I talked about changes earlier this week and tonight decided to go for a few more. Becky sent me this awesome header she made for me and I thought it was time to make my blog look a little more girly in honor of this sweet girl I'm carrying around. I think she has doubled in size this week because my body has and everything is stretching and moving. It has come earlier than I expected but I've started to waddle. And everyone from people I work with to people at church have delighted in letting me know that. What do you think about my new look?So we play Texas this weekend. This was the last time we played in Austin. We won that game and it was awesome. (When were my arms ever that skinny? That was B.M. (before marriage)) Kind of thinking we won't be throwing the "down horns" sign this year. My brother and sister-in-law are both Texas grads so I'm sure they will enjoy watching AR get beat. They closed on their very first house today in Dallas so I'm so excited for them - can't wait to go see it one of these days!
We are headed to my in-laws' house this weekend. It will be good to see them. So I'm trying to do several loads of laundry and I'm off to watch "Grey's" and "the Office"!!!!! Yeay for fall TV back on! Scott is watching USC. Football interferes with us watching TV together a lot in the fall.
P.S. Kendra won the yogurt coupons and recipes!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
love the new look and yeah for the office! I'm blogging to keep busy until it starts!
Love the new look of your blog!!!
I am loving the new look! That paisley is fabulous and one of my all time favorite patterns!!! Have a great weekend with the in-laws!
Loving the new look! I tagged you over on my blog!
Kelly, I absolutely love your new header and background...adorable!!
I am watching greys and the office too!! =) I love, love, love the new girly design!
Happy Friday Eve to you too! I love, love, love your new look!!
Hope you have fun this weekend!
Love the new blog design.
Looks like Chris and Carrie are experiencing good change this week too! How exciting - their first home.
You look so BUFF in that picture!
I love the new header
I love paisley and I love pink & brown. Looks great! And yay for blogher ads! :)
Cute!! So girly! And I'm watching Grey's as I type this!
I love the new look, very cute and fitting! I totally can relate to the many crazy body changes during pregnancy, but I have to say I so miss being pregnant. There's nothing like feeling that sweet child growing and moving inside you!!
Love the new background!! So girlie!!!! So Harper :)
Love the new background and header! Hook 'em Horns!! =)
Love the new look!
I like it!! I always liked your other background too. Love the header!!
I like your new look! Have a fun weekend in Lower Arkansas (ha!)
Love the new look!!
I love the header...I wonder how you make those??
I'm sure you don't waddle, and even if you do, at least you have an excuse...I'm not expecting and I waddle, that's scary! LOL
I love your new header. I like your BM picture. I look back at my pictures and I am amazed that I didn't see how pretty I was and what a great body I actually had. Oh well.
I love the new background!!! I love pink and brown together! So cute! I am headed to bed to watch Grey's!!! I SO can't wait!!!
Scott needs blonde hair!!
love the new look!
The pink and brown paisley background looks oh so fabulous and very girly!
Love the new look! GO HORNS!!! :)
i feel the same way==the growing and stretching. love the new girly look.
When you come see your bro and sis in law you'll have to work us in some time. Harper and David should get to know each other so they can make an informed decision on marriage some day. :)
I have never met you, and in fact live far far away in the rainy state of Washington. However, I love your blog! I found it through another friend's blog, who had you down as a random blog she read... anyways, I really enjoy reading about your life and growing family! I do have a question for you.... how do you make your blog look so neat? Is there a certain place you get your colors and backgrounds.... maybe I'm just so new at all of this, but it looks adorable, and I want my new blog to look lovely like yours! :) If you have any tips or ideas, that would be just great. Thanks again for the wonderful stories and fun pictures... its a great break from correcting papers (I am an elementary school teacher) and I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your new baby!
Love the new look!!
I love the new look too!
How excited are you that USC lost last night though??? I mean if #1 can be taken down...Arkansas can beat Texas! Go SEC!!! :)
Your new background is awesome!!
Have a good time in Mag. I know you'll have a blast. :)
I love your new look Kelly! I hope you have a nice weekend!
I love the background! Have a wonderful weekend!
I love the background! I am a HUGE fan of PINK! Also, I was just thinking how skinny your arms were in that pic and then read your comment about them! :) YEAH for The Office! Have a great time with the in-laws!
I LOVE the header and the new look ;)!
You & Scott are so cute in that picture. Maybe the Hogs will pull it out and win ;).
GREY'S WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the new header! So cute!!
The background is perfect! Too cute, my friend!!!
Kelly, love the new background!
Yea for waddling!! ; )
I love the new heading and background. So cute! (o:
I love checking your blog every day!
I commented on your blog last night but now I don't see it. Anyway, I love the header and background. It is so sweet! I watched Grey's also. We are also going to South Arkansas this weekend.
I really like the new look of your blog. Especially the paisley background, I love the color combinations!
Maybe the game will be better than everyone thinks, keep hope alive!!
Love the new look! So girlie-cute!
The new background is precious. I love the fabric in that pattern. Yay for PINK!! :)
LOVE the new look!
I love the new look! The pink paisley background reminds me of the sling I carried Amelia in. I love paisley prints! It's not just your arms in that picture that look skinny...you look skinny everywhere! I think that's such a cute picture of y'all. Have a fun weekend! And I'm with ya...YEA for The Office!! Next week...30 Rock!
Love the new look!
You were a teeny-tiny thing but you are also one of those that looks FAB while preggers!
Have a weekend!
I love the paisley background!! The colors are great! I so wish mine looked as good as yours. I wish I knew how to change mine up but it scares me each time I try.
Have fun this weekend!!
Love the new blog look. :)
Hope you guys have a great weekend.
Love the paisley print as well as the new header.. Very cute! I'm so glad all the fall shows are back on as well, and the Grey's episode was so good.. My husband was laughing at how into it I was. LOL. Have a great weekend!
I love B.M - before marriage....I'll be using that myself in comments now!
Scott watching football instead of or before Grey's is an OUTRAGE! I hope the Hogs can at least score once against Texas- it could be a long game!
How cute!!! I love your new header especially!
Even after seeing this pic, I still love you!:)
And those arms...AWESOME!
I love the new look, but the header should read Scott,Kelly and Harper! That little booger is ALREADY here and a part of the family ;) The blog looks great!
we're throwing "down horns" too, and we're Texans! we're Aggies, though, so we NEVER cheer for tu. :0)
I'm not happy with the score at the half, but oh well...know that there are some friends in N. TX cheering "whooo pig sooie" along with y'all for today!
Hi Kelly,
Your blog was on my google recommendations this morning - so I am checking out your blog. :-) I have to say that I love this post! I went to Texas A&M and of course we loathe Texas...or t.u. as we'd call them.
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