Last night was "Kelly and Emily's night of fun"
Thank you for all of your wonderful suggestions and ideas!
Thank you for all of your wonderful suggestions and ideas!

Emily was VERY good while she was with us. She didn't cry - she was very happy. She doesn't sleep much but she went to sleep around 10 and didn't wake up until 7. She and I slept together in the guest room. I had to keep checking her to see if she was still breathing because she was so still. We had such a fun time with her. Dawson even did pretty good with her. He was pretty sweet and patient. He's pretty worn out right now.
It's raining and is supposed to the rest of the weekend so I plan to get lots of rest. All of you moms of toddlers - it is a hard job. I told Laurie that having two had to be really hard. I can't imagine more than that. It's the best job in the world but it's one of the hardest too. Scott and I got a little glimpse of how much our lives are about to change.
We can't wait! :-)
Love the picture of Scott drawing on the patio floor!! There will be plenty of that and more when your little girl/boy arrives! Only more than just one night!!!!! Get your rest NOW while you can!!
Love, MOM
Awww! What a fun night you guys had! I know that Emily had a blast and probably can't wait to do it again! That is such a fun age =)
You and Scott are doing to do great with your little one!
I am new to your blog, so Hello !! It looks like you had a wonderful time.
Sarah x
She is too cute!!!! I love the dress up pic. Looks like you two had a great time!!! Hope you are having a good weekend!
I'm glad you guys had so much fun. She is a little doll!
I knew that you would have fun. It looks like she enjoyed herself. Love the jeans a raxorback shirt, I think I wear that about once or twice a week.
Pizza, cookies and sidewalk chalk... Sounds like my kind of slumber party! ;) Glad y'all had a good time!
So glad that your slumber party went well! You never know if they will cry in the night or not. Yall were blessed. I must tell you.. it's so different when its your own little one. I think yall will be great parents. What a blessed little baby.. No wonder God waited as did... Not just any baby would do. take care and get some rest. Susie H~
The dress up picture is my favorite!!
So fun!!!! One day she will blog about how she loved going to her Aunt Kelly's house!!!
I very much remember right after having Abigail and all these moms were bringing me food. Some of them had 3, 4, and 5 children. One of them had 3 kids under three. I kept thinking "I should be fixing YOU dinner." Abigail slept all the time, so really... I had all the time in the world to fix dinner, and felt guilty for all these people fixing it for me. But that's what we do, ya know? I also remember thinking "anyone who has three kids under three is CRAZY." Then it happened to ME. ha
all this time I've been entering my blog address as I've left comments, not knowing I had to enter the "http://" part too! I had no idea I wasn't linking my name to my blog!
Emily is going to be bored now that she's home! Being a parent of a toddler IS hard work, but God also is smart enough to start with them as infants, and work your way into toddler-hood, tweenagers, and finally the teen years. You'll absolutely LOVE every age.
PS - Love the jeans!
I'm with Becca up there--God gives you some sweet nap times with a newborn and it helps with the transition from being a wife to being a wife and mommy. Then you slowly build up stamina with your little one (s) and before you know it you'll do anything to get out of your house! You have so many wonderful sweet moments ahead of you before 3 yrs. old. I think it requires more energy to watch someone else's child anyway so I can only imagine how tired you are! I slept as much as possible while pregnant...coming home from work and falling asleep on the couch. My husband would wake me up to eat then I'd go to bed again. Praise God he hung in there and waited for his wife to rejoin the land of the living :)
That was a perfect slumber party!! You are going to be such a great mommy!
But it is definitely tiring!! You will be spinning in circles, believe me. Kids keep you hopping every minute. (But it is SO worth it!!)
Get all the sleep and rest you can right now!!
What a fun slumber party! That's so sweet that she got to come over to stay! I like the pics of you & S drawing with chalk! :)
Sounds like you had a great time. You need ya a little girl!! Were you using the color wonder markers? The ones that supposedly only show up on the special paper? If so..let me tell you..years ago, my daughter was in our bed..on our yellow comforter, using these markers. She left one open on the bed..I noticed a spot, washed it and then there was a BIG pink stain on the yellow beware!!
Glad you had a great time!
That age is so much fun. Looks like a slumber party that Ceci and I would have!
Awww... It looks like fun. Having a toddler is hard work, but lots of fun too. My favorite saying I hard recently was - The days are long, but the years are short. So true!
Glad you guys had fun.
I'm glad ya'll had so much fun with Emily!!! :) It looks like ya'll kept busy and did lots of fun things! I second the comment about those color wonder markers, we have a stained set of sheets to prove it. :0
Now that I'm a mom I have a ton of respect and admiration for single moms. I don't know how they do it without "Relief" coming in at the end of the day!
What a wonderful day (and night) of fun! That is awsome... I love playing with my niece, it's like being a kid again with not a worry in the world, just fun and make beleive! I am glad you did this with Emily, I am sure it was a big treat for her!!!!
How fun! Emily looks like she is having a ball in those pics! And I am all about some sidewalk chalk. That stuff is where it's at.
You are going to be such a good mommy!!!
How great! Looks like you girls had a fun night. Chalk drawing is one of my favorites too...can't wait for Mabry to get a bit bigger so we can do that.
It looks like everyone had a fun time. Emily is such a doll. You & your husband look like true naturals! I know you will both be awesome parents. :-) God is amazing....isn't He?
Looks like ya'll really had a fun time! My little Emma loves her some Ranch Dressing, too. Anything's better dipped in a little Ranch!
I know that you and Scott are going to be awesome parents!
Sounds like a perfect night for a little girl. I'm with you...I think I could color in Ella Grace's coloring books by myself, too.
Looks like fun!
Glad your had fun. You look like a natural at sidewalk chalk.
Having a baby really does change your life.Don't stress out about hpw will you get all done.It just falls into place.Once she(my guess)is here you won't even remember what you did before her.The hours of watching her sleep just become your passion. :)
Looks like you had a great weekend and great training for the future~ :)
Looks like a fun time was had by all! Isn't great how kids make the time fun! Have a great day!
I love the pic of Emily playing dressup! It is so funthat you kept her for a night! You guys are going to be great parents!
How sweet! It looks like you had a blast!
Smart girl...ranch with her pizza :)
What a fabulous slumber party!!! You did all the things any girl would love to do ;)!
I love the picture of Emily stirring the cookie dough!!!
Can't wait to see pics of your family ;)!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew you guys would have a blast!! That age is just so much fun!
Yay-you made cookies! :) And you even went all out the old fashioned way. You are going to be such a great mommy!! I know she had a great time with you guys.
Ooh, I knew you'd have fun! See, you did great. You're going to be a wonderful mom!!!
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