Shannon wrote about her kitchen today on her blog. I loved seeing pictures of it. And I thought I would share mine with you. It's my favorite room in our house. Probably because I love to eat. But also because as soon as I saw the kitchen - I knew this was the house for us!This is my kitchen. You may notice one of our cabinet doors are hanging crooked. One of our hinges broke and that kind of hinge is discontinued - so we have to figure out how to fix it. ha!
I almost showed you the inside of my fridge and the pantry - but I'm too proud to show you how messy both are. ha!
So I thought it would be fun if you would all do posts on your favorite room in your house. It could be your laundry room, your office, your sewing room, your garage, your back porch, your front porch, your baby's nursery, etc. And then you can sign up on the linky thing so we can all go to your posts and see all the favorite rooms!!!
Make sure and just link to that certain post and not just your blog so if someone looks later on - they will just be taken to that post! I'll leave this up for a couple of days so you can get your posts up and linked! I can't wait to see your favorite rooms!!!!
Hey Kelly!
I love reading your site & I am so glad you posted pictures of your kitchen. I had actually e-mailed Shannon to post pictures of her kitchen so I could get some ideas for when we move. You guys are all so sweet...I need to start a blog to connect with everyone the way that y'all do. I did have a question. I saw your Circle E candle. What is your favorite scent? I would like to buy one but I don't know what are good scents. (they don't sell Circle E candles where I live in SC)
oooo--fun! I'll do this tomorrow! I think Rhett's room is probably my favorite room. :)
I love your kitchen--it's really really pretty! Your cabinets are beautiful, and all your decorating touches are perfect! It looks very inviting.
Love your kitchen!! Our cabinets are similar, but in a "do-it-yourself, help the old ugly cabinets" kind of way!
I'm going to play along too!
Kelly I love your kitchen! Thanks for hosting the "favorite room" blog! Have a blessed rest of the week!
Kara I John 4:4
PS. Have you received the 2008 Southern Living Christmas Cook Book yet? They sent me a letter a couple of weeks ago saying that they will ship it soon! Can't wait to see all of the new Christmas decor and food ideas!
your home is beautiful. your kitchen is so perfectly decorated and functionable... i LOVE it!
I LOVE your kitchen and the decor! Zack and I are starting the process of house hunting and the kitchen is what I first zoom in on, so I can relate to your falling in love! :)
What a fun post...can't wait to see the pics to come!
p.s. that little Dawson is too cute!
I have always liked your kitchen! I love those apocathery jars also! Fun! Come see my favorite room!
I LOVE the finish on your cabinets!! I also got my canister set for my wedding and love it. I also love all your Oops finds!! Thanks for linking me. I'm going to go check out everyone else's fav room.
I LOOOOOVE your kitchen. I especially love the finish on your cabinets. Love it! So pretty. I have always wondered where you got those canisters. I know you got them as a gift, but do you know where they came from? I have always admired them when they were in the background of some of your cooking pictures!
Girl, I think you currently own my DREAM kitchen. :) It is gorgeous! You can just tell it's a room full of love, and all your pieces are so cool! Those canisters and your apothecary jars excite me greatly. :)
I am so flying you to GA to help me decorate when I buy a house, haha! :)
Love your kitchen, too!!! I can't wait to see everyone's favorite rooms to get some inspiration!
I did it! This is my first time to use the linky thing! (I'm proud!) Thanks, Kelly!
Hope you are having a good week!
Praying for you today!
I love your kitchen and I have enjoyed looking at all the favorite rooms of others. Great idea Kelly.
I am so impressed with your beautiful kitchen. I am also laughing because someday it will have oatmeal, sippy cups, baby food jars and more littering the beautiful decor and you will be so proud! Praying that day is very soon....
I love your kitchen! My husband and I are getting ready to put granite in ours - I can't wait!
Enjoy your week!
Love your kitchen, Kelly! I so wished I would have picked out white cabinets for our kitchen! I just love the way they look!
This is a great post. I will definitely play along!
Kelly ~
I love how bright your kitchen is with the antiqued cabinets!
I'm going to play along as soon as I get home from work today!
Look at you, with the perfectly-clean-nothing-cluttering-your-cabinets-look!! So nice & pretty! I have appliances on every counter because I don't have enough room to store them away.
I do have a set of canisters that I love...they're old-fashioned, and remind me of things my grandmas had. I have a matching mixing bowl, too.
I'm not gonna share pictures today, because we're remodeling in nearly every room, and things are a mess! But your home is just lovely!
P.S. to Suzanne -
We live pretty close to Fredericksburg (where the Circle E store is), and just visited the store 2 weeks ago! My current favorites are: Country Morning (light cinnamon/baking scent, but not overpowering enough to make you hungry!), Peace (light blueberry scent), and Spicewood (woodsy, slightly piney scent). My office mate loves Fire on the Mountain (hot cinnamon), Bird of Paradise (strawberries & cream), and Santa Fe (Drakkar). Of course, it's all very subjective...but I will say that I think Circle E candles smell better when they're burning than almost any other candle. No waxy or heavy perfume smell.
Came to ya through Linda...
GREAT space! And the counters are great! Are they granite??? And the cupboards are wonderful!
The best thing in the pics though.. the cute furry thing with four legs... ;-)
Your kitchen is great! I love the finish on your cabinets and the lighting...beautiful!
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun and i just put up my den area. ok so i love your kitchen and the lay-out of it!!!! beautiful!!!!!
I love your kitchen!! I want those kind of cabinets sooo bad- we're going to do that in our next house. :) Did you know that your kitchen looks a lot like Jessica's??
Enjoyed your pics! I came over after I read Shannon' I linked to her. Although I can't figure out how to set it up so that anyone can just click on her name. OH well.. I posted on my kitchen too.
What a cute kitchen! I would post pictures, but I am in the middle of a cleaning frenzy and everything is torn up. Boo. Maybe after I get it put back together!
What color finish do you have on your cabinets? I love it, mine are natural maple now.
And I love the color on your walls? Is it gold?
Hi Kelly...I found your blog awhile back from a comment you left on my sister-in-law's blog. I have enjoyed reading your blog and feel a small connection to you because my husband's sister moved to Siloam Springs a few years ago (don't know if that is anywhere near you). Anyway, I think your kitchen is beautiful and I thought this would be a fun time to "de-lurk"...Have a great day!
I meant to say this yesterday, I would like a tour of your whole house! Everything I have seen in previous posts looks so cute!
Hey, Kelly, I love your kitchen! Just beautiful. One of my favorite spots is my office nook,which I did a little update on in March and posted then, so I'll link that post! It's a small little space, but I've packed a lot into it & it's cute as all get out too.
Oh, I just saw the Woodstock 1st Baptist video. Great song, I have not heard that one!! That's near my old stomping grounds in GA and my hubby's old church. It's a great church.
Hi Kelly,
This was such a great idea. I have loved seeing the different decorating ideas. Everyone is so talented! Thank you for welcoming me into your home. Nick and I are in the process of researching ideas for our dream home so this came at just the right time.
Love it! What a pretty pretty house! I aspire to be a good decorator like you one day! :-)
Great post! Great fun. Your kitchen is adorable! :)
Blessings, Angie Seaman
Thanks for doing this, Kelly! Really fun post!
I loved this post and I loved seeing every angle of your kitchen. It is very pretty!!!
I'll have to rush home and see if I can get some pictures in before this blog closes.
I have really enjoyed seeing everyone's rooms.
I love your kitchen!
I'm so glad you did this! I haved loved seeing everyone's pictures. I think I'm just nosy, but I love looking at houses! :)
Your kitchen is beautiful! I love how you decorate!
Yay! How fun!! Your kitchen is just beautiful and I loved seeing everyone else's favorite rooms! There are some really pretty homes out there!! :)
Great idea, Kelly!
Your kitchen is gorgeous! I could certainly use your help decorating mine.
This was a really neat idea. I was overdue to share some pics of my favorite room, so this was the perfect motivator to get it done.
Thanks Kelly!
What a fun idea! I love your kitchen...and there have been some really great rooms posted! I can see why they are everyone's favorites.
Cute Kitchen Kelly!! I love it! You have great taste and you remind me of my love for Ballard Designs! You must get that catalog right?? Your house looks a lot like their style!! This was a fun post! Thanks for giving us the links to check out!
Your kitchen is just beautiful! I've had so much fun checking out all the rooms!
We are all fighting colds here, so my kitchen counter is covered with Tylenol Cold, Vicks, and all those little medicine cups that come with children's medicine!
Needless to say, those wouldn't make a very pretty picture right!
Once everyone is in bed, I'll do a mad sweep and take some photos!!!
I LOVE your kitchen. Everytime I've seen pictures of it in past posts I've thought that...I just have a reason to say it now.
Great idea for a post! I LOVE it and would totally participate if we weren't in the middle of a move! So I'll just have to look at everyone else's!
Great kitchen Kelly..I would've fallen in love with the kitchen at first glance of the cabinets too. I will post sometime soon..still haven't done a beach post yet. I'm just not on my game like Jamie is!!
Thanks for hosting this. Looking at homes is one of my favorite things to do. Love your home. It seems so cozy.
You don't know me, but thanks for this fun post! I came across your blog from Angie Seaman! It was fun participating! I love the cabinets in your kitchen btw.
Have a great day!
Kelly, I'm with you! Love your apothecary jars. I keep meaning to get some for my kitchen or even for my table. This post was so fun!
Hey Kelley...I've been lurking on your site for quite some time and couldn't resist jumping in on your "favorite room" idea. I've had so much fun looking at everyone's ideas. Thanks a bunch!
Oops...sorry Kelly....from Kelley with an e
I added my office because it is my favorite at the moment although I really love my kitchen but it was such and I didn't have the energy to clean off the junk on the center island and make a picture! Maybe next time!! After the kitchen fairy has been on duty! har
What a neat idea! I've loved looking at everyone's and getting decorating ideas!
thanks for the fun idea!
Hey Kelly, I linked to you from Leigh Ann. I loved your favorite room idea and had a great time participating. Your kitchen is beautiful and I especially love the jars!
What a beautiful kitchen! I absolutely love your canisters. I know you said they were given to you as a wedding gift, but do you know where they were purchased? They would look great with my kitchen colors. Fun post! Thanks!
I LOVE your kitchen Kelly! You are such a great decorator! I like the cabinet finish you have. I would post some pictures, but as you know we are stuck living with my in-laws for the next year until Terence finishes grad school! blah :( Hopefully this time next year we will be moving into a new home and then I can share pics and ask you all sorts of decorating advice since you are so good! Becky :)
What a great post! I'm a little late in joining the fun, but I posted some photos of my den and have enjoyed visiting the other rooms here. Your kitchen is an inspiration! I love to cook, and if my kitchen were as gorgeous as yours I don't think I'd ever leave it!
ME too!!! I Just created a blog machine for my family and posted my favorite room in my house... come look at my daugher's room... Kelly I love you kitchen and wish I could do something with my kitchen in the near future... that is the one room I will not show on my blog... unless we do the worse room in your house. I guess it is not that bad it has alot of potential it just is not used correctly yet, lets say!! Come check me out and my Khadija's room! Thanks and put me up on your list of favorite rooms please... I want to know what people think of my favorite room too...
I love reading your blog and I love your kitchen.
Hello Kelly just wanted to let you know that I was so excited to post some photos of my house. Enjoyed your blog
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