I'm afraid if you have clicked over here for excitement - you have come to the wrong place. Today we did pretty much nothing and it was wonderful. (But it doesn't make for a great blog post).
We have spent the day at our hotel today.

Just a few more pics. One of our favorite things to do every afternoon is to hit up Lappert's Ice cream. This is ice cream made in Hawaii and it is SO delicious. All the flavors have a hint of the tropics. My favorite is Kauai Pie - with fudge, macadamia nuts and coconut - YUM!
I have decided I could definitely live here. There are just a few things I would miss if I did:
1. Sonic drinks - I have been DYING for a big route 44 diet coke. I mostly have drank water since I've been here. If you order cokes - you get a small little glass and free drink refills apparently don't exist in Hawaii. UGH!
2. Chili's chips and salsa - I could go for some right now.
3. Money - because we would be on welfare if we stayed here much longer. Everything is unbelievably expensive here. We have started to just laugh about it because we can't go over how crazy expensive everything is.
4. My friends and family - I would miss everyone too much
5. Our church - there are a few churches here - but none that look like ones we would want to join - mostly strange denominations. I don't see many Sunday School fellowships or church picnics or choir specials in our future if we stayed here.
6. Razorback football games. I would REALLY miss this. And I doubt we could see them much on TV. But on the other hand - if we could see them on TV and I could see the beach at the same time - I would live. ha!
7. Fall - I love fall. Leaves don't change here and sometimes I just want to wear sweaters and boots as much as I hate cold weather.
8. I seem to be allergic to Kauai. I have sneezed my head off since I got here and one of my eyes is almost completely swollen shut. It has been so red and itchy for days - another reason to stay in tonight. I'm in my glasses with a bottle of visine right next to me. :-)
Maybe we'll just come visit A LOT!
You seriously have the cutest swimsuit cover-ups! Where did you get them all?!?!
Looks like you are having a blast in Kauai!
You look cute in the tree!
Your day sounds super relaxing!
Just one question...did Scott clean BOTH of those plates?! I think that bagel itself would do me in! Oh to have the male metabolism! :)
There's nothing like lounging around all day, but to do it in Hawaii is even better!
I SO agree with you about Chili's chips and salsa!! And LOST!! Is there anything better ?!?!
When I went to Hawaii in '03, I remember everything being so expensive. I actually took a picture of a gas station sign b/c the gas price then was $2.25 and I thought it was OUTRAGEOUS!! Ha!
I'm with Scott on breakfast buffets-I LOVE them!! It's my favorite meal for sure.
You look so thin! Seriously, you look great. I'm loving all of your beach clothes. :) A day spent relaxing in the hotel sounds good.
The pics of you guys are way cute :) Thanks for sharing...even thought you thought it was boring, we're still at home and NOT in Hawaii!!! So we get to live vicariously through you two.
Was LOST so good or what????
I LOVE breakfast buffets...my fav meal of the day!!!
OK sooooooo i totally agree with scott on loving a great breakfast buffet. I dream about breakfast at crackel barrel sometimes. I would rather eat a big fat breakfast than lunch or dinner.......well not totally true because dinner is AWESOME TOO!!!!! oh i am glad that yall just relaxed today!!!!
ok to more important business.....
You know I love lazy days! Sounds delightful! And I would miss you too much if you lived in HI. But I will gladly go with you to visit any time you want!
it sounds like yall are having so much fun!! i'm proud of you for posting all the way through it, i feel like i'm there with yall! :)
Those pictures of you are so cute!! And, that ice cream sounds delicious. I'm glad you are having a great time!!!
Your vacation has made me so jealous!! The next place that Kyle and I want to go is Hawaii so I will definitely be calling you on places to go and stay!! You have the cutest dresses and swimsuits...by the way! I've loved all the pics!
We all need a lounging around day!! What a relaxing day!!
Sounds like a wonderful day! I could use a day relaxing by the pool! And that breakfast buffet... Oh.my.word! Glad y'all are having such a fun and relaxing time!
You pretty much just described my idea of a PERFECT day!
I LOVE that black dress/cover up. You are my Beach Attire Icon. :)
My best friend has lived in Hawaii for the last 7 years...she had a list that looked very similar to yours on what she missed. Sonic was at the top of her list, too. She would send me nasty e-mails when she would see pictures of Sonic drinks in all my photos.
She has recently moved back to Dallas b/c of many of the things you listed, but she is in Hawaii visiting this week! She just can't stay away!
P.S. I told her to check your blog b/c you guys may run into one another....she worked for Duke's marketing while living there! Small world, huh?
Love relaxing days on the beach!! They don't happen often enough but they are wonderful when they do!
Mmmm! That breakfast looks delicious! I'm glad you all are going to get a night to just relax- that's what vacation should be all about. :) I loved your list of reasons you would miss about home!!
i love that ice cream place! it is so yummy! yeah hawaii is like a money stealer. couldn't afford to live there, but love to visit!
I found a link to your blog off of my friend, Jamie's blog. I have been enjoying your vacations pics so much! You and your hubby look like you are having a great time!
I love breakfast buffets, too!! When we went to Cancun, our hotel had an AWESOME breakfast buffet every day. Delicious!!!
The ice cream you had sounds sooo good! MMMMmmmm!
You look so cute in all your vacation clothes! Have a great time on your last days there! You'll be back to reality soon enough!
Don't worry, Kelly, I will drink an extra Sonic drink for you until you get back! ha! :)
Seriously, though, I know you are going crazy without it!!! The carhop is probably asking "Where is Kelly?!?!"
Even without the Sonic Drink, though, your vacation looks FAB!
Love ya! Heather
Sometimes a day in on vaction is the best!!!! No Chili's chips 'n salsa would certainly be a loss! They are my fav! I always order them with a bowl of avacado ranch on the side (sinful!) and alternate ranch and salsa! Seriously?!?! It doesn't get any better and when in the mood for those, no substitute will do!!! Keep havin' fun and I hope your allergies improve!
I agree- Lappert's is awesome!!
Doesn't being away make you realize how great you have it back home? It looks like a fabulous place....
I think I need to visit a lot, too! Important question...do you have a different swimsuit for each day? You look way too cute in all your beach clothes.
Chili's chip's and salsa is the BEST, it is one of my obsessions!!!
I am glad to see I am not the only one....
I love ordering room service and just being lazy! That is my definition of a truly wonderful vacation. Glad you are getting to relax. :)
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