We are having our Sunday School Christmas party at our house tomorrow night (well- part of it - it is a progressive dinner and we are the last stop for dessert and ornament exchange). I've been working hard all week to get ready for it - cleaning and decorating. I can't quit adding Christmas decorations!

I made this monogrammed ball (and a few others) today - I just bought letter stickers at a scrapbooking place. On the others - I just put an S. Saw the idea on another blog. I wasn't real excited about the choice of letters - not crazy about the style. But I may try to find better letters and make different balls later. Also saw this on the tour of homes - only the lady just stenciled it on with a marker and had little rhinestones on the end of her letters - SO CUTE! I wish I could have taken a picture but no cameras were allowed. Bah Humbug!

Hanging on our wall
So do tell.. what did you use as paint on the balls? Acrylic paint? Paint pen? Rub-on tranfer letters? It is darling, Kelly.
Love the ornament! Share your secrets! When I get married I want you to make me one of those! :) Have fun at your party! Can't wait until Monday!
Okay, its official...you should be a decorator...a professional decorator and get payed for your talent! HA! All of your decorations are so pretty!
Decorator Kelly can you come to TN and help a girl out??!!
I love all the Christmas stuff you've made this year!!! Have fun at your dinner tomorrow night.
I think the christmas balls with scrapbook stickers are so cute! Might just have to borrow that idea if I can find some balls!
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