Last night I helped with a really fun baby shower and I took pictures I wanted to post and I had a few recipes I was going to share - and I left my camera at the host's house. So I'll go pick it up at lunch and post about that later.
I'm not a jeans wearer. I NEVER wore jeans in high school or college. (I know - I'm a freak)
I'm just not comfortable in jeans. I have a few pairs that I will occasionally wear when I'm feeling thin. But I got these Citizens of Humanity maternity jeans off of e-bay and I thought I would try them out and wear them today. Hello - LOVE! That maternity panel makes all the difference.
Would it be weird if I kept wearing these WAY after I have the baby? Because I want to wear these every day I love them so much already.
Where have you been all my life maternity jeans?
Aren't they the BEST???? And very stylish as well!
I wanted those jeans SO badly before I got pregnant! I also told hubby that they would be one of my big preggo "splurges" when it finally happened for us. Unfortunately, b/c of our IF treatments/drugs, I ballooned up too fast and couldn't find a pair to fit my rump! :-) Now my goal is fit back into my favorite pair of "regular" Citizens...they are the best jeans EVER!
I'm sure you'll rock 'em!!
(p.s. Thanks for the comment on Leigh Ann's blog...those were my maternity photos that she took!)
Maternity clothes are the most comfortable clothes ever!! I still miss them sometimes! The panel is great, and they are also perfect for after baby wear! Those are super cute!
Kelly, once you get used to maternity clothes, you'll never want to wear regular clothes again. Especially jeans! It is torture trying to squeeze into regular jeans again after those "oh-so-comfy" maternity jeans!! I still wish I could wear them and it's been 17 years since I had a baby! :)
Maternity clothes are comfy!! When I'm all bloated, that is what I want..hahha..I want a big wide comfy expandable waist on my britches!
I bought bunches of maternity clothes on ebay, I need to sell them myself now!
Betsy is absolutely right ;)! It is so hard to go back to wearing "normal" clothes once you have lived in the comfort of maternity clothes ;)! The jeans are the BEST!
Maternity jeans are one of the things I really look forward to when I get pg! They look soooooo comfy, I don't know that I will go back to regular jeans when the time comes! LOL!
Don't worry, they make them in NON maternity, for when you are ready to get back to "normal" clothing!! ha!ha! TRUST me, you will be ready to BURN your maternity clothes after NINE months!!!!! lol!
Yes, girl! Those are a very good investment in your maternity wardrobe. I have a pair and they served me well, even after having Jackson until I could get back into my normal ones. BTW, thanks for your fun comment! I actually emailed you last week about it but I bet it went in your junk mail folder. I'm excited that we get to go through this together!
It's ok, My daughter is 4 months old and I still wear mine! SHHHH..... Our little secret!
Very cute jeans! I tried to buy designer maternity jeans, but I was too wide and short to wear them-ha! Glad you found something comfy that you love.
Those jeans are on my list to buy when I get prego...too cute! But I have to say I'm seriously disturbed by this "not wearing jeans" thing! ha!
...I can't make myself wear anything BUT jeans. I hate shorts because you have to worry about if you've shaved & whether your "wobbly bits" are showing when you sit down!
How did you know what size to order? Did you try any on in "real life" before ordering them onlie?
Maternity jeans are the BEST!! Now, unfortunately, 11 years ago when I was pregnant, they didn't make such cute maternity clothes. I had to hunt high and low for cute maternity jeans. Because, come on, I didn't want to wear "mom jeans." ;)
Oh girl... Maternity jeans ARE the absolute best! By the time 9 months rolls around... Mine are always completely WORN out... It is always a sad "goodbye"! I had a few pair of the GAP long and lean that I LOVED!
Oh my gosh, I love jeans! I wear them all the time when it's cold. It's all I wear! I'm glad you found a pair that you like! And I'll be honest, I had a pair of maternity jean capris and wear them after the baby was born until they just wouldn't stay up! They were SO comfortable.
The first time i was pregnant I couldn't find any long enough and suffered greatly b/c I wanted to wear jeans--the second time around either they made better maternity jeans or I was better at finding them plus it was summertime so I rolled them up and made into capris. ha! And not it's not weird--every once in a while I will throw mine on with a t-shirt to wear to the grocery store--no one will notice if you keep the panel hidden! :) micaela
Those are cute and yes, you are allowed to wear them as long as you like. That is rule #1 in the Mommy Club. So glad you are now a member. :)
That is so neat you did not wear jeans that much! I have a few pairs but I don't wear them that much. They are getting uncomfortably for me. I'm liking the full skirts this summer. I'm rambling now. Sorry!! :) The jeans are cute and I can't wait to see how you put the outfit together.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a good weekend.
I love Citizens! I have some regular ones and I wear them all the time, they are seriously like pajama pants. I know when the time comes I will want a pair of Citizen Maternity ones. These are really cute. I have a couple of questions about them...did you find that the size listed was a good size for you and which seller did you buy them from? Just curious ;)
I just linked this post on my blog! :)
For all the non-mommies out there:
Are those the "Kelly" bootcuts? I love em!! I have a pair of Seven's (maternity one's) that I loooooove!
So funny! Ebay is the best; I started buying some clothing from there too. If nobody can tell you are wearing maternity jeans, then I say go for it! But, what do you wear when it's cold if you don't wear jeans...sweat pants?
You crack me up! I love the jeans - they look so super cute and super comfee! Don't worry about transitioning out of them later... just enjoy the bliss and oh-so-fun-ness of being pregnant and in them now! :-)
These were my favorite piece of maternity wear...hands down. I am tempted sometimes to pull them out because that panel sure is nice!:)
So cute! Trust me a few months after having Harper you won't want to wear maternity clothes b/c you'll be determined to fit in your old clothes, but save your ego, just wear the maternity...they are so stylish and super comfortable!!!! Those jeans are so cute! Welcome to the jean club!!!
Great maternity jeans make all the difference, especially when you're pregnant through the winter.
I had a great pair of maternity jeans from Old Navy. I sold them at a consignment shop after Brady was born and I regret it now! I'm going to want them back if I get pregnant again!
I have the same pair I think and they are well worth the money to make a big preggo girl feel fabulous!!!!!!!!
I think it's safe to say that with a pair of jeans that awesome--the most adorable pregnant girl in the world just got CUTER :)
Oh, I want some. I've been checking them out on ebay (check out my post today--we're on the same wave length). How did you know what size to order in the jeans? That is what worries me. Help!
Very cute! I loved my maternity jeans. I bought most of mine at Pea in the Pod and I kept them for a potential pregnancy, hoping for the near future. I wore mine well after delivery because they were so comfy!
Oh and they will be awesome AFTER you deliver for a while when you still have some extra, um, stuff in the tummy area. :)
Please don't wear your maternity jeans for too long after you have your baby! Just this afternoon, Mom and I saw a girl in the WalMart parking lot wearing maternity jeans, with a shirt that hit her at her midriff. It was a gross sight. The poor girl wasn't even preggo.
You better wear them well after the baby is born like the rest of us did. :)
Hugs Kelly!
Those were my favorite ones too. Another great maternity splurge is Juicy Couture velour or terrycloth hoodies and pants. I wore those throughout my pregnancy.
Ok, now you have me looking online at ebay for Citizens maternity jeans!! Did you go with your normal regular size and did it work well? I haven't bought too many clothes online and am a bit hesitant to know how to handle the size. Do they run small?
Ok, who knew maternity jeans would be so incredibly cute??? And who knew I'd want some when I didn't even need them??? I'm sure you'll be comfy and cute in those...good find!
how cute! I bet those are comfy, anything that doesn't show a muffin top is good in my book!
A couple of preggers girls I know have these and swear by them too. So glad you came upon such a great find!
I think you will get tired of them after being pregnant. I am due soon and anxious to be able to broaden my wardrobe and stop wearing them same clothes over and over again! I liked my maternity jeans though!
so stinkin' cute! what an excellent ebay find.
i just got my first pair of COH jeans with my christmas money i'd been saving for post-pregnancy clothes. they really are the best.
if you end of loving maternity jeans so much you want another pair i can also highly recommend the america star brand at motherhood. they are about 40 dollars with an incredible fit that looks trendy and cute too!
Oh! I had some maternity jeans that I loved when I was prego and wore them sososo much - especially near the end! But now I can't imagine wearing them again - I was so ready to wear my non-maternity clothes again!
I bet you look so cute in those!!
Don't tell anybody, but I wore my capris and jeans with that panel after all three births. They're comfy!
This made me laugh out loud because I never thought I'd see the day where you would love jeans or even wear them. I've NEVER seen you in jeans! I bet you are super cute in them! Post a picture.
Is that maternity panel not THE MOST LIBERATING feeling?? My sister loved her designer maternity jeans... she wore them long after having the baby!!
I would SO LOVE to be pregnant these days just for the clothes. All the cute stuff is in now. I had to wear those big shirts with teddy bears on the front. Actually I didn't, I wore leggings and shirts that buttoned up the back (you probably don't remember those!) You'll have to post your outfits as you go along... I'm anxious to see.
Oh yes! Love them! Maternity jeans are the best!
Maternity Jeans are the BEST! I love my one pair I have right now. I am going to have to buy several more. I love the panel b\c you feel like you can actually breath and let it ALL hang out!
good that you love them b/c most likely, you won't have a choice but to wear maternity post baby. I was in mine for months. Thankfully, there isn't much difference b/t maternity fashion and non-maternity! I've even had students tell me they bought a maternity shirt b/c they didn't realize that's what it was til they got home... and they figured if they couldn't tell... no one else could!
Those jeans look great though... looks like that panel might help squeeze that floppy post baby belly back where it is supposed to be :)
Um, Ryland is about 13 weeks old and I'm still wearing mine :)
These are adorable! I am glad you all had a nice weekend!
That is hilarious!!! I have always thought maternity pants would be way more comfortable, too!
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