Tonight Scott and I were in my office having a discussion over who should bathe Dawson. Scott normally does every week because well frankly - he does a better job than me. But he had some other things to do so I said I would do it in a little while.
Dawson HATES baths. So while we were discussing......we realized he had crawled under my chair and was hiding.Sometimes I can't believe how smart that dog is and that he can understand what we are talking about!!!! SO FUNNY!
I have a feeling he isn't exactly thrilled when he hears us discussing our upcoming vacation either. ha!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
That is just hillarious!!!! He is so cute and SMART!! They really are like little people.
I bet you are right in that he knows about the vacation. Smart little puppy! Check my blog. I have a tribute to you! :) I hope you like it!
That is so funny!! :) What a smart dog you have!
Ha! That is so funny! Calie gets that way when I talk about trimming her nails...she HATES it! They really are so smart!
How funny! Our Lhasa use to do the same thing. Everytime I would run the water for a bubble bath, he would hide, thinking it was HIS bath time!
How cute and funny. I just finished bathing my Bichon Frise. She isn't a fan of getting a bath either. Do you take Dawson to the groomer often?
It is hilarious how much dogs know! Bogart runs and hides under the bed when he hears the bath water start. He also whines like crazy if he hears me say "shoes" and "outside" in the same sentence to Rhett because he's afraid he's going to get left indoors while we play! The list goes on and on--dogs are so great! :) I like the pic of just D's tail sticking out from under the chair--bless his heart!
Yes, the SEC must stick together no matter what! Where do you work? I am CPA for a local hospital. Do you live close to Conway?
Hi Kelly,
I just started reading your blog!
You have probably posted this before, but what kind of dog do you have?
We have a mini-poodle and he is soooo smart!! Dogs are much smarter then we think :)
Bless his sweet little heart! That is so hilarious. Little cutie pie. :)
Ha ha! Poor Dawson! Dogs are so smart.
Aren't doggies the best!? We have a black labrador who is my baby girl, and I find it amazing how much she picks up on; it's like they have a special sense and know a lot more words than we give them credit for. They are just delightful!
This was the first picture I have seen of Dawson (fairly new reader that I am) and I can totally relate to having one furry child that two people love more than they should! Hope you have a good Monday.
Oh bless him!! I bet he's a little anxious for the trip too. Start talking to him now about it! :)
Hey..and I loved the pictures from the AR football game...I was just a teeny bit jealous!!! And, how cool is Derek McFadden right now?!
That is so awesome!!! I love dogs, and totally believe they know when you're talking about them getting baths...Sandy runs and jumps in the tub because she knows she's about to get a Dingo after her bath! haha
poor dawson! my dog does that too and it breaks my heart. they are so stinking smart! i can't believe it! samantha sits and looks at us in the morning b/c she knows we are leaving her for the day. i wish i could take her in my purse to work! she also hides from us when we talk about brushing her teeth, putting a t-shirt on when it is cold, and she won't take her heartworm meds from me but eats it like candy from sam.
thanks for the compliments on the colors. we have yet to do much on the room, but it is clean. ready and waiting for paint on the walls.
have fun packing for hawaii. i am so jealous but in a good way. i want to go to a beach so bad. i would sit in the shade of course. :-) oh and i am glad you are back. hope the "sabbatical" was good though.
Dawson is so cute!! That is so funny that he knew it was almost bath time! I am continually amazed by how smart animals are and how much they really seem to comprehend!
We used to have to spell B-A-T-H and G-O for my jack russell. Y'all will probably have to start doing the same! ha ha
That is too cute! It really is amazing how smart dogs are.
Ha! We have to spell out certain words for our Tre dog! It's like living with a toddler! Hey! It's practice for you! Start spelling, until he starts to learn that too!!
Poor Dawson!!! He has to be clean for all his girlfriends though!
That is the funniest thing ever! Poor thing. My dog is the same way!
So funny! So weird how she 'knows'.
That is hilarious! Dogs can be so intuitive it is crazy! We just got our first puppy last week and it has been amazing to see how fast she catches on to things. I love it!!
Is Sir Dawson a maltepoo? He looks like a slightly larger, white version of my little black Maggie. She doesn't like her weekly bath, but she really, really doesn't like to get brushed and hair-dried afterwards. :-)
Bless his sweet, sweet heart!!!
That pooch is precious!
I know YOU are so very much excited about your upcoming vacation!
I love that you captured his precious little face..poor little guy! My parent's dog growing up was the exact same way. Oh the torture we put them through :)
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