I have two things today that I'm VERY excited about!!!

I met Hillary when Laurie and I lived together when we were in our mid 20's and we taught a Bible Study to college girls. Hillary was in college at that time and had been teaching the study when we took over. We became fast friends with her and her roommate Megan. That was probably 7 or 8 years ago and we have been through a lot of things together. I have been praying that God would bring her a husband for a while and a year ago she went on a blind date (I'm TELLING YOU - they work!) with this very cute guy and now they are getting married! Josh is so great! We like him a lot. And this Sunday he is being ordained to the ministry. So it's quite a week for them. I would have never thought Hillary would end up a pastor's wife but she will make a perfect one!
Congratulations Hillary and Josh!!!!!!!!!
I knew you had probably been waiting for me to post about it all day! Thanks for all the sweet things you said! I'm so glad Bird invited you and Laurie over for dinner all those summers ago (and left us there to cook for you strangers, ha)! I'd be lost without you! You're the best!
I love American Idol, too, but I don't love how much time it steals from me!!
American Idol brings joy to my heart. I have missed Simon so.
Ahhh! Yeah for Hillary!
I'll be watching tonight! Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow!
Congratulations to your friend! My good friend just got engaged recently too after several years of waiting and lots of prayers for the right man to come along. That's very exciting!
So excited A.I. is back!
Oh, my gosh! I just got done watching American Idol...it was hilarious! The poor guy who shaved his chest, that was not worth it, but he looked so much better.
And the stalker was SCARY! I told Kyle, he probably does stalk her. He was looking at her like a psycho! The song was funny though.
Oh my! I had no clue Idol was starting. You totally keep me updated on all things American! OK, can't wait to watch it...tomorrow our time.
Oh, how I love Idol days! I laugh and cringe intermittently throughout the show. Some of those people must have had mamas who LIED TO THEM. As in, "sure, honey, you can sing! Show 'em what ya got."
I REALLY cringe when it's someone from Arkansas and they act crazy.
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