Friday afternoon - we headed down to spend the weekend with Scott's parents. They live about 6 hours away in South Arkansas. It's a long trip but we had a good visit with them.Saturday morning - Scott and his dad got up early to go to their deer camp and lay out deer corn and just look around. Scott's dad had set up cameras so he can see when the deer come and how many.
This is one of the deer stands. Scott and Laurie's husband are going down there in November (on opening weekend) to hunt. Scott is real excited. He's not a big hunter but I think he just likes getting to spend time with his dad and friend and he's already excited about all the food they plan to eat. ha!
While they did that - Scott's mom and I hit some little stores in town. There is a store that has a ton of baby stuff and Judy bought me this cute pink and brown hooded towel and this precious little romper. Harper can wear this not this summer but the next. I'm thinking if she ends up being a chubby little girl - she might could wear it for that Easter. ha!
We spent the afternoon with two of our favorite things -football and Barbecue! Of course the BBQ was MUCH better than the football. Yes - we are bad. But it was fun seeing other schools get upset. We are now cheering for Alabama to go all the way and win the national championship (brace yourselves Tide fans - I know there are a lot of you out there - it hurts me to cheer for Nick Saban's team but it's good for the SEC to win a championship year after year after year.) One day VERY soon it will be the hogs - we are just rebuilding!
Our visit wasn't complete with out lots of yummy desserts. Look at that pie on the right - it comes from a BBQ place in town. How do you get a meringue that high? Scott keeps asking when I'm going to learn to make pies that good. I'm working on it.
P.S. As we drove through Arkadelphia, where I went to college, I patted my stomach and told Harper that she would be spending four of the best years of her life in that town! :-) (That's for all my OBU friends)
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Looks like you had a great trip! I gotta say, I'm not sure what looks better--the BBQ or the desserts!! Love to see all the little baby stuff you are picking up along the way!
Looks like you all had a fun weekend with family!! where do they live in South Arkansas?? I went to school in Magnolia & we have some land in Warren??
Those baby things are precious. Pies are SOOO hard for me. I'll probably never be really good at it.
ooohh--lots of good food this weekend! :) I'm glad you guys had a good time!
Sounds like a fun weekend was had by all.
Of course family visits are never complete without yummy food.
I love the hooded towel. My son is three and we still use some of his after bath time.
I am rooting for the Buckeyes to go all the way and win the Championship. This is going to be difficult for us since we lost to USC, but not impossible.
Best of luck to your team(s) as well.
It's a small world! My husband & I both went to SAU from '98 to '02! I was Mary Kate Hogue & my husband is Michael Webb. I played volleyball at SAU & Michael played football! That is a neat small town! I have heard that the campus has changed a bunch since we have been back! We need to get back down there sometime, but don't see that happening anytime in the near future!!
I feel your pain about football. I hope Tennessee does some restructuring after this year!
That meringue pie is awful pretty...but what is that yummy-lookin' dish to the left of the pie? Do we get the recipe? hehe! ;o)
I love the romper...paaaa-recious!!
Did your father-in-law really put cameras out in the woods looking for deer?
I have to ask wherebout's do your inlaws live? I am a South Arkansas girl, and the deerstand scene looks all too familar!! lol.
I am glad your still feeling well. Harper is really growing!!
could that romper be any more precious?!? only when we get to see miss harper wearing it many months from now!
I'm fully aware of the male bonding that takes place during "hunting season". Guys love to get together and tell big deer stories and eat beans and cornbread and make a few bodily noises. It's not something that is all that appealing to the female variety. Ha!
I'm sitting down to watch the first episode of THE AMAZING RACE!!!!!
I'm not sure how I cam across your blog find your "happenings" with your family, friends, Harper and God drawing me back day after day. Matter of fact, I have started my own blog (I'm thinking people will really care about my day to day living - haha) because of you. I have even tried a couple of your recipes ~ tonight had the Poppy Seed Chicken - YUMMY! Wanted to see if I could get you and your readers to say a quick prayer or two for a couple of is for Jamie ( She is a mother of 5 that has found cancer off & on for several years. She is resting peacefully now and patiently waiting for God to call her home. Her husband and 5 little guys could sure use some prayers and thoughts right now. The other one is for Hyatt (www.hyatt911.blogspot). She is the mommy to 2 small children and is suffering from brain trauma. Thanks for thinking of these two Mama's tonight -- even more for the daddy's and their sweet babies.
I've been lurking for a while, I just love your blog. I can't wait to see Harper. I thought I would introduce myself since you are now cheering on Bama. I thought about leaving you a comment after the Bama vs. Arkansas game but I didn't think that would be very nice. Stop by my blog and read about my crazy life with 3 kiddos.
Make sure to get Harper an OBU cheerleading outfit! Lowrey wore hers for Halloween last year and is set on wearing it again this year. (How did I ever get so lucky? Costumes are expensive!) If someone asks her what college is, she says OBU. If someone asks her what OBU is, she says college. I won't really force her if I could. I'm just slowly exposing her to the beauty of it and hoping she'll come around on her own.
Lance stopped by while I was writing this and is laughing about the pictures of food. You know how he loves those.
Glad you had a good weekend!
My mouth fell open when I read about the Alabama part! My man was sitting in his recliner and said, "WHat? What's wrong?!" I said, "You are NOT going to believe this...."
MUSIC TO MY EARS, BABY, but so strange coming from you, Kel!! Thanks for making the least for the time being.
It looks like you and Scott had a fun weekend with his parents. Harper and Brody will be at OBU at the same time!! We can make weekend trips together to visit them!! :)
I am glad you had a good weekend! I love the little romper...too sweet! I know what you mean about Alabama. They have always been my favorite SEC west team, I am hoping this is their year! (it certainly isn't TN's year! Ha!)
Glad ya'll had a fun weekend! Love the gifts your mother-in-law bought! Too precious!!!
What a great weekend!! My tummy is growling after looking at all that yummy food...especially the dessert!! OBU was great, wasn't it? It will be so neat when our kids are there!
I love the things Judy got you. S has a very similar blue smocked romper. Steve is looking very forward to the trip to LA.
The stuff Scotts mom got you is adorable!!
And..the food??? HOLY SCHMOLY!!!
I'm pulling for Alabama too. Hard to swallow, but true. :)
Have a great day!
I am glad you had a GREAT weekend with Scott's parents ;)!
Those desserts look absolutely delicious!
Not Alabama...Go Vandy!
Hi!! I got that small chalkboard at Signed Sealed Delivered. :)
All that food look so yummy! Glad you had a great weekend. Love the pink and brown towel! Have a great week!
aww! love the stuff u got! Did it come from Pink & Blue Avenue or Sarah's? :) OH and the pie DEFINITELY CAME FROM Backyard BBQ!! :) Mmmm i know that maraguine (sp?) anywhere! :) haha.. Glad y'all had a great time! Sorry u couldn't come by! MOm and i got LOTS DONE! I posted pics on my blog. :) it was a blast!
That pie looks sooo good!
Holy cow that food looks good!!!!
Roll Tide!!!! Thanks for cheering on my team! That food looks DELICIOUS!! Glad you had a fun trip!
So glad you had a great weekend! Speaking of food....I made the cake balls! I used a strawberry cake mix & strawberry icing. The only thing I did a bit different...I refrigerated the balls before dipping in chocolate. I used dark chocolate to dip them in and they tasted like chocolate covered strawberries! They were totally a hit! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!
Yeah! I'm so glad to have another "honorary" Bama fan :) Also, WHAT is that dessert on the left? I might die it looks so good!
We went to the game....BAD! We stuck it out though till the bitter end. Tickets were $80.00 each, I wasn't going to skip out!
We are really bad this year.
The food looks yummy - not at all healthy - but yummy!
Thanks for being a good fan and sticking with the SEC. That is the way to be. We are Auburn fans here at our house but if/when Alabma makes it to the championship game - you better beleive we will be cheering for them. :)
Glad you guys had a fun weekend with family!
love the shopping finds! wish I had the food here!! and ROLL TIDE ROLLLLLL!!!
You must be talking about Backyard BBQ!! My parents live in Magnolia and every time we are there . . . a visit to Backyard is a MUST! Next time you are there, you must try their Cream Cheese Pecan Pie. It is to die for!
Karen Wood Black (OBU '98 grad)
North Little Rock
I have been out of town for about a week and a half and am just now able to catch up in the blog world. I'm SOOO glad you are cheering for Bama!!! Roll Tide Roll! I got to surprise my husband this weekend with tickets to the game!!! :) I'm going to post pics later but it was great...they didn't do as good as they could have but at least they won! "Row Tiiide" as our little EG would say!
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