Monday, March 31, 2008

April Showers.............................................

Well, technically it is still March............but we have had horrible "April" showers all afternoon. Pouring rain, thunder, lightening, hail and tornado watches. I hate storms. I can never sleep if it storms and I'm SO scared of tornados. I'm also always scared about what if our house flooded? or we had horrible hail damage? or tons of other worries.
And then of course we lost our power at home while we were at work and it knocked our internet out. Apparently it fried our router so we have to get a new one. Luckily in the meantime I can hook Scott's laptop up to a modem. GASP - how could I make it without the internet?????

Are you scared of storms like me?????

So I wanted to show you the new apothecary jar I got when my mom was here at "oops". It's the one with the green apples (which I got at Hobby Lobby for a total of $3!) The Jar was only $11. If you go to any stores in town - it would have been at least $30-$40. I love them!!!!

(For all of you in NWA - Oops is in the old Hanna candle building in Tontitown. It's pretty big and it can be full of nothing but complete junk or it can have lots of neat things for dirt cheap! You have to hit it a couple of times sometimes.)

Tomorrow is April Fools day and it is the birthday of two of my very favorite friends - Elizabeth (above) and Laurie (below). Elizabeth also has a twin sister who shares the day with her!
These girls are just precious lights in my life - I am blessed to have them as friends. Happy birthday to two of my sweetest friends!!!!


"J" said...

I get soooooooooooo freaked out over storms!!! I'm just like you!!! Thunder & Lightening is the WORST!!!!!!

Hope it clears up for you!!!

We were going to ride bikes on the trails after work but we are having storms here too! =( Maybe tomorrow! You never know about Texas weather!

LOVE LOVE LOVE the jars!!!!

Allikaye's Mama said...

I am coveting your jars! Love them! How cute to put the red, green and yellow together like bright and cheery!!

Meagan said...

I, oddly enough, love storms. But not when they are scary and tornado-y storms. However, a good ("safe") thunderstorm when I am snuggled down in the house, or even better, on my parent's front porch, is so cleansing to me.

On another note... I LOVE your apothecary jars. I don't actually own any yet - I spied some at pottery barn that I wanted (and my mother got) but they are too too much for my budget. Never even thought to check out Hobby Lobby! I don't go there enough. Super cute with the fruit in them too!

Betsy said...

I don't know why, but I'm not scared of storms. In fact, I think they are kind of cool! I'm not crazy about being out in one, though...especially driving in one! I just like to be inside and look out the window or be on a porch and watch one roll in. But no thank you to tornadoes! But I HATE having my power knocked out!! No hair power tools and no internet. BOO!

Fran said...

I love those jars and the fruit...I've been looking for the fruit so I'm off to Hobby Lobby!
You are queen of the good deal!!

You have fabulous friends Kelly!
Happy birthday to them both....

The storms are approaching West TN.
My kids (and myself) are getting a little anxious.

Hating them with ya! What do you expect when you grow up in AR?!

Candy said...

Hope your weather is better tonight. :) We are supposed to have storms tonight. They do scare me, especially the thought of a tornado during the night. The last time we had storms, my husband was out of town and I emailed everyone I could think of that lived close to ask them to call me if there was a tornado during the night. I'm sure they thought I was nuts!!
I LOVE the jars. Have never heard of oops though. Wish we had one here. Sounds like a great store.
Happy Birthday to your two sweet friends!!

Deidre said...

I am TERRIFIED of storms. The one thing I despise about summer.

What a great deal on the jar. I love those. I've been shopping for some, but haven't found a deal like that yet.

Rebekah said...

I am with you, I am Terrified of storms!! But, oddly enough one of my favorite movies is Twister.

BTW... I'm a long time reader of your blog and I love it.

Lauren said...

Yes... I did NOT like those storms today. That was some of the loudest thunder I have ever heard! Our electricity went out too and I had no clue what to do! Love those apothecaries... Hobby Lobby is a wonderful place... And I have got to make it to Oops!

hayden said...

I am one of those crazies that goes outside during the storm to look for tornados. I worked in the weather department at the TV station in college and totally loved storm chasing!!!

Love the jars...I saw some at Sam's and wanted to get them, but felt pre-buyers remorse. Yours are too cute!

His Doorkeeper said...

Happy Birthday to Elizabeth. I was so happy to meet her at your church on Easter. She is beautiful! I've been worried about her since she hasn't blog in a couple of months!

Happy Birthday to Laurie! She is so sweet and has such a beautiful spirit about her! I'm glad you have her as a BFF and next-best-thing to having your own sister!

It stormed here BIG time tonight! They don't scare me but I don't exactly love them either!

Meredith said...

I love your jars too! How very pretty, colorful and happy! Aww I am sure Elizabeth and Laurie will have a wonderful birthday. Oh my, I am so terrified of storms, but especially driving in them! Eek!

The Garners said...

Hey there! Heather is at my house and we wanted to check your blog...we like your jars--they look great! We hope the storms stop SOON--we went to see a movie and nearly had to swim home! :) Jamie & Heather

Lindsey said...

Love the jars!

I think we are having those same storms tomorrow. Yuck! I may just stay in...I'm ok with storms as long as I don't have to get out in it all (Lord knows I'm a bad rain driver). Here's to a sunny Tuesday!

BTW, I'm all for going to Savannah and becoming Paula Deen's BFF. She would love us:)

Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

The jars are too cute. I don't like storms either, but Park sure loves to play in the puddles they leave:)

Happy birthday to your sweet friends and have I already mentioned that I would LOVE to stow away in your suitcase when you leave for your trip???

Seriously-I'm so glad you guys are taking this time away to de-stress and enjoy flying foot loose and fancy free. In God's perfect timing you will have that sweet baby in your tummy and that long flight won't work quite as well! Praying for that day to come very soon!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

LOve the jars, Found my way by way of Lindsey, but see we have another blogger frined in common-"J"

You are to cute. I love the short, it is sassy. Have fun on your trip!

Jodie Wolfe said...

I'm not crazy about storms.

My name is Jodie Wolfe. I am in the process of researching for a book I would like to write that addresses ten struggles that Christian women face. I would love to have your input as well. You can respond via email or my blog:

Thank you for any help you can give me. All I need is the list of ten things as well as your age.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I love your apothecary jars! I love to use them in my house and wish I had an "oops" nearby to get one for $11!!! What a great deal!

Happy Birthday Elizabeth and Laurie! What a fun day for a birthday!

Jenny said...

I am terrified of tornadoes! It's one of my worst fears. Is there anywhere in the US that doesn't have them...because I might just move there! :)

Jessica said...

I love you jars. I still need to figure out something for mine, I'm a little slow!

RachelM said...

Love the apothecary jars! I've been meaning to go to Oops and look at the one you got. I need one!

CAMoore said...

I hate storms! I will sleep with my weather radio by my head when I know the weather is bad - and it will go off all night long!

Love the jars! Where is Oops???? Must shop there! :)

Megan L Hutchings said...

I too hate storms!!! At one time I thought they were "neat"...not anymore. If it is simply raining with a few light thunders it is okay but not the damaging kinds. I LOVE your apothecaries and I never thought to look at Hobby Lobby!

Caroline said...

KELLY!!!!!!!! HELLO DEAR!!!!!!

OK SO ......




Jenna said...

I am in LOVE with those jars.

And as far as storms go, I am usually ok until the "warnings" go out, and then I am scrabling to the center of the house with my mattress and calling everyone I know from the bathtub telling them to take cover. It's not dramatic or anything.

Happy birthday to your sweet friends!

Laurie said...

Thank you for the Birthday Tribute to me and Eizabeth! I love you!

Mandy said...

I have that same apothecary jar from Oops!! I just have candy in it right now but I need to get something different!

Happy Birthday to your friends!!

Hillary said...

Love the green apples!
Happy Birthday to Laurie and Elizabeth!

Leigh Ann said...

Love the jars. Happy BDAY Laurie and Elizabeth! That pic of you and Laurie on her wedding day is sooooo good! It is so awesome that you two have been close for so long. Ya'll are both precious. And, tell Elizabeth to get to blogging! I've missed her!

Shannon said...

It was that color when I bought. I haven't done a thing to it. Love the jar!!! I'm going to go to Oops this week....I'll let you know if I get anything.

Nicole said...

I love opps, I am so scared of the storms also. I hate that J is out of town since we have had so many storms.

Heather said...

I don't particularly care for storms, but I might trade the snow (no, that is not a mistake, or an April Fools joke)we had on the ground this morning for a good thunderstorm. Well, as long as it was one without a power outage...

Unknown said...

I love the apothecary jars...I wish so badly I had a place in my kitchen to put some!!! And don't ya just love Hobby Lobby when they have sales!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I love the jars. Was the picture taken at Dream Dinners?

Stephanie Kay said...

At first I thought "how cute. I should get some fake fruit like that." Then I thought about the little people I live with who would try to eat it numerous times before learning it's not real. = ) I guess I'll have to pass on the fake fruit for a few more years.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your jars and the colorful items inside! How cute! Happy Birthday to Elizabeth and Laurie - what a fun day to have a birthday!

Caroline said...

4. i didn't even say anything about the jars!!!! i can't believe you only payed 10 for it!!!!!! i think i would like to add some of the lemons to my kitchen!!!!!! I NEED TO GO TO HL RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

Charity said...

I am totally with you on the storms! Whew! I worked last night at the hospital and actually saw a "lightning rod" streak across the sky! It was crazy! And to top it off...I work on the top floor! Yikes!

Those jars are perfect! I have SO much decorating to do! I am terrible overwhelmed by it right now!

It so wonderful to have such sweet friends!


Finally an Abrigg..... said...

i have been eyeing those jars for days now!!! but, for some reason they are NOT 11 dollars at my hobby lobby. i'm going to have to hunt down a manager! :) ahhaa! i love them in your home....

Faith said...

The jars look great! It is a popular day for birthdays! Happy Birthday Laurie and Elizabeth!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you so much for your sweet tribute to Laurie and me. You're such a thoughtful and sweet friend! I'm very thankful for you. I promise I will get back to blogging very soon. I have a huge post coming. :-)

Jennifer said...

I am so scared of storms it is unbeliveable!