First things first - this blog is brought to you today thanks to an early Christmas present that I opened on accident. I had mentioned to Scott a few weeks ago that I wish I had a little digital camera. I have a medium sized one that is kind of chunky and he has a huge fancy Canon and I just want one I can whip out of my purse on a moment's notice.
So this week he said he had a package coming to my office (which he normally sends things there so someone will sign for it) and he told me it was a book. So naturally I opened it at work to see what book he got and instead I found out it was my camera!!! We don't normally buy each other Christmas gifts. So I taped it back up and took it home so he could surprise me. Well, I happened to e-mail my friend Jamie yesterday and told her about it and I got her reply on my phone last night and Scott saw it. He was so mad that I had found out my surprise. So .......he let me open it up tonight so I could start using it. Yeay!We had a nice Christmas party. We went to one house for appetizers (which there were so many good ones that we were all stuffed by the time we left there) and then we had the main meal at another house and then we came to our house for dessert and the ornament exchange.
This is our Sunday School Teachers - Jason and Michelle. They are very special to us. It was one year ago tonight that Jason came over late after his work party and led Scott to Christ. It's been a very different and wonderful year this year since Scott has been saved. I am thankful for Jason and Michelle's faithfulness. Jason has recently felt called to go into the ministry. He is preaching at our church this Sunday. God surely has a great plan for his life!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Can't wait for the 17th to see your house!!! Our layout looks a little similar. Our dining room is to the right of our front door and we have the same walls partisioning it off from the living room.
OH NO--I'm assuming I'm the "Jamie" you're referring to about ruining the camera surprise!?!?!?! I am SO SO sorry!!!!
I'm getting a camera too...just for blogging!! Ha! I needed a smaller one to take with me places! I'm sad you won't be carrying around the huge camera any more. That always made me laugh!
Sounds like a fun night, and a great surprise. And aren't those the Ballard stockings I see on your mantel?? I have been wanting those for several years now!
Looks like you had fun! Thanks for sharing! That's funny about the least you got to start using it! Also, that is incredible about Jason and Michele. That made me so happy to hear. I can't even begin to imagine how special they will always be to you.
We have a mini-camera too & I couldn't live without it. Just think of all those split pant blogs I would miss!
Happy Spiritual Birthday Scott!
Lots to comment about but first I was so anxious to hear how your party went! Looks like everyone had a great time. I love that punch recipe! Yum!!! Looks like you could be ahost to your own cooking show. Your decor looks fabulous as always, love how sweet your hubby is to get you a new camera, and looks like you guys had such a fun weekend!!
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