My night has greatly improved! First of all - I hopefully recovered most or all of my links. I would hate to miss out on any of my favorite bloggers.
Then Sweet Elizabeth came over and brought us a dessert because she knew I might not be feeling great. AND she knew we started a diet so she made us a weight watchers dessert (only 1 point) so we didn't feel guilty having a little! (Strawberry Cobbler!)Her dad lives in New Jersey now and he just got married to the sweetest lady. She's 48 and has never been married and she looks adorable. Elizabeth and Nathan and her brother and sister all got to be there for the wedding this week and they spent a day in NYC. So she shared all of her pictures and that was so fun. I'm sure some will be popping up on her blog one day soon.
I guess it's that one special night when you can put out anything you want in the trash and the city will pick it up (I didn't get the memo) because one of our neighbors has a huge armoire sitting on the curb and our next door neighbors had an iron patio set sitting out. So Elizabeth decided with a fresh coat of paint - it would make a great set. So me in my pajamas and Elizabeth all dressed up, on a freezing 18 degree night, loaded up the set in my car and drove it to her house. It was really fun and sneaky.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Dumpster diving! My mom made me rescue an iron chair from someone's trash pile when I was in high school-I was so embarassed! I look back, and think, what was the big deal?! Ha!
Hope you're better. You really have some great friends.
Dumpster diving- ha ha ha! I love it, I love it! You are too much, Kelly! You are getting crafty, girl! Post some pics! Invite the neighborhood over for BBQ this summer and see if anyone recognizes it! Trash to treasure. : )
Great save on the table! If paint doesn't cure it, it would be great (cheap) base for a floor-length skirt and glass top! :) I'm sure it was a funny sight seeing you girls loading it up and hauling it away.
What a yummy dessert & great second hand find. Remind me to drive through your neighborhood when we come back to the states!
Ha! That's hilarious!! I'm proud of you and Elizabeth! Of course I want to talk more about the Strawberry Cobbler. I need that recipe! You know how I love sweets! It'd be nice to eat some without the guilt!
I love imagining you sneaking around to get the table - good times!
Ooohh..what a fun find. And what a sweet friend you have.
I need that recipe! Ha! Elizabeth seems so sweet. I've been looking at her blog, too!
Wow! LOVE the new background! How did you do it??
I love the new look of your blog. That table would be great with some paint what a funny story. I have had that dessert only it was with Apple I would love the strawberry.
LOVE the new look!!
I love your new background, Kelly!! It is sooo cute!!! We're so sneaky!!! I'm calling us the "Trash Collectors." I had so much fun with you last night. I giggled about it all night! :-) I hope you're feeling well today.
Hey Kelly-girl! You are so right---I love to find old things and bring them back to life. Did ya'll get the iron table and armoire? The armoire would look great painted black (hint-hint).
We didn't do much for New Year's except eat at Outback, home by 7:00, David made a fire, we watched Auburn-Clemson game and some crazy guy jumping a big ole hill in Las Vegas - then off to sleep - my idea of a fun time!
Oh, you'll love Weight Watchers. I was on it about 5 years ago and did great. But unfortunately I'm having some thyroid problems and I've gained back a lot of weight. It also doesn't help that we eat out a lot and NO EXERCISE!!! Boo-hoo. Hope to change all of that in the 2008.
Kelly, I'm not one to spout off that God told me this or God told me that...but I have a feeling that you will get your wish this year (about a little one). Keep believing and praying....he will give you the desires of your heart.
I'll sign off now and go pack, we're going to Biloxi in the morning for the weekend for some shopping for me and gambling for David. We stay at the Beau Rivage. Check back next week as I hope to post some pictures of how Biloxi is coming back after Katrina.
Love ya - Judy
Nikki is my sister-in-law. She is married to my brother. We are close like sister though.
By the way, I have been thinking about you and the baby stuff and I know that you will have one. It is just that God's timing is different from ours sometimes. But one will come.
I love your new blog look.
What a sweetheart, that Elizabeth friend of yours. This is living proof that what goes around DOES come around; she brought a cobbler and went home with patio furniture!! Hope you feel better soon...
Ooooooh, sneaky girls! That sounds like fun. I guarantee if I did that, it would be something that someone just had outside for some reason, and then they would see me take it and call the cops! Nightly news: speech therapist from Little Rock steals neighbor's furniture.
LOVE the new background!
Hey girl! I love the new look. Very cool. I'm cracking up that y'all took that table. I totally would have done it. :) You should have just picked it all up around the neighborhood and had your own garage sale. :) W.T. style. Hey I would love the recipe to that strawberry cobbler. We are trying to eat better too. :) I also have a BUNCH of WW recipes I will email you if you will send me your email.
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