Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Just another random Wednesday

1. I got this dress in Black at Old Navy yesterday. I needed a few extra things I could wear for the next month or two and I'm not ready for maternity. I didn't even try it on - just came home and held my breath that it would work. It's sooooo comfortable and I love the way it fits. I think I may have to go back and get the color above. Why mess with a good thing? :-)

2. Every year - our choir gets the month of July off. We don't practice and we don't sing in church. They just use a praise team. It's been a nice little break but choir practice starts back tonight and I'm so excited. I have really missed it. I have loved sitting in church with my husband but I can't wait to get back in that choir loft. It's just a different church experience sitting up there and worshipping! I love it!

3. My best friend Laurie's little girl, Emily, is spending the night with us Friday night. I'm so excited. I have wanted her to spend the night with us since she was born but I have just been too nervous to try it. Now that she is almost 3 and I am a soon-to-be mother - I decided it was time to go for it. I want to have some fun things to do with her while she's at my house. Do any of you with 2-3 year olds have things your kids love to do? She loves art so I thought I would get her some special coloring books or colors and maybe some other games or bubbles to blow or some chalk to draw with on our patio? Any fun ideas????

4. My streak of just being nauseous and not throwing up...............JUST ENDED. Help me Lord.


Meredith said...

Cute dress! I know you guys will have a lot of fun with Emily. Your ideas already sound fun. What about maybe baking some cookies or something? You could get the ones that just have to be broken apart to make it easier.

Nicole said...

I love that dress, I have it in black also. You are going to have a blast with Emily. You could bake thats a good idea, you could always let her play dress up with your shoes and jewelry. can't wait to hear how it goes.

Heather said...

That dress is adorable! I say definitely go back and get the other color. How fun that Emily is spending the night with you!! You'll do great! It's been a long time since I had a toddler, but I think your ideas sound wonderful. I know you'll make it fun and special for her!

Jenna said...

That dress is so adorable, and if I listen closely, I swear I can hear it calling my name!!! These are the moments I don't need to be in Athens where I have stores like Old Navy - I am too weak to resist!

I know you will have so much fun with Emily!! After keeping boys for so long most of my ideas are in the smashing bugs, digging in the dirt, and wrestling category but it sounds like your ideas will be just perfect. I know she will be thriled to do anything AT ALL on her special night with Aunt Kelly! :)

MEGAN said...

I have 2 nephews (3 &5), and the 5 yr. old loves to bake, so we make cookies or banana bread, or something yummy for breakfast, like french toast, or homemade waffles. Little kids love having sleepovers with the people they love! In my case, they love it a little too much, and not a whole lot of sleeping happens : /

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly! Haven't commented in a while, but I do read your blog every day! So excited for you!!

My girls are 3...and they LOVE reading books, and since its summer, running through the sprinkler outside or playing with the garden hose. Sidewalk chalk is a HUGE hit. They also love their little was the best $8 I've ever spent at Walmart!!

Good luck, and have fun!!

Anonymous said...

I put my kids in their bath tub with finger paint and let them create beautiful art! Clean up is a breeze, just turn on the shower and give her a wash cloth. I hope you have fun with her!

Living to Love said...

1st- I just got that dress in black too and LOVE it!

2nd- Baking is always fun with little girls! You could do homemade pizzas for dinner (where she "decorates" her own) then you could make some dessert...brownies cookies or such!! Have fun!

Caroline said...

great dress...i did not see that one!!!!!! it is just perfect! bless your heart with the throwing up....your such a champ!!!!!!! praying for you!

I say make a craft of paint her mom a pretty picture.....or just play dolls all day. I use to love that....barbies for life...that is my motto!!!!!!

Lauren said...

First of all I love your blog and am so excited for you about your new little one! I found your blog from Angie Smith's and feel like I have known you for years, I hope that is not too weird! :) Anyway, I am the mother of two, a girl (8) and a boy (4) and they love to play with shaving cream on the kitchen counter. Make sure that your chair or whatever they stand on is covered well, clean off your counter and spray it on, it is a mess, but lots and lots of fun!
Good luck!! Let us know how it goes.

Trina said...

Cute dress!

I did the same thing when I was preggo with my first. I had my little cousin who was 3 at the time, spend the weekend with us. It was fun and it gave me a look into the world of caring for someone smaller than me LOL

My almost 3 year old is a boy, so his interests might be different than Emily's. He loves trucks and Spongebob. The sidewalk chalk sounds great! I just bought some from Target on clearance but it's been to darn hot to go outside to let the kids play with it. I just put them some folders together using prong pocket folders and loose leaf paper so they have their own "art book". And they got to put stickers and write their name on the front. (Well I wrote Xander's because he can't write yet...) But they liked that.

Anonymous said...

Your ideas of coloring, bubbles and chalk sound great. The baking sounds like fun too. I think most kids enjoy making cookies.
I'm sorry you're still throwing up. :(

Amanda said...

Have you tried Zofran yet? I can't remember if you have. It should curb the throwing up. That dress is so cute! I might have to visit Old Navy!

Rathi said...

The dress is very cute! I agree with either baking or a craft. My niece is about to be three and she loves coloring, painting and her knew favorite is stamping sets! She loves to make cards with it! Hope you are feeling better now! We are doing good here, just getting more rain from yesterday! Have a good Wednesday!

Mandy said...

That dress is so cute!! You will have so much fun with Emily. She will probably have a blast just doing whatever you have planned. Little girls seem to just love playing with older people and looking up to them. Baking would be a lot of fun!! Arts and crafts of any kind would probably be fun too!!

Bamawhitney said...

Hi I really enjoy reading your blog! Love the dress. My daughter is 4 and she loves to make Pizzas with me. So easy with the store-bought dough (I like Fresh and Easy) but there are many to choose from and usually pizza shops will sell it to you as well. Then she can help roll it out and put whatever toppings on it she likes! But all of the other activities are sure to be a hit as well!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

so shouldn't your placenta start taking over so you are not so nauseated and throwing up??(those words were from my dr who told me that should start happening in the 2 trimester btw :-)) i am so sorry that you are not feeling well! i hope it passes soon! cute dress! ready to wear regular clothes again! I seriosuly can't wait b/c I am so bored with my maternity clothes and stopped buying things when I had less than 2 months.

Angela said...

You can cover a table with paper and let her draw and color till her hearts content and she can work on it all weekend.
Dress Up, Play-Do, and Puzzles are a lot of fun too.
Play-Do is really inexpensive and fun for all ages! :-) has neat print to color pages and ideas for crafts for kids.

The Garners said...

Cute dress!!!

Does E like to cook with her Mom? Rhett loves to help me in the kitchen--maybe you and Emily could make cookies or muffins or something. R stands on his stool and does jobs like pour in the chocolate chips or put the muffin cups in the muffin pan, etc. That's going to be so fun!

Bella said...

I second (or third or tenth) loving that dress! Actually, I love all of your dresses, they are are so cute! My niece is 5 but she loves to draw, you could finger paint and stickers are always fun!

Faith said...

What a cute dress! We have had July off from choir as well and it has been nice...we get started back next week.

You will do great with Emily and I know ya'll will have lots of fun. Emma loves to bake cookies (break and bake) play with her baby dolls, go swimming, paint fingernails and play with my jewelry. Bubbles are a big hit as well! She's not hard to keep entertained! What a fun sleepover that will be!

Hope you feel better soon!

Jenny said...

Love the dress! I just may have to find me one too! I'd much rather wear a cute summer dress than shorts.

Have fun with Emily this weekend!

Julie said...

My little friend who just turned 4 loved the sidewalk chalk. Also, we've used play doh but I had to monitor that closely!!!

Love the dress!!! It looks cool and comfortable.

I hope you are feeling well soon.

Lauren said...

Love that dress.

As for fun activities. You could play "beauty shop"... And paint nails and do hair... and possibly makeup. Or maybe a fun big bubble bath. Drew LOVES sidewalk chalk. He also loves picking out on the internet, fun coloring pages to print out. Cannot wait to hear what you do!

MMM said...

Love the dress. I think I need it too. I bought a couple maternity dresses from old navy, but they are still too big. Zofran is my miracle drug. I could not have made it this far without it. However, I took it late on Sat and Mon and I ruined my two week stretch of not throwing up. I feel for you. Feel better!

Anonymous said...

I talked to janet wentz today... she got a kick out of that picture you posted on facebook :) She was excited to hear you are pregnant.
You could have a tea party... bake things for it, decorate cupcakes, or sugar cookies, dress up for it too... with make up :) And have Scott come too... she'd love that i'm sure.
Playing with shaving cream is fun too... squirt it out on a counter or table and let her have at it. Doesn't create as much mess as finger paints but they seem to enjoy it just as much.

Jennifer said...

My 3yr. old girls LOVE sidewalk chalk - bubble baths(cause she'll need one after the chalk) - dress up - making cookies - coloring - playing with baby dolls - and watching movies and eating popcorn!!

A perfect girls night at our house!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the sickness. You made it 13 weeks longer than I did without being really sick!! I will continue to pray for you. You look FABULOUS. It sounds like you have the right idea for the little Emily. I truly hope you are not sick the entire time, but if you are, it will still be worth it when God brings your beautiful child into this world.

Anonymous said...

the last comment was from me. Sorry hit the wrong button.

Staci said...

How funny! I just tried that dress on this weekend. It was exactly flattering on me!

My 3 year old nephew loves to color and right now he's into tracing his hand and other people's hands. It might be fun to get some butcher paper and trace her whole body and let her color it.

the boyd girls.... said...

Painting... in the shower, Caroline LOVES IT! Also, a big hit is playdough, eating snow cones, good ole fun in the tub!
Have fun! 2-3 year olds will get you ready for anything! :) Can Caroline come too? J/K

Megan L Hutchings said...

What an adorable dress! I definitely think you need to get the other one ;)! You will look great in both of those colors!

I am so excited that you are going to have a little sleep over with Emily! Coloring is always a great pastime. My mom and dad also let us play with paint and play doh...LOVED IT!

I hope you feel better soon!

Meredith said...

Cute dress! Aww! Emily will have so much fun at your house! Play-doh is always fun for toddlers! And I know, like you said, Emily will really like coloring. We know who she gets that from!

Heather said...

Love the dress and I'm excited about your sleepover!
My 3-yr-old loves playdoh and sidewalk chalk! You can also get those "color wonder" markers and paints and coloring books and they ONLY mark on the books/paper. NO MESS! :)
I think making cookies, etc. would be fun for her, too. I know she will just love the time with her "Aunt Kelly!"

LovesPINKandPEARLS said...

i would suggest baking with her as the kids i nanny for seem to love throwing ingredients in the batter, and if she really likes art why dont you finger paint? kids love it, its got the mess they adore and they still get to create (plus its fun for adults too). and if you need book suggestions, i love reading the kids skippyjon jones books, theyre hilarious and the kids love them! cute dress by the way!

Amanda said...

Sorry if this is a repeat suggestion, but if you bake the cookies ahead of time and then you two can decorate them - that would be fun! I haven't met a little girl that didn't like coloring the cookies and then eating them. :)

PS - Great dress! and from my experience, once you go for maternity clothes (pants/shorts specifically) you wonder why you ever waited so long! :)

~aj~ said...

I haven't read all the other ideas, so I apologize if I'm repeating things.

My 3 year old gets easily bored with coloring. Painting, on the other hand, he could do ALL day. Just make sure you buy washable paints if you go that route. Or you could even put down wax paper and finger paint with pudding.

He also loves playing with Play-Doh (especially with molds and other play-doh accessories), playing in the sprinkler, blowing bubbles, and cooking anything.

You guys will have so much fun!

Julia said...

Very cute dress! I'll send you an email and let you know how things went today in a bit :)

Thanks for your prayers!!!

Betsy said...

Really??? You're getting sicker? Bless your heart! I thought you would be starting to feel better about now. Hang in there!

That dress is so cute and so YOU! I love it!

My girls always loved sidewalk chalk, sprinklers and lots of water toys--even painting the house with water!, painting nails, decorating cookies or cupcakes, playdough, and watching movies. That will be so much fun!!

Erin said...

it's not really "something to do"...but my three year old's FAVORITE snack in the world is a "grape-sicle"...I just take a wodden kabob skewer thingy and thread grapes on it...sometimes I freeze them, but mostly she just loves them as is.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

What a cute dress! I want to get one too! The girls I baby-sat for love to paint. I would go to Michael's and buy wooden bird houses, purses, boxes, etc and let them paint them. They loved it!

I hope you enjoy your week!

SLS said...

Love the dress! I may have to go get one! I hope you enjoy choir practice! And I can't wait to hear what fun stuff you did with Emily! Hope you are feeling better!!!

Meagan said...

Aw! Super-cute dress, love it!

The sleepover with Emily sounds like SO MUCH FUN! Kids just know how to do it right, don't they! My niece and I love to color together and play with play-dough!!!

I hate that you are still feeling ikcy - I'll say an extra prayer for you tonight!!

Bonnie said...

Hey Kelly! I saw this dress on & I thought it was so cute! (I have no clue why I'm looking at maternity wear when I'm not even pregnant yet) :P But, it looked like your style ;)

- Bonnie

Jessica said...

Poor Kelly! I was SICK for 5 weeks. I'm so so sorry. My Dr. said being sick was actually a really strong sign the baby is thriving. Maybe that will give you some comfort.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog and keeping up with your bebe news. I have been keeping you and your sweet one in my prayers. I remember when I felt my first baby kick... Priceless.. I hope you start feeling better soon and have fun babysitting. Take care, Susie h~

Mary said...

Ok changing my vote to girl now that you are getting more sick after the first trimester...

Natalie said...

ADORABLE dress!! WHERE do you find all these super cute dresses (besides Old Navy)??

"J" said...

I love the dress!! Tooooooooooo CUTE! Now I need to go to Old Navy to see if I can find it! I would go with black as well!

I'm sure you and Emily will have a ball Friday night! Maybe get a book and read to her! My best friends little girl is 3 and she loves to lay in the bed and read! She is toooooooooooo CUTE!

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

I have a three-year-old daughter, she loves to color. They are easy to please so don't worry too much over it. And cookies go a long way. :)

Anonymous said...

I, too, was going to say to let her help you bake cookies and get some bathtub paints. They do make a mess but kids love them. Just rinse them out of the tub immediately and it's not too bad. ~Amanda

Emily said...

sprinkler...not only fun for a 3 year old, but you can get some great pictures too!

I am so jealous...I went to 3 Old Navy's in Dallas and none of them had that dress. Boo!


PS- I found your blog via Amanda Moore and Baby Cyler. I adore them, and I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

You and Emily will have so much fun! That girl is a hoot! Here is an idea for an activity. Martha Stewart (just for the record..I don't really like her-I do like her stuff!) has a new line of craft kits out at Wal-Mart. I looked them over yesterday and there is some REALLY cute stuff! They're pretty cheap too! When my niece and nephew were younger I would always let them paint at my house! Put butcher paper on the table, put an old t-shirt on Emily and just let her paint away! She will love it! Sounds messy...but, you're the aunt and aunts do only fun things!! Have a good time!

The Golf Widow said...

I agree...very cute dress!

For outside:my girls love blowing bubbles and sidewalk chalk. They love for me to trace their outline on the sidewalk. When they were 3 I would help them draw in the face, hair and add bows and decorate the "people". Now they do it themselves.

Inside:you can't beat polishing those sweet little piggies. Any with sparkles is always a hit.
Mine really love anything they can do standing on a stool beside me in the kitchen, especially cooking or helping washing dishes (with lots of bubbles).
Have fun!3 is a great age.

Jacquie said...

Cute dress. You'll do just fine with Emily. Your Mom probably has the best ideas... she always did such sweet things with/for my kids.

You know I hold you in my prayers...

Brittney said...

I have a 2 year old and she LOVES water color paints!!! They are easy too...and she thinks she is so big when she gets to paint. Also, playdough is always a kid favorite. My daughter also likes to "help" me make keeps her calm and occupied for a while...she likes to watch them bake too.

sugar said...

i love the dress. definately do the lighter color also. i was thinking homemade play dough or homemade bubbles or ooblik, but i think she's too little. fingerpainting outside might be fun for her. messy for you. but if you did hand prints for her mommy she would love that and it could be a memory keeper.

Laura said...

Oooh, I love that dress! I think your ideas for Emily are great! The one thing I would recommend being the mother of a two and a half year old, is that make sure you do something that her Mother would allow in her house. For example, my E's Grandma lets her do things that I would normally not let her do, and when we are back in our house, she still wants to do those things. They have such a memory for that kind of stuff! Crayola makes these great crayons and coloring books that are "magic" the ink only shows up in the coloring book! Have fun! You will be surprised how exhausting a three year old is!

Laura :)

Ashley said...

That is so crazy that you bought that dress at Old Navy. My sisters and I were in there yesterday and I saw that dress and thought, "That looks like a Kelly dress!" So crazy! :)

I'm glad you are feeling better. Have fun on Friday with Emily. My kids LOVE sidewalk chalk and bubbles.

Jamie said...

Love that dress. Think they have it online? I might go try to find it too. :)

Try Play Doh and let her cook in the kitchen with you. (If your tummy can stand it.)

Holly Mathis Interiors said...

so dress so adorable..i love watchingyou be gives me so much hope we might have another and if not, that God's grace IS sufficient!