Look what came in the mail today! Our Compassion international packet! I'm so excited!!!This is the cutest little boy in Nicarauga, Richard, that we get to sponsor! I can't wait to write him a letter but I also can't wait for him to send us one! You better believe I will post when that happens! Is he not PRECIOUS???
I also got several magazines! I LOVE magazines - I get WAY too many subscriptions but I love them all. I used to like fashion mags like Glamour and Cosmo, etc.........but now I like home magazines more. My favorite is Southern Living.
This was a Christmas gift from my mother-in-law! I'm so happy about it. This one is a MUST for all of us Arkansas girls!
And these magazines are just screaming out "SPRING!" I can't wait to look at them - I love the pink and green on this one!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
You know I'm always up for your magazine hand-me-downs :) They've kept me entertained on many a road trip!
We received our Compassion packet on Saturday! I haven't had a chance to write letters yet but it's on my list of things to do asap.
My friend, Amy, and I swap magazines. We have different subscriptions so when we are finished we just pass them on. Then when I finish the ones I got from her I pass them on to a girl down the street. I DO NOT keep them. I rip out any ideas I like and pass that magazine right on out of my house!
He is so cute!!! Josh and I decided to sponsor a child instead of giving each other wedding gifts! I can't wait!
Oh...I've always wanted and AT HOME subscription. When I get a new place and a new last name I think I might have to get me one! :)
Oh, he is so cute. What a blessing!
Hey there, found you through April's blog. The little boy is cute! My best friend is in the Peace Corp in Nicaragua right now.
Richard is so precious! That is one blessed little babe to have y'all as sponsors.
And you are a woman after my own heart with all of those magazines. My grandmother has taken a liking to giving us subscriptions to Southern Living and others the last few Christmases. It's the gift that keeps on giving, that is for sure :)
He is precious! I can't wait to see your first letter from him.
I love magazines too, but am too cheap to subscribe to many right now. Ha! I love getting a new magazine in the mail and sitting down to read it while eating a big bowl of buttered popcorn. :) Wished I lived close and I would say pass them right on over. Taking them to nursing homes or hospitals is a great idea though. My grandmother is in the nursing home and that is what she does most of the day-READ.
He is adorable! My mom got her new Better Homes and Gardens. She said it was fabulous and I would love it! The AT HOME looks great! :)
So glad you got your packet in the mail! I know that was soo exciting! He looks so sweet too. I love all those magazines. I think I may have to get those.
Yes, he is PRECIOUS! I can't wait to hear all about him, and I know he will be just as excited to get your letters as you will be to get his. He is a lucky boy to have you and Scott! I love magazines, too. I just got the Better Homes one and it is good. We usually end up cutting them up with the kids when we're done with them. Can your church's childrens' department use the old ones for crafts?
Your Dad and I prayerfully picked out a little boy tonight from Nicaragua named Estiven. He is 5 years old and precious! He lives in Tipitapa which is one of the cities we have been in and know the pastor of the Baptist church there. Your Dad might have the chance to meet him next month when he goes and I will definitely meet him when I go in September! I can't wait to get my packet of information on our little Estiven! MOM
He is sooooo cute!!!
I signed up to be a Chemo Angel...I received my "Special person" today! You'll have to check out my blog and ready about it!! I'm so excited...I've already got a packet ready to mail out to her tomorrow!!! =)
Hey girl...
Congrats on that darling boy! Yes, he is the most precious thing ever!!!
And, i think you should give those magazines to hospitals or something of the sort....think of all those mommas in hospitals that would love something to look at!!
Have a wonderful week....keeping you in my prayers~
I'm totally addicted to Celebrate Arkansas and the home of the month. I read them in line at Walmart and David has to scream at me to make me move through the line! Ha!
I adore Richard's belt! He is such a cute, little man! : )
what a great mail day! my grandmother used to get at home and i would always look at it while at her house.
i don't get any magazines (other than the free ones like pottery barn) but my mom gives me her used ones. i think it's great to pass them around.
Believe it or not, I was thinking about doing a post on all of my magazines, too. Ironically, I used to subscribe to Arkansas At Home, even though I live in Mississippi. My husband and I went to Little Rock a few years back, and I always buy a regional magazine on all of our trips. I usually subscribe to them because I like to read about different parts of the country.
He is too sweet for words. We are still praying about doing that so do keep us updated. I think that's a great idea to give to nursing homes or hospitals. I usually keep a pile in our guest room so they have something to read if they like.
Aw... How cute is he?! What a blessing you and Scott will be to him!
As for magazines, I keep mine for a year... Then I go through them and take out home ideas, yard ideas and recipes and put them in a binder... I usually end up throwing the rest away. I'm like you... What do ya do?! I love, love, love Southern Living and I also love Southern Lady!
i love getting magazines! i'm definitely the sucker at the check out line buying three or four! if they are clean ads (contentwise) you might donate them to a school. I know we are always needing them for pictures and such. i've been hearing so much about the compassion lately, i think i'm going to check it out!
Richard is precious and God Bless You for sponsoring him.
I do love magazines though I really don't have time to read them. I only have 1 subscription...to US Weekly. When I read a magazine, I need to escape into Hollywood gossip.
You know, when I was teaching I always accepted donated magazines (appropriate, of course). We used them for all sorts of things.
P.S. I made the cupcakes this weekend (MM helped me) and I will NEVER tell you how many I ate....I think it was a sin! Gluttony.
MAIL THEM TO ME!!!!!!!! :) Kidding, that would get expensive, but I miss having cute magazines! I sold Southern Living at one point and loved it!
Richard is so sweet. Can you believe that you will change his life forever and give him opportunities that he might not have otherwise had? The world is so small! As for the magazines, please do recycle them. You can give them to: a nursing home, doctor's office, college students, laundry mat, a healthy clinic, etc. I'd be sure to mark through your name & address just for identify theft purposes.
Richard is a doll! I know he's very blessed to have you all!
I have a similar magazine addiction. Wait until you get the new issue of Southern Living. They've redesigned it a bit and it took me a few days to get used to it, but now I love it. I also got that same Pottery Barn catalog over the weekend.
I'd drop them off at nursing homes or hospital waiting rooms. They always need them!
I got my new issue of Southern Living and they did redesign it and of course, I will have to get use to it. It just doesn't "feel" right! I wish they would have ask me about it before they changed it!! har har
It is my all time favorite and now it seems like "Family Circle".
Am I allowed two comments per blog??
DONATE TO YOUR LOCAL ART DEPARTMENT!!!!!! The pictures are so helpful when planning a major composition. OR if your high school has a home decor class or something they would love to have them...or i think a great trip to your nursing home would be great.
Southern Living is what my parents order for me every christmas. It is my favorite because I like to see the house plan they put in!!!!!
Hi Kelly,
I love getting my magazines in the mail too! Congratulations on your sponsorship. You will love getting the letters and drawings from your little one. Your church might want the mags for their childrens dept. I use them for my sunday school class and for my girl scout troop.
Love your blog!
Boy, Kelly! Your posts are so wonderful - and then you get so many comments - that they are almost as fun to read! You are going to richly bless Richard - how's that alliteration for ya?! Ha! I am so excited to hear and read about your relationship with him! And I just wanted to let you know that you were prayed for this morning! :0)
fun! i never know what to do with my old magazines. i usually thrown them away. maybe i need to do something else with them. of course part of the reason i threw them away was b/c we were moving and it was just easier!
I LOVE the green background!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooo... Like the new background... So "springy"!
I love the new background. Where did you get it???
I LOVE THE NEW BACKGROUND>>>>that print is my favorite and if i see in in gold red or green...no matter what it is...i feel like I have to buy it. How do we change our backgrounds???
I too love the new background!! In response to your comment about Texas Land & Cattle, it was pretty good! I would definitely wait a few weeks to go and let them get their kinks worked out. It took FOREVER so by the time we finally got our food, the kids were fussy and no one was really hungry anymore!!
I love your new background!
Little boy is precious!!! We got our packet last week, too... made me cry! The kiddos are so excited- and I can't wait to get a letter, either. I am a magazine addict, as well. I usually just pass them on to friends or family.... or just let the kiddos cut them up for craft projects!
Jennifer R.
As a teacher I use magazines for tons of things at school. So donating them to local schools would be great. Especially art teachers.
I just got my Pottery Barn yesterday and am secretly lusting over the yellow bedding :)
I had the same magazine dilemma! I do the "rip and save pages" thing, too, but wanted to find out if there was something else. So I did a google search and basically came up with the same thing everyone else said: nursing homes, schools, etc. Good luck!
And by the way...the bakerella site is out of this world!!!!!!!!!!!!
And by the way...the bakerella site is out of this world!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love magazine subscriptions too. I sometimes get busy & don't get to them for a while. I have always loved Southern Living & I love Southern Lady too. Better Homes & Garden is also at the top.
What a precious sweetie!! I know you are going to be so blessed by that little guy.
I LOVE magazines/catalogs!! I could sit and thumb through the same one over and over-especially holiday issues. Right now I get: InStyle, Lucky, Southern Living, Cottage Living, Better Homes and Gardens (great cover this month),Parents, Parenting, Pottery Barn, Ballard Designs and more I'm no t thinking of off the top of my head. :)
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