Well, girls, Day one of the great Easter dress hunt was very unsuccessful. I hit up Ann Taylor, Dillards, Belks and T J Maxx. Nothing. I did find one dress at T J Maxx that is a very iffy "maybe". Tomorrow I will hit Gap and Banana Republic. If nothing else.........I'll just wear an oldie but a goodie.
I realize that I'm probably the only girl out there besides my friend Hillary who loves March Madness. But I L-O-V-E it! The next four days are practically my favorite four days of the year. I love filling out my bracket and then watching all the scores and seeing how my picks fare. Does anyone out there love it as much as me???? Have you filled out your bracket? GO HOGS!!!!!And finally ......ATTENTION all of you mothers. My best friend Laurie (really we count ourselves sisters) is having a major dilemma with getting her 2 year old daughter to sleep in a big girl bed. Her baby sister will be here in less than 3 months and Emily is not staying in her bed at night. Do you have any advice you can give her? Visit her blog and let her know your tricks!!!!!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
I LOVE LOVE LOVE March Madness!!!!! I have been super stressed about my bracket this year though. I finally just had to go with my heart on a lot of my picks. That usually comes back to bite me, but it makes watching the games a lot of fun!!! I'm in charge of the pool at my office, so I today I had to clear the spot on my cube wall to post on the brackets in the morning!
I also LOVE March Madness! I'm almost finished with my bracket. I do have to say that I went to Drake as an undergrad and for law school, and I am pretty pumped that they made it to the dance this year! It's the first time in 36 years. Woo hoo!
I LOVE March Madness and will be filling out my bracket tonight. Brian and I have a bet going...and I'd love to show him up and win. REALLY bummed that if we win Friday we'll end up playing #1 NC...but every year an underdog pulls through...so you never know!!!!
Not big on watching the tournament, but I love to fill out a bracket even though I really know nothing about the teams! I'm doing it tonight. Good luck!
Our girl I love me some March Madness, especially my Jayhawks!
Sounds like you have company with loving March Madness! Count me in! I still have a bracket that my hubby and I filled in when we were dating in college - memories! :0)
You and Hillary are not alone! I LOVE, LOVE March Madness!! I have a few brackets going and will narrow it all down to one tonight! My dad has never been so proud as the year his sweet daughter's (ME) bracket won 2nd place in his office pool!! I'll have to let you in on my selection process sometime!
On another note, I am praying for a baby for you and Scott. Rest assured my friend, God has a baby for you!
runnergirl221 is me, Kim Oliver. :)
Stay strong as you continue your search for Easter! Surely there is something out there that would be perfect, and you will look adorable in anything!
And ok, how much does your husband love you, you little sports fanatic! That is awesome.
Hey girl...
Ok...I hunted today for Easter outfit too and HIGHLY disappointed.
Why is everything so bloomin expensive??
And...we may have you beat on March Madness psycho basketball people. And...I never did get to say...
GO HOGS!! How about beatin those UT Vols??? I was shocked!
Hugs from AL~
Oh I am working on my bracket right this minute. Well, not right this minute, but in between reading blogs. Love me some March Madness, especially when my Aggies are in. Dare I hope they make it here to San Antonio?
And, on the Easter dress front, BR has this darling skirt with navy polka dots that they show paired with a yellow 3/4 sleeve cardigan. Look on their site. It's too cute. Good luck!
I am SO excited about March Madness - I'm actually off tomorrow and Friday - going to have so much fun watching the games! :)
March Madness! I love it! WE have a annual home made pizza party on the first night of it and this evening we are getting the pizza's ready to go! Ethan, my little boy, is excited about going to the NCAA practice's tomorrow at Alltel Arena! Can't wait! :) and advice for another??? I wish I had some of my own to get my almost five year old permanantely out of my bed! :)
Ok...its the first day of the tournament and I STILL don't have my bracket complete. I have the first draft done but now I have to tweek it a little. Unfortunately I won't have time to get in all my research. Since it has to be complete before I leave for my appt this morning I better get a move on it!
I have had the hardest time finding a new Easter dress too...and this is one of the very few times of the year my dear hubs doesn't care how much I spend!!! This stinks!
I LOVE March Madness!!! I'm a like a little kid on Christmas when it gets to this time of year. My fiance brags that I know more about basketball than him and can rattle of stats like no other. I have my Jayhawks going all the way and am just sad that they have an early game this year and I won't get to watch, unless I find a way to watch online. Rock Chalk!
I too LOVE March Madness! I have had my bracket filled out since Tuesday!! Now I am just waiting for the games to begin!
I love march madness, I just finished my bracket. I will have to keep you updated with how I am doing. I got my dress at TJ MAXX over a month ago when they first started putting spring stuff out. It is ok. I am not crazy about it. I am thinking I am going to have to get a sweater...
I have had my bracket completed since Monday. This is the first year though I have actually filled in a bracket. I am excited. I think it will make watching the games even more fun. I love to watch college sports anyway. My boss and I have bet a meal from McDonalds!!
Next to the Superbowl and The Masters, March Madness is one of my favorite times of year! We always fill out brackets and tune in religiously to the tournament. GO VOLS!!!!
Good luck with the Easter Dress Hunt!
I love, love, love March Madness! My bracket is done and we are ready! My husband and I always bet on our picks. I love it!
And good luck to Laurie b/c well, MM still sleeps in her toddler bed in our room AND HJ sleeps with us. I know, I am a sucker, but ask me in 18 years if I regret it. I'm sure I'll say NO! I do love to snuggle:)
I keep marveling at how alike we are...I too, LOVE March Madness! I love college sports in general, especially college basketball, and I get such a happy heart on day one of the tournament! It's so fun to keep up with all the upsets and highlight my brackets in color-coded ways! So enjoy this weekend...I will be!! Oh, and I'm rooting for the Tarheels to go all the way!
I'm not into the March Madness thing really. I did see it on but I'm more of a football gal. LOL
So did you find any cool Easter dresses??
You're only one of about a of a trillion women (not girls) to love college basketball :) Sorry to burst your bubble.
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