Well after a lovely Birthday evening - I came home to the worst stomach virus I've ever had in my entire life. Needless to say instead of getting up early and packing the car for Magnolia - I was praying for it to stop. Luckily it was just a short lived bug so I was finally able to drag myself to the car around 1:30 that afternoon and we headed south. I went straight in the house and crawled into bed and stayed there for the next 12 hours. But I woke up Christmas Eve feeling fine so the rest of the Christmas wasn't ruined.
Scott's aunt, uncle and son Drew came and we had Christmas lunch and opened gifts. We enjoyed visiting with them and then they went back to Clinton to spend Christmas at home. We got up Christmas morning and Santa had filled Scott and I's stockings with a lot of wonderful things. We had breakfast and then after getting ready we exchanged gifts. We got too many nice things to list. Scott's mom had his high school jersey and pictures framed for him. I know that means a lot to him and it will go great in his office. We had a nice relaxing day with Scott's family the rest of yesterday and this morning we got up and headed home. It's back to work tomorrow but it's been a nice break and a great time to spend with family and remember the reason for the season.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Scott's gift from him mom is such a thoughtful idea.
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