Thursday, February 07, 2008

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Laurie, Elizabeth, Me, Kacy and Julie

So tonight was our girl's night out and we had a great time. We went out to eat at Mimi's Cafe which was SO good. I had the BEST quiche and salad and I was excited to find that their seasonal muffin was the banana chocolate chip because that is my favorite.
Then we went to see "27 dresses". And it was fun because we went in and there was a whole row of women from our church on their own GNO! They said they are the "empty nester group" and they have about 20 of them who get together one night a month to go out together. They are a fun group!
The movie was cute. It made me think about what are my all time favorite chick flicks. So these are my favorite (in no certain order):
1. Steel Magnolias (well - this is #1 to me so this one is in order)
2. Legally Blond
3. Sleepless in Seattle
4. When Harry Met Sally
5. Sweet Home Alabama
6. You've Got Mail (I love Meg Ryan and Reese Witherspoon - can you tell?)
7. Pretty Woman
8. While you were sleeping
9. The Notebook
10. How to Lose a guy in 10 days

Oh - and I totally forgot Father of the Bride 1 & 2 until just now - those are 2 of my very favorites! (and I would have included Gone with the Wind because I ADORE it - but I didn't know if that was really a chick flick or an epic? Either way - it's SOOOOO good!)

So.......what is your favorite chick flick?


Leigh Ann said...

What a pretty group of girls! I like all those movies, too. It's hard for me to pick a favorite!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

HAHA I didn't see your number 1 and I was like MAN I can't believe Steel Magnolias isn't on there! That's by far my all time favorite!

Jessica said...

Dirty Dancing!!! : ) Your new dress was a hit! I just checked Julie's blog, so I was excited to see how cute you all looked! : )

Jenny said...

Definitely Steel Magnolias! :)

Sarah said...

I wish I could figure out which movie is my favorite, but I am too focused on the banana chocolate chip muffin! That is my favorite too. We went to Mimi's a couple of months ago and I was heartbroken that they weren't serving it at the time.

Amanda said...

Definitely Steel Magnolia's, but just to add one that isn't on your list - Raising Helen with Kate Hudson. So good!

Lindsey said...

Girl, you made the best list and covered all my faves! You rocked that precious dress!

Lindsey said...

OOOH! I just thought of one....Gone With the Wind. Oh Fiddle Dee Dee!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

My favorites are 2 weeks notice and baby boom! such great movies!

Candy said...

Glad ya'll had a great time! My fave would have to be Steel Magnolia's mainly because it was filmed in my state. :) That is one movie that I have seen many times. I'm just not into watching a movie more than once even if I love it.

pinkmommy said...

I have watched Pretty Woman more times than I can count. I would have to say it is my fave.

Hillary said...

Oh...I like all of the ones you pick! Of course you know I love Reese so I'd have to say Legally Blonde and Sweet Home Alabama!

Megan said...

I'll have to go with Steel Magnolias. My mom still cries everytime she watches that movie, and she's seen it hundreds of times!

LSU Melanie said...

cute picture! Nothing like a good night out with the girls..I too am a big Reese fan..Love Sweet home alabama...Have a great weekend

Caroline said...

That is why I like you so have great taste in movies. Gosh, I could watch all those movies day after day!!!! How to lose a guy in ten days was the movie we put on night after night in college while we went to sleep. We love put lines from the movie in normal convo hahahha

LOVE YOU A GOOGLE... said...

I love all the movies you picked as well.. but one movie I must stop and watch everytime it is on is "Mystic Pizza"! I love that movie!

Anonymous said...

Well, you have the majority of my faves on your list - When Harry Met Sally, Steel Magnolias and Gone with the Wind are my absolute favorites - I could watch them over and over and over again!

pinkmommy said...

I responded to the sleeping issue in my comments. There is something that helps a tiny bit.

Beki said...

Hi Kelly-
I happened on your blog thru a friend's. I too have had trouble w/ infertility and wanted to encourage you to trust God as it seems you already are doing. I KNOW how hard it is to struggle w/ this-gosh it seemed like everyone and I mean everyone (my sisters, sister-in-law, best friends, friends, people @ the grocery store, co-workers, church friends, cousins, etc) were pregnant. Finally after about a year and a half I told God that if he wanted us to remain childless I was fine w/ that if that was His will. I felt a peace wash over me that I can not describe. The fertility specialist had told us about 6 months prior that we would not get pregnant naturally and that we would have to try an artificial means. Well about 9 months after that we found out otherwise-Noah is now 2. We really want Noah to have a bro or sis and have been trying since Jan. 2007 to conceive again. I know you get tired of thinking about it and hearing it but GOD REALLY DOES HAVE A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE THAT IS BEST FOR YOU. HANG IN THERE!!!! I ALSO BELIEVE GOD GIVES US DESIRES FOR A REASON!!!! Thanks also for helping me to remember that God has a plan for our lives as well!

Proverbs 3:5-6-(one of my fav verses) & Jeremiah 29:11 were and still are very helpful to me when I get discouraged!

You will be in my prayers for sure. Thanks for reading this & hope that I'm not "meddling" Just wanted to provide some encouragement.

Mandy said...

Your dress was so cute!! I love Reese so I would have to say either Legally Blonde or Sweet Home Alabama. I also really like How to Lose a Guy in 10 days. I can't wait to see her new movie that comes out today!

destiny said...

Those are all of my favorites! I don't think you left any out!! I haven't seen Steel Magnolias in a very long time--I thinks its time to add that to my Netflix Q.

Meredith said...

Steel Magnolias is my ultimate favorite! I have loved it since I was three! No kidding! I love Father of the Bride I & II, The Notebook, Sleepless in Seattle, my goodness, there are too many to name!

Anonymous said...

Those are ALL my favorite movies!! Great selection! Makes me want to pop some popcorn and have a movie marathon. I loved 27 Dresses...definitely one I will probably buy. Have a great weekend!

The Garners said...

I like Meg & Reese too! I also like Kate Hudson--her new movie comes out today, which I would like to see (but I doubt that Lane is interested)

Jennifer said...

Love all those movies - I would have to add 13 going on 30 - when I'm in the mood for a girl movie that or Sweet Home Alabama are always my first choices.

Linda said...

Sweet Home Alabama! I watch it every time my oldest and hubby go out of town for soccer. Glad you enjoyed the movie. I saw it a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it as well. The new dress looks great.