Oh what fun! I love seeing so many sweet rooms!
I wish I could join in but my youngest is 5, LOL.
I loved seeing everyone's nurseries! ... such a great idea. :)
I found you through a friend of a friend of a friend! Ha! I, too, love to decorate nurseries! I had so much fun doing my little girls this past winter!
Kelly, you come up with the best ideas! I love this...can't wait to get some nursery ideas for these pics.
We continue to pray for you and celebrate Ms. Harper!
Didn 't know you were expecting!! I am so excited for you. This was a great idea...I sent a link, for the MONTH. Didn't know how to do it otherwise, it is the 2nd post. Hope all is well! 3rd trimester! Wow!
Hey! I'm Meghan, I came over from Robyn & Carrie's blog. This is such a great idea! I love seeing all of the gorgeous nurseries. Looking at homes is one of my favorite things to do too.
this was soo fun! a dear friend of mine is doing the same bedding i'm dreaming of getting to do VERY soon and i just love it! once i find accents in the sage green i like i'll update! this is soo fun!
Well that got me motivated. I painted my daughter's room today and got some pictures up! Thanks Kelly, this is fun!
Glad I came accross this. It was so much fun! I could look at those pics all day!!!! Thank you for doing that and Congrats on Harper:)
what fun! I had actually posted my little girl's nursery several weeks ago... so it was ready and waiting for your great post! thanks for doing this! :) best wishes with your baby girl!
I adde pics of my sweet girl's room! Can't wait to see how yours turns out!! I don't know if I am way too late posting this:)
I published WAY late but LOVED looking at all the nurseries!!
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