Harper weighs 2 1/2 pounds - about the size of a butternut squash
Momma weighs a LOT more than that! I have surpassed my weight gain goals by a little but I don't really care - as long as Harper is growing and healthy - I can lose the weight later (hopefully). I may have to call in Bob or Jillian. (No - as Scott always points out - Jillian would hate me because I'm wimpy! ha!)
I have been a little scared that she may end up coming out being "Hudson". People keep telling me these stories of being told it's a girl and then it comes out a boy. But after this week - I should feel better because Thursday night we are having a 3D ultrasound done. Not only will we be able to "SEE" her but we can get confirmation that the pink bedding and "Harper" dresses will not go to waste. And also tonight I was checking out at Wal-Mart and my checker said "are you having a girl?" and I was like "How did you know?" and she said "you are carrying her high - I can always tell what people are having". So there you have it.

Can't wait to hear about the 3D ultrasound...that sounds like so much fun! And the Caramel apple spice...now that sounds yummy. I've never had one of those. I want to try the pumpkin chai latte too. I love the cooler weather! Happy 29 weeks!
So glad to see that you and Harper are growing! I know you must be super excited about the 3D ultrasound and getting to SEE her sweet little face! I hear ya on the BRRRR...it's been in the 40's here all day too and I just HAD to stop at Starbuck's for a new signature hot chocolate this morning on the way to work! It was YUM! Have a great week!
Ohhhh caramel apple spice is my FAV-O-RITE!! Glad to see you are doing great and feeling good!
I don't want to tell you what our 'low' was today in Tampa, but it was certainly higher than your HIGH! :)
Have a great wek!
You look cute cute cute!! You are DEFINITELY having a girl! God would NOT have let you purchase all those cutesy girl outfits for a boy. Hudson will get those the next go around :)
I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog but I just love it. I sat down one night and just kept reading and reading. It was so awesome to see how the Lord was working in your life. But what I really wanted to say is, you are the cutest little preggo I have ever seen! :) COngrats and blessings on your new family.
Yea, and it looks like you are feeling good, too. Won't be long until you are in the 30 weeks, and it it will just fly by!
Talking about Starbuck's makes me crave a Coffee Frappuccino Light, which I've wanted for a long time...don't want to give Alexandra a caffeine high, though. :)
Hi Kelly,
I read your blog all the time and I have posted several times now.
You look so pretty pregnant! You are just glowing.
I absolutely love this pink/brow dress. Where did you buy it?
My husband (also Scott) and I are trying to get pregnant now too, so I am hoping we'll be blessed soon.
Good luck in all you do!
Agata from IL
Don't worry about gaining weight...it all evens out later. (And some good news is that in your last 3 or 4 weeks, the gaining slows down! I keep eating and every week I weigh the same.) Like you said the important thing is that your little girl is healthy! You do have that glow!
I'm you you are going to have a girl. The 3D ultrasound will be a lot of fun.
My husband has been asking me if it is time for Caramel Apple Spice yet, I guess I need to surprise him with one.
You look adorable! You are carrying her high. I was that way with my daughter. With my son, he was so low I couldn't put my legs together at all.
I've never heard of that caramal apple spice. It looks so good. I'll have to try it! It was cold here today too!
Oh you look great! I remember thinking the same things you are now...what if it's a girl/boy? will I lose the weight?
Enjoy your 3D - it will be so amazing!
I have those same nervous feelings Kelly, so I know exactly what you mean when you say those things about Hudson. I have heard of it happening many times before...to family and close friends. As a matter of fact, my college roomie thought she was having a girl until her son came out. She was so unprepared, but she made it through just like we would. I am sure that Harper is Harper, just like Gavin is Gavin...however, our little minds like to wonder and worry.
You are going to love the 3D Ultra sound, it is amazing exactly what you can see.
You look great and I am sure Harper is much cuter than that little Squash.
You look great!
And speaking of Starbucks, I'm giving away a giftcard this week for Bloggy Giveways. :) YUM.
Another reason to love Mondays!!
29 weeks? Man, this pregnancy has gone fast. You are looking as cute as ever!
Can't wait to hear about the 3D ultrasound.
I keep hearing the same stories you're hearing about a baby girl turning out to be a baby boy! I'm nervous about that too.
So, Kelly, how about you hold off on that apple caramel spice until this weekend and go with ME. I think that could be arranged. ;)
as the mother of two little girls, i can tell you that i was scared of the same thing with each pregnancy! when our babies were born, that was always my first question--"is it still a girl?!"
i just always made sure to have at least a few boy outfits to tide us over initially just in case.
and i'm not super girly in my decor tastes, so i went for black/gray strollers and car seats anyway. (whatever matches my car interior! HAHA!)
As good as your apple drink sounds, I just read something about a pumpkin spice chai latte-- now THERE is something I have to have!
Harper seems so big to me all the sudden. I mean, a cucumber is one thing. But seeing a whole squash makes me a little more appreciative of how big she is getting! :)
Might I presume that you are the new member of All Arkie? If you are, you really need to place a link to this blog on your posts there. For you have got something really special going on here with this blog!!!
Either way, this blog will be included in my FIVE FOR FRIDAY post on All Arkie this week. I'll leave word, with a link to it, after it is actually published.
No Starbucks in SA - but boy that Caramel apple spice sounds divine! My current favourite at the moment (bearing in mind its HOT here!) is a Ginger and Watermelon crush! YUMMY!
You look great!! Good luck with your 3-D ultrasound!
I can't wait to see your 3-D ultrasound! :) By the way, you can add me to your Baby Mommas List-due May 23rd! :) :) :)
MMMMM Starbucks...my fave is the Pumpkin Spice Latte! You look so cute. People keep telling me horror stories of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia and that's what I'm scared to death of right now...I do the glucose test a week from today! Wish me luck :)
MMMMM Starbucks...my fave is the Pumpkin Spice Latte! You look so cute. People keep telling me horror stories of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia and that's what I'm scared to death of right now...I do the glucose test a week from today! Wish me luck :)
Hi Kelly!
I love your blog!
I am expecting my fourth child in December (Christmas day to be exact!) and was told that it is a boy at my 20 week ultrasound- but, I'm still a little nervous that he could be a she...(we have three girls already)! I have another ultrasound this Thursday, so I'm gonna make sure I get a good look!
You crack me up that you have the vegetable or item that the baby is the size of....you are either a very healthy eater or you are a good planner for these pictures!
You look fantastic! cant wait to see the ultrasound pics!
Those 3D ultrasound pictures are amazing - I can only imagine what it must be like to see your own child like that.
You look fabulous by the way!
I LOVE Caramel Apple Spice! I don't drink coffee, but my husband loves it so I'm excited when I can go to Starbucks with him and have something to drink :)
You look beautiful, Kelly!
Don't worry about the weight! Your focus is certainly on the right thing - Harper's health. She's going to be beautiful too - can't wait to see her.
You really look great! I am gearing up for a decaf Pumpkin Spice Latte.
You are looking too cute in your pink dress! I can't wait to see the 3D pics, those are always amazing! It is freezing here this morning, so I just got a pumpkin spice latte...YUM!
Kelly, you look beautiful!!! You are glowing. Keep taking good care of yourself!
You are so lovely, my dear! I love that you have done a picture every week. Gorgeous!
Mmmm, that drink looks delightful. Today was the first day I have gone outside and thought, "hmm, I think I'm cold." Might need a date with Starbucks soon if this keeps up!
Have a great Tuesday!
You look so cute! I love the dress you are wearing. I can't wait to see/hear about the 3D ultrasound. A lady from work brought in pics of her granddaughter's 3D and it was amazing!
Starbucks sounds great today! It's cold here in Little Rock, too, and we have a Starbucks at work, so I'm going to have to go up there and get a hot drink...
hi,, i love reading ur blog!!
i had it pulled up this morning when my hubby got on here,,and does scott have a brother named steven?.. my hubby and i live in magnolia....this is his hometown...i saw u were in ar,,so i thought i might not be too crazy to ask...lol
yeah, small world.....i'll tell my hubby......i think my sis in law graduated that year......
anyway,, i read ur blog sometimes,, thanks for sharing ur story......i see ur reaching 30 weeks... that was always a milestone for me..lol.....then the countdown is on...lol....i'll be praying for u and ur family!
You look great! Don't worry about the weight now. Just enjoy those little kicks. Your preganancy has been flying by. :)
I think Harper would make a great boy's name as well! Just in case!
I Love the Carmel Apple Spice and I also Love the Pumpkin Spice Latte! Yummmmmy! Kelly Stamps, you are so cute! I think I have already exceded my weight goal, too. Well, maybe not yet, but I sure feel like it! But you know what, it is so unimportant now. I just want a healthy strong baby! I do not even look when I get on the scale any more!
You look cuter and cuter with each picture!! I feel pretty confident that Harper will be here soon and not Hudson!!
Enjoy your yummy drink.
Yummmm caramel apple spice is sooo good!! Try the Hazelnut hot chocolate!
I dreamed throughout my pregnancy that my ultrasound was wrong. The 20-week ultrasound showed that she was a girl, but I didn't actually see the proof at the 30-week 4D ultrasound. The technician insisted it was a girl, but I was worried the whole time. I went ahead and planned on girl stuff, and even had all of her things monogrammed. Still, I kept having dreams that she was a boy. The very first thing I asked after giving birth was "Is it a GIRL???"! :) (...it was...)
45 sounds painfully cold to me right now! You are looking so great, Kelly! I'm so thrilled for you that your pregnancy has gone so wonderfully (ok, minus a little morning sickness ;) ). It won't be much longer now! Enjoy your carmel apple cider - I love those too and make them at home now!
you definitely LOOK like you are having a girl. I was the same with Abigail... high and "bean" shaped. I didn't like it. I wanted the "basketball" belly. I got it with the next three... and oh my goodness did I wish to be carrying high again! I love my boys and I"d gladly take more, but physically, it was a whole lot harder to get around, and I definitely waddled :)
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