Monday, September 15, 2008

23 weeks

I'm 23 weeks

(I'm a little traumatized because I look ENORMOUS in this picture - I'm trying to think the dress makes me look bigger than I am - it made me look 6 months pregnant when I wasn't pregnant. But still..............yikes!)

Harper is the size of a Jicama.

(Now you may be asking - what on earth is a jicama? I have no idea. According to baby center and the - it should be a papaya this week but they did not exist at Wal-Mart. So I found the only thing that weighed a little over a pound and went with it. )
Whatever it is .......Dawson sure enjoyed playing with it after the picture session

People ask me every day how I'm feeling and the answer is "GREAT!" I'm loving this part of pregnancy. It was a little rough when I was sick but now it is just fun. I marvel every day in the mirror at how big my stomach is growing and I love feeling her kick. I just have never been so happy. I've started getting real bad heart burn all day every day so I've invested in a big bottle of tums and that seems to work pretty well. They say a lot of heartburn means a lot of hair and I was VERY hairy so I picture Harper with a full head of dark hair right now. I just hope and pray she gets her daddy's big blue eyes. I'm not sending her back if she gets my squinty brown eyes but I would love to have a dark haired blue eyed girl.

The nursery is coming along. Our crib is in so we are going to pick it up next week (we got it off of and they deliver to our store) and last night I ordered the bedding. I'm so nervous about it turning out good. Since I kind of pieced it together - I'm just praying it will be cute and I'll like it.
I ordered this sham for the day bed a week or two ago and it came today! It makes me giddy!


Shannon C said...

Try eating a scoop of vanilla ice cream when you have really bad heart burn. With my last pregnancy, I would make sure it was the last thing I ate before I went to bed. It seemed to really help.

kinsey said...

loving the bedding and so glad you are feeling so great!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

The day bed in Harper's room will be a nice place for you to rest when you are up with her during the night...and the personalized pillow sham is sweet!

Anonymous said...

I think you look just perfect. Im glad that you are feeling better and able to enjoy her. I loved feeling those baby kicks... nothing in the world like it. Enjoy every minute~

Alyce said...

You look great Kelly. I absolutely loved being pregnant..of course there were those times,like in the beginning when I was sick, and the very end when I was miserable, that I didn't like. But all the rest was so much fun. I even missed being pregnant when I gave birth!

Alyce said...

Oh..I forgot..
I had terrible heartburn babies were hairy too..
My trick..I ate oatmeal usually an hour or so before I went to bed at night. And I used lots of pillows, so that I wasn't flat on my back.
Hope that helps!!

Katie said...

I think you look wonderful, and I LOVE that dress! It's gorgeous! I have such a hard time finding dresses that come to my knees. Are you buying maternity dresses (if so, where?), or are they just regular dresses. I love A Pea in the Pod and Mimi Maternity.

tondays said...

HI, I hope you don't mind me stopping by. I am a friend of LAH over at Horton's Happenings (love her!). I love these post you do each week - it is so fun to see the changes.

Just wanted to say, everyone told me the same thing about my heartburn - I had it extremely bad w/my second - had to keep a bottle of tums in any location I might possibly be at any given moment throughout my day! :0) And yes, my little one came out with a full head of hair (needed a hair cut on day one! LOL)

Amanda Ledford said...

You look adorable! I still stick with my earlier comment, you do not look fat or big at all, just super cute!!!! I am dying to see her nursery come together. The day bed is a fabulous idea and I am loving the personalized pillow sham!

Carrie Allen said...

Yep, that's a jicama. It's kinda like a cross between an apple and a potato. It's really yummy chopped up and sprinkled into a black bean soup.

The Couch Family said...

There is hope!!!! I prayed and prayed that Madison would have my husbands big blue eyes. I figured this was almost impossible since mine are so dark brown and brown is dominant. She came out just like we wanted, big blue eyes and a head full of dark hair!!!

Hailey said...

Too cute.
Glad you are feeling great.
It is so much fun to feel them kick and move around in there.
Can't wait to see the crib.


Kristy said...

You are so cute! I wish so bad that I would have taken weekly pictures. How special that you have these for the memory book! The daybed looks so sweet, I can't wait to see the crib!

Anonymous said...

You look amazing! I am so happy for you. We all can't wait to see her! God Bless.

Jennifer said...

I think that you look adorable as always. I look forward to the Monday update!!!!!!! Dawson is such a cutie. He reminds me of our Maltese Dakota. But, is he a maltese or Bishon? The daybed looks great and I am sure that it will get plenty of use. I really like the sham that you ordered. The brown and pink look wonderful together. I can't wait to see her bed and the bedding that you have pieced together. I am sure just like everything else that it will be precious!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

So glad you are feeling good and you just look adorable! That pillow for Harper is too cute!

Jenna said...

Well the word enormous did not come to mind when I saw that picture, but the word stunning did my friend!

Love the picture of Dawson with his new jicama, haha!

And that pillow sham is so awesome! What a neat idea for the day bed!

Unknown said... are too cute! The nursery looks like it is coming along nicely. When I was on vacation, I found a place that makes the monogrammed diaper bags, and purses! I saw that and thought of you.....then i bought a purse! I also found two baby cups with the names we have picked out for if we have a baby...right beside each other. I think God is sending me a sign to get ready! My hubby thinks so too! Plus, both my parents and me have had baby dreams! Keep praying for us that God will send us a little one soon!

Allison said...

You still look amazing!

I had really bad heart burn too and my mom kept telling me it meant she had a lot of hair - but, nope, she was bald!! :)

Kathy said...

You look great Kelly. I hesitated eating Jicama too. I actually like it now. It's good in cold salads. Apple-potato is a good description. Whoa Cowboys just scored! Back to the game.

Suz said...

You look PRECIOUS!!! Love the dress! And the new pillow with precious Harper's name on it! I cannot wait to see the nursery!

Meredith said...

Kelly you look so cute! And I love the daybed! Dawson looks so cute with that....whatever it is!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Pillow is very cute. I'm sure if you fried that jicama it'd be delicious. Or dip it in almond bark. Whatever. Ha!

Gracie Beth said...

You looks so cute! The day bed is lovely!

Anonymous said...

You look very cute. I love that you pose with fruits/veggies... that's adorable.
I'm sure you're nursery will be great!

Jenn said...

I feel for you and your heartburn. One tip somebody gave me (and it worked) is to keep a bottle of milk of magnesia in the fridge so it will be nice and cold. We love seeing little Harper growing each week!!

Anonymous said...

I drink milk (and eat oreos) when I have bad heartburn and it helps. ENJOY the 2nd trimester!! Take full advantage of feeling great and having so much energy! It's hard to remember what that was like! You look great!!!

Just Terrific said...

Someone is starting to look very pregnant.....and you are just beautiful!! I'm so excited for you!!

Pam said...

You look so cute. I remember having tums in the car, the office and nearly every room of the house. I also heard the lots of hair story but my baby was bald for the 1st year.

Jennifer said...

You are so cute!! Show off that belly!!

I,too,have had serious heartburn and reflux.It probably will get worse the bigger and higher she gets. A trick my principal taught me that seems to work some is to chew mint gum during the day. Something about it really soothes all that acid!! I keep a pack of double mint in my purse at all times. Also, there came a point when the tums stopped working so I started taking Pepcid. It works too!

Carry Grace said...

I think you look great! I love the sham with Harpers name on it. I can't wait to see the nursery all done. I know it will be beautiful.

amy (metz) walker said...

I think you look great!

The Garners said...

You look GREAT, Kelly!!! I laughed at Dawson and the vegetable (fruit?)! The bed/sham/pillow is adorable!

annalee said...

hey beautiful preggo! you and the nursery are looking great. oh how i LOVE jicama, slice that sucker up and use it is a crunchy salad topping, mmm, mmm, good!

Kendra said...

Oh!! TOO CUTE!!!! Both you and the pillow =-)

Melissa Stover said...

it's just the dress. i'm sure you're quite normal.

i had bad heartburn with both my girls and they had a head full of dark hair!

can't wait to see how the nursery turns out. i know it will be adorable.

Amber said...

You don't look enormous at all! You are such an elegant mama-to-be. In every picture you post you look just as cute as the last! Seriously! I have a feeling that you are one of those pregnant women that if you see them from behind, you wouldn't even know they are pregnant. :) Glad to hear you are feeling better and enjoying your pregnancy so much right now!

Lianna Knight said...

You look absolutely beautiful to me... I can tell by the pictures how happy you are :)

The sham is precious too!

I gave you a shout out on my blog...I made your cherry limeade at my Nephew's birthday was a success!!

Looking forward to seeing the bedding and crib :)


Kelly said...

You look beautiful, and I am so glad you are feeling better! There is nothing like feeling those kicks to make up for all the nausea:-)

Love the pillow!

Fran said...

You are just darling Kelly! And, this is the fatest pregnancy Ive ever watched! Really. It seems like its flying by!!

The nursery will be beautiful....

Have a wonderful day.
Big hugs,

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Kelly, you look beautiful! I am so excited to see your pregnancy progrees and things come together in the nursery. What an exciting time! You must be walking on air :)

Jessie Weaver said...

Enjoy the wonderful second trimester while it lasts!! I have had TERRIBLE heartburn and I have been taking a Prilosec every night (now have graduated to two, with doctor's approval). It has helped SO tremendously and is a safe med for baby. I would high recommend it or getting your OB to prescribe something similar.

I always think how pregnant I look depends on what I am wearing. :) My mom sent me a dress when I was about 10 weeks and DH and I agreed at that point it made me look enormous...we didn't want to know what it would look like when I was actually showing. It got sent back!


Brittany said...

So, I have to ask... is that dress from The Gap? It looks just like the one that I am wearing today (a ton of my girlfriends have the same one too) and I was thinking, just this morning, that it makes me look so pregnant - but I am so not!

Jacquie said...

Yesterday, I told your Dad I couldn't wait to read your blog because it was "update" time again... and then I fell asleep at 8:00 last night!

You certainly took a jump this week... I'm betting it's not JUST the dress.

You describe pregnancy (right now) just how I described it. It was the happiest time and I felt so amazing and the wonder of having a precious little life growing in you... oh, it gets me all excited! (I tell you, I'd do it again!)

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Kelly, I'm having such fun watching you grow & am squealing with happiness right along with you.

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

The day bed in the nursery is a great idea...You don't know how many times I wished I had something more comfortable in our nursery. I love the colors...keep giving us updates on the progress!

preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

congrats, you look great at 23 weeks! lucky you!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

You look super cute! And I love the day bed! It's adorable! When I was scrolling down your post, our 14 mo. old was in my lap and he started ruf rufing when he saw your dog, ha, too funny!

Megan L Hutchings said...

You are really showing in this picture and you are ADORABLE! I can't wait to see how everything comes together ;)!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Yummo! I LOVE jicama! It is tasty on a salad, or even by itself. It is semi-sweet and wet (kind of like watermelon) and very refreshing. You look fabulous and I must tell you, I hosted a Premiere jewelry party yesterday and fixed cake balls...your recipe...and they were a HIT! I seriously had ONE left and my hubby ate it when I got home! Ha! So, thanks! I have also gotten several other recipes from your blog but haven't had the chance to try them yet. I'm especially excited about the chicken lasagna!

Rachel Ann said...

Jicama is so yummy! Try it raw on a salad. It's a good neutral vegetable that just adds a little crunch.

I love reading your updates about Baby Harper's progress. She is so blessed already to have so many people cheering and praying for her and to have parents that are dedicated to preserving all of these memories for her!

Caroline said...

oh you look darling...just darling...and i love your eyes!!!! i do! I was born with dark hair and blue eyes.....then i went bald hahahahha and got blonde haahah. i can't wait to see the nursery all finished!!!!! Harper will just love it!!!!!!!

the undomesticated wife said...

Dawson is precious!

Kelli said...

These next few weeks of pregnancy are the BEST!! Enjoy them! So sorry about the heartburn! I was the same way and Caroline didn't have too much hair!

In His Army said...

Oh I'm so happy that you are feeling great and LOVING being pregnant! Don't stress about the nursery, it is all going to come together great, and most important thing is the finishing touch anyway...HARPER!!!! I am picturing her with lots of dark hair too! It will be so fun to put little bows in and the best is to just sit around and brush it when you bring her home! A lot of J's fell out but she had so much, I got accused of brushing it out!

Faith said...

You look so great Kelly! Harper is growing so fast. I love the pillow sham for the daybed and can't wait to see the crib bedding. I know what you picked out will be fabulous!!

Ashley said...

You look adorable! And I've tried jicama before. I don't care for it, but my parents love it. It's kinda like a turnip but a little sweeter.

Can't wait to see the nursery all put together!

The Milams said...

I LIVED on Tums with both of my pregnancies and delivered two bald headed little boys! So much for wives' tales.

You look great. I loved watching my belly grow. Only time in your live when a pop belly is cute!!

Kara said...

You look positively PERFECT! That pillow sham is absolutely adorable and goes perfect with the bedding. I have seen some similar to that before on Etsy and they are so precious and classy looking. I hope that you continue to have a wonderful time decorating for your precious little angel...she is a luck girl!

Staci said... look great Kelly! I hope you are putting all these pictures in Harper's baby book b/c she will love seeing these one day!

Heather said...

You look amazing! Praising God for His goodness today!!!

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

You look wonderful! and I am sure the nursery will look just as fabulous! I must say I had the WORST heartburn with Scarlett and she had a head full of curly hair! I was so excited, it was worth all the heartburn; (I craved peppermints, so probably the reason for so much HB). I can't wait to see the finished nursery. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmmmm no look GORGEOUS pregnant and no where near enormous! I actually love that dress on you, I think you look great!

Rebekah said...

I have that dress, too! It makes me look large and in charge as well. SO, don't is not just you!

pinkmommy said...

You look great! And it is definitely the dress!